Actually she claimes they never were together, they just hanged out together ^^
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Horus was the main God who listened to the claims of the dead.
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Hang up. Don't worry about it. You ain't that person. His problems aren't yours.
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He became the biggest lamb dyer in Texas
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These series of walls were build by Chinese slaves as part of a gold mine scheme to sell non-existant gold claimes to easterners.
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well most girls like me want there boyfriend to like there friends as friends maybe that is what he meant he is a very smart boy my boyfriend likes most of my friends but he is not cheating on you maybe
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Anne Franks dad worked in a spice factory but it later became a office. Anne claimes you could smell the spices all the way on the third floor. Learn more by reading Anne Frank a dairy by a young girl. --d.j.--
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basic ly he doesnt wash his hair, he says if ou leave it long enough., it will wash itself, pretty much once upon a time he did his hair and then never washed it , and claimes to never do his hair iether, works for me.
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This can vary because long term disability claimes are not regulated by the SSA. This is a question that should be asked early in the process, keep in mind that many attorneys work on a contingency basis, meaning you dont pay a dime unless your case is won.
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Amazon river:
length : 6,400 km (4,000 mi) approx.
basin : 7,050,000 km² (2,720,000 sq mi) approx.
{| ! style="white-space: nowrap" | Discharge | mouth - average 219,000 m³/s (7,734,000 cu ft/s)
And It's probably the biggest river in the world accordingly to most scientists claimes
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Mr (Sir) Francis Nolan claimes to be a United Nations Delegate to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CNB) Abuja, Nigeria. I need to find out if this is true or not true? I have received an E-mail from him claiming that I am owed money from Nigeria, due to the scams they have made against victims there.
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I think the Funniest Maury Show was when this fat Lady was defending her boyfriend or son or whatever, from this other lady who claimes that he was her babie's father, but the fat lady yells at her with her loud ass voice, I saw it on the show titled ''My secret is, I cheated with 9 men'', I think that's what Its called. If you have a funnier one, post your own answer here.
-Boogie Man
1 answer
i don't know who the shortest 20 year old is, but the shortest 18 year old is 22 inches - 56 centimeteres. He also claimes to be the shortest person in the world. I also know that there is a 21 year old that is 29 inches tall/small.
Hope i helped ;)
2 answers
Nike does not "own" any sweatshops, sweatshops are owned by factory bosses. Nike claimes that they just market shoes, but they give the factories there shoe designs etc.....
Hope that helps
6 answers
The Peoples Cure is a fictional Vigilante Crime Fighter based in the UK. His exploits are mainly unknown but his life can be followed on both Face Book and Twitter.
The Peoples Cure claimes to be between 100 and 200 years old and seems to be of a similar style to Batman or perhaps the Punisher.
In Jan 2010 a new stylised photo of Peoples cure (also listed as THE CURE) was published on Facebook featuring laser eyes. The standard and original Cure picture was of a masked man wearing a urban combat jacket and wearing some sort of goggles.
1 answer
The Peoples Cure is a fictional Vigilante Crime Fighter based in the UK. His exploits are mainly unknown but his life can be followed on both Face Book and Twitter.
The Peoples Cure claimes to be between 100 and 200 years old and seems to be of a similar style to Batman or perhaps the Punisher.
In Jan 2010 a new stylised photo of Peoples cure (also listed as THE CURE) was published on Facebook featuring laser eyes. The standard and original Cure picture was of a masked man wearing a urban combat jacket and wearing some sort of goggles.
1 answer
The Peoples Cure is a fictional Vigilante Crime Fighter based in the UK. His exploits are mainly unknown but his life can be followed on both Face Book and Twitter.
The Peoples Cure claimes to be between 100 and 200 years old and seems to be of a similar style to Batman or perhaps the Punisher.
In Jan 2010 a new stylised photo of Peoples cure (also listed as THE CURE) was published on Facebook featuring laser eyes. The standard and original Cure picture was of a masked man wearing a urban combat jacket and wearing some sort of goggles.
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Yes, depending on how long you have ownwed the vehicle and so long as you can prove that the fault was there when you purchased the vehicle and that the Dealer knew this.
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Anne wrote a clean copy of what she considered her best fairy tale: Ellen the fairy, bound it as best she could and gave it to her father.
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I have the same problem I am gonna go to the dealer to see what it is I tried every thing but if you find a answer email me at ttown692002@yahoo.com If the thermostat is stuck it will give a check engine light and the needle on the guage will not work, will require new thermostat Hello, I took the Impala to the shop three times, they claimed it burned up the Body control modual twice and they reprogramed it the last time will see if it keeps working. AC would quit along with the temp gauge, and the fans would run for a while after the engine was shut off. Dealer claimes there was no short or broken wire.
