There are colon cleansings foods available. You should actually contact your doctor or pharmisist for a list of foods available to help cleanse your colon
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Contact a professional for this information. It is much safer. They will be able to give you any information about starting a cleanse as well as beginning a diet.
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Yes, there are plenty of natural colon cleansing diets that you can do at home for a reasonable price. You can find some of the following website: http://altmedicine.about.com/cs/dietarytherapy/a/Detox_Diet_Plan.htm.
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It's recommended that you have one to two colon cleansings a year. This helps eliminate toxins and waste from your body, thereby helping your digestive system fuction better. http://www.coloncleanseadvisor.com/7-day-colon-cleanse.html
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The deployment of troops to Bosnia-Herzegovina and 1999 NATO Air War all occurred over the general context of the Balkan conflict. These interventions came in response to the breakup of Yugoslavia whose aftermath including territorial changes, ethnic cleansings, genocide and humanitarian crises.
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There have been several ethnic cleansings/genocides in modern Turkish history. The largest was the Armenian Genocide with 1.8 million Armenians murdered. There were also a number of massacres of Greek civilians during the Balkan Wars and the War of Turkish Independence. During the 1980s to the present, there has been repression and cultural cleansing of the Kurds. (However, the Kurds were not murdered en masse, so there was no ethnic cleansing per se.)
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Every mosque has a place where worshippers may ritually cleanse themselves before entering to pray. they have to be clean before facing Allah.
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Colon cleansing, a popular detoxification treatment, is considered unsafe for individuals with diverticulitis, or any those with any stomach or bowel diseases. In fact, doctors now warn patients that colon cleansing may be dangerous to any group of users. The supplements and herbs used in the vast majority of colon cleansings are not regulated by the FDA; this means that there is no study into how they may affect the body long term and how it may interact with diseases or medications. In Addition, researchers are claiming that the cleansing does not clean – but actually dries the colon.
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The way to rid yourself of this evil spirit is to stop believing in him. When you no longer believe in this spirit, he will no longer exist. You will then be able to seek proper medical advice and counselling by qualified practitioners.
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Seven is used frequently in the Scriptures to signify completeness. At times it has reference to bringing a work toward completion. Or it can refer to the complete cycle of things as established or allowed by God. By completing his work toward the earth in six creative days and resting on the seventh day, Jehovah set the pattern for the whole Sabbath arrangement, from the seven-day week to the Jubilee year that followed the seven-times-seven-year cycle. (Ex 20:10; Le 25:2, 6, 8) The Festival of Unleavened Bread and the Festival of Booths were each seven days long. (Ex 34:18; Le 23:34) Seven appears often in connection with the Levitical rules for offerings (Le 4:6; 16:14, 19; Nu 28:11) and for cleansings.-Le 14:7, 8, 16, 27, 51; 2Ki 5:10.
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Throughout the Republic of India Hinduism remains the dominant religion. Large and thriving Hindu and Sikh communities once existed in the modern day states of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan but were forced to leave under the duress of pogroms, ethnic cleansings and genocides. Similar pogroms occurred throughout Hindu (and South Asian) communities in Africa also. In addition to India, the Indonesian island of Bali has a majority Hindu population, as does the Himalayan nation of Nepal. Modern day Hindu diaspora have formidable communities across the United Kingdom, United States and Canada.
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June was named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth. Juno was also the queen of the Roman gods and the wife of Jupiter. She was associated with protection and well-being of the Roman state.
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Wicca and Druidism are separate spiritual paths of Paganism.
Wicca is a neo-pagan path that has re-emerged in the 20th century and been adopted and adapted by many people.
Wicca has its roots in the works of Gardner, Alexander, Crowley, Skyhawk, Cunningham, and many more.
All practitioners of Wicca are bound by the Wiccan Rede "An it harm none, do as thou will."
Contrary to popular belief, Wicca is not however the politically correct term for all persons following any pagan path.
Modern Druidism is a return to the Celtic Druidic root. Although many of the traditions were lost during the "cleansings" of the "burning times" some practitioners went underground to continue their rituals and follow their path until the new emergence of the craft made it possible for them to openly practice again.
Druidism like most pagan paths was an oral tradition, so the only written records of the practices are from their detractors, making it very difficult to say how historically accurate today's Druidic practices are. This does not mean the modern Druids are "doing it wrong" it means they are doing, as most pagan paths do; altering and adapting to modern lifestyles, needs, morals, and materials within a framework that is as historically accurate as can be.
