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The motto of Yardley Court is 'Comites in comitate'.

1 answer

Our comrades lie on the ground in the garden.

1 answer

Therefore he abandoned a few companions there and commanded others as they were seeking help.

1 answer

A woman can lose custody for any number of reasons. Most (all?) states only consider the best interests of the child when considering which parent should receive custody.

1 answer

Still have questions?
magnify glass

stars,metiorite and the sun emit light,comites do both. other than that the moon and the planets reflect light

2 answers

Charles Du Moulin has written:

'Solennis oratio in celeberrima Tubingensi Uniuersitate habita de sacrae theologiae & legum imperialium dignitate, differentia, conuenientia, corruptione & restitutione ..' -- subject(s): Canon law, Roman law

'Consilia quatuor, seu propositiones errorum in caussa illustriss. principis Do. Philippi Landgrauii Hessiae, ... contra comites a Nassau, & principes Auriaci,..'

1 answer

Provided that conquered peoples did not rebel, the Romans were tolerant. They respected their religion, customs and culture.

The conquered lands were called provinces. The provinces with at least one legion were governed by Legatus Praetore Augusti (praetorian imperial legate) who also controlled the legion. In provinces with more of one legion, each legion was commanded by its own preaetorian legate and the province was governed by a consular legate who had overall military command. The governor was responsible for taxation and the treasury. He supervised tax collection, minted coins and sought loans. He was also the chief accountant and inspected the books of the cities. He supervised important building projects. He was also a chief of justice. He had sole right to issue death penalties. His advisors and staff were called comites (companions).

1 answer

Provided that conquered peoples did not rebel, the Romans were tolerant. They respected their religion, customs and culture.

The conquered lands were called provinces. The provinces with at least one legion were governed by Legatus Praetore Augusti (praetorian imperial legate) who also controlled the legion. In provinces with more of one legion, each legion was commanded by its own preaetorian legate and the province was governed by a consular legate who had overall military command. The governor was responsible for taxation and the treasury. He supervised tax collection, minted coins and sought loans. He was also the chief accountant and inspected the books of the cities. He supervised important building projects. He was also a chief of justice. He had sole right to issue death penalties. His advisors and staff were called comites (companions).

1 answer

Constantine's major military innovation, initiated as early as 312 CE, was the division of his large army into two parts, the limitanei who guarded the frontiers, and the comitatenses who were stationed farther back and acted as a striking (field) force available at any point where the need arose. From a longer-term viewpoint his division of the army undermined its capability, as serious defeats after his death proved.

In 313, Constantine and Licinius jointly issued the Edict of Milan, building on Galerius' Edict of Toleration but going a good deal further by granting positive advantages and privileges to the Christian community.

Constantine created a new Order of Imperial Companions (comites),who largely replaced the old governing aristocracy as the emperor's principal subordinates. This new hereditary "aristocracy of service" owed its allegiance to the person of the emperor rather than to the state, thus paving the way for medieval vassalage.

1 answer

Constantine's major military innovation, initiated as early as 312 CE, was the division of his large army into two parts, the limitanei who guarded the frontiers, and the comitatenses who were stationed farther back and acted as a striking (field) force available at any point where the need arose. From a longer-term viewpoint his division of the army undermined its capability, as serious defeats after his death proved.

In 313, Constantine and Licinius jointly issued the Edict of Milan, building on Galerius' Edict of Toleration but going a good deal further by granting positive advantages and privileges to the Christian community.

Constantine created a new Order of Imperial Companions (comites),who largely replaced the old governing aristocracy as the emperor's principal subordinates. This new hereditary "aristocracy of service" owed its allegiance to the person of the emperor rather than to the state, thus paving the way for medieval vassalage.

3 answers

I don't know how is it in the U.S. criminal law, but in the European continental law sistem immunity and impunity causes are not the same thing! Immunity means that someone comites a crime and escapes with it in the country were it was done, because it cannot be prosecuted there, in according to the law (example: foreign diplomats, leaders of state visiting, foreign military in mission with the accept of that state). This does not mean that he or she cannot be accountable for that crime into their own country. In general, immunity is granted due to international law obligations taken on by state governments, and does not relieve guilt in general for the criminal (offender), but assures a good maintenance of foreign politics between different states. In that spirit, the state onto who's territory was the offense committed cannot rend countable the person which committed that crime, but it can send him or her away into the state where he/she belongs, where it is possible to apply a punishment for the crime.

Impunity causes are institutions of criminal law according to whom a person (any person) cannot be convicted and punished (anywhere) for a crime (offense) he/she has committed, because of some legal disposition inserted into the national law system of a certain country in order to obtain a certain behavior from the offender and if that behavior was obtained. For example> in some legal systems the one who attempts to kill someone, but after shooting the victim, from his/hers own will, does something to save the victims life, is protected from the punishment deserved for attempting murder. Instead, the criminal will receive only the penalty for harming the victim, offense that would of been taken over into the attempt of murder if the perpetrator wouldn't have voluntarily saved the victim's life! In this way the law encourages and rewards the act of preventing the biggest harm (result) of the crime, transmitting the message to the offender that is still not to late to stop, not all is lost, encouraging him/her to actively implicate themselves into preventing the worst to happen. In exchange, they have a legal disposition that imperatively prevents them to be prosecuted for the criminal act committed (attempt to murder), but, if the act committed until that moment has on its own a criminal relevance, than only that smaller punishment will be inflected to them! In similar way, in some country's, the cooperation of offenders accused of committing certain crimes (like drug traffic), meaning that they disclose to the authority's where the loot is, or who are the people with whom they committed that crime, or the recognition of a false testimony before producing effect (determining a conviction due to it's contents) grants the perpetrator impunity = he/she will not be convicted and receive the penalty for that crime. This is not a decision of the judge or jury, but a mandatory prescription of the law and the magistrate has to apply it or the case will be considered a miss-trail.


1 answer

For the most part, Constantine retained most of the sweeping reforms introduced by his predecessor, Diocletian, and which restructured the Roman Empire: the doubling in the number of provinces of the empire and the their grouping into 12 dioceses and the doubling of the size of the imperial bureaucracy.

To address the problem of hyperinflation which had plagued the em[ire, Constantine temporarily dropped the main silver coin, the denarius, and concentrated on minting a gold coin the aureus). To do this he resorted to confiscating the treasuries of temple and their gold statues to smelt gold. Historians disagree on whether the Aureus was introduced by Constantine or his predecessor. The problem of hyperinflation had been caused by decades of debasement of the Roman coins (i.e. the reduction of their precious metal content. This devalued the Roman coins and caused inflation. The aureus had a high content of gold and was never debased over the next centuries. This, over the long run, resolved the problem of inflation.

Historians also disagree on whether a military reform of this period was carried out by Constantine or Diocletian. Previously the Roman Army had legions which were stationed in the provinces, particularly the frontier ones, and were under the command of provincial governors. The army was now divided into frontier troops, the limitanei, and the comitatus, the field army. The task of the limitanei was to respond to smaller scale hold attacks on the frontier. The comitatus supported the limitanei when there were larger scale invasions, carried out large scale operations in foreign territories. The comitatus and was composed of the legiones (legions) comitatenses . They were regional units stationed in each of the new administrative regions created by Diocletian (the dioceses), further back from the frontiers and near cities. They were mobile units and they were more heavily armed. They could be deployed rapidly. The size of the legions was decreased from some 5,000 to 1,000 and their number was increased.

Constantine favoured Christianity. With the Edict of Milan, issued together with his co-emperor Licinius in 313, he finalised the termination of the Great persecution of the Christians which had been decreed by the Edict of Toleration by the emperor Galerius two years earlier. C


built Christian churches, most notably, the original Basilica of St Peter's in Rome, the St John Lateran's Basilica (the city of Rome's first Cathedral and the original residence of the Popes), the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople and Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. He convened synods and ecumenical councils to mediate disputes between rival Christian doctrines, and initiating the tradition of Roman emperors convening such meetings.He promoted Christians in the imperial bureaucracy.

5 answers

Parke-Bernet Sotheby has written:

'The Astor collection of illuminated manuscripts' -- subject(s): Illumination of books and manuscripts, Catalogs

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents comprising the property of the Royal College of Physicians ... of the Artists' Society ... of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Emlyn ... of H.S. Hodson ... of Major S.N.C. Webb ... of Dr. S.E.L. Morris ... of the late C.K.' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of continental illustrated books, periodicals and literature... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. at ... Hodgson's Rooms... [on] Thursday, 22nd February, 1979 [and] Friday, 23rd February, 1979'

'Good Victorian furniture'

'Important French and continental furniture, decorations, ceramics and carpets ..'

'Important paperweights from a private collection'

'19th Century furniture and decorative works of art'

'Important nineteenth century and modern prints'

'Catalogue of manuscripts on papyrus, vellum and paper, from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872) ...' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Manuscripts (Papyri), Medieval Manuscripts

'Early English and continental ceramics and glass'

'Fine books and manuscripts from the library of the late Alan G. Thomas'

'Catalogue principally of Diaghilev ballet material: costumes, costume designs and portraits ..' -- subject(s): Ballet, Catalogs, Costume

'The Adam Ferneyhough collection of Ruskin pottery'

'An important collection of medical books of the 15th to the 20th century, mainly illustrating the history of neurology and psychiatry'

'Catalogue of the contents of Aberhod... Rhos-on-Sea, Colwyn Bay. ... Sotheby Beresford Adams... in conjunction with Baddeley & Baddeley... will sell by auction at the house on Monday, 17th March, 1980'

'English and continental glass which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... Monday 21st July 1980...'

'English pottery..., English prcelain..., continental pottery..., continental porcelain..., also ceramic reference books, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ..., Tuesday 18th July 1978...'

'Fine continental books and manuscripts, science and medicine ..'

'Max Ernst'

'Studio ceramics, which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 3rd July, 1980... by Sotheby's Belgravia...'

'Thirty five Works by Le Corbusier painting, drawings, collages and sculpture'

'Impressionist, modern and contemporary paintings, drawings, watercolours and sculpture ..'

'The contents of Avishays, Chard, Somerset'

'Catalogue of nineteenth-century and modern first editions, presentation copies, autograph letters and literary manuscripts comprising [the property of Dame Edith Sitwell ... of Professor Edmund Blunden ... of Sir Allen Lane ... of the Lady Cynthia Asquith ... of Lt.-Col. A. Weyman ... of th' -- subject(s): Catalogs, First editions, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'American paintings, drawings and watercolors'

'Animation art'

'Catalogue of the celebrated collection formed by Sir Maurice Pariser, of Manchester, of the notorious nineteenth century pamphlets and other important Wiseina, manuscript and printed'

'Decorative arts, 1880-1950, including Art Nouveau and Art Deco, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday 12th July 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Entire and very choice collection of engravings'

'Fine Chinese ceramics, silver and works of art..'

'Fine french furniture, decorations, ceramics and carpets'

'Later English and Continental ceramics and glass including art pottery'

'The Lorimer collection of Southwestern weavings' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Art collections, Private collections, Sotheby's (Firm), Indian textile fabrics, Weaving, Art auctions

'Property from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nipon, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania'

'Tibetan, Nepalese, Indian and South-East Asian art..'

'Catalogue of inexpensive wines'

'The oak & country sale'

'19th and 20th century sculpture'

'Art At Auction the Year At Sotheby 78'

'Decorative cast-iron domestic heating stoves'

'The Elton John collection'

'Extraordinary jewels from a private collection'

'Fine English furniture, textiles and bluejohn'

'Fine victorian paintings, including a collection of marine paintings and watercolours'

'Market report on printed books, autograph letters and manuscripts worldwide 1992'

'Venetian glass 1910-1960'

'Paintings, drawings and water colours'

'Silver and jewels, Wemyss ware, Scottish and sporting paintings, drawings and watercolours' -- subject(s): Art auctions, Catalogs, Jewelry, Painting, Scottish, Scottish Painting, Silverwork, Sotheby's (Firm), Watercolor painting, Wemyss ware

'Importanti gioielli ..'

'Important Judaica' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Decorative arts 1880-1939 including Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau and Art Deco'

'Eighteenth and ninteenth century English furniture, glass paintings, boxes and tea caddies ... whichwill be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... on Friday, 27th January, 1984'

'English furniture and works of art; French bronzes; French and English clocks, carriage clocks and watches'

'French and Continental furniture, clocks, bronzes, works of art and sculpture'

'Twentieth century works of art'

'Important French furniture and clocks'

'Important English furniture' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sotheby's (Firm), Art auctions, Furniture

'Catalogue of western and Hebrew manuscripts and miniatures [including the property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Saltoun ...] which will be sold at auction ... 6th December, 1971' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of costume and decor designs for ballet, theatre and opera... day of sale Thursday 30th May, 1974...'

'Fine English glass..., English and continental opaque white glass... which will be sold by auctionby Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... Monday 6th March 1978'


'Important English furniture and reference books'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, fine bindings, music, autograph letters and historical documents, comprising the property of J.V.B. Saumarez, removed from Shrubland Park, Ipswich, the property of Brodie of Brodie, removed from Brodie Castle, Moray, the property of the Earl of Ilchester' -- subject(s): Manuscripts, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of decor and costume designs, portraits, manuscripts and posters principally for Ballet..'

