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(construed - inferred, saw as)

The mayor construed the council's vote as political maneuvering before the election.

The professor had evidently construed my question as a challenge to his reasoning.

1 answer

Her face was construed with mortification.

1 answer

In the United States, no. Any conveyance would be construed as a conveyance in fee.

In the United States, no. Any conveyance would be construed as a conveyance in fee.

In the United States, no. Any conveyance would be construed as a conveyance in fee.

In the United States, no. Any conveyance would be construed as a conveyance in fee.

2 answers

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magnify glass

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

3 answers

In court he cried self-defense, but the jury took one look at his 300-pound bodybuilder's frame against pictures of the victim's battered and broken 160-pound body, and construed that he was lying.

I construed from the girls' catty laughter and the way their eyes kept darting over to me that they were making fun of me, and for a moment it was just like being back in school again.

Every single person in the class construed a different meaning from the poem, and according to the professor, none of us were right.

Poetry can never truly be translated, since the meanings construed from a word or phrase are never exactly the same as the meanings construed from its equivalent in another language.

2 answers

The past tense of construe is construed.

1 answer

The Lagan Boat company Belfast,Ireland.

1 answer

Generally speaking, HAZMAT and anything that can be construed as a weapon.

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Construed coverage is a rider added on to credit insurance policies to allow the policy holder to ship for a specified number of days - usually 30.

1 answer

It is both. As cash transactions are handled by the cashier directly, it can be construed as journal. However as the total of cash transactions are taken to the day's journal , it can also be construed as ledger.

1 answer

Generally speaking, HAZMAT and anything that can be construed as a weapon.

1 answer

Human resources policies can be construed as a contract of employment. Violate any of the rules that are set by human resources and the employee can be fired. There is no guarantee of employment, however.

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Will be construed as if it conformed to the Act.

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His acquiescence should not be construed as a sign of weakness but meekness.

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If it is can be construed as threatening in nature & dependent upon distribution.

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There is no way of telling how Michelangelo construed the face of Jesus.

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* Reasoned * Defined * Made Understood * Construed * Explicated * Expounded * Accounted For

1 answer

The Ninth Amendments states: The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

2 answers

Quatrians; as, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Sometimes in pl. construed as sing., a poem in such stanzas.

1 answer

It is construed as sexual contact, so yes, absolutely illegal.

1 answer

Kangaroos engage in behaviour which may be construed as "head-butting" when the males fight for domination.

1 answer

Quatrians; as, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Sometimes in pl. construed as sing., a poem in such stanzas.

1 answer

* Reasoned * Defined * Made Understood * Construed * Explicated * Expounded * Accounted For

1 answer

I want you - yo te quiero - this is construed in Spanish to mean ¨"I love you".

1 answer

that is rude and illegal, it can be construed as a death threat, so knock it off.

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They could be construed as perjury, but first must be proven to be false.

1 answer

It can be construed as a threat. States have different laws, so what can be done about it depends on your state's law.

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both...construed as conyugal debt..may be negotiated..

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Not rowing, with the possible exception of 'land' which could be construed to mean "go 'land' your boat on the dock"

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To deny an established Church teaching may easily be construed as heresy or apostasy.

1 answer

In the right context and directed to a specific implied subject, "Don't!" can be construed to be an imperative sentence with an implied object.

1 answer

the enumeration in the constitution, of certin rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparge others retained by the peolpe

1 answer

His excessive hand wringing and tears could be construed as either effusion or over acting.

1 answer

Yes. Not from a physical standpoint, but it could be very dangerous from a legal standpoint. It could be construed as rape.

1 answer

Because they're shallow. Those concerned with status symbols will always pay more for anything that can be construed as such.

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Yes. It can be construed as theft at the very least. It could violate Federal Laws for cyber-security as well.

1 answer

If you mean the Confederate Battle flag, no. It is a symbol of southern heritage, not meant to be construed as believing in slavery.

1 answer

An illusion is something that is erroneously perceived or construed.

3 answers

Because they're shallow. Those concerned with status symbols will always pay more for anything that can be construed as such.

1 answer

A registered mortgage is a deal whereby the borrower executes a formal written instrument that can be construed as a conveyance of their attention in land as security for a loan.

1 answer

It could be construed as kidnapping provided that parent does not have legal custody. Contact your attorney and call the police.

1 answer

at least two years old. Tex. Rev. Fam. Code Section 162.001. not to be construed as legal advice.

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It depends on the context. It can be construed as racist if used in a derogative way i.e. 'bloody foreigners' But countries have 'foreign tourists' and that is considered acceptable.

1 answer

There is no position during the march order. It could be construed as a modified position of attention, however, there is no movement during the position of attention.

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The slaying of a sow (female pig) in this chapter is done in a very sexual manner and could be construed as obscene.

1 answer

You do NOT have someone else to write your thesis. It could be construed as [lagiarism. It should be all you own work/writing.

1 answer