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Baptism its roots are found in the Old Testament laws of ceremonial washings. There were washings for just about everything from removing mildew from walls, to purification after child birth, to acceptance of a leper back into the comm
Sooner or later, no matter how much care is taken to keep something clean, everything gets dirty. God provided a set of standards to demonstrate this principle. That set of standards, the Levitical Law, provides the instructions on how to recognize the dirt -uncleanliness- and also the procedures for ceremonial cleansing. The cleansings, or baptisms, were for everything from mildew on walls (Leviticus 14:33-53), to purification after child birth (Leviticus 12:1-8), to acceptance of a healed "leper" back into the community. (Leviticus 13:1-36, 14:1-32). So when the people saw John baptizing at the river Jordan, they thought that he was just following those traditions of cleansing.unity.The system of laws first showed how to recognize the various violations of purity. Then the priest examined the situation to confirm the presence of impurity and he provided instructions for cleansing. Later, after the physical cleansing was completed and after the impurity was eradicated, additional rituals were performed for ceremonial cleansing. When all of this was completed, the priest could finally declare that cleanliness had been re-established.So the History of Baptism dates back to those days when prophets were there.
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No one should stop purchasing Fisher Price and Mattel toys for what you call "promoting the Islamic religion". Haven't so-called "Christian" toys been 'promoted' all over the world, especially around Christmas time? I seem to remember toys sold many years ago that had little towns with little "Christian" churches or little "Nativity" scenes. ** The Islamic religion is not committing horrible crimes against humanity; it is the persons who are killing in the name of the Islamic or Muslim religion. ** How many millions of people have been tortured and brutally murdered throughout the past 2000 years, due to religious intolerance by those who called themselves"Christians"? Consider the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisitions, the witch hunts, and ethnic cleansings which were "Christians" killing "Christians". The Holocaust, which was "Christians" against Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses, was so detestible that people still talk of 'never repeating it'. (Adolph Hitler was a baptized Catholic who had ties with the Vatican during WWII and had churches throughout Germany praying for his victory). ** Jesus Christrepeatedly taught his followers that God is love. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and to follow his example so our enemies can become our brothers. ** I am not promoting the Islamic religion; I'm promoting love of our neighbors. If you don't like toys that you feel are promoting the Islamic religion, don't buy them.
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Stalin killed way more people than Hitler... Hitlers death number was about 5 times less than Stalin and only reason Hitler is recognized more often is because he was an anti-Semite and he only targeted certain races whereas Stalin destroyed anyone who opposed his authority. Usually when Stalin killed someone it escalated to killing any connections to that person and the numbers grew. Hitler started small and ended small compared to Stalin.
Hitler by far, although Stalin and Pot didn't do it in small amounts. Let's take a look at Hitler's accounting:
Six million Jews, Thousands of Romanis (Gypsies), A couple hundred Black GI's, Around hundred fifty to two hundred homosexuals At least a couple thousands of Jehova Witnesses, Approximately five hundred Muslims, couple more, couple less, Thirty to forty "communists", and Twenty million Soviets.
These are the ones that have been accounted for, but there's the very much shared suspicion that there are many, many, many more...
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It is believed that Jesus purged the Temple twice, once at the beginning of his ministry (John 2:13) and another time before his arrest (Matthew 21:12). Scholars suggest that there were likely two separate incidents due to the differences in timing and details provided in the accounts.
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Women face many challenges as they age and ageing gracefully does not come easily. Women can however age gracefully, in a healthy manner, and with style if they follow certain regiments that will allow their bodies to function with capability and fewer chances of health related problems. Dieting, proper nutrition, skin care, exercise, and sleep all play an important role in how well a woman ages and how well she retains her current good health.
Women who are in their thirties, forties, and fifties that do not have an ideal bill of health can generally improve their current physical condition if the health-related problems stem from lack of exercise, body neglect, and poor nutrition. In today's modern society, women often work at full time careers, take care of children and households, act as a family chauffer, and very rarely find quality time to look after their own well being. Being busy and involved in a hectic lifestyle has led to many women fully neglecting their body's nutrition and health.>/p>
When women get busy with their families and careers, it is not uncommon for their own needs to take a back seat. Pap smears and regular health and dental check-ups are ignored, nutrition does not become a priority, and exercise seems to fall to the wayside as it is difficult to find time to fit all of these things into a busy woman's life. Though it can be difficult to fit everything into a woman's life, it is important to remember that she will not be able to resume her normal and busy lifestyle if her health fails her.