'Important continental porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ...27th June 1978..'

'John Keil'

'Sotheby's Preview Apr./May 1984' -- subject(s): Sotheby's, Sotheby's Art Auction Catalogues

'Catalogue of French, Spanish and Greek manuscripts and English charters [from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872)] which will be sold by auction ... 25th, 26th June, 1973' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of printed books and manuscripts relating to wine and food'

'Continental pottery... also Italian maiolica... and... continental porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet and Co... at their large galleries 34 & 35 New Bond Street, London [on] Tuesday, 6th June, 1978'

'English, French and contiental furniture, oriental rugs and textiles; continental bronzes'

'European glass and continental ceramics and the collection of Madame Olga Ghorra, which will be soldby auction on Thursday 24th November 1977... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Fine photographs'

'Important nineteenth and twentieth century prints'

'The magnificent botanical library of the Stiftungfur Botanik, Vaduz, Liechtenstein collected by the late Arpad Plesch'

'Property from the estate of Henry Ford II'

'The Royal Brierley collection of English glass'


'Wassily Kandinsky sketch 1 for composition V11 ..'

'Early English and continental ceramics and glass'

'Postage stamps of the Far East..'

'Furniture and interior decorator'

'Important old master paintings - December 1980'

'International and Israeli art'

'Catalogue of the renowned collection of Western Manuscripts'

'Catalogue of fishing tackle, sporting guns and rifles'

'Continental furniture, clocks, works of art and bronzes which will be sold by auction on Wednesday 8thDecember 1976... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Domestic and office equipment, stereo-scopic viewers, projectors, cameras, scientific instruments, talking machines and accessories, cylinder and sic musical boxes'

'French and continental furniture, decorations and carpets ... auction Saturday, March 27th, 1993 ...'

'The Iris Fox collection'

'Modern and post war British and Irish art'

'Modern and contemporary paintings, drawings and sculpture'

'Catalogue of western manuscripts and miniatures ... [comprising the property of Sir Peter Smithers and other properties] ... which will be sold by auction ... 11th December, 1972' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Booksellers'

'Fine French and continental furniture, clocks, works of art, bronzes and animalier bronzes, which willbe sold by auction on Wednesday, 21st June, 1978, by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Grauvres, dessins, tableaux, tapis, objets d'art et d'a meubleme nt, porcelaines, objets de vitrine, argenterie'

'Important English furniture and decorations ..'

'Catalogue of valuable Americana, voyages, travel and atlases, printed books, autograph letters and historical documents, comprising the property of the Library Company of Philadelphia, the property of Rt. Hon. Viscount Emlyn, the property of Peter C. Peterson, the property of John Challinor' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, music, autograph letters and historical documents, comprising the property of Lawrence Strangman ... [and other properties] Days of sale' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of costumes and curtains from Diaghilev and de Basil ballets ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby &Co ... Friday 19th December [1969]'

'Important clocks and watches'

'Jewels, Wemyss and Scottish pottery'

'Persian and Indian manuscripts and miniatures from the collection formed by the British Rail Pension Fund' -- subject(s): Indic Miniature painting, Art auctions, Catalogs, Miniature painting, Oriental Manuscripts

'The Montagu collection of coins' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Numismatics

'Catalogue of forty-six Western and Oriental illuminated manuscripts ; the property of the late C.W. Dyson Perrins' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Incunabula, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Rare books, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'The art of 'Who framed Roger Rabbit' based on the motion picture ..' -- subject(s): Who framed Roger Rabbit (Motion picture)

'Continental pottery... [and] continental porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby ParkeBernet & Co... [on] Tuesday, 27th November 1979'

'English and foreign silver and plates wares from 1837'

'European glass and continental ceramics, which will be sold by auction on Thursday 12th April 1979... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Fine music and continental manuscripts'

'Limoges enamels ... wood sculpture ... ivories'

'The magnificent jewels of Marie Vergottis'

'The Roger collection'

'Tableaux, mobilier et livres appartenant a` monseigneur le Comte de Paris et Madame La Comtesse de Paris'

'The Welsh sale'

'Catalogue of ballet and theatre material'

'Catalogues of sales'

'Importanti gioielli'

'Catalogue of important Western and Oriental manuscripts and miniatures comprising the property of Lady Anne Lytton ... of Dr. E.G. Millar ... of Mrs. David Huxley ... of the Hon. Robert Preston ... of the Rt. Hon. Lord Nunburnholme ... of the Bristol Baptist College and from the collection ' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Manuscripts, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'The celebrated library of Harrison D. Horblit, Esq' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Incunabula, Bibliography, Rare books, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of the Jack Cole collection of books and pictures on the dance... which will be sold byauction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... at their large galleries, 34 & 35 New Bond St... [on] Monday, 12th November 1979...'

'Chinese works of art..., also Ch'ing porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... 31st October 1978...'

'The Courtauld auction'

'English and foreign silver from 1835'

'English pottery, comprising Delftware, Wedgwood ... English porcelain ..'

'European Furniture, works of art, tapestries and carpets'

'Good continental furniture, tapestries and clocks'

'The William E. Wiltshire collection of William De Morgan, Christopher Dresser and Martin Brothers' Pottery'

'Fine old master drawings'

'Fine printed and manuscript music'

'Decorative arts including arts and crafts, art nouveau and art deco' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Decoration and ornament, Art nouveau, Art deco, Decorative arts, History

'The Edward T. Chow collection'

'Catalogue of fine wines, Spirits and vintage ports, lying in France and Great Britain'

'Due importanti opere di Giacomo Balla'

'English and continental furniture works of art; textiles and oriental rugs'

'English furniture, clocks, works of art and textiles'

'Illustrated and private press books, children's books ..'

'Robert Rauschenberg Minutiae'

'Jessie M. King and E.A. Taylor, illustrator and designer'

'British and European ceramics'

'Continental printed books, manuscripts and music ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Manuscripts, Autographs, Books, Music


'The Schwerdt Collection'

'Catalogue of a portion of the valuable library of H.C. Hoskier' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Rare books, Incunabula, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Chinese snuff boxes... which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... at their largegalleries, 34 & 35, New Bond Street, London... Tuesday, 7th February, 1978...'

'English ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 18th September, 1980, at 11a.m. precisely by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'English furniture including arts and crafts, textiles, clocks and works of art, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 30th April, 1980, at 11 a.m. precisely by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'English pottery, comprising Delftware..., other pottery..., English porcelain..., later porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Tuesday 16th May 1978..'

'Highly important music manuscripts, printed music and continental autograph letters and historical documents' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Music, Manuscripts

'Impressionist and modern paintings from the collection of the late Sam Speigel'

'The Peter Zervudachi sale'

'Important British pictures'

'Modern and contemporary prints'

'Arts decoratifs, styles 1900 et 1925'

'Catalogue of ... the ... Gardner collection of engravings, drawings'

'Catalogue of eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century paintings, watercolours, prints and photographs of Islamic interest by European artists..'

'Catalogue of fine & rare wines, spirits, vintage port, cigars and collectors' items'

'Important art nouveau and art deco' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Art deco, Art nouveau, Decoration and ornament

'Works by Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol from a Swiss Collection'

'Western illuminated manuscripts' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Western Manuscripts

'Catalogue of the collection of Greek coins in gold, silver, electrum and bronze, of a late collector ... which will be sold by auction, by messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge ... on Monday, the 28th day of May, 1900, and three following days, at one o'clock precisely'

'Catalogue of a fine collection of rare books and drawings on ornithology, botany, entomology and other natural history, voyages and travel' -- subject(s): Natural history, Bibliography, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of science and medicine; printed books and autograph letters' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Incunabula, Science, Catalogs, Booksellers', Medicine, Autographs, Rare books

'Catalogue of the music library of Edward Francis Rimbault' -- subject(s): Music, Bibliography, Catalogs

'Catalogue of American, English and European contemporary art'

'Catalogue of English pottery... services... and fine English porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co.... Tuesday, 25th January, 1966'

'Catalogue of highly important modern French illustrated books and bindings,forming part V of the celebrated library of the late Major J.R. Abbey which will be sold by auction...day of sale Tuesday 2nd June 1970'

'Catalogue of thirty-nine manuscripts of the 9th to the 16th century, from the celebrated collection formed by SirThomas Phillipps (1792-1872) which will be sold by auction by Messrs Sotheby & Co.... Day of Sale: Tuesday, 30th November 1965...'

'Eastern rugs and carpets, good 17th and 18th century oak and walnut furniture, tea caddies and boxes which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Beresford Adams... Chester... Thursday, 24th July, 1980'

'Oriental ceramics... also works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... on Tuesday, 15th March, 1977'

'Pot lids, goss, commemorative and Staffordshire wares including portrait figures'

'Sale of collectors items including dolls, automata, toys...by Sotheby's at the Duke Street Saleroom,Chester...Wednesday, 18th November, 1981...'

'Castle Howard, York, Yorkshire ..'

'Western manuscripts and miniatures' -- subject(s): Burdett Psalter, Catalogs, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Incunabula, Manuscripts, Manuscripts, Medieval, Medieval Manuscripts

'The Jay Spectre Collection'

'Catalogue of fine wines, spirits, vintage port and inexpensive wines, which will be sold at auction by Sotheby's Parke Bernet & Co... in the Royal Watercolour Society Galleries... on Wednesday, 15th February, 1978'

'Early Chinese ceramics... Ming and Ch'ing porcelain... Korean ceramics... Thai ceramics... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.... Monday, 12th December, 1977'

'English ceramics, which will be sold by auction on Tuesday, 27th November, 1979... by Sotheby'sBelgravia...'

'English literature and history, private press and illustrated books, drawings and watercolours ..'

'Icons, Russian pictures' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Russian Icons, Russian Art objects

'European silver'

'The Ivory hammer'

'English ceramics'

'Photographic images and related material'

'Catalogue of original drawings by George Cruikshank'

'English ceramics, which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 31st January, 1980... by Sotheby'sBelgravia...'

'English furniture, French and Continental bronzes, works of art'

'Fine Chinese ceramics ..'

'High Victorian decorative arts and design ..'

'Impressionist and modern art and ceramics'

'Mobilier moderniste provenant du palais du Maharaja d'Indore'

'The Patino collection'

'Illustrated books & drawings, including private press books, children's books and juvenilia, ephemera, performing arts' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Artists' illustrated books, Performing arts, Miscellanea, Printed ephemera, Illustrated children's books, Illustrated books, Children's

'Nineteenth and twentieth century animalier bronzes and sculpture, clocks, works of art and furniture'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents ..'

'Catalogue of fine works of art' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Jewelry, Clocks and watches

'Catalogue of Chinese ceramics, jade carvings and reference books..'

'Catalogue of English glass... continental glass... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby& Co. ... Tuesday, 21st December, 1965'

'Important Chinese ceramics, works of art, jades and jade jewellery ..'

'The Keck collection'

'The W. J. Shepherd collection of Treen which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co....on Wednesday, 30th November 1983...and Thursday, 1st December 1983'

'Catalogue of the celebrated library of the late Major J. R. Abbey'

'Victorian paintings, drawings, watercolours and sculpture'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents comprising the property of the late Mrs. A.C.M. Wroughton, the property of the late J.N. Hart, the property of Catesby's Ltd. and other properties' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Good French and continental furniture; works of art and clocks, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 2nd July, 1980... by Sotheby's Belgravia...'

'Important seventeenth and eighteenth century English glass ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Monday, 28th April 1980 ...'

'19th and 20th century art'

'Impressionist, modern and contemporary art and ceramics'

'Catalogue of fine oriental miniatures manuscripts and Qajar paintings ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Oriental Miniature painting, Oriental Manuscripts

'Modern and contemporary paintings, drawings and sculpture'

'Catalogue of the valuable and extensive library of books on angling'

'Catalogue of the celebrated library of the late Major J. R. Abbey ... the 8th portion' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Booksellers'

'British and Irish ceramics'

'Catalogue of art reference books including some of Islamic interest ... which will be sold by auctionby Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Thursday 22nd November, [and] Friday 23rd November 1979 ...'

'Catalogue of English porcelain, including the well known collection of Derby porcelain, the property of F. Brayshaw Gilhespy... and fine Derby portrait and landscape plaques... also English porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. ... Tuesday, 30th May, 1967'

'Catalogue of French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Yugoslav and Slavonic manuscripts from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872)... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co.... Days of sale: Monday, 15th June, 1970[and] Tuesday, 16th June, 1970'

'Catalogue of twenty-three important Armenian illuminated manuscripts, which will be sold by auction...day of sale 14th March 1967'

'Contemporary art part II ..'