1 answer
CBp obtained from tire pyrolysis can be sold in the market by contacting potential buyers such as asphalt companies, rubber manufacturers, or energy plants. It is important to highlight the benefits of using CBp, such as its eco-friendly production process and diverse applications in various industries, to attract potential customers. Additionally, networking within the industry and attending trade shows or conferences can help in showcasing the quality of the product and establishing partnerships for sales.
2 answers
Because her stepson Thutmose the the third was too young to rule so Hatsheput was considered the boy's regent but she continued being Pharaoh until she disappeared and her stepson claimes the title of the Pharaoh
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Theistic approach asserts belief in the existence of a higher power or gods, while atheistic approach denies the existence of any deities or higher powers. Theistic beliefs often involve worship, prayer, and adherence to religious teachings, while atheistic beliefs focus on reason, evidence, and the natural world for understanding existence.
5 answers
IPH is not realistic they over state the size of the market and companies offering rebates. Most retailers and manufacturers pay an average of $1.35 to third party companies to process rebates, Hence, mostly all retailers and manufacturers do not have an issue of in house employees handling this. The IPH falsly stated otherwise. Furthermore, the IPH claimes that you can make $15 for each rebate processed after costs, as you can see, this is not realistic, no company would pay $20+ for just the processing of a rebate. That is a fact... I am a CEO of a third party rebate fulfillment company. Someone brought this blog to my attention and I wanted to take the time to respond to it as I just hope the IPH doesnt successfully take advantage of people because it would give our industry a bad name. Another review - Internetprofithouse dot com - could not go to site - "web hosting difficulties" and I was blocked from going to to that site to protect my computer (I use a host file) refer to links below for more information
1 answer
They are not same though they belong to Himalayan Region.
1) Bhutan is of Mongolian Race.
2) Nepal is of Indo-aryan Race. (descendant of Alexandra the great.)
3) Nepal's language is Indo-aryan langauge.
4) Bhutan's language is Sino-Tibetan Language.
5) Bhutan is Buddhist Country.
6) Nepal is Hindu country.
7) Bhutan is culturally, linguistically and ethnically distinct from southern countries like Nepal, Bangladesh and India.
8) Nepal share same or similar culture with almost similar language which is intelligible even to Bang-la language speakers in Bangladesh.
9) Nepalese are ethnically same with Indians.
10) Bhutanese are ethnically same with Tibetans.
Bhutan was never ruled by other countries but Nepalese was ruled by other Lords.
10) Bhutan is beautiful and peaceful but Nepal is chaotic.
11) Nepalese claimes they are Mongolian race but they have Indo-
Caucasian looks as they are ethnically Aryan-Caucasian.
12) Few Nepalese ethnic migrated to Bhutan some 2 scores ago as economic migrant, Bhutanese never migrated to Nepal.
13) Bhutan is peaceful and beautiful and has highest growth of GDP in South Asia and 11th in the world.
14) Nepal is not.
1 answer
There is no way to lose weight that does not have atleast a little risk. But, The stuff you see on TV has higher risk than most. It is crazy that people can just make claimes without any proof. but they can.
Yes because you don't lose the weight in a healthy way. Weight is broken down in four catagories muscle weight,bone weight,fat weight and water weight.with theese weight loss products they usually have you starve and when the body realizes that it's not getting any food or it's nutrients it hold's on to the fat cause it doesn't know when it's gonna eat again.That's when you begin to lose water weight then it's start's eating at your muscles and bones.Then when you start eating again(after you realize you lost weight but still have that extra fat around the waist and thighs)your body stores that fat at faster pace,and you begin to gain weight rapidly.The best way to lose weight is to eat the foods you need to get you metabolism going and good old fashon exercise at the rate(burning about 500 more calories than you consume a day 500cal.x7days=2500cal wich is the same of about a pound per week)and you feel great and have the energy you need that food deprevation takes from you.
1 answer
They are not same though they belong to Himalayan Region.
1) Bhutan is of Mongolian Race.
2) Nepal is of Indo-aryan Race. (descendant of Alexandra the great.)
3) Nepal's language is Indo-aryan langauge.
4) Bhutan's language is Sino-Tibetan Language.
5) Bhutan is Buddhist Country.
6) Nepal is Hindu country.
7) Bhutan is culturally, linguistically and ethnically distinct from southern countries like Nepal, Bangladesh and India.
8) Nepal share same or similar culture with almost similar language which is intelligible even to Bang-la language speakers in Bangladesh.
9) Nepalese are ethnically same with Indians.
10) Bhutanese are ethnically same with Tibetans.
Bhutan was never ruled by other countries but Nepalese was ruled by other Lords.
10) Bhutan is beautiful and peaceful but Nepal is chaotic.
11) Nepalese claimes they are Mongolian race but they have Indo-
Caucasian looks as they are ethnically Aryan-Caucasian.
12) Few Nepalese ethnic migrated to Bhutan some 2 scores ago as economic migrant, Bhutanese never migrated to Nepal.
13) Bhutan is peaceful and beautiful and has highest growth of GDP in South Asia and 11th in the world.