In addition to letting health maintenance slip to the side, many women often tend to bypass daily skincare routines that are not only relaxing, but are imperative to a woman ageing beautifully and gracefully. Simple measures taken in areas of eating a diet filled with nutrients, fitting in exercise a few times a week, keeping scheduled regular female physical appointments, getting a good night's sleep, and taking care of skin through thorough cleansings morning and night, women can dramatically change the way in which they are aging.
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All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing - Edmund Burke.
Ethnic cleansing, or genocide, is generally the result of many factors. Some have to do with the current socio-economic status of a certain population. Some have to do with ancient grudges against another group of people. Some have to do with our basic nature as humans.
Let me explain using the example of the Holocaust. After WW1, the German nation went through a great depression much like other nations of the time (U.S., Great Britiain, Russia, etc.), but the German one was by all accounts worse than those in other nations. The people in Germany felt powerless; their money was worth nothing, the Versailles Treaty that ended WW1 put Germany in a situation where economic growth was extremely difficult. Into this troubled time stepped a charismatic and very, very evil man named Hitler, who used the fears and powerlessness feeling of the German people to convince them that their problems stemmed from the influence of the Jewish people. This is called scapegoating. He gave the people a way to better their situation (building the economy through military spending) and to end their "problem" by starting the Final Solution, a program that both got rid of the perceived "enemy" and allowed the people to not have to take a direct part in it (thereby granting them the excuse that they did not know and therefore could not stop the program). Obviously, this was a terrible thing, and it took the combined efforts of the Allied Nations to stop it, a difficult process that cost numerous lives in many countries.
In more modern times, ethnic cleansings have happened in numerous countries. Although the dressing is different (in Sudan the excuse is "ancient tribal differences," in Cambodia the excuse was "better life through social engineering"), the result is the same. So why aren't they stopped? Because those in a position to stop it don't.
Modern, functioning democracies may have racism, prejudice, and other numerous problems, but they don't have genocide, because democracies thrive on the coming together of a plurality of people. You can't win votes if you can't connect with people, and you can't connect with people if you don't occasionally work out a way to give them what they want and are always blaming someone else for your problems. However, democracies also tend to make people believe that their personal freedoms and their very life is sacrosanct, in essence their life is more important than fighting for the very system that gave them freedom in the first place . Simply put, the vast majority of people in modern democracies are not willing to go to a third world country and die so that someone they've never met and don't care about can live a full and happy life. It's not nice, but it's the truth. And the government of said countries cannot find a reason (oil, an ally in trouble) to convince their citizens to fight.
And so you ask why ethnic cleansing continues to happen. The answer is: the cause of ethnic cleansing and the unwillingness of others to stop it is because people are willing to say that they care about people, but not willing to die for them.
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Mohammed Yasser Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini (Arabic: محمد ياسر عبد الرحمن عبد الرؤوف عرفات القدوة الحسيني,Mʋhɑm̑ɑd Iásɩr Oɑbdʋălȓɑhmªn Oɑbdʋălȓɑůúf Oɑrɑfát alQʋd̉uɑë alHʋsɑỉní; 24 August 1929 - 11 November 2004), popularly known asYasser Arafat (Arabic: ياسر عرفات) or by his kunya Abu Ammar (Arabic: أبو عمار, 'Abū `Ammār), was a Palestinian leader and a Laureate of the Nobel Prize. He was Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), President of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA),[3]and leader of the Fatah political party, which he founded in 1959.[4] Arafat spent much of his life fighting against Israel in the name of Palestinian self-determination. Originally opposed to Israel's existence, he modified his position in 1988 when he accepted UN Security Council Resolution 242. Arafat and his movement operated from several Arab countries. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Fatah faced off with Jordan in a brief civil war. Forced out of Jordan and into Lebanon, Arafat and Fatah were major targets of Israel's 1978 and 1982 invasions of that country.