'The Otto Kallir collection of aviation history'

'The Price collection'

'Silver and enamel bindings ; days of sale: Friday 10th May 1985 at 11 am ; at their Grosvenor Saleroom, Bloomfield Place, New Bond Street, London ..' -- subject(s): Gilding, Bookbinding, Fine bindings, Embossed bindings

'Catalogue of printed books comprising the property of the Right Honourable Viscount Cobham ... Of Dr. P.J. Filose ... of Robin Combe ... of W.D.D. Evans ... of James McGarva ... of David R. Crackenthorpe and other properties' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Books, maps, manuscripts and ephemera'

'Catalogue of a selected portion of the valuable library at Lowther Castle,Penrith...which will be sold by auction...on Monday July 12th 1937 and two following days'

'Catalogue of finest and rarest wines, spirits, vintage port, cigars and collector's items, which will be sold by Sotheby Parke Bernet & co. ... on Wednesday, 12th December 1979'

'Catalogue of Meissen porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co [on] Tuesday, 4th June, 1974'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books and manuscripts ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co. ... 23-24 March, 1972'

'Continental ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 4th October, 1973... by Sotheby's Belgravia..'

'Nineteenth century ceramics, silver and sculpture; works of art and furniture which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.... Thursday, 10th November, 1983... and Friday, 11th November, 1983'

'Oriental ceramics, works of art and funiture, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 5th April, 1978... and on Thursday, 6th April, 1978 by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'The selected contents of Hadspen House Castle Gary, Somerset'

'Continental illustrated books, English illustrated and private press books, circus and conjuringchildren's and juvenilia related drawings'

'English furniture, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... at 34 & 35 New Bond Street, Friday, 24th September, 1982'

'Fine English enamels'

'Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, lithographs'

'Impressionist paintings, drawings and sculpture from the collection of Madame d'Alayer ..'

'Modern continental illustrated books ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. at their Grosvenor Saleroom ... Monday, 24th January, Tuesday, 25th January, 1983 ...'

'Paintings from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ganz'

'Victorian and modern British paintings and sculpture'

'Sotheby's arcade auctions'

'Catalogue of designs for the private apartments at Windsor Castle by Sir Jeffry Wyatville' -- subject(s): Windsor Castle

'Catalogue of Chinese ceramics, jades, works of art, textiles and reference books... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet (Hong Kong) Ltd... in association with Lane Crawford Holdings Ltd... Monday, 26th May 1980 [and] Tuesday. 27th May 1980...'

'Catalogue of fine and inexpensive wines, spirits and vintage port, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Beresford Adams ... Wednesday, 29th October 1980 ... '

'Important English pottery from a European private collection'

'Jean Froissart Chronicles of the Hundred Years' War' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Manuscripts, Illumination of books and manuscripts

'American arts and crafts' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Furniture, Art objects, American Art objects, Arts and crafts movement

'Impressionist paintings and drawings from the estate of Florence J. Gould'

'Catalogue of western manuscripts and miniatures, comprising the property of Lady Hall ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Manuscripts, Western, Western Manuscripts

'Catalogue of valuable books returned from the sales of the Ashburnham library having been found to be imperfect' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Private libraries, Rare books, Library

'Catalogue of the Ellesmere collection'

'British and continental paintings, watercolours, drawings miniatures and prints'

'Catalogue of an outstanding cellar of finest and rarest red burgundy, which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... at Sotheby's Belgravia... on Wednesday, 8th March, 1978'

'Catalogue of English illustrated and private press books... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Thursday, 25th October [and] Friday, 26th October, 1979...'

'Catalogue of good clocks, watches and scientific instruments... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Company, 21st October 1974, at the Royal Watercolour Societys Galleries'

'Catalogue of modern pistols, modern sporting guns, Oriental edged weapons, long arms, European edged weapons, armour, pistols...which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Company, 15-16th October 1974'

'Catalogue of valuable books, the property of a gentleman...which will be sold by auction by Messrs Sotheby and Co...on Monday, the 11th of August, 1941'

'Contemporary art from the collection of Helmut Anton and Margot Kraetz'

'English furniture, English and Continental clocks and works of art, which will be sold by auction onWednesday, 2nd March, 1977 by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Paintings and drawings from the collection of the Georg Waechter memorial foundation'

'Printed books and maps including sections on Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and the Middle East and children's books, related drawings and comics'

'Rare and valuable books, on the history and literature of the Australian colonies'

'19th and 20th century English and Foreign silver, plated wares, objects of vertu and miniatures from 1837'

'A brillant history'

'Catalogue of art reference books... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... 18th May [and] 19th May 1978'

'Catalogue of fine glass paperweights... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co... Monday, 13thFebruary, 1967'

'Catalogue of fine wines lying overseas and in bond England, which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... in the Royal Watercolour Society Galleries... on Wednesday, 2nd November, 1977... wine department, 34-35 New Bond Street, London...'

'Catalogue of vintage port which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... at theRoyal Watercolour Society Galleries... on Wednesday, 31st October, 1979...'

'Chinese hardstone carvings and export porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby ParkeBernet & Co. ... Tuesday 10th January 1978...'

'Continental Furniture 1600 - 1900'

'Nineteenth century European paintings, drawings and sculpture which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... Tuesday, 22nd November 1983...'

'Old master paintings and British paintings 1500 -1850 - February 1986'

'Oriental ceramics and works of art...which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co....Tuesday, 10th June, 1980'

'Sculpture, which will be sold at auction on Wednesday, 9th July, 1980... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Continental glass and ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 7th December, 1972... bySotheby's Belgravia'

'English ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday 16th December 1976... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'English furniture, works of art, clocks and watches'

'Fine early and later European ceramics'

'Highly important French and continental furniture'

'The incomparable collection of Kelmscott, William Morris, formed by Sir Sydney Cockerell, Litt.D' -- subject(s): Ashendene Press, Bibliography, Catalogs, Doves Press, DovesPress, Kelmscott Press, Library

'Modern British art from a private British collection'

'Paintings, prints, drawings and watercolours, including works by artists of the Liverpool, Manchesterand Birmingham schools which will be sold at...Chester, Friday, 25th July 1980...'

'Savannah style' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sotheby's (Firm), Art collections, Pottery, Furniture, Decorative arts, Silverware, Art auctions, Painting, Carpets

'Fine jewels and jewels for the collector'

'Old master paintings - 19 December 1985'

'Catalogue of fine wines and vintage port, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet and Company... on Wednesday, 2nd May, 1979..'

'Continental furniture, sculpture bronzes, works of art and clocks'

'The distinguished collection of a lady'

'English furniture and works of art; textiles, rugs and carpets, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 12th March, 1980... by Sotheby's Belgravia..'

'Islamic and Indian art' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sotheby's (Firm), Indic Art, Islamic Art, Art auctions

'Musical instruments comprising violins, violas...and musical miscellanea'

'Fine jewels and watches'

'Photographs' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Photograph collections, Photographs, Private collections, Artistic Photography

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents, comprising [the property of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Mersey ..., of Rt. Hon. Viscount Cobham ..., of Rt. Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley ..., of Viscountess Gormanston and the ... ornithological collection formed by' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of continental pottery... also continental porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co.... Tuesday, 28th February, 1967'

'Fine French and continental furniture and decorations, rugs and carpets ..'

'Jewels, early Scottish pottery, Wemyss ware and silver'

'Important Japanese and other Asian works of art' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Japanese Art, Asian Art, Asian Art objects

'Decorative arts, European ceramics, carpets, furniture and 20th century applied arts'

'Catalogue of thirty-nine manuscripts of the 9th to the 16th century' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Incunabula, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Catalogs, Booksellers', Manuscripts, Rare books

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, science and medicine, autograph letters and historical documents, comprising the property of Col. John Williams-Wynne ... and other properties' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of fine and rare wines, spirits and vintage port, which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... at Sotheby's Belgravia... on Wednesday, 8th March, 1978'

'Decorative arts including arts and crafts, art nouveau and art deco' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Decoration and ornament, Art nouveau, Art deco, Decorative arts, History

'Catalogue of the second portion of the very extensive, curious & valuable library of rare books and important manuscripts of the late James Crossley...president of the Chetham Society &c. &c'

'Catalogue of printed books, the property of the late Dr. T. Robertson ... of Alec Mango ... of James Hardman ... of P. Dunne-Cullinan ... of Captain C.E. Harvard ... of Dr. E.G. Greville ... of the Rev. W.H.S. Webb ... of Sir Percival David and Lady David ... which will be sold by auction .' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'The library of Thomas Percy, 1729-1811, Bishop of Dromore, editor of The reliques of ancient English poetry' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Rare books, Incunabula, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Books from the John Rylands University Library of Manchester'

'Catalogue of ballet, theatre and opera de cor and costume designs, portraits and posters'

'Catalogue of fine Chinese jade carvings..'

'Catalogue of important old master drawings... and drawings by Polidoro da Caravaggio... [et al] which will be sold byauction by Sotheby & Co... Tuesday, March 12th, 1963'

'Continental bronzes and works of art, clocks and watches which will be sold by auction on Wednesday 22nd September 1976... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Early continental procelain from a private collection'

'Nineteenth century furniture and decorations ..'

'Post war and contemporary art 22nd February 1990'

'The Schwerdt Collection, catalogue of the renowned collection of books, manuscripts, prints and drawings relating tohunting, hawking and shooting, formed by the late C.F.G.R.Schwerdt...which will be sold by auction...May,...June,...July...1939'

'Chinese paintings' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Chinese Painting, Painting, Private collections

'Paintings and works of art from the collections of the late Lord Clark of Saltwood' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Painting, Art objects

'Bel ameublement et objets d'art'

'Important 19th & 20th century drawings and watercolors' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Drawing, Watercolor painting

'Catalogue of medieval manuscripts and valuable printed books' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Rare books, Incunabula, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogues of sales' -- subject(s): Books on microfilm, Indexes, Sotheby & Co. (London, England)

'Valuable printed books' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, Rare books, Sotheby & Co. (London, England)

'The Alfred Richet Collection of 20th century paintings, drawings and sculpture'

'Ballet and theatre material and related reference books... sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet... 4 March 1982'

'The Clumber library'

'English pottery and porcelain, continental pottery including a collection of Dutch Delft animals, continental porcelain and English and continental enamels which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... at their large galleries... on Tuesday, 25th September 1979'

'European and Oriental rugs, carpets and textiles' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sotheby's (Firm), Oriental Rugs, Art auctions, Carpets

'Good French and continental furniture, bronzes, animalier bronzes, works of art and sculpture; clocks and watches'

'Studio ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 2nd October, 1980, at 10.30a.m. precisely by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Victorian paintings from the collection of L. J. Praill and other owners... which will be sold by auction on Tuesday, 21st March, 1972... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Ceramiche, mobili e oggetti d'arte'

'The archive of Macmillan Publishers ltd. (1905-1969)'

'Russian works of art =' -- subject(s): Art collections, Art objects, Russian, Art, Russian, Catalogs, Icons, Icons, Russian, Russian Art, Russian Art objects, Russian Icons

'Catalogue of valuable English printed books, autograph letters and historical documents' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Rare books, Incunabula, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of continental pottery... and continental porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. ... Tuesday, 3rd May, 1966'

'The Hector Binney collection'

'Jewels from the estate of Betsy Cushing Whitney'

'Renaissance and later works of art, textiles, tapestries, pewter, furniture and decorations' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Renaissance Art, Pewter, Textile fabrics, Art auctions, Decoration and ornament, Tapestry, Furniture

'Catalogue of the very choice and important collection of works on cartography, shipbuilding, and navigation, voyages and travels, early maps and atlases, etc. ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Maps, Map collections, Geography

'Catalogue of eighteenth century Venetian drawings and prints..'

'Catalogue of fine and rare wines,spirits, vintage port and collectors' items, which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... in the Royal Watercolour Society Galleries... on Wednesday, 30th November, 1977'

'Importante collection de la compagnie des indes et porcelaine de la chine, Mardi, 27 mai 1980...'

'Catalogue of the choice library of rare books and splendid manuscripts of the late Samuel Addington, Esq'

'Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Scandinavica' -- subject(s): Rare books, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of printed books, comprising the property of W. Scott-Elliot ... and other properties' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of books, manuscripts, prints and drawings by Eric Gill, David Jones and their associates...'

'Catalogue of important English enamels... fine gold snuff boxes and objects of vertu... which will be sold by auction by Messrs.Sothethy & Co.,... March 1969'

'Continental ceramics and European glass, which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 19th July, 1973... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Early photographic images and related material'

'Nineteenth and twentieth century animalier bronzes and sculptures, clocks, works of art and furniture'

'Porcelaines, objets d'art Russe, objets de vitrine et miniatures'

'Scottish and sporting paintings, drawings and watercolours, and jewels, February 1986'

'Sotheby's at Hopetoun House'

'George Bernard Shaw' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Manuscripts, First editions, Catalogs

'Tableaux anciens et du XIXe siecle - Juin 1985'

'19th century furniture, decorations and works of art'

'Dance, theater, opera, music hall' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Stage-setting and scenery, Theaters, Costume

'Catalogue of the magnificent series of early works relating to America' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Incunabula, Rare books, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of printed books comprising the property of Lady Baron and other properties' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of the Bunbury collection of Greek coins ..' -- subject(s): Greek Numismatics, Greek Coins, Catalogs

'Catalogue of the famous library of the late Right Hon. John Burns' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Incunabula, Rare books, Library, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of English pottery... English porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. ... Tuesday, 1st March, 1966'

'Catalogue of important Chinese ceramics and works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet (Hong Kong) Ltd...in association with Lane Crawford Holdings Ltd. Wednesday, 28th November [and] Thursday 29th November 1979'

'Catalogue of nineteenth century and modern first editions and presentation copies... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet and Co.... Thursday, 20th July, 1978.... Friday 21st July, 1978'

'Catalogue of the well known collection of English porcelain, the property of Dr. Knowles Boney comprising Worcester porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co.... Monday, 5th June, 1967'

'The Edward T. Chow collection'

'English furniture, French clocks, English and continental works of art and bronzes'

'Oriental art ..'

