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welsh corgies are dogs, so they live almost everywhere. welsh corgies are dogs, so they live almost everywhere.

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All I know is the Queen has two Corgies(Dogs).

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she loves horses and dogs, especially corgies

1 answer

i dont think so she must take pride in her corgies

1 answer

I am sure she likes all dogs, but Corgies are her favourite, she owns 5 of them

1 answer

it is a corgie, i think because it is traditional for the royal family to keep 2 corgies. either that or a duck.

1 answer

She had a cat named Marmalade and a guinea pig named Peanuts.

3 answers

the current queen of England is a big dog fan.

she has a bunch of corgies.

and Charles obviously likes dogs...(camilla joke)

1 answer

Yes, Corgies are a great family pet, they are loyal and can form a great bond with the family, they are generally very small but can be great protectors when needed.

1 answer

J. Conte died in 2011, he was fatally shot by David Bowie while attending the royal parade in which Bowie assassinated Queen Elizabeth II and 5 of her corgies.

1 answer

Until recently, Queen Elizabeth II was monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Empire. But on the 14th of December 2011, David Bowie shot her in the neck, killing her and 5 of her corgies. Now Bowie is recognized as king.

1 answer

London plane, hundreds of species of grass, roses, lavender, dogs, cats, horses, stag beetles, grey squirrels, corvus corvidae, passer passer, turdus vulgaris, troglodytes troglodytes troglodytes, cockroaches, ants, wasps, bees, house flies, amanita muscaria, and so on.

7 answers

After tryin Jimm BoB thistlequake and navin lic4cak tryed to over run tha thrown by tryinto ascasinate the queens pet corgies. The attemp did NT succeed soo wee must devise another plan muhahahaaha!

2 answers

They are called Emma, Linnet, Monty, Holly and Willow.

4 answers

The dog in Famous Five is called Timmy, short for Timothy. He is a loyal and adventurous companion to the group of children in the Famous Five series by Enid Blyton.

5 answers

Yes. All breeds of dogs get along with dogs! They are pack animals by nature! They still have to be well socialized and some dogs are less friendly than others but with the right upbringing and training all dogs can get along.

3 answers

In a way...British Monarchy is good for Britain because the queen herself brings in a lot of money with tourism and people pay a lot to come to London to see Buckingham Palace and Big Ben...etc. But it's also bad because after the forming of government, the queen bascially has no power anymore. She only signs letters of improvement, and spends her entire day reading books or feeding her corgies.

1 answer

You can usually find a used copy of Pokemon Red for about 10.00 USD at your local Gamestop or Play N' Trade

5 answers

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are easily distracted by movement, especially of other animals (they are herding dogs), so try training them indoors or in an area with a privacy fence. They respond very well to food rewards and to verbal commands, and not as well to clicker training. They also bore quickly, so multiple, short training sessions (5-10 minutes at a time, several times a day) are better than fewer, longer ones.

1 answer

Breed of dogs that has short legs includes the following:

  • Basset Hound
  • Terriers
  • Pembrokes
  • Cardigan Welsh
  • Corgi
  • Dachshund
  • Swedish vallhund
  • Basset hound
  • Sussex spaniel

8 answers

Show dogs are dogs that have been bred and raised mostly for their conformational traits as what is required by certain show organizations to enable them to be entered into a show. Certain breeds are bred for different traits for show which are usually apart from what they are actually used for, such as herding, sporting/hunting, guarding, etc. For example, a Labrador that is bred for show would have different traits, behaviour and conformation from a Labrador bred to be a hunting dog. The same goes for other breeds like German Shepherds, Border Collies, Springer Spaniels, Corgies, etc.

1 answer

The Queen currently owns five corgis and four dorgis, a corgi-dachshund crossbreed. The corgis are called Emma, Linnet, Monty, Holly and Willow. The dorgis are called Cider, Berry, Candy and Vulcan.

8 answers

There is no Queen of England.

That title has not existed for over 300 years.

England is a part of, but not the same as, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The monarch of The United Kingdom is Queen Elizabeth II, and while unlikely that she personally updates it her official Twitter page is http:/twitter.com/BritishMonarchy and gives updates on events in the Royal Family.

Other UK public figures and offices on Twitter include the Office of the Prime Minister (http:/twitter.com/DowningStreet) and the NHS (http:/twitter.com/NHSChoices).

Queen Elizabeth 2 does have a Twitter (http://twitter.com/hm_the_queen).

2 answers

Labrador Retriever is known to be one of the most affectionate dog breeds. They are friendly, outgoing, and love to cuddle with their owners. They enjoy being around people and are very loyal companions.