Arafat remains a highly controversial figure whose legacy has been widely disputed. He was "revered by many Arabs," and the majority of the Palestinian people, regardless of political ideology or faction, viewed him as a freedom fighter who symbolized their national aspirations and "was willing to stop at nothing short of achieving it". However he was "reviled by many Israelis" and Western nations, who viewed him as a "unrepentant terrorist and war criminal with a long legacy of promoting violence", particularly in regards to his support of hijackings,kidnappings, and hostage-takings in the 70's and 80's.[5][6] Israel has also accused him of mass corruption, secretly amassing a personal wealth estimated to be USD $1.3 billion in 2002 despite the degrading economic conditions of the Palestinians. [7] Alignment of Yasser Arafat and the PLO with Saddam Hussein, who had invaded Kuwait in 1990, led to the controversial 1991 Palestinian exodus. Prior to theGulf War, Palestinians made up about 30% of Kuwait's population of 2.2 million.[8] Yet, during a single week, in March 1991, Kuwaitexpelled about 450,000 Palestinians from its territory.[9] This unfortunate result of Arafat's policies has become the second largest displacement of Palestinian Arabs ever, and among the largest modern ethnic cleansings in the Middle East.
Later in his career, Arafat engaged in a series of negotiations with the government of Israel to end the decades-long conflict between it and the PLO. These included the Madrid Conference of 1991, the 1993 Oslo Accords and the 2000 Camp David Summit. His political rivals, including Islamists and several PLO leftists, often denounced him for being corrupt or too submissive in his concessions to the Israeli government. In 1994, Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize, together with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, for the negotiations at Oslo. During this time, Hamas and other militant organizations rose to power and shook the foundations of the authority that Fatah under Arafat had established in the Palestinian territories.
In late 2004, after effectively being confined within his Ramallah compound for over two years by the Israeli army, Arafat became ill, fell into a coma and died on 11 November 2004 at the age of 75. While the exact cause of his death remains unknown and no autopsy was performed, his doctors spoke of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and cirrhosis.
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There is no scripture in the Bible that says exactly "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." It is simply a common saying.
However, it is clear in the scriptures that God values cleanliness and godliness:
"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water."
Hebrews 10:22
"Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;"
Isaiah 1:16
"And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;"
2 Peter 1:5-6
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
1 John 1:9
"Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
2 Corinthians 7:1
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded."
James 4:8
"Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart."
Psalms 73:1
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Hebrew Igbo
The Ashanti of Ghana
The Ashanti
The Ashanti, the predominate tribe in Ghana, formerly known as the Gold Coast is predominately believed to have come from North Africa and many fingers point to Egypt or Assyria. It has been pointed out by the first white men that came to Ghana and met the Ashanti noted the Egyptian like architecture and design, but just as equally some of these so called Egyptian and or Assyrian traits could also point to a Hebraic origin. For Israel was captive in both places and left an indelible mark on both as well as a little Egyptian and Assyrian influence rubbed off somewhat on Israel. Also noted by such men was the Semitic or Arabic appearance (facial features) of the Ashanti as well as the reddish hue to their brown skin, which is also an Igbo trait which is akin to Adam, whose name means red earth and David who was said to have a ruddy (reddish) complexion and both of which were of a dark complexion to boot. I have already established in my earlier works regarding the Igbo (which I have linked to Gad and other Israeli Tribes) that the first Hebrews and Jews were of a dark and reddish complexion.
Some believe and has voiced that the Ashanti may be related to the Yoruba and if so, no wonder they have things in common with the Igbo because the father of the Yoruba people was a traveling companion to Eri, the father of the Igbo people. Both the Igbo and the Ashanti holy men cover themselves in white chalk.
African tribal names usually mean, "The People of…" The name Ashanti may come from the Hebrew word "Ashan" meaning, "smoke" which is usually used in the context of the destruction of a city and may hint of the destruction of Israel by the Babylonian and Assyrian exiles or even the Roman ransacking of Israel. There was indeed a town in Judea called Ashan (I Chron. 6:59) corresponding to Joshua 21:6 where the word Ain according to the Jewish Encyclopedia may be a corruption or variant of Ashan. If this all be true it would mean the Ashanti may possibly predominately be Jews (Judah) Levites, Simeonites and Benjamites.
But much of this is still very circumstantial and possibly coincidental, though I myself am not a huge believer in coincidence. Are there more substantial links the Ashanti have with Israel?