'Pot lids, goss, commemorative and Staffordshire wares and portrait figures ... which will be sold by auction on Wednesday 22nd November, 1978 ...'

'Property of the Heathcote Art Foundation from the collection of the late Josephine Mercy Heathcote ..'

'A sale of works of art and equipment relating to golf, tennis, and other games'

'Catalogue of the J.B. Findlay collection [of] books and periodicals on conjuring and the allied arts...which will be sold by auction... at Hodgson's Rooms... [on] Thursday 5th July and Friday 6th July 1979'

'Important old master paintings - December 1979'

'Catalogue of a portion of the celebrated collection of herbals and botanical books' -- subject(s): Botanical literature, Catalogs, Herbals, Private collections, Society of Herbalists

'Catalogue of nineteenth-century & modern English & French literature, autograph letters and literary manuscripts' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, French literature, English literature

'Amusement machines, model soldiers, die-cast vehicles, disneyana, tinplate toys, automata, dolls, dolls' houses and accessories'

'Catalogue of Qing porcelain... and works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby ParkeBernet & Co.... Tuesday, 30th October, 1979...'

'Europa ische, Kirchliche und weltliche Schmiedekunst ='

'European glass and continental ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday 16th March 1978,... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'French & continental furniture and works of art which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 30th January, 1980... by Sotheby's Belgravia...'

'Laurence Whistler, C.B.E'

'Property from the collection of Arnold R. King and the estate of Hank Helfand'

'Sotheby's in Scotland'

'Victorian paintings... which will be sold by auction on Tuesday, 11th July, 1972... by Sotheby's Belgravia..'

'Catalogue of the celebrated library of the late Major J.R. Abbey'

'Musical instruments' -- subject(s): Art auctions, Auction catalogs, Catalogs, Catalogs and collections, Musical instruments, Sotheby's (Firm)

'Catalogue of Western manuscripts and miniatures comprising the property of the late Robert Bennett, the property of St. John's Seminary, Wonersh and other propertiies which will be sold by auction ... Monday, 8th December, 1975'

'Paperweights and reference books ..'

'Catalogue of nineteenth-century & modern first editions, presentation copies, autograph letters & literary manuscripts, comprising the property of Mrs. N. Griggs and Miss Winifred Hooper, from the library of the late Sir Sydney Cockerell' -- subject(s): Manuscripts, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of printed books' -- subject(s): Rare books, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'19th and 20th century prints, contemporary prints and photographs'

'The art of Flanders'

'Catalogue of opera, ballet and cabaret costumes from the Monte Carlo Opera House' -- subject(s): Monte Carlo Opera House

'The celebrated library of Boies Penrose..'

'European ceramics, furniture, carpets and other decorative arts ..'

'European glass and continental ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 14th September, 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Furniture, decorations, bronzes and rugs'

'Important mobilier et objets d'art'

'The library of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Granard'

'Objects of vertu, walking sticks and parasols, miniatures, and English silver smallwork from 1835; and18th, 19th and 20th century fans'

'Property from the collection of Mrs J. William Griffith, Dallas, Texas'

'British and Irish pottery and porcelain'

'Old master drawings'

'Impressionist and modern art which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet ... Monday, 26th June, 1978 ... [and] Tuesday, 27th June, 1978' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Art collections, Painting, Impressionism (Art), Modern Art

'Icons, including a group of Ethiopian crosses which will be sold by Sotheby Parke-Bernet & Co' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Icons

'Sotheby's 217th season, October 1960-July 1961'

'Collection of Jessie Woolworth Donahue' -- subject(s): Catalogs, English Silver articles, Art objects, European Porcelain, English Furniture

'Catalogue of fine Indian and Persian miniatures and a manuscript' -- subject(s): Illumination of books and manuscripts, Miniature painting

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, comprising the property of Charles Hasler, the property of Sir Edward Ellington, the property of Mrs. E.E. James, the property of R.W. Fielding, the property of P.H. Loyd ... which will be sold by auction ... Days of sale' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of childrens books, drawings and juvenilia... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... on Wednesday 1st March 1978, Thursday 2nd March 1978, Friday 3rd March 1978'

'Catalogue of English illustrated books of the 19th and 20th centuries... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.... Wednesday, 26th October, 1977, Thursday, 27th October, 1977, Friday, 28th October, 1977'

'Catalogue of fine modern French and German illustrated books and bindings, important periodicals and works of reference'

'Important French furniture, clocks and tapestries'

'Catalogue of icons' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Icons

'Tableaux anciens - Decembre 1984'

'Nineteenth and twentieth century photographs' -- subject(s): Photography, Catalogs

'A catalogue of the unique collection of Johnsoniana, formed with great care and indefatigable zeal byLewis Pocock ...'

'Important continental furniture, tapestries and clocks' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY

'Catalogue of printed books comprising the property of Austin D. Smith ... of the Rev. Canon W.E. Daniels ... of Henry Martin ... of Mrs. U.P.J. Gibson ... of Mrs. Hervey-Bathurst ... which will be sold by auction ... July 31st, 1961 and following day' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'The Mensing library' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Library, Private libraries, Rare books, Early printed books

'Bel Amcublement'

'Catalogue of a distinguished French collection of impressionist and modern paintings and drawings, formed by the present owners and their parents, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby and Co...at their large galleries: 34 and 35 New Bond Street...Tuesday, 1st July, 1975'

'Catalogue of important early armour... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co. ... Monday, 5th July, 1965...'

'Catalogue of nineteenth century and modern first editions, presentation copies, autograph letters andliterary manuscripts..'

'The contents of Harewood House Outwood, Surrey'

'English furniture, Englsh and continental clocks and works of art; rugs and textiles'

'Pottery and porcelain... enamels... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co [on] Tuesday, 22nd February, 1977'

'Property from the estate of Wendell cherry'

'German & Austrian art'

'Important impressionist and modern paintings and sculptures'

'Contemporary art'

'Catalogue of autograph letters, historical documents and literary manuscripts of the Tudor and Stuart periods, including a hitherto unknown tragi-comedy by Thomas Heywood (c. 1573-1641) ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby and Co. ... Tuesday 20 November 1973'

'Catalogue of modern French illustrated books and a few English private press books, the property of Maurice Goldman, the property of a gentleman resident in New York [and] the property of A.J.L. McDonnell' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, Booksellers', French Illustrators, History, Illustrated books, Illustrators, French

'Catalogue of printed books.. the property of the Society of writers to Her Majesty's Signet, to be soldat auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & co. on the premises at the Signet Library... Wednesday 12th April 1978... Thursday 13th April 1978... Friday 14th April 1978'

'European glass and continental ceramics, which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 31st May, 1973... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Fine Chinese snuff bottles from the collection of James Gleeson and Frank O'Keefe, comprisingglass and glass overlay bottles ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet and Co. ... Friday, 6th June, 1980 ...'

'Furniture, bronzes, wood sculpture, clocks and antiquities'

'A private collection of sculpture by Carl Milles'

'The sporting sale'

'Tres importantes porcelaines europeennes du XVIIIe siecle, Lundi 26 mai 1980...'

'Victorian paintings... which will be sold by auction on Tuesday, 2nd May, 1972... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Later English and continental ceramics'

'Catalogue of Western manuscripts and miniatures ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Manuscripts, Miniature painting



'A third selection of illuminated manuscripts from the tenth to the sixteenth centuries' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Bibliography, Manuscripts, Rare books, Library

'Fine Americana' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY

'Catalogue of highly important oriental manuscripts and miniatures' -- subject(s): Asian Illumination of books and manuscripts, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers', Illumination of books and manuscripts, Asian, Incunabula, Kevorkian Foundation, Manuscripts, Oriental, Oriental Manuscripts, Rare books

'Catalogue of old masters, eighteenth and nineteenth century, impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture ... and a collection of manuscript maps of places relating to General Sir Jeffery Amherst, 1st Lord Amherst's campaign in Canada, including maps of the capture and defence' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Art, Maps

'19th & 20th century furniture & decorations, rugs & carpets'

'Art moderna e contemporanea'

'Catalogue of oriental miniatures, manuscripts and Qajar paintings..'

'Catalogue principally of Diaghilev ballet materials'


'Fine and rare wines, spirits, vintage port and cigars which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... on Wednesday, 5th March 1980'

'Furniture and rugs'

'Important nineteenth century French paintings, drawings and water colours ..'

'Lewis Carroll's Alice'

'Objects d'art, ameublement, tapis'

'Property from the collection of the late Sister Parish'

'Argenti ceramiche mobili oggetti d'arte'


'English literature' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Photograph collections, English literature, Bibliography

'Modern British and Irish paintings, drawings and sculpture'

'Catalogue of English illustrated books of the 19th and 20th centuries' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Book auctions, Books, Illustrated books, Library

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, fine bindings, autograph letters and documents including the property of Per Jacobsen i.e. Per Davidsen of Copenhagen ... of A.N.L. Munby ... of Morgan, Grenfell & Co. ltd. and from the collection of Teodoro Becu' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of British watercolours and drawings'

'Catalogue of fine oriental carpets and textiles... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet (Hong Kong) Ltd... [on] Monday 26th November 1979... at [the] Furama Hotel, Hong Kong'

'Important French and continental furniture and decorations from a collection formed by Roberto Polo'

'The world of movie posters'

'American 19th & 20th century paintings, drawings, watercolors & sculpture' -- subject(s): American Art, Catalogs

'Catalogue of books printed in England and English books printed abroad 1641-1700' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Book auctions, Rare books, English imprints, Library

'Icons which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Icons

'The Courtauld auction'

'Catalogue of a remarkable collection of 16th & 17th century provincial silver spoons' -- subject(s): Spoons

'Catalogue of costumes and curtains from Diaghilev and de Basil Ballets, the property of the Diaghilev and de Basil Ballets Foundation Ltd(, which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Art dealers, Ballet, Costume

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents, etc' -- subject(s): Bibliography, English literature, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of clocks... scientific instruments... watches... which will be sold by auction, by Sotheby & Co... Monday, 4th February, 1974...'

'Catalogue of fine and inexpensive wines and vintage port which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... at Sotheby's Belgravia... on Wednesday, 19th March, 1980...'

'The Gosse Library'

'Catalogue of printed books on science, medicine and botany with a few botanical drawings' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Early works to 1800, Botany, Pre-Linnean works, Science, Library, Medicine

'Catologue of Russian printed books' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Rare books, Russian literature

'Contemporary prints'

'The J.E. Hodgkin collection, catalogue of the trade cards, book-plates, broadsides, &c' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sources, Broadsides, Printed ephemera, Library, History

'Catalogue of printed books comprising the property of Mrs. V.M. Richards of Groton, Mass., the property of Roger K. Furse, the property of the late G.R.C. Nicolaus, and other properties' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of highly important Japanese prints, illustrated books, drawings and paintings from the Henri Vever Colleection' -- subject(s): Henri Vever Collection

'Catalogue of modern French and German illustrated books, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co. ... 3rd July, 1972'

'Chinese ceramics, oriental furniture and works of art'

'English furniture, English and continental clocks, bronzes and works of art; oriental textiles, rugsand carpets, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday 1st February 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Openbare Verkoping... = A collection of fine wines... op Maanday 24 April 1978 in het gebouw Nes 73 Te Amsterdam-C = on Monday 24th April 1978 at Nes 73, Amsterdam-C [for auction by] Sotheby Mak Van Waay B.V., fine art auctioneers, Amsterdam in association with the wine department, Sotheby''

'A private collection of metalwork including motars, candlesticks, handbells, holy water buckets, censersand nests of weights'

'Railwayana, tinplate trains and locomotives, live steam model locomotives, stationary steam engines,other models and toys'

'Selected furniture, important clocks and watches, sculpture, European works of art and antiques'

'Catalogue of printed books, comprising the property of the Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, the property of the late Mrs. D. Ibberson, the property of the late Professor W.J. Hemp, the property of the late I.C. Marrison, the property of E.S. Quayle, the property of Mrs. D. Dixon, and other ' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of the well-known collection of ballooning and aeronauticalprints and drawings' -- subject(s): Art, Art collections, Balloons, Catalogs, History, Pictorial works

'19th and 20th century and contemporary prints Los Angeles'

'Au courant'

'Catalogue of fine English glass ... oriental rugs and carpets ... tapestries ... important clocks... fine English furniture ..'

'Catalogue of fine wines, spirits, vintage port and inexpensive Wines, which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... at Hopetoun House, in Edinburgh, Scotland on Monday, 14th November, 1977'

'Catalogue of important western and oriental manuscripts and miniatures... which will be sold by auction Monday, 11thDec. 1961'

'Catalogue of works of art... early ceramics... [and] Ming and Ch'ing porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... Tuesday, 3rd April, 1979...'