4 answers

Some common types of working dogs include herding dogs (e.g. border collies, Australian shepherds), hunting dogs (e.g. Labrador retrievers, pointers), service dogs (e.g. guide dogs, therapy dogs), and police dogs (e.g. German shepherds, Belgian Malinois). These dogs are trained to perform specific tasks to assist humans in various capacities.

2 answers

Amm??... no dog has absuluty no tail, alot of breeds get there tails "docked" for safety resions, but they still have a tail.

There are a few breeds that are born with naturally shorttails - Pembroke Welsh Corgies, some Australian Shepherds, Old English Sheepdogs, French Bulldogs. First poster was correct in that no dogs are born with absolutely no tail (unless it's a genetic problem). Almost any breed can be born with short tails, though, due to a recessive gene.

7 answers

The tallest breed of dog is the German Great Dane. However, the heaviest breed is the Swiss St. Bernard.

The smallest dog ever is the Chihuahua from Mexico. It is also the lightest breed of dog.
The smallest dog breed on average is the chihuahua at 5-7 inches tall. The largest dog breed on average is the Irish Wolfhound at 34-36 inches tall.

8 answers

Only using the letters found in ergonomics once, you can make these words (and abbreviations that stand for certain words):

scrooge, eonism, some, giron, mc, regions, genom, ignes, cosmo, coins, geo, mooing, cringes, rio, cire, ro, nor, ie, oris, cosmin, osi, ms, germ, son, reign, cones, gon, grim, mr, ignores, region, gnomes, cigs, eco, ore, incr, score, reigns, nomos, grin, enc, rise, risen, romeo, so, roes, ge, come, mein, cone, noires, rime, coos, nosier, grooms, mice, morons, congo, noser, coir, minors, cors, rinse, corgies, mooring, ne, res, sonic, sri, grime, orison, miser, cringe, gen, cir, no, sermon, roos, serg, conger, ins, isomer, nsc, coin, comer, cine, goorie, goon, crimes, goers, orion, roneo, gm, income, nice, scire, giro, snore, osmic, recoin, oscine, er, resin, noose, genic, goner, soon, signore, comose, monger, eringo, groin, sone, incomers, moos, soigne, mono, co, nero, segno, isogon, rosin, cig, regno, gi, ecg, oncer, omen, scrim, minces, rimose, rosie, nome, crimson, crime, genoms, cooing, gios, cognise, orogenic, groom, csiro, crones, gem, orgies, reo, mire, noire, rice, sermonic, ergonomic, ergo, genomic, rems, cries, semi, men, eon, eros, sic, sori, rn, inc, ci, microns, rooming, nog, goners, eric, egos, gnome, meg, rec, sooner, mrs, re, noise, inorg, rings, gooier, icons, cos, micron, girns, rims, sc, scone, reno, irons, eg, erosion, gores, omicron, nr, coon, roms, gro, ons, cnemis, coiners, cis, reins, morose, ice, gins, senor, roe, senior, ergs, orc, sore, ceo, coign, rooms, sin, mien, one, os, cons, noes, once, emirs, norm, neg, cres, nomic, ser, roo, mires, genros, gens, conies, ros, is, noms, rei, cong, corn, con, sci, ens, corgis, giros, goose, cronies, germs, scion, on, erns, sign, socmen, greco, comes, sice, girn, gio, ires, gremio, corgi, censor, ices, nm, cion, negro, incog, ones, signer, singe, miner, or, more, ions, sei, cm, escro, coming, singer, siren, niger, min, icon, grins, comings, gre, moors, nco, en, sire, nom, roi, signor, orcein, rein, coni, rns, orcin, cog, moons, song, comers, cines, negri, rom, sen, recoins, segni, core, egoism, morse, since, ism, ores, moor, crimen, croon, cogs, ogre, soir, se, rico, iec, nicer, gnomic, norms, com, go, erg, orem, rem, oems, ni, croons, oem, eringos, irs, mines, coring, nomes, iso, nc, incomes, seing, rigs, rices, eosin, goo, cs, moorings, cro, rimes, scoring, ring, negroism, ce, ir, coo, moose, goer, sec, ignore, cering, gorse, minor, cris, cosier, nose, coigns, gone, em, cosine, scorn, osier, corm, geos, grison, mine, econ, ego, resign, ion, eons, omens, cor, moo, gems, corms, romes, simon, goons, sir, rig, oregon, sine, reg, corns, ogres, me, rim, in, goes, cio, moon, gore, mince, coons, em, nomoi, norse, seign, cores, goosier, nim, incomer, serin, nogs, cosigner, oom, ergon, smog, ncr, groins, coiner, noisome, miners, genro, ern, es, cri, rome, rose, sing, ire, iron, crone, room, ic, erin, moron, gin, girons, nos

1 answer