14) Nepal is not.
2 answers
During Independence from British, India and Pakistan two separate countries were made.Every state had option of join these countries or live as an independent state.Kashmir decided to be Indiependent. But tribals from Pakistan attacked kashmir and started taking over land of kashmir.The ruler of kashmir flewed to Delhi and signed declaration to be part Of Republic of India. India launched her army to the kashmir valley and started pushing them back.Under presure from USA and Uno ,creesefire was achieved and line of control was made. India claimes the kashmir as its part while Pakistan its.
India has accused Pakistan of soponsering terrorism in kashmir, while Pakistan claims it as mujaheedins.
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As my Eight grade teacher explained it, if I remember correctly over 45 years ago:
She was an avid Maine History buff, and I may remember it a bit different than she spoke of, but All in all she said "It depicts who we are in Maine and that which provides for us in times of good or bad"
Although a 2001 survey claimes it to be the worst designed flag, It seems to me It holds more meaning than any in the nation
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As of the end of the 2009-10 season, the answer would be, 8.
In division 1 NCAA football there is no official national champion, however the University of Alabama has won 8 AP poll national championships. The years were 1961, 1964, 1965, 1973, 1978, 1979, 1992, and 2010 (the 2010 was for the 2009 season, but won in 2010).
The school, however, claims 1925, 1926, 1930, 1934, and 1941 as national championship years because they were named NC's by polls such as BR, BS, CFRA, HAF, HS, NCF, PS, and others that are often not recognized. Alabama is also tied with Noter Dame for most NCs with 8. Noter Dame and USC also claim 11 NCs for reasons like alabama. Oklahoma claims 7 even though they have been named NCs 17 times by other polls.
If we talk National Titles, it would depend on who you talk to. The School claims 13 national titles, however, the College Football Data Warehouse (CFDW) only record 12 titles. This is because in 1941, there were 3-teams up for the National Title (Alabama at 9-2, Minnesota at 8-0 and Texas at 8-1-1). Back in 1941 there were 14 selctors that picked the National Champion. The voting went as follows;
11 selectors for Minnesota,
2 selectors for Texas and
1 selector for Alabama
The AP selector picked Minnesota, however, since 1 selector chose Alabama the school claimes the national title. The CFDW has Minnesota listed as the official Champion of 1941.
6 answers
The attitudes towards 'foreigners' in two countries differ.
Nepal is much more developed than Bhutan. It is more known in the outside world. Though Monarchy, it has some democratic rules, such as a more viable parliament than Bhutan. Foreigners are under scrutiny (except from neighboring India). The foreigners must pass through the Nepali laws and bindings.
On the otherhandBhutan is smaller, its isolated. People her are more illeterate and lives somewhat 'feodal agrarian life'. Almost no civil ssocieties.
Bhutan if embraces anyone foreigner, they do with their heart. But may be they will ignore foreigners on the contrary. It all depends on the 'headman' of the village.
2 answers
In division 1 NCAA football there is no official national champion, however the University of Alabama has won 8 AP poll national championships. the years where 1961, 1964, 1965, 1973, 1978, 1979, 1992, 2010. the school also claims 1925, 1926, 1930, 1934, and 1941 as national championship years because they were named NC's by polls such as BR, BS, CFRA, HAF, HS, NCF, PS, and others that are often not recognized. Alabama is also tied with Noter Dame for most NCs with 8. Noter Dame and USC also claim 11 NCs for reasons like alabama. Oklahoma claims 7 even though they have been named NCs 17 times by other polls.
This is in addition to the above information:
If we talk National Titles, it would depend on who you talk to. You the School claims 13 national titles, however, the College Football Data Warehouse (CFDW) only record 12 titles. This is because in 1941, there were 3-teams up for the National Title (Alabama at 9-2, Minnesota at 8-0 and Texas at 8-1-1). Back in 1941 there were 14 selctors that picked the National Champion. The voting went as follows;
11 selectors for Minnesota,
2 selectors for Texas and
1 selector for Alabama
The AP selector picked Minnesota, however, since 1 selector chose Alabama the school claimes the national title. The CFDW has Minnesota listed as the official Champion of 1941.
just to add to this:
The NCAA lists Alabama as receiving a championship for the 1945, 1966, 1975, and 1977 college football seasons but Alabama does not claim them, even though they have better records than some of the teams that did claim them.
6 answers
David Cone (1999), David Wells (1998), Don Larsen-world series (1956), Dwight Gooden (1996), George Mogridge(1917), Sam Jones (1923), Monte Pearson (1938), Allie Reynolds-twice (1951), Dave Righetti (1983), Jim Abbott (1993),
9 answers
Tina Small, a British model of the 1980's claimed to measure 84EE OR GG-22-34. Tina Small had a ten year career as a model and actress during the 1980's and not the 1970's as some report. Her book are Big Girls Don't Cry-an autobiography and a photo book of her pictures taken by John Xavier