'Chinese export porcelain ..'

'Conduit Street sale'

'Old master, English and decorative prints'

'Oriental ivories, shibayama and lacquer which will be sold by auction on Wednesday 15th November, 1978 ...'

'Photographic images and related material, which will be sold at auction on Friday, 27th June, 1980... bySotheby's Belgravia'

'Catalogue of Italian and Greek manuscripts and English charters, from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872) New series: Eighth part. The property of the trustees of the Robinson Trust ... 4th July, 1972 ..' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Booksellers'

'19th century furniture and decorative arts'

'Arte Italiano del XX secolo della collezione della famiglia Estorick'

'Catalogue of the Lyttelton papers' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Charters, grants, privileges, Seals (Numismatics), Manuscripts, Library, Archives

'Ceramics by 20th century artists ..'

'A collection of Berlin (K.P.M.) paintings on porcelain'

'English and foreign silver and plated wares from 1837'

'European ceramics, silver miniatures and vertu'

'European furniture, good decorations and ceramics'

'Important German porcelain ..'

'Nineteenth and twentieth century clocks and wristwatches'

'Western manuscripts and miniatures including the Donaneschingen Pontifical ..'

'The collection of the late Count and Countess Guy du Boisrouvray'

'Illustrated and private press books, children's books and juvenilia, the performing arts related drawings'

'Catalogue of western manuscripts and miniatures including the psalter of Anne Boleyn, 1529-32 ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Tuesday, 7th December, 1982'


'Catalogue of modern paintings and drawings from the Paul Rosenberg family collection'

'The library of printed books of the Right Hon. the Earl of Ashburnham' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Private libraries, Rare books, Library

'Early Chinese ceramics... Sung, Ming and Ch'ing wares... lacquer... works of art..'

'English furniture, clocks, watches, textiles and rugs, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 27th September, 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'English literature, history, children's books & illustrations'

'Mercer House, Savannah'

'The remaining contents of the studio of Rene Magritte ..'

'European glass and Continental ceramics'

'Arcade jewelry'

'English pottery... and English porcelain..'

'Deutsche Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts'

'Old master and British paintings - July 1984'

'Catalogue of printed books comprising the property of Sir Harold Macmichael ... of Cyril Hampson ... of Mrs. B.L. Stedall ... of the late Thomas Murgatroyd ... of the late R.M. Rootham ..., which will be sold by auction ... June 19th, 1961 and following day' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'British paintings, drawings and watercolours'

'Catalogue of English pottery... [and] English porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Messrs.Sotheby & Co. ... Monday, 24th October, 1966 [and] Tuesday, 25th October, 1966...'

'Catalogue of modern Chinese paintings'

'China red revenue covers'

'English furniture, decorations and ceramics ..'

'Old master paintings - July 1986, Part 2'

'The property of the Robert R. Young Foundation from the estate of Anita O'Keeffe Young'

'Selections from the collections of Loyd-Paxton of Dallas, Texas ... auction Friday, March 26th, 1993 ... '

'English literature and English history' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, English literature, History

'Catalogue of printed books, comprising the property of the late C. Paley Scott, the property of the late J.B. Oldham, the property of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society ... which will be sold by auction ... Monday, April 29th, 1963, and two following days' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of oriental manuscripts and miniatures ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Catalogues, Catalogues, Booksellers', Manuscripts, Oriental, Oriental Manuscripts

'18th and 19th century English and foreign silver... and English and Scottish furniture... also porcelain, glass and prints which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet... at Lennoxlove... on Tuesday 24th June 1980...'

'Catalogue of autograph manuscripts and letters, original drawings and first editions of Charles Dickens... which will be sold byauction by Sotheby & Co., ... 22-23 November'

'Catalogue of fine Chinese snuffbottles'

'Catalogue of irish glass silver and paintings ..'

'Chinese decorative arts... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... Friday, 15thJune, 1979..'

'Collection Roberto Polo' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Private collections, Sotheby's (Firm), Art collections, Art, Decorative arts, Art auctions

'Objets d'art et d'ameublement, tapis, porcelaines et verreries'

'Photographic images and related material, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 29th October, 1980by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'19th century Orientalist paintings from the collection of Terence Garnett' -- subject(s): Orientalism in art, Exhibitions, Exoticism in art

'20th century British sculpture'

'Arcade art nouveau and art deco'

'Cfing ceramics... and jade and other hardstone carvings, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.... Tuesday, 4th March 1980...'

'The Clore collection of portrait miniatures'

'Collection Karl Lagerfeld'

'English pottery... English porcelain... later porcelain... English enamels'

'European ceramics, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Tuesday 30th January, 1979'

'European decorative arts, old master paintings and continental furniture'

'Important Italian maiolica... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... 21st November 1978...'

'Nineteenth and twentieth century works of art and furniture'

'Western manuscripts and minatures including'

'The contents of Littlecote Hungerford, Wiltshire'

'Great stovevent'

'Sotheby's book department' -- subject(s): Sotheby Parke Bernet (Firm), Booksellers and bookselling, Auctions

'The Mercator atlas of Europe' -- subject(s): Early maps, Catalogs, Manuscript Maps

'Catalogue of manuscripts on papyrus, vellum and paper of the 7th century to the 18th century from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872)'

'Catalogue of fifty-nine illuminated manuscripts' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Incunabula, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Rare books, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Collection Boris Kochno'

'European sculpture and works of art ..'

'Fine Dutch and European silver including Judaica and the workshop of Frans Zwollo'

'Good English oak furniture and British and continental pewter, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Friday, 4th February 1983 ...'

'Medieval works of art ... Gothic metalwork and sculpture ... Renaissance jewellery ... bronzes andlater sculpture'

'Studio ceramics, which will be sold by auction on Friday 14th July 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Tibetan, Nepalese, and Indian bronze images and ritual objects, Tibetan thangkas, Nepalese patas, art reference books, Indian sculpture, Thai and Burmese bronze images and other South-East Asian works of art..'

'Victorian paintings, watercolours and drawings... which will be sold by auction on Tuesday, 21st November, 1972... by Sotheby's Belgravia..'

'Chinese ceramics, jades and works of art'

'Western manuscripts and miniatures' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Manuscripts, Medieval, Medieval Manuscripts

'Chinese and other oriental ceramics, furniture and works of art'

'Decorative arts including arts and crafts, art nouveau, art deco and art pottery'

'English literature and history, private press and illustrated books, related drawings and animation art ..'

'Fine 18th & 19th century furniture, good decorations and tapestries'

'Mobili, dipinti, antichi e del XIX secolo, ceramiche, oggetti d'arte e arte decorative'

'Turkmen and antique carpets from the collection of Dr. and Mrs. Jon Thompson' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sotheby's (Firm), Private collections, Art collections, Art auctions, Turkmen Rugs, Carpets

'Decorative furniture from the 19th & 20th centuries' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Furniture, Sotheby's (Firm), History, Art auctions

'Catalogue of duplicate printed books from the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co....'

'French and continental furniture and decorations ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sotheby's (Firm), Decorative arts, Furniture, Art auctions

'Western manuscripts and miniatures to be sold with the Burden Psalter' -- subject(s): Burdett Psalter, Catalogs, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Manuscripts

'Decorative jewellery ..'

'English ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 13th September, 1979... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Fine Victorian paintings... which will be sold by auction on Tuesday, 20th June, 1972... by Sotheby'sBelgravia..'

'Highly important French furniture'

'Maps, manuscripts, music, printed books including economics and the Library of the Cavalry and Guards Club' -- subject(s): Cavalry and Guards Club, Cavalry and Guards Club. Library

'Valuable printed books and manuscripts sold on behalf of the British Rail Pension Fund ..'

'Property from the estate of Ned L. Pines' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Art collections, Modern Painting, Modern Art, Art auctions, Modern Sculpture

'Sotheby's at Gleneagles Hotel ..'

'20th century decorative arts' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Decorative arts, Art auctions, Sotheby's (Firm), History, Decoration and ornament

'19th and 20th Century furniture and decorations'

'Works of art from the Gutzwiller Collection'

'Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman and Western Asiatic antiquities and Islamic works of art' -- subject(s): Ancient Art objects, Art auctions, Art objects, Ancient, Art objects, Islamic, Catalogs, Islamic Art objects

'Catalogue of Americana, voyages and travels, atlases and maps, autograph letters and historical manuscripts' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Catalogs, Booksellers', Atlases, Americana, Voyages and travels, Incunabula, Maps, Rare books

'Fine Oriental carpets and rugs' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Oriental Rugs, Rugs, Oriental

'The Benjamin Sonnenberg collection' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Painting, Drawing, Art objects, Furniture

'Catalogue of 19th and 20th century glass and china, European and oriental works of art... for sale by auction on Wednesday, 25th June, 1980...'

'Catalogue of fine bindings, valuable printed books, mediaeval manuscripts, autograph letters, historical documents etc ...'

'Catalogue of the original and historically important Orrery'

'The collection of Mr. and Mrs. Saul P. Steinberg'

'Early photographic images and related material which will be sold by auction on Thursday 24th May 1973...'

'Oriental ceramics... also works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sothey Parke Bernet & Co.... Tuesday, 25th July, 1978'

'Scottish & sporting pictures & sculpture'

'Sotheby's annual review 218th season'

'Applied arts from 1880 including arts and crafts, art nouveau and art deco'

'Catalogue of Western and Oriental manuscripts and miniatures, comprising the property of Col. Sir John Forbes, the property of L.S. Penrose, from the collection of the late Lord Peckover of Wisbech, the property of G.P.LeG. Starkie, the property of the Hon. J.V.B. Saumarez, the property of ' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Manuscripts, Illumination of books and manuscripts

'The 20th century sale' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sotheby's (Firm), Decorative arts, Painting, Furniture

'Antique and decorative furniture'

'Catalogue of the celebrated library, the property of the late Major J.R. Abbey, sold by order of the executors'

'Collection de monsieur et madame Luigi Anton Laura'

'English and continental glass... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... 21st May 1979...'

'English pottery... [and]... English porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co [on] Tuesday, 8th March, 1977'

'European works of art, arms and armour, furniture and tapestries' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sotheby's (Firm), Weapons, Art auctions, Decorative arts, Tapestry, Furniture

'Fine Continental furniture, tapestries and carpets'

'The Thomas and Nancy Driscoll collection of contemporary prints from Universal Limited Art Editions...auction Saturday, May 14, 1994...'

'Victorian paintings... which will be sold by auction on Tuesday, 11th April, 1972... by Sotheby's Belgravia..'

'Fine Continental and French furniture, decorations and carpets ..' -- subject(s): Art auctions, Carpets, Catalogs, Decorative arts, Furniture, Sotheby's (Firm)

'Important paperweights'

'American folk art and furniture' -- subject(s): Art auctions, Catalogs, Folk art

'Chinese snuff bottles and pendants... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ...Monday 21st July 1980'

'Decorative arts from the collection of Carter Burden'

'English furniture, textiles, carpets, English and continental clocks and watches, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 16th April, 1980---by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'English oak furniture and works of art'

'Mobili, argenti, dipinti antichi e del XIX secolo, armi, ceramiche, oggetti dacollezione e tappeti'

'Photographic images and other material from the Beaton studio'

'The Tristram Jellinek collection'

'Early British and Victorian drawings and watercolours'

'20th century works of art'

'English furniture'

'Medieval works of art ... Gothic wood sculpture ... bronzes ...ivories'

'Vincent van Gogh : Irises' -- subject(s): Art collections, Catalogs

'Continental pottery'

'Decorative arts, including arts and crafts, art nouveau and art deco, which will be sold by auction on Tuesday 25th September by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'England and continental glass and paperweights'

'Fine victorian paintings and drawings'

'Market report on printed books, autograph letters and manuscripts in London and Europe, 1989'

'Modern paintings and sculpture from the collection of the late Edgar J. Kaufmann, Jr'

'Vente de printemps'


'The Ruth Page collection' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Theater in art, Art collections, Ballet in art

'Ancient, Islamic, English and foreign coins, Renaissance and other historical medals, and banknotes' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Coins, Numismatics, Medals, Bank notes

'Catalogue of a highly important collection of children's books' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, Children's literature, Illustrated books, Children's

'The Holford Library' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Private libraries, Bibliography, Rare books, Library

'By direction of the executors of the late the Hon. Stephen Tennant, the contents of Wilsford Manor, Salisbury, Wiltshire' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Furniture

'Catalogue of fine Chinese ceramics and works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet (Hong Kong) Ltd. ... Tuesday, 20th May [and] Wednesday, 21st May 1980... at Connaught Room, Mandarin Hotel, Hong Kong'

'Catalogue of the second portion of the famous Gardner collection of engravings, drawings, broadsides, &c'

'A collection of illustrated books and volumes of prints'

'Oriental ceramics, furniture and works of art which will be sold by Sotheby Beresford Adams... [on] Tuesday, 4th November, 1980'

'Pot lids, fairings, goss, lustre plaques and Staffordshire wares including portrait figures, which willbe sold by auction on Thursday, 24th February 1977, by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Sotheby's 216th season'

'Magnificent jewels and jadeite'

'Sotheby's International Preview' -- subject(s): Art and Antiques, Sales Catalogues, Sotheby's, Sotheby's Art Auction Catalogues

'Later English and continental ceramics'

'The Browning collections'

'Catalogue of portrait miniatures ... and a collection of glass paste medallions by James andWilliam Tassie ... which will be sold by auction ... Monday, 15th January, 1968'

'Ohel David (Ohel Dawid)' -- subject(s): Facsimiles, Hebrew Manuscripts, Manuscripts, Hebrew, Sassoon Library

'Catalogue of a highly important collection of continental illustrated books'

'Catalogue of fifty works by Le Corbusier'

'Catalogue of modern sporting guns, antique firearms and edged weapons... which will be sold at auction 19th November, 1974'

'Catalogue of travel and topography... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ...8th June [and] 9th June 1978..'

