One can purchase vintage coffers from various online stores. Some of these stores are Amazon, eBay, Selling Antiques, Antiques Atlas, Kate's Coffers and Magic Cards.
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A coffer slab is a sunken ceiling panel. They are often decorated with moldings, carvings, or paint. The coffers are usually set between the beams and cross-beams.
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The royal coffers refer to the treasury or financial resources of a monarchy or royal family. These coffers contain the wealth and assets of the ruling monarch, which are used to fund the expenses of the royal household, government operations, and other royal activities. The royal coffers may consist of various sources of revenue, such as taxes, tariffs, land holdings, and other forms of income that belong to the monarchy. Proper management of the royal coffers is crucial for the financial stability and sustainability of the monarchy.
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The cast of The Coffers - 2012 includes: Kasi Engler as Housekeeping Billy Mayo as Raymond Farnsworth Russell Towne as Chortlemer Billiam Prentice Williams as Jeris Farnsworth
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They provide employment for state residents, and pay taxes into the state's coffers.
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They provide employment for state residents, and pay taxes into the state's coffers.
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I think there is no homophone for cough but there is a homophone for:
cougher -- coffer
coughers -- coffers
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Reportedly she's got about $260million in her coffers. Not bad at all. Pretty good, actually.
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To mine as much gold and silver as possible to enrich the coffers of the Spanish Empire.
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Cancer. Nixon declared a war on cancer and allowed huge funding budget from the Federal coffers.
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First of all its problem, not promblem. Secondly, yes it is. America has the smallest coffers in the world.
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A ceiling in which the beams and cross-beams leave a regular pattern of square or multi-sided sunken panels, or coffers, each of which is often decorated with molded, carved and painted decoration.
Colonnade .
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19% goes directly into the governments coffers.
I don't know what happens to the rest once Inland Revenue have collected it.
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The employees are such an expense for banks because of they must be paid well. There are some who plan with robbers on how to steal from the coffers of the bank.
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The employees are such an expense for banks because of they must be paid well. There are some who plan with robbers on how to steal from the coffers of the bank.
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The President's vacation is paid from the public coffers. The President is usually entitled to such vacations and hence is funded by the tax payers.
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Henry VIII filled his coffers with the spoils from his break with the Catholic Church and the following raiding of their monies and assets.
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I think it's called "filling" the "Churches" coffers. The more children one has, the more donations to (their respective) Church --- or other faith.
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Increased GDP + low but taxable wages + a work force with experience = more copper in their coffers.
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Increased GDP + low but taxable wages + a work force with experience = more copper in their coffers.
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Economically, revenue from cigarette tax is an important source of monies for every state.
You can read more about 'sin taxes' and their impact on local and state coffers, below.
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The architectural developments used in the pantheon were the use of the dome, (a perfect sphere) lighter concrete mixtures in the dome, and the use of coffers, or sunken panels in the dome to reduce the weight.
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To efficiently manage your dominion coffers in order to maximize resources and power in the game, focus on strategic resource allocation, investing in key upgrades and buildings, and maintaining a balanced economy. Prioritize resource production, trade wisely, and invest in technologies that enhance resource generation. Additionally, consider diplomatic alliances and military strength to protect your resources and expand your dominion. Regularly review and adjust your financial strategy to adapt to changing circumstances and optimize your dominion's growth and power.
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It was not the host who was upset but Judas, one of the disciples who was the keeper of the purse. He thought that the expensive ointment could have been sold and kept in the coffers he held. He was selfish, argumentative and one who had ambitions for himself.
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SAP C_ACT_2403 exam certified, practicing with Validexamdumps C_ACT_2403 practice test questions
3 answers
buffer, duffer, huffer, puffer, rougher, tougher,
Buffer, Stuffer, rougher, muffler, puffer
tougher, cuff her, guffer, slougher
4 answers
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To raise money for the city, state, province or country in question. In some states in the USA, tourism is an afterthought to the state budget coffers (Nebraska, Kansas), in others, it is one of the states top three or four sources of income (Montana, Michigan, Arizona).
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The amount of money printed must not exceed the balance of payments in the governments coffers. The paper notes and coins are a 'promise' by the government to pay the equivalent in gold of every note and coin in circulation.
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When you complete Throne of Miscellania, you can deposit 5,000,000 coins into your coffers. After you complete Royal Trouble, you can then deposit 7,500,000 coins.
