Crinoline is a stiff fabric that first appeared around 1830. Two Latin words, crinis (meaning "hair") and lin (meaning "flax), were combined to invent the name.
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The cast of Cordula - 1950 includes: Ralph Boddenhuser Helene Croy Georg Filser as Andreas Pschunder, Sohn Erik Frey as Forstgehilfe Fleps Hugo Gottschlich as Schriebelbauer Willi Hufnagel Fritz Imhoff as Tobias Pschunder Manfred Inger Julius Karsten Rudolf Klausner Franz Messner as Fliegerleutnant Edith Mill as Gusti, Kellnerin Lydia Rauch as 2. Sommergast Leopold Rudolf as Vitus Nina Sandt as 1. Sommergast Fritz Schmiedel as Schreiner Alfred Schnayder Alma Seidler as Rosa Rachoinig Karl Skraup as Crinis, Glaser Jane Tilden as Frau Kirbisch Walter Varndal Oskar Wegrostek Paula Wessely as Cordula
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"rutilus", "rufus", and "puniceus" are the latin words for "red".
"caput" and "capitis" are the latin words for "head".
"saeta", "crinis", "crines", and "capillus" are the latin words for "hair".
It just depends on the context in which you are using them. I don't believe the Latin language has an actual word that embodies the idea "redhead" like the English language does, but there may be an idiom or similar that is used to refer to "redheads". but as far as I can tell: rutilus saeta (red hair) and rutilus - caput capitis (red-headed) are the proper expressions for "redhead". You could probably say "person with red hair" or "a frail-skinned beauty with a head of dancing, fiery red hair".
Rufus actually means 'Redheaded'. It was initially used like an English nickname in early Rome, but grew into becoming more the equivalent of our family name, so there were people with the cognomen Rufus with any color hair.
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In physiology, the endocrine system is a system of glands, each of which secretes a type of hormone directly into the bloodstream to regulate the body. The endocrine system is in contrast to exocrine system, which secretes its chemicals using ducts. It derives from the Greek words endo (Greek ένδο) meaning inside, within, and crinis (Greek κρινής) for secrete. The endocrine system is an information signal system like the nervous system, yet its effects and mechanism are classifiably different. The endocrine systems effects are slow to initiate, and prolonged in their response, lasting for hours to weeks. The nervous system sends information very quickly, and responses are generally short lived. Hormones are substances (chemical mediators) released from endocrine tissue into the bloodstream where they travel to target tissue and generate a response. Hormones regulate various human functions, including Metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, and mood. The field of study dealing with the endocrine system and its disorders is endocrinology, a branch of internal medicine.
Features of endocrine glands are, in general, their ductless nature, their vascularity, and usually the presence of intracellular vacuoles or granules storing their hormones. In contrast, exocrine glands, such as salivary glands, sweat glands, and glands within the gastrointestinal tract, tend to be much less vascular and have ducts or a hollow lumen.
In addition to the specialised endocrine organs mentioned above, many other organs that are part of other body systems, such as the kidney, liver, heart and gonads, have secondary endocrine functions. For example the kidney secretes endocrine hormones such as erythropoietin and renin.
The endocrine system is made up of a series of glands that produce chemicals called hormones. A number of glands that signal each other in sequence is usually referred to as an axis, for example, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
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Karl Skraup has: Performed in "Salto in die Seligkeit" in 1934. Played Le gardien in "Die ewige Maske" in 1935. Performed in "Buchhalter Schnabel" in 1935. Performed in "Tanzmusik" in 1935. Played Klavierspieler in "Vorstadtvariete" in 1935. Performed in "Die ganze Welt dreht sich um Liebe" in 1935. Played Hausierer in "Lumpacivagabundus" in 1936. Performed in "Unsterbliche Melodien" in 1936. Played Anton Heizinger in "Silhouetten" in 1936. Played Schindler in "Burgtheater" in 1936. Played Requisiteur Lohrmann in "Premiere" in 1937. Played Biscot in "Zauber der Boheme" in 1937. Played Patrik in "Adresse unbekannt" in 1938. Played Anton, Butler in "Finale" in 1938. Played Amon - Konzertmeister in "Unsterblicher Walzer" in 1939. Performed in "Liebe streng verboten" in 1939. Played Tobias in "Zwischen Strom und Steppe" in 1939. Played Alois Hubermayer in "Leinen aus Irland" in 1939. Played Johann in "Schwarz gegen Blond" in 1939. Played Oberkellner in "Der Herr im Haus" in 1940. Played Vater Zureiss in "Violanta" in 1942. Performed in "Die kluge Marianne" in 1943. Played Surgeon in "Paracelsus" in 1943. Played Hauptwachtmeister in "Musik in Salzburg" in 1944. Performed in "Der Fall Molander" in 1945. Played Hartl in "Der weite Weg" in 1946. Played Fabrikant Haslinger in "Die Welt dreht sich verkehrt" in 1947. Played Elsler, Diener bei Haydn in "Singende Engel" in 1947. Played Anwalt in "Am Ende der Welt" in 1947. Played Attila Meisel in "Das singende Haus" in 1948. Played Onkel Benjamin in "An klingenden Ufern" in 1948. Performed in "Der Engel mit der Posaune" in 1948. Played Posamenter in "Die Schatztruhe" in 1948. Played Graf Ferdinand zu Bork5 in "Liebesprobe" in 1949. Performed in "Kind der Donau" in 1950. Played Crinis, Glaser in "Cordula" in 1950. Played Wiesinger in "Verlorene Melodie" in 1952. Played Jakob in "Abenteuer im Schloss" in 1952. Played Quirino in "Der Kaplan von San Lorenzo" in 1953. Performed in "Geh mach dein Fensterl auf" in 1953. Played Dr. Kefeder in "Flucht ins Schilf" in 1953. Played Hermann Linsmeyer in "Das Licht der Liebe" in 1954. Played Herr Lorenz in "Maxie" in 1954. Played Radic, Polizeibeamter in "Sarajevo" in 1955. Played Valentin in "Mozart" in 1955. Played Cefalu in "Gasparone" in 1956. Played Gerichtsvollzieher Bindinger in "Die Winzerin von Langenlois" in 1957. Played Josef, Apotheker in "Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti" in 1960.
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