'The contents of Stokesay Court, Ludlow, Shropshire'

'English furniture, English and European bronzes and works of art, and, a collection of European, Australian and tropical stuffed birds which will be sold by auction on Wednesday 20th October 1976... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Oriental ceramics... also works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Tuesday, 22nd July 1980'

'Property from the estate of Mrs. Charles Allen, Jr'

'Silver, miniatures, vertu and European ceramics'

'Russian twentieth century and avant-garde art' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Avant-garde (Aesthetics), Russian Art

'Important jewels'

'Post war and contemporary paintings, drawings, sculpture and prints'

'Catalogue of books printed in England and of English books printed abroad before 1641 from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt.- which will be sold by auction ... --'

'Allen Ginsberg and friends' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Friends and associates, Beat generation, Bibliography

'Andy Warhol's Marilyn x100'

'Decorative arts and crafts, art nouveau and art deco'

'The English renaissance'

'European and Oriental carpets from the collection of Dildarian, Inc' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Inc Dildarian, Private collections, Sotheby's (Firm), Oriental Rugs, Art collections, Art auctions, Carpets

'Fine Chinese export porcelain... nephrite and jadeite carvings... other hardstones... which will besold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Tuesday, 13th November, 1979'

'Fine furniture and porcelain'

'La photographie'

'Livres anciens, livres illustre s modernes ..'

'Travel, atlases and natural history'

'Vienna secessionist works of art'

'Catalogue of fifty paintings by Vasily Kandinsky'


'Fine continental furniture, decorations and carpets'

'The Irish sale, 16 May 2002' -- subject(s): Art auctions, Art, Irish, Catalogs, Irish Art

'Catalogue of Persian, Turkish and Arabic manuscripts, Indian and Persian miniatures, from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps Bt. (1792-1872) ... which will be sold by auction ... Monday and Tuesday 25th/26th November 1968' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Booksellers'

'Continental pottery... [and]... continental porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... [on] Tuesday, 22nd March 1977'

'English furniture, bronzes, works of art, clocks and watches'

'European glass and continental ceramics...sold by auction...12th April,1973'

'Fine music manuscripts:the property of the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadelphia'

'Georgian and Victorian furniture and decorations'

'Magn ificent books and manuscripts'

'Royal French silver'

'Tableaux, mobilier et livres'

'Vincent van Gogh irises'

'English furniture, decorations and carpets ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Sotheby's (Firm), Decorative arts, Carpets, Art auctions, Furniture

'Important English furniture, decorations and carpets ..'

'Property from the estate of James R. Herbert Boone'

'Catalogue of printed books'

'Continental furniture, works of art, bronzes, sculpture, old master paintings and continental ceramics'

'Decorative art including art nouveau and art deco'

'English furniture and works of art; rugs and carpets'

'Foreign silver and allied wares and objects of vertu from 1835'

'Neo-romantic and surrealist art from the collection of Pierre Le-Tan'

'Winter sale'

'Fine victorian paintings, drawings and watercolours'

'Fine jewellery'

'Catalogue of eighteenth and nineteenth century British watercolours and drawings'

'Catalogue of fine and rare wines, spirits, vintage port, cigars and collector's items, which willbe sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... at Sotheby's Belgravia... on Wednesday, 28th September, 1977'

'Important art nouveau from the private collection of Lloyd and Barbara Macklowe'

'Korean and pre-Ch'ing ceramics..., also works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby ParkeBernet & Co.... Tuesday 24th May 1977'

'Works by Pablo Picasso from the collection of Gianni Versace'

'Valuable autograph letters, literary manuscripts and historical documents' -- subject(s): Music, R., Manuscripts, Catalogs

'Sotheby's Art At Auction 1999 - 2000'

'Catalogue of the important collection of Italian, French, German & English medals, &c. of the late Samuel Addington,Esq'

'Catalogue of impressionist and modern drawings and watercolours ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co. ... 11th December 1969' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Drawing, Watercolor painting, Impressionism (Art)

'The celebrated library of Boies Penrose' -- subject(s): Rare books, Catalogs

'Arte moderna e contemparanea'

'Catalogue of the Jack Cole collection of books and pictures on the dance... which will be sold byauction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... at their large galleries, 34 & 35 New Bond St... [on] Monday, 16th July, 1979 [and] Tuesday, 17th July, 1979...'

'Chinese works of art, including snuff bottles' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Snuff boxes and bottles, Chinese Art, Art auctions, Chinese Porcelain

'A collection of Chinese pekin glass... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.... Monday, 12th November, 1979'

'Costumes and textiles 1600-1980'

'English and foreign silver including small-work; objects of vertu, walking sticks, ivories and decorative miniatures from 1835; and 18th, 19th and 20th century fans'

'English pottery..., English porcelain..., also later porcelain... which will be sold by auction bySotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... 24th October 1978...'

'Glass paperweights... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... 6th November 1978...'

'Succession de la Comtesse Mona Bismarck vente du contenu de son ho tel avenue de New York a Paris'

'Fine oriental manuscripts and miniatures ..'

'Garden statuary and architectural items'

'Catalogue of important jewels...'

'Fine old master paintings - October 1979'

'Catalogue of Western and Oriental manuscripts and miniatures [comprising the property of the Rt. Hon. Earl of Ilchester ... of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Mersey ... of Dr. E.G. Millar ... of Sir Kenneth Clark ... of the estate of the late John Francis Neylan of San Francisco ... of Sir Ram Gopal' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Manuscripts, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'The aesthetic movement'

'An important nautical collection including pictures and prints, books, arms and armour, nautical worksof art, ships fittings and fixtures, scientific instruments and model and model ships'

'Catalogue of the Constable-Maxwell collection of ancient glass'

'English and continental glass ...which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... Monday, 17th April 1978'

'English pottery including delftware... English porcelain including Worcester... later porcelain...also Welsh porcelain'

'Fine continental ceramics ='

'Mathematical, historical, bibliographical and miscellaneous portion of the celebrated library of M. Guglielmo Libri, second part, M-Z'

'Studio ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 7th December, 1978 by Sotheby'sBelgravia'

'The Thomas F. Flannery Jr. collection'

'The eye of a collector'

'Important works of art by Louis Comfort Tiffany'

'Chinese snuff bottles ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Tuesday 18thMarch 1980'

'Decorative arts from 1880, including art nouveau and art deco'

'English porcelain, Staffordshire figures, pot lids and Goss which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 10th May, 1973... by Sotheby's Belgravia...'

'Fifty works by Le Corbusier'

'Impressionist paintings and drawings from the estate of Mrs John Barry Ryan'

'The Trumbull papers'

'Design since 1935'

'Important English silver'

'18th & 19th century furniture, decorations & tapestries'

'20th century decorative works of art'

'Fine English, French and continental furniture and decorations'

'Photographic images and related material'

'Oriental manuscripts and miniatures ... Friday, 12th October, 1990 ..' -- subject(s): Asian Illumination of books and manuscripts, Catalogs, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Asian, Manuscripts, Oriental, Miniature painting, Oriental, Oriental Manuscripts, Oriental Miniature painting

'Pre-Columbian art, including Mexico, Central and South America, from the inventory of the Arts of the Four Quarters, Ltd' -- subject(s): Indians of Mexico, Catalogs, Indians of South America, Antiquities, Indian pottery, Effigy pottery, Parke-Bernet Galleries,, Indians of Central America, Commercial catalogs

'Decorative arts including arts and crafts, art noveau and art deco, which will be sold by auction bySotheby Parke Bernet, & Co. ... Friday, 18th February, 1983 ...'

'Elton John and his London lifestyle'

'Extraordinary jewels'

'Fine English furniture, reference books and textiles'

'Fine Victorian paintings, watercolours and drawings... which will be sold by auction on Tuesday, 28thNovember, 1972... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'The Martin Luther King Jr. collection' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Archives, Civil rights movements, History

'Various Oriental works of art and furniture and Chinese ceramics'

'Pot lids, goss, fairings, commemorative and Staffordshire wares including portrait figures'

'Silver, jewels and wemyss ware'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents comprising [the property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Nathan of Churt ... the Royal College of Physicians ... of Lady Rosamund Greaves ... of William P. Norris ... of Lt.-Col. R. Solly] which will be sold by auction ...' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of fine jewels...'

'Good Viictorian and Edwardian furniture... [and] eastern rugs and carpets, works of art including bronzes, clocks and barometers... which will be sold by Sotheby Beresford Adams... Chester... Thursday, 31st July, 1980'

'Important Orientalist paintings from the collection of Coral Petroleum, Inc'

'19th century furniture, ceramics, decorations and carpets'

'Important French and Continental furniture, decorations, clocks and carpets'

'Catalogue of oriental miniatures' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Catalogues, Booksellers', Oriental Manuscripts

'Arts decoratifs styles 1900 et 1925'

'Catalogue of western manuscripts and miniatures and a Hebrew manuscript [comprising the property of the Governors of Sutton's Hospital in Charterhouse ...] which will be sold by auction ... Monday, 10th July, 1972' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of cookery books from the Schraemli collection...days of sale Monday, 22nd February, Tuesday 23rd February,1971'

'Fine European ceramics'

'Important English furniture and reference works'

'Shakespeareana' -- subject(s): Illustrations, Catalogs

'American arts and crafts and architectural designs'

'Decorative arts 1900-1939, the property of Martin Battersby, Esq., which will be sold by auction on Friday 21st April 1978... b[y] Sotheby's Belgravia'

'English silver and objects of vertu' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Silverwork

'Fine Chinese export porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet and Co... at their large galleries 34 & 35 New Bond Street, London [on] Tuesday, 20th June, 1978'

'Fine French glass paperweights... and a fine collection of paperweights... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Monday 3rd July 1978...'

'Furniture, carpets and other decorative arts, 20th century applied arts including decorative printsand illustrated books'

'L 'art pour la vie'

'The Lindberg Collection of early Chinese ceramics..' -- subject(s): Lindberg Collection

'Stansted Park' -- subject(s): Stansted Park

'The treasure of Saudi Arabian silver riyals recovered from the SS John Barry'

'Catalogue of fine oriental miniatures and manuscripts..'

'A celebration of the English country house'

'English furniture'

'Hidden friends' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Comites Latentes collection, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Manuscripts

'Continental illustrated books including Russian Avant-Garde books' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Avant-garde (Aesthetics), Books, Children's literature

'English furniture, watches and wrist watches'

'Fauve and expressionist art'

'Fine English and continental glass... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Monday 17th July 1978...'

'The Henk Peeters collection'

'Impressionist paintings from the collection of Jaime Ortiz-Patin o'

'Modern French bindings and illustrated books' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Books, History, Bookbinding

'Paintings from the collection of Joseph H. Hazen'

'Victorian drawings and watercolours'

'19th century furniture, decorations and works of art' -- subject(s): Catalogs, History, Sotheby's (Firm), Art auctions, Furniture, Decorative arts

'Catalogue of English, French, Greek and Icelandic manuscripts, from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872)' -- subject(s): Manuscripts, Catalogs

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents comprising the property of the Most Hon. the Marquess of Bath, ... of the late C.E. King, ... of the late Lady Macleay, ... of Sir Thomas Barlow, ... of the Essex Archaeological Society, and other properties ...' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Incunabula, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers', Early printed books

'Good French and continental furniture; works of art and decorative clocks and continental ceramics'

'Important paperweights from the collection of F. Regnault and Francis C. D. Fairchild'

'The Jeffrey Young collection'

'XX century Italian art'

'Impresionist & modern art'

'Catalogue of Islamic ceramics, metalwork, arms and armour, glass and other Islamic works of art, the property of Her Royal Highness, Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester ... which will be sold ... 12th April 1976' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Ceramics

'Catalogue of western manuscripts and miniatures [comprising the property of Sybil, Vicountess Portman ... ] which will be sold by auction ... 10th December, 1973' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Booksellers'

'Fine French and continental furniture, decorations, carpets'

'Gramophones, phonographs and talking machine accessories, musical novelties, cylinder and disc musical boxes'

'Important English furniture, decorations, ceramics and carpets ..'