The Evidences
Briefly, few striking Hebraic traits that are attributed to the Ashanti are morning baths in the river which is much like mikvah's (ritual baths/cleansings) by the Jews. Their sanitations laws closely mirror that of what is written in the Torah. They were originally a pastoral people until they were forced to move into the bush, which is similar to what has happened to the Igbos. The selling of prisoners of war as slaves or the enslavement of their fellow man in order to pay off a debt as it is found in the Torah, the five Books of Moses. Also when one dies, the place in which a person has expired is cleansed and locked up for nine days, which is like how in Leviticus 14 a room is shut up for seven days. They never fought on Saturday (Sabbath) they started their calendar in the fall like Jews and Hebrews. The Ashanti society is a Patriarchal one. There is a stool of authority which is uncannily similar to that of what is called in synagogues as the Seat of Moses and the Chair of Elijah. They practice intra-tribal marriages (Num. 36:5-12). They also had cross-cousin marriages (Num. 36:11-12). The preservation of the family line is of the utmost importance and it is considered a curse if a line dies out or if a woman is infertile, miscarries or a man dies with no sons. This is a very Hebraic trait, for we see the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of Scripture struggled with infertility and the Patriarchs often pleaded to God for sons. So in Israel, the preservation and perpetuation of the family line was very important to them as it is with the Ashanti. The whole process of the rituals and customs surrounding marriage is much like that of How Isaac married Rebecca (Gen. 24), insomuch as we even find a post Temple tradition; a cup of wine is given to the contracting familial parties and the drained cup is then smashed under the feet of the groom. This seems to indicate that if the Ahsanti are indeed Israelites, they come from the post second Temple era, and the Babylonian and Assyrian exile era. An Ashanti mother is separated and considered unclean 8 days after child birth and it is on the eighth day that the child is thus named (Lev. 15:19-29), all as we see are Hebraic customs and laws. Joseph J. Williams, S.J, PH.D, Litt.D. author of "Hebrewisms of West Africa" cites many more evidences, but has an interesting piece on how the Ashanti language is very similar to that of Hebrew and even how the name of their Chief Deity is a corrupted variant of the Hebrew Yahweh (pg. 56-60, 74-76). His book is definitely worthy of a read for more extensive information on the Ashanti. An Ashanti Herald wears a monkey skin cap, which is reminiscent of a Jewish yarmulke or kippah (skull cap).
Some argue that because they do not circumcise they cannot be of Hebraic descent, but Moses did not circumcise his son until God forced his hand and there was a time in the wilderness when Israel stopped circumcisions for a time. Such a ritual can become easily lost due to wanderings and the distance of time, from ones people and into that of another land and culture. Having the naming ceremony on the 8th day seems to be a hint that they used to circumcise their male infants.
Though other gods were recognized in Ashanti religion there was recognized a Supreme Deity called Nyame who was in character much like the Yahweh of the Hebrews. The Ashanti Priesthood had a turban with a circular metal piece very much like the Levitical priesthood that read "Holy unto YHWH." Not only that, but that had a square, 12 sectioned breastplate, similar to that which was worn by the Levitical priests! The Ashanti priests have a common saying regarding Nyame, "No priest may look upon the face of his God and live." We find this almost verbatim in Exd. 33:20. It was not forbidden to say God's Name as it became post Babylonian exile, which could indicate that if the Ashanti are Hebrews/Jews/Israelites, they came to Africa before or during the Babylonian Captivity!
The altar of Nyame is like that of a Hebrew altar, four cornered with a horn protrusion going slightly inward.
As I have noted with the Igbos, paganism is actually an indicator that an African tribe, coupled with other evidences may indicate that they are indeed Hebrews/Jews/Israelites. Why? Because in both the Igbo and Ashanti they not only worshiped a Supreme Deity, the lower gods under Him was sometimes seem more as ambassadors or manifestations of the One Supreme Being and or His attributes, and admittedly some were separate gods in and of themselves, but this should not concern us or surprise us, because Israel worshiped YHWH but in their depravity which caused them to be taken by Babylon and Assyria and dispersed, they worshipped the Canaanite gods of the neighboring peoples.
The greatest of Ashanti gods that was said to walk the earth and be the son of the Supreme Deity is Ta Kora, a type of redeemer which is uncannily similar to the personage of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah.
The Ashanti as has been said, starts its year in the fall as do the Jews and has a New Year and harvest festival much like that of the Jewish Rosh Hashanah/Yom Teruah (New Year/Feast of Trumpets, Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), there is even a libation ceremony like was done in Yeshua's day in the Temple, once again possibly indicating that if the Ashanti are Jews/Hebrews/Israelite they likely came to Africa after the Temple was destroyed.
The Ashanti has elephant tusk horns that resemble the shofarim (ram's horns) blown in Judaism.
There is also a type of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonements) in which the whole nation; land and people, goes through a cleansing and purification ceremony
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