rear gogos are gogos that are hard to find and work very good in gogo battles. serious gogo colleters work hard to find rear gogos.
1 answer
The best way to find Naga is by Buying the colleters edition of the DS Bakugan game. It comes with a naga ball.
They're also available in the booster and starter packs. If you don't want to buy a booster or start pack you can buy the bakugan naga toy seperately online.
You can go to a target, the collectors edition ds game comes with collectors WHITE naga only with 650 g, which is different from normal naga, and white naga is only 650 g which is a bit weak.So yeah if ya want normal naga go online to buy it cuz i doubt you'll find it in stores with a good g and the attribute you want.-brett d.
4 answers