'Ameublement, objets d'art, tapis, bronzes, opalines'

'An extraordinary 200.86 carat fancy colored diamond'

'Decorative arts 1880-1950'

'The estate of Peter Jay Sharp'

'Fine Chinese export porcelain...; also nephrite and jadeite carvings... which will be sold by auctionby Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Tuesday 29th November 1977...'

'Fine French and continental furniture, tapestries and clocks, which will be sold by auction by SothebyParke Bernet & Co. ... Friday, 19th November 1982 ...'

'Later European ceramics and glass'

'Livres illustre s modernes'

'Tinplate and engineered locomotives, rolling stock, stationary steam engines, railwayana, locomotive name and numberplates and many other cast-iron and brass notices and signs'

'Catalogue of nineteenth century and modernfirst editions and presentation copies..'

'19th and 20th century and contemporary prints'

'Decorative arts part II, art pottery and studio ceramics' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Decoration and ornament, Art nouveau, Art pottery, Art deco, Decorative arts, History

'Catalogue of forty-two manuscripts of the 7th to the 17th century / from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Incunabula, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Catalogs, Booksellers', Manuscripts, Rare books

'Arts and crafts furniture, textiles, enamels, metalwork and stained glass, which will be sold byauction on Wednesday 6th December 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Continental pottery... continental porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.... Tuesday, 11th April, 1978'

'English and foreign silver and plate and jewellery which will be sold by Sotheby Beresford Adams... [on] Tuesday, 7th October, 1980'

'European glass and continental ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 12th May, 1977 by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Fine marine paintings, drawings and watercolours and ship's fittings and fixtures, scrimshaw, naval scientific instruments, and model ships'

'The life of St. Thomas Becket'

'Magnificent jewelry from a private collection'

'Rock 'n' roll and film memorabilia' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Collectibles, Sotheby's (Firm), Motion pictures, Rock groups, Art auctions

'Tableaux, mobilier et tapisseries ornant le Cha teau de La Roche-Guyon et provenant de la succession de Gilbert de La Rochefoucauld, Duc de La Roche-Guyon'

'Wemyss-ware, Scottish silver and jewels, Scottish and sporting paintings, drawings and watercolours'

'Catalogue of an important trade clearance of wines'

'Catalogue of travel and topography..'

'Impressionist, modern and contemporary paintings, drawings and sculpture'

'Sotheby's Catalogue of Irish Glass,Silver and Paintings' -- subject(s): Irish Art-Glass,Silver and Paintings, History

'Catalogue of forty-four manuscripts of the 9th to the 17th century from the celebrated collection formed by SirThomas Phillipps(1792-1872)...day of sale: Tuesday 29 November, 1966'

'Continental furniture, English and continental works of art which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 3rd February, 1982 ... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Decorative arts 1880-1940 including art nouveau and art deco'

'A distinguished private collection of 18th century Meissen porcelain'

'The inventory of H.P. Kraus' -- subject(s): Catalogs, H.P. Kraus (Firm), Manuscripts, Medieval Manuscripts, Early printed books, Rare books

'Much Hadham Hall'

'Good English furniture'

'Islamic works of art, carpets and textiles ..'

'Catalogue of Important Paintings of Venice by Francesco Guar di'

'Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Byzantine, Egyptian, western Asiatic, Islamic antiquities and works of art, Oriental miniatures and Qajar paintings, ancient and Islamic glass from the collection of Ray Winfield Smith ... November 20 and 21, 1975' -- subject(s): Ancient Art, Catalogs, Islamic art, Islamic glassware, Antiquities

'Catalogue of fine wines, spirits and vintage port, lying in France and Great Britain which will besold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... at the Royal Watercolour Society Galleries... on Wednesday, 9th April 1980'

'The Dr.Otto Schafer collection of Rembrandt etchings'

'English and continental furniture and works of art which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 20thJanuary, 1982 ... by Sotheby's Belgravia ...'

'English furniture; continental works of art, clocks and bronzes; oriental carpets, which will be soldby auction on Wednesday 7th June 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Illustrated and children's books, juvenilia and related drawings'

'Robert Schumann'

'Jewels, silver and Wemyss pottery'

'British paintings 1500-1850'

'Continental pottery... continental porcelain..'

'Importants tableaux anciens et dessins francais du XVIIIe siecle - Fevrier 1980'

'Important paperweights'

'Islamic works of art...which will be sold by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co..' -- subject(s): Art, Islamic, Catalogs, Islamic Art

'Catalogue of a further selection of rare and valuable workd in early English poetry and other literature'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, music, autograph letters and historical documents' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Manuscripts, Incunabula, Catalogs, Booksellers', Music, Autographs, Rare books

'Catalogue of decor and design from the Diaghilev period'

'Important decorative arts'

'Jewels and wristwatches'

'Nineteenth and twentieth century sculpture'

'Catalogue of printed books with a few manuscripts comprising the property of Sir Thomas Barlow ... of A. Spencer, ... of the late Sir Geoffrey Jefferson ... of Yale University Library ... which will be sold by auction ... July 17th, 1961 and following day' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'A list of the original catalogues of the principal libraries, which have been sold by auction by Mr. Samuel Baker, from 1744 to 1774' -- subject(s): Private libraries, Bibliography, Book collectors, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Books and manuscripts from the Fermor-Hesketh Library at Easton Neston' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Rare books, Manuscripts, Library

'Catalogue of BBC costumes and visual effects, ceramics and glass, silver, silver plate, alliedware and jewellery, paintings, drawings, watercolours and prints which will be sold by Sotheby's Chester on Friday, 11th November, 1983, Tuesday, 15th November, 1983, Wednesday, 16th November, 1983'

'Catalogue of fine Chinese export porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet& Co... at their large galleries... New Bond Street... Tuesday, 18th March, 1980'

'Catalogue of important Italian renaissance maiolica..'

'Continental bronzes, sculpture and clocks, English works of art, furniture and textiles, which will besold by auction on Wednesday, 16th February, 1977 by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Early English and Continental pottery from the John Philip Kassebaum Collection'

'Nineteenth century fine decorative arts'

'Postcards, cigarette and trade cards, stevengraphs, printed ephemera, cricketing and sporting items, biscuit tins, advertising material and posters'

'Scientific and medical instruments'

'Coins of the Caribbean area' -- subject(s): Coins, Catalogs

'Printed books & maps'

'Catalogue of fine Worcester and other English porcelain'

'Continental furniture which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co....on Friday, 3rd February, 1984'

'Diaghilev ballet material'

'Elton John'

'Irish silver and antiquities...Irish glass...Irish paintings...which will be sold...at Slane Castle, Co. Meath...Monday, 12 May, 1980...[and] Tuesday, 13 May, 1980'

'nautica, aeronautica, ballooning, automobilia, automobile spares and accessories and car mascots'

'19th and 20th century prints'

'Fine English furniture and decorations'

'Catalogue of the Towneley manuscripts, removed from Towneley Hall, Lancashire'

'Catalogue of fine wines, spirits, vintage port and inexpensive wines, which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... in the Royal Watercolour Society Galleries... on Tuesday, 17th January, 1978'

'English and continental ceramics, enamels and related decorative arts ..'

'English literature, history, illustrated books and related drawings'

'Icons and East Christian works of art'

'The Evelyn Sharp Collection of modern art'

'Japanese ceramics and works of art'

'Early English and continental ceramics'

'Old master painting - December 1985'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, music, autograph letters, and historical documents, comprising the property of the late Major-General Sir Richard Howard-Vyse, the property of Major-General Sir Drummond Inglis, the property of Francis Dashwood, the peroperty of the late Miss Emily Ander' -- subject(s): Manuscripts, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of decorative arts 1870-1930, including Arts and Crafts and Art Nouveau ..'

'Important continental porcelain ..'

'The jewels of the late Duchess of Windsor ..'

'Important printed books, atlases and maps'

'Catalogue of forty-five exceptionally important illuminated manuscripts of the 9th to the 18th century, a block book and four printed books'

'Catalogue of children's books and juvenilia...which will be sold by auction, day of sale Monday 27th February 1967'

'Catalogue of English glass... also continental glass... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. ... Monday, 25th April, 1966'

'Important Chinese ceramics and works of art, the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bernat..'


'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart'

'Catalogue of opera, ballet and cabaret costumes from the Monte Carlo Opera House' -- subject(s): Costume

'Paintings from the Paul Mellon collection' -- subject(s): English Painting, Art collections, Catalogs

'Catalogue of the famous library of printed books, illuminated manuscripts, autograph letters, and engravings collected by Henry Huth, and since maintained and augmented by his son Alfred H. Huth, Fosbury Manor, Wiltshire--the autograph letters ..' -- subject(s): Autographs, Bibliography, Catalogs, Library, Private libraries, Rare books, Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge

'Catalogue of silver, porcelain, furniture and works of art ... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. ... at the Arcadian Court, the Robert Simpson Company ... Days of sale: Tuesday, 17th October, 1967, Wednesday, 18th October, 1967, Thursday, 19th October, 1967' -- subject(s): Art objects, Catalogs

'Catalogue of the highly important papers of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, F.R.S. (1729-1811)' -- subject(s): Catalogs, History, Manuscripts, Sotheby & Co. (London, England), Voyages around the world

'Sotheby's 217th season, October 1960-July 1961' -- subject(s): Art, Catalogs, Periodicals, Sotheby & Co. (London, England)

'Belles automobiles de collection'

'Catalogue of ephemera from the sixteenth century to the present day including printed and manuscript documents, broadsides, proclamations, posters, playbills and programmes... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co at their large galleries [on] Friday, 17th October, 1980'

'Catalogue of highly important nineteenth century European paintings and drawings which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co ..'

'Catalogue of travel and topography... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ...7th [and] 8th December 1978...'

'The contents of the The Manor House, Church Street, Ware, Hertfordshire'

'Early works of art... early ceramics... Ming porcelain... also Chi'ng porcelain which will be soldby auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.... Thursday 30th March, 1978'

'Oriental ceramics... also works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... Tuesday, 22nd January, 1980'

'Pot lids, Goss, commemorative and Staffordshire wares including portrait figures, which will be sold by auction on Thursday 20th July 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Russian pictures, works of art, and icons'

'Fine Islamic rugs and carpets ... including the property of Paulette Goddard Remarque ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Carpets

'Catalogue of the valuable collection of Greek coins formed by the late Frank Sherman Benson of Brooklyn, N.Y' -- subject(s): Greek Coins, Coin collections

'Catalogue of the celebrated collection, the property of C.E. Kenney' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'British and Irish ceramics and enamels'

'Catalogue of art reference books some of Islamic interest, and travel in the Middle East'

'Catalogue of English porcelain... also services... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. ... Tuesday, 31st January, 1967'

'Catalogue of French and Russian literature and continental illustrated books..'

'Catalogue of twenty western illuminated manuscripts from the fifth to the fifteenth century from the library at Donaueschingen ...'

'Contemporary art part 1'

'Out takes'


'Silver, firearms and swords, bronzed, old and modern paintings and drawings ... August 1970'

'Catalogue of a portion of the collection of (views of) London topography'

'English ceramics, which will be sold by auction on Thursday 18th May 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'English furniture including oak furniture'

'Highly important French furniture, decorations, carpets and ceramics'

'Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolors'

'Eighteenth and nineteenth century British drawings and watercolours' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Watercolor painting, British Drawing

'Important Americana'

'Modern & contemporary art including photographs'

'Contemporary art evening'

'Catalogue of fine oriental miniatures, manuscripts, and Qajar paintings' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books comprising ... the property of H.B. Lenthall ... of the late Mrs. E.C.M. Jones, ... of Count G. O'Kelly de Gallagh, ... of Mrs. Olive M. Blyth, which will be sold by auction ... April 24th, 1961 and following day' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of children's books drawings and juvenilia ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... [on] Wednesday, 10th October, Thursday, 11th October [and] Friday, 12th October, 1979 ...'

'Catalogue of English illustrated books of the 19th and 20th centuries... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet and Co. ... 26th, 27th, 28th October, 1977'

'Catalogue of fine nineteenth century Chinese porcelain..., earlier ceramics..., furniture and worksof art..., also reference books, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet (Hong Kong) Ltd... in association with Lane Crawford Ltd... Thursday 1st December..., Friday 2nd December'

'Important French furniture, decorations and carpets'

'Catalogue of fine oriental miniatures and manuscripts, comprising the property of various owners' -- subject(s): Catalogues, Oriental Manuscripts

'Ballet and theatre material from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. John Carr Doughty including costume and decor designs, photographs and books' -- subject(s): Ballet, Catalogs, Stage setting and scenery

'Catalogue of the original manuscripts, by Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins, of The frozen deep, and The perils of certain English prisoners, by Dickens and Collins; two poems by Dickens; The woman in white, No name, Armandale, Moonstone, &c., &c., by Collins'

'Catalogue of the celebrated collection of Latin Americana' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Incunabula, Bibliography, Catalogs, Booksellers', Rare books, Library

'A catalogue of the entire and valuable library of the Reverend Marshall Montague Merrick, D.D. ..' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'[Catalogue of] English pottery... [and] English porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet and Co... at their large galleries... New Bond Street, London... [on] Tuesday 3rd July...'

