A CLEP test is a test used to gain college credits based on off-campus experience. CLEP stands for College Level Exam Program
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Check out the Related Link below for an explanation of the CLEP scores.
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first two years of college (apex)
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No they will not. However, once you are in college there may be some CLEP credits that will be usable toward your degree.
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Apparently, you can use the Freshman College Composition CLEP to replace English 101. If you plan to do this, do it before July, 2010, as that CLEP will be retired.
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You can prepare for the CLEP exam by taking courses at various institutions such as community colleges, online platforms like Khan Academy or Coursera, and test prep companies. It's also recommended to review the official CLEP study materials and practice tests provided by the College Board.
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The CLEP exam fee is now $80. We are sensitive to the current economic conditions and strive to keep our costs to a minimum.
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The best place I know of for CLEP exam study information is SpeedyPrep.com, a site which guarantees that you will pass your CLEP upon completion of the corresponding CLEP preparation course. I have passed 17 CLEPs, and SpeedyPrep has been the best resource I have found to date.
**full disclosure* I am an employee of SpeedyPrep.com*
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I would have to say no. Most CLEP credit is designed for undergraduates. There maybe a way you can test out of certain classes (which may use CLEP exams), but those will more than likely be prerequisites to your Masters/PhD.
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The number of credits awarded for the CLEP exam is determined by the individual college or university. Each institution sets its own policy on which CLEP exams they accept and how many credits they award for passing scores. It is important for students to check with their school's admissions or advising office to understand their specific CLEP credit policies.
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Individual colleges and universities determine if they will accept CLEP credits and how many credits they will award for specific exams. Each institution sets its own policy regarding CLEP credit acceptance and the score required to earn credit. It is advisable to check with the institution you are interested in attending for their specific CLEP credit policy.
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The most cost effective way to pay for college would probably be to use something called CLEP tests. Check with the school of your choice and see how many alternative transfer credits they will accept from CLEP. Try to find a school that will accept up to 60 credits of CLEP. Then, study for CLEP tests until you earn 60 credit's worth, transfer in, then complete your degree. CLEP tests usually are $100 including the study material and can earn you anywhere from 4-12 credits per test.
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CLEP credit refers to college credit awarded for successfully passing a College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test. These tests allow students to demonstrate proficiency in certain subjects and potentially earn college credit without taking the traditional course. Each college has its own policies on accepting CLEP credits.
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The recommended passing score on all CLEP tests is 50/80, but some colleges require a higher score. Check with your advisor.
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There are many subjects that are available for someone who wants to take CLEP exams. Examples of subjects that are available for someone who wants to take CLEP exams includes history, science, and business.
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CLEP stands for the "College-Level Examination Program." In essence, an individual can receive college credit for knowledge already acquired through life experience. CLEP offers a variety of exams in general and subject particular areas. While there is a minimum score recommendation through the American Council on Education (ACE) for a recognized pass, all test takers should contact the college or university of their choice and ask for a list of acceptable CLEP scores for their school. Interested individuals may access detailed information at, www.CollegeBoard.com/clep
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The number of college credits awarded for a CLEP history exam depends on the policies of the college or university accepting the credits. Typically, a CLEP history exam can grant you 3-6 college credits. It's important to check with the specific institution to determine the exact credit amount.
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college credits. (apex)
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You can find some CLEP study guides books from many sources. You can purchase them from Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Target, Barnes and Noble, Valore Books, and you might find some in your college book store.
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You can Test "in" to higher level classes by scoring high on the PERT, or entrance test. You can Test "OUT" of classes with a CLEP test. Search the net for CLEP study guides. Alternatively, you can see your advisor and ask for a "test out."
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advance to a higher-level course
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By awarding credit or an exemption for a passing score
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A student must wait at least three months before retaking the same CLEP exam. This waiting period is to ensure that the student has ample time to review and prepare for the exam again.
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No you cannot. Community colleges typically will accept approximately 32 credits in transfer from other institutions to include CLEP. The associate degree can take between 60 and 64 credits to complete depending on the program of study, and state mandates.
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The first two years of college
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students who speak another language fluently
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There are over 2,900 colleges and universities in the US that grant credit to those who pass CLEP exams. The list of colleges can be found here: http://apps.collegeboard.com/cbsearch_clep/searchCLEPColleges.jsp
Most colleges limit CLEP credit to approximately 30 credits per student. However, a few colleges are more generous and will accept 60 or 90 credits.
Hope this helps!
**Full Disclosure*I am an employee of www.SpeedyPrep.com, a 100% Guaranteed CLEP preparation company.*
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No, every college I have spoken with transfers them as credits with no effect on Grade Point Average.
