Go to Cocona Village and then go to Rasp Cavern and there's it is!
2 answers
The scientific name would be Solanum sessiliflorum.
1 answer
You have to catch a kingler on lapras beach near cocona village on renbow island
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they are slates if you go in to the past using the stone of time in cocona village after you beat celebi you can do missions eg:if you defeat drapion in the past when you tap the stone slate with the Pokemon you defeated in the past it will open and there would be a Pokemon in the room behind it
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Go to Cocona Village and continue left until you reach a forest. Then find your way north to find the entrance to Rasp Cavern, make sure to capture some Pokemon on the way through the forest though, because there are some Pinchers guarding the entrance.
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The doors are linked to the past if you go to Cocona village at one point the Celibi shrine will be glowing alowing multiplayer games. Yet the bosses that you beat, some have the same exact slates behind them in correlation to the doors in the future, beat the bosses the doors break then you can access the room.
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After completing the game, go to Cocona Village and go right and look for a girl with a quest thing above her. (May not be there for a while) then talk to her then fly to above where Dolce Island was when it got sunk. Look for it then capture you should go back to Renbow Island. Ten u can find it randomly in the sky.
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You have to complete the temple mission (where you go to the spot outside Cocona Village where Celebi takes you back in time). You complete the last mission in the thunder temple. It's one of the multiplayer missions, but you can play it by yourself. I recommend you use an Action Replay because they are designed for 2+ people, but you can do it easier with the cheats. You have to complete the other missions to unlock the other slates that you find in the game, all of them are the temple missions.
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To get multiplayer on Pokemon Ranger Guardian signs you must meet with Celebi 2 times (I think). Celebi will take you to the past each time and after the second time you will be able to play multiplayer if you go to Cocona Village and tap on Celebi's Monument. It will say: "You feel a strange power... Will you travel through time?" Tap Yes. Celebi will welcome you. Ravio will say: " You're back!" He will get his friends and they will warn you about the temples. They will say what to do.
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Sorry, the only avadible Pokemon transfer is from either Pokemon Ranger games to Diamond and Pearl. Pokemon Ranger offers an exclusive Manaphy transfer and Pokemon Ranger 2 offers a Manaphy, Riolu and Darkrai transfer. These transfers can only be triggered after the game on Pokemon Ranger 1/2.
4 answers
if you are a girl you get latias, if you are a boy, you get latios...
at some point in the game you have to find the five monuments, then you get the sign for latias/latios
after completing the game and you want to battle the other, complete rand/leanne's quest for the forbidden song, for that go to the old mansion and get the book, second shelf in from the right i believe, then when you return the book to leanne, a boy appears and sings the song, when he leaves, go to tikule monument and you can battle whichever one's sign you don't have, be warned though, you can not get the sign for the other one, only battle it
7 answers
Almonds-Western Asia Apple-Ancient China+Egypt Apricots-China Avocados-Central America Bananas-Southeast Asia Blueberries-North America Breadfruit-Indonesia and Malaysia Cherries- Asia Figs-Middle East Gooseberry-Europe and Western Asia Grape-Asia Hazelnuts-Asia Kiwi-Southeast Asia Lemons-Southern Asia Limes-Southern Asia Lychees-China Mangos-southern Asia Orange-China Passion fruits- South America Peaches-China Peanuts-South America Pears-Europe+North Asia Pineapples-South America Pomegranates-Iran Raspberries-Asia Rhubarb-China Satsuma-Japan Tangerines-Asia Walnuts-Persia Watermelons-Africa Rambutan-Southeast Asia Jackfruit-southwestern India, Bangladesh, Philippines and Sri Lanka Star fruit-Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka Mangosteen-Moluccas+Sunda Islands Kumquat-China Durian-Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia Dragon fruit-Mexico and Central and South America African cucumber-Africa Cherymoya-South America Bacuri-Brazil+Paraguay Cocona-South America Duku-Asia Safou-Africa Jabuticaba-Brazil ~beckagrl12 :) if this is for Mrs. Blauvelt's history class, GOOD LUCK (:
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