'Catalogue of important Chinese ceramics and works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet (Hong Kong) Ltd in association with Lane Crawford Ltd... 23rd May [and] 24th May 1978... at Connaught Room, Mandarin Hotel, Hong Kong'

'Catalogue of the Westbury collection of cookery books' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, Cookery

'Eden Park'

'Oriental ceramics... also works of art... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.... [on] 24th January 1978'

'Pot lids, goss, fairings, commemerative and Staffordshire wares including portrait figures which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 15th November, 1979... by Sotheby's Belgravia...'

'A sale of fine and rare talking machines, juke boxes and mechanical music'

'Sotheby's 215th season, October 1958 - July 1959.' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Paintings

'Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture'

'Catalogue of valuable books, chiefly of the nineteenth century' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, English literature, Library, First editions, Private libraries, Catalogs, Booksellers', Rare books, Manuscripts

'Catalogue of the distinguished collection of modern French illustrated books of the late M. Nicolas Rauch of Geneva' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Illustrated books, History, Incunabula, Book auctions, Library, Catalogs, Booksellers', Rare books

'British and continental portrait miniatures'

'Catalogue of antique firearms from the collection of the late William Goodwin Renwick'

'Catalogue of English illustrated and private press books..'

'Catalogue of good clocks, watches and scientific instruments..'

'Catalogue of modern paintings and drawings from the Paul Rosenberg family collection'

'Catalogue of valuable incunabula and sixteenth-century printed books'

'Contemporary art evening'

'English furniture, English and continental clocks, works of art, textiles, oriental carpets and rugs,which will be sold by auction on Wednesday 30th November 1977... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Paintings and drawings from the studio of the late Robert Lenkiewicz'

'Printed books, maps and ephemera'

'Rare jewels and precious objects'

'Victorian and architectural drawings and watercolours - May 1986'

'Dance, theatre, opera, cabaret' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Ballet, Costume

'Catalogue of western manuscripts and miniatures' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Manuscripts, Manuscripts, Western, Western Manuscripts

'Catalogue of Japanese colour prints, etc.'

'Pre-Columbian art including Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru' -- subject(s): Indians of Mexico, Catalogs, Indians of South America, Antiquities, Indian pottery, Effigy pottery, Parke-Bernet Galleries,, Indians of Central America

'Decorative arts including arts and crafts, art nouveau and art deco... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.... on Wednesday, 30th November, 1983'

'English ceramics which will be sold by auction on Thursday 28th October 1976... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'English furniture, French and continental works of art and carpets which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 30th July, 1980... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Highly important old master and British paintings' -- subject(s): Catalogs, European Painting, British Painting

'Impressionist art'

'The Patrick and Gilly Morley collection of furniture and decorative works of art'

'Icons and Russian works of art'

'Nineteenth century ceramics & sculpture, works of art and furniture'

'Catalogue of highly important English silver' -- subject(s): Plohn Collection

'Much Hadham Hall'

'Catalogue of western manuscripts' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Western Manuscripts

'Continental illustrated books' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, Children's literature, Illustrated books

'English ceramics which Will be sold by auction on Thursday, 17th March, 1977 by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'English furniture, works of art and clocks, English and continental watches, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 18th June, 1980... by Sotheby's Belgravia...'

'Fine early European ceramics'

'Highly important continental furniture'

'Modern British and Irish paintings and drawings'

'Paintings in Glasgow' -- subject(s): Scottish Painting, Catalogs

'Scottish and sporting paintings, drawings and watercolours' -- subject(s): Scottish Painting, Catalogs

'Important jewels'

'Catalogue of designs and decors The Casino de Paris, 1920-35' -- subject(s): Art, Exhibitions, Private collections

'Catalogue of Chinese ceramics, works of art, reference books and jade carvings... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet (Hong Kong) Ltd... in association with Lane Crawford Ltd, Tuesday, 5th December 1978 and Wednesday, 6th December 1978... Mandarin Hotel, Hong Kong'

'Catalogue of fine illuminated manuscripts, valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents, etc'

'Important English and Welsh porcelain... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... Tuesday, 8th July 1980...'

'Important twentieth century decorative works of art'

'Japanese ceramics, furniture and works of art'

'Impresssionist and modern drawings and watercolours ..'

'Important silver' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Art collections, Private collections, Silverwork

'Islamic works of art' -- subject(s): Islamic textile fabrics, Islamic art, Islamic rugs, Catalogs

'Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents, comprising the property of J.P. Bradshaw, the property of the estate of John F. Neylan, the property of the estate of the late Richard Bentley, the property of Dr. Thomas Loveday, the property of the late Sir W' -- subject(s): Manuscripts, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of continental illustrated books, periodicals and literature... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet and Co... [on] Thursday, 4th May, 1978 [and] Friday, 5th May, 1978'

'Fine French and Continental furniture, porcelain, decorations and carpets'

'Jewelry from the estate of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis'

'Important Hebrew and Samaritan manuscripts from the collection formed by the late David Solomon Sassoon, property of the family of David Solomon Sassoon : exhibition, London, April 14-16, 1981; New York, May 6-8, 1981 : public auction, Tuesday, May 12, 1981' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Hebrew Manuscripts, Samaritan Manuscripts

'Books, maps and manuscripts'

'Catalogue of autograph manuscripts and letters, original drawings and first editions of Charles Dickens' -- subject(s): Manuscripts, Catalogs

'catalogue of finest and rarest wines, spirits, vintage port and collectors items'

'Catalogue of vintage port, which will be sold at auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co... in the Royal Watercolour Society Galleries... on Wednesday, 12th October, 1977'

'Continental ceramics glass and paperweight'

'Netsuke and other Japanese works of art from the collection of the late Marcel Lorber ..'

'Oriental ceramics, works of art and furniture, which will be sold by auction on Thursday 5th January 1978... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Selected contents from Mount Juliet, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland' -- subject(s): Mount Juliet

'The ivory hammer'

'Catalogue of impressionist and modern paintings' -- subject(s): Art, Modern, Catalogs, Impressionism (Art), Modern Art

'19th century furniture, decoration and works of art ..'

'Arte Italiana contemporanea dalla collezione di Stanley J. Seeger'

'Catalogue of the Lyttelton papers, the property of the Viscount Cobham, which will be sold by auction... 12 December,1978'

'Ceramiche mobili argenti e oggetti d'arte ..'

'A collection of catalogues, letters, manuscripts etc.'

'English and foreign silver, plated wares, miniatures and objects of vertu, 1825-1975, which will be sold by auction on Thursday 21st October 1976... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'European ceramics, glass and works of art'

'European furniture and decoration, silver, porcelain, works of art and carpets ..'

'Nineteenth and twentieth century clocks, watches and wristwatches, which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... Thursday, 20th January, 1983'

'Western manuscripts and miniatures including books of hours..'

'Comic books and comic art' -- subject(s): Art auctions, Caricatures and cartoons, Catalogs, Comic books, strips, Sotheby's (Firm)

'Illustrated and private press books conjuring and circus children's books and juvenilia related drawings'

'Catalogue of cookery books from the Schraemli Collection' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Bibliography, Cookery, Library

'[ Catalogue of] clocks... watches... scientific instruments... chronometers... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co. attheir large galleries, 34 & 35 New Bond Street... Friday, 21 March , 1975'

'Catalogue of fine & inexpensive wines and vintage port, which will be sold by auction by SothebyParke Bernet & Co... at Sotheby's Belgravia... on Friday, 23rd June, 1978'

'Important French and Continental furniture and carpets'

'The Andy Warhol collection'

'Catalogue of valuable English printed books, autograph letters and historical documents, comprising the property of signor Neri Farina Cini ... and other properties' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of continental pottery. ... and continental porcelain... which will be sold by auction byMessrs. Sotheby & Co. ... Tuesday, 31st October, 1967'

'Haute Epoque'

'Jewels from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Smith'

'Post-war and contemporary art' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, American Art, Art auctions, Modern Art

'Contemporary British crafts which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 10th December 1980 at Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Modern British and Irish paintings, drawings and sculpture'

'Catalogue of valuable printed books' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers', Rare books, Incunabula

'Ballet material and manuscripts from the Serge Lifar collection'

'The botanical library of the late Michael J. Kuse' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Botany, Early works to 1800, Library, Botanical illustration

'Catalogue of art reference books... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... 26th July [and] 27th July, 1979...'

'Catalogue of fine wines of California and Europe, spirits and vintage port'

'Catalogue of Western, Oriental and Hebrew manuscripts and miniatures'

'Coninental furniture and works of art; rugs and textiles, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 4th June, 1980... by Sotheby's Belgravia..'

'Continental ceramics, which will be sold by Auction on Thursday, 8th February, 1979... by Sotheby'sBelgravia'

'Nineteenth century European paintings'

'Oriental ivories, lacquer and shibayama'

'Sculpture, including works by Gilbert, Boehm, Stevens, Barye, Mene, Carpeau, Moreau, Dwet, Lanceray and others, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday 26th March, 1980 ... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Catalogue of an important collection of watches and automata formed by the late Willard H. Wheeler between 1880 and 1920' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Clocks and watches

'Catalogue of printed books, comprising works on the history of printing, bibliography, and examples of fine printing' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Catalogue of books of the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries from the Lincoln's Inn Library... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co..., 21st February, 1980 [and] 22nd February, 1980'

'Catalogue of important English drinking glasses, fine oriental rugs and carpets and fine Englishfurniture'

'Continental ceramics and European glass which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 10 March, 1977 bySotheby's Belgravia'

'Early photographic images and related material which will be sold by auction on Friday 18th October, 1974... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Nineteenth and twentieth century animalier bronzes and sculpture, clocks, work of art and funiture ..'

'Pop art from the collection of the late Karl Stro her'

'Scottish and sporting paintings, drawings and watercolours and Scottish silver' -- subject(s): Hopetoun House

'Sotheby's at Hopetoun House, Edinburgh' -- subject(s): Hopetoun House

'Contemporary prints'

'Fine English furniture and decorations ..'

'Fine French and continental furniture, decorations and carpets'

'Modern paintings, drawings & sculpture' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY

'Catalogue of medieval manuscripts and valuable printed books from the library at Helmingham Hall, Suffolk, the property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Tollemache and of the Tollemache discretionary trustees' -- subject(s): Manuscripts, Catalogs, Catalogs, Booksellers'

'Sotheby's book department' -- subject(s): Antiquarian booksellers, Sotheby & Co. (London, England)

'Ballet and theatre material' -- subject(s): Ballet, Catalogs, Costume, Dramatic production

'Catalogue of the famous library of the late Right Hon. John Burns, P.C.,MP'

'The collectioin of John T. Dorrance, Jr'

'English and continental pottery, porcelain and enamels'

'European pewter ... , European metalwork ... and works of art including a section of Scandanavian treen ..'

'Good French and continental furniture, clocks and works of art, which will be sold by auction on Wednesday, 21st November, 1979... by Sotheby's Belgravia...'

'Studio ceramics, which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 12th July, 1979... by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'Victorian paintings and sculpture - June 1985'

'The celebrated library of Harrison D Horblit, Esq. removed from Ridgefield, Connecticut'


'British pottery and porcelain'

'Early English drawings and Victorian watercolours'

'Ballet and theatre material and related reference books' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Theaters, Costume, Dramatic production

'Catalogue of a remarkable collection of 16th and 17th century provincial silver spoons' -- subject(s): Spoons

'Catalogue of music, valuable printed books and autograph letters, comprising the property of the late Richard George Borden ... of His Grace the Duke of Fife ... of the countess of Iddesleigh ... of Richard Neville ... of Mrs. M. Syme ... which will be sold by auction ... Monday, the 9th Ap' -- subject(s): Music, Bibliography, Catalogs, Booksellers', Catalogs

'Amusement machines, children's games, lead soldiers, money banks, disney toys, tinplate toys, automata and dolls'

'Catalogue of Russian and Greek icons'

'The estate of Walter P. Chrysler, Jr'

'European glass and continental ceramics, which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 15th June, 1978by Sotheby's Belgravia'

'French and other glass paperweights... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co....Monday, 25th February 1980...'

'Lead soldiers, money banks, children's games, amusement machines, tinplate and clockwork toys, and automata'

'Property from the collection of Dorothy Hirshon'

'Sotheby's Book Department'

'Victorian paintings... which will be sold by auction on Tuesday, 11th January, 1972... by Sotheby's Belgravia..'

'Catalogue of the Ellesmere Collection'

'Neo-classical and Empire porcelain'

'A complete pack of 52 medieval illuminated playing cards' -- subject(s): Illumination of books and manuscripts, Art, Playing cards

'Old master paintings - July 1986, Part 1'

'Early British and Victorian drawings and watercolours'

'Catalogue of Russian books and books on Russia' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Book auctions, Russian imprints, Books

'Catalogue of twentieth century Russian paintings, drawings and watercolours 1900-1925' -- subject(s): Art, Russian, Catalogs, Drawing, Russian, Painting, Russian, Russian Art, Russian Drawing, Russian Painting

'Catalogue of fine and rare wines, spirits, vintage port and inexpensive wines, which will be sold byauction by Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. ... at the Royal Watercolour Society Galleries... on Wednesday, 25th July, 1979..'

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