At midnight (UTC) the citizens deduct 50,000 coins if you have only finished one quest, or 75,000 coins if you have finished both quests.
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The discovery of diamonds in Canada lead to the development of a robust mining industry that employs thousands of people and delivers significant revenues to Canada's tax coffers. Canada is the world's third largest producer of diamonds.
You can read more about this economic impact, below.
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Governments set duties on imported goods for a couple of important reasons. They want to protect their industries at home from competition with foreign goods brought in. A by-product of this policy is extra money in the importing country's coffers.
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Bloomberg estimated their coffers at 2 trillion. The total amount is impossible to calculate. The Americans owe China over 13 trillion, and along with the Chinese holding down the value of the RMB, which can massivly spike anytime they want, they could have, in my estimate, at least 70 trillion
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The fund, created by the business-paid payroll taxes, accumulates in the states coffers. In the present economy, where extensions last for a total of 99 weeks, there is no surplus. In fact, states are having to borrow from the Federal government in order to pay their obligated benefits to recipients.
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It depends on situation as well as company policies, if company has good investing opportunity available it may opt for no dividend and if no opportunity available it may go for full distribution as well company can opt for fixed percentage or fixed amount of dividend distribution.
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Easily more disgruntled consumers, more stockpiling of gasoline, more money for the state coffers, and forcing SOME people to use public transportation and other 'greener' ways of travel.. this list is by all means non-exhaustive
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The Umayyads and Abbassids divided their large empires into smaller governates. Both the national and state governments were autocratic and appointed by the reigning Caliph. As for the laws they imposed, these were usually a cocktail of Islamic religious laws and pre-existing Byzantine laws that served to keep the economy going and provide wealth for the national coffers.
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Because all the men had left their jobs to become soldiers, and so there was a shortage of workers. And the factories were desperate for workers, especially in a time where they needed production to be high.
In addition, half the population was not taxable thus creating additional revenue to the United States coffers.
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When a person needs to know which of the following is not the elected officials should not do it is important to know what the choices are. Since the answer choices are not given it is hard to know the answer.
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The British now controlled territories in the Ohio River Valley and they forbade the colonists to expand into these lands. The French and Indian War had been costly, and this changed the attitude of King George and Parliament about the colonists. They now believed it was time for the colonists to pay for their protection, and to enrich English coffers.
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If a government owns a business or indeed public utility service, then this business is staffed by civil or public servants and the government ultimately acts as the board of the directors for the business on behalf of the shareholders which are the citizens of the country. Any money made goes into the government coffers and if there is a loss then the tax payer takes the hit.
Politically there are arguments about weather or not governments should own and run businesses and when the political opinion takes a socialist bent, the government may nationalize (buy and take ownership of) private businesses, bringing them into public ownership.
However when political thinking swings the other way, the government sells (by selling shares) its ownership of some businesses to the public and this is called privatization of a business. The money raised goes into the governments coffers and the business and staff are transferred into private sector management.
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{| |- | It is certainly not as likely. The involvement of the French provided some major victories for the Colonists. Without them the war would have lasted longer. The extremely long line of supply for England was a major short fall at that point in time. The war was also draining the monetary coffers of Englant. |}
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I will assume your talking about the 1783 Treaty of Paris.
Well this treaty ended the Revolutionary War so the Americans were in favor. They got their freedom and other benefits such as the right to fish on Canadian waters( Canada was a British colony back then). They also got the lands to the west of the Appalachians and east of the Mississippi. The only benefit for the British was the ending of the war which was draining their coffers.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern C-F--R-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter C and 3rd letter F and 6th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Before Morgan's era, large costly enterprises such as transportation systems and massive manufacturing enterprises, were usually created by a monarch and funded from the royal coffers. Morgan and a few others realized early on an opportunity to fill such a role in the United States with the creation, underwriting, and sale of bonds. New railroads and public utilities are examples of the infrastructure created with Morgan's influence.
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Brazil nowadays is a world credor with about 180 billion dollars in the public coffers and no longer loans
Brazil had gone trought hard times in which it suffered with many loans and a deficit caused by it. But now The loans have been paid, Brazil has no longer loans, and also lends money to countries that are in need of it, as rich countries used to do with BRazil in the time Brazil was needing
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