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Earning a degree takes time that some people may lack. There is one legitimate way for those who do not have time to take extra classes to graduate sooner - the CLEP exams. CLEP is an abbreviation for College Level Exam Program, affording students the chance to test out of 1 or 2 years’ worth of studies. Each CLEP exam is designed for a specific area of study in which students are awarded points. Before taking these exams, there are several things students should consider.
School ApprovalBefore testing appointments, students should have a good idea of exactly which schools they plan to attend. Each school has different criteria for CLEP credit. After choosing about 5 or 6 prospective schools, one should contact an admissions counselor or research the school’s website to see how much CLEP credit is recognized. Some schools may award full points for CLEP credit while others may award only partial credit - this is a very important factor to consider.
Understanding ScoringIn order to better understand how much credit will be received at each chosen school and how points are determined, students should read the chart on collegeboard.com about CLEP scores. When taking the CLEP exam, students should remember to enter information for the schools they wish to receive their scoring information - otherwise separate transcripts must be requested.
Testing CentersAfter deciding upon a school, preferably the one that will award the most credit, a student then must locate testing centers. Most centers are located at libraries, colleges or other educational institutions. As of 2010, the CLEP test remains around $75 or $80 dollars, depending on the amount of fees added.
Studying For CLEP ExamsStudy guides with sample test questions and answers may be purchased from testing centers for about $10. Also many larger bookstores sell books designed for each CLEP exam to help students prepare. These books are often expensive, but most large bookstores allow people to sit and read books, so students may be able to rely on them to some extent. Generally the study guides provided by testing centers and colleges are the best source - and the least costly.
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Each CLEP exam is worth 3, 6, or 12 credits, depending on the exam. Most subject specific exams are 3 credits each, the broader exams are usually 6 credits, and some of the language exams are 12 credits.
The maximum amount of CLEP credits that can go to a degree is approximately 30 credits at most colleges, although some colleges allow around 60 credits. A few programs, such as the CollegePlus! program, help students test out of apprximately 90 credits, while still earning a fully accredited degree.
**Full Disclosure* I am an employee of www.SpeedyPrep.com, a 100% Guaranteed CLEP exam preparation site.*
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Always check with your college, but a general rule of thumb would be either English Composition w/ Essay, or Freshman College Composition. These tests will change to College Composition in July of 2010.
**Full Disclosure* I am an employee of www.SpeedyPrep.com, a 100% Guaranteed CLEP exam preparation site.*
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students who are fluent in a language besides english
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I believe the answer would be plasmodes, lignins, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi bodies.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but this is a difficult one. I think I recently took the Biology CLEP and saw this weird-ass question that even after seeing it on this post, remembering it on the CLEP, researching for one full hour with the entire Internet at my disposal, I still could not answer just like I couldn't during the test.
Personally, I think this question ensures the CLEP people that you WILL NOT get a perfect score.
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College Algebra is a specific subject test, so you will need Algebra knowledge. However, if you have high school Algebra II level knowledge, it shouldn't be a problem for you. My only preparation for that exam was a high school Algebra II course.
**Full Disclosure* I am an employee of www.SpeedyPrep.com, a 100% Guaranteed CLEP exam preparation site.*
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It depends on the subject. You can check on the official college board website to see what the number of questions are, and the breakdown of what topics the test will cover.
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Most people say that it is a very tough exam. I passed it without too much of a problem, although I am very interested in American Government.
If you want a guarantee that you will pass, check out www.SpeedyPrep.com. They give you a 100% Guarantee that you will pass the exam, or your money back.
**Full Disclosure* I am an employee of www.SpeedyPrep.com, a 100% Guaranteed CLEP exam preparation site.*
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the same amount
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I have taken and passed 17 CLEP exams, plus 7 DSSTs, so I think I can definitely speak to this issue. My overarching strategy for most of my exams has been to study the subject using an online flashcard-based study resource such as www.SpeedyPrep.com, as well as sometimes a supplemental resource just to play it safe. The other thing I do every time, is to take a practice test from the CLEP Official Study Guide (http://store.collegeplus.org/product.sc?productId=6&categoryId=8) to make sure that I am ready to take the test.
On test day, go take and pass the test. Use standard elimination tactics if you aren't sure on a question, and answer every question! Never leave a question unanswered, as you are not penalized for guessing, and there is always that chance that you will guess correct.
**Full Disclosure* I am an employee of www.SpeedyPrep.com, a 100% Guaranteed CLEP exam preparation site.*
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The student does not have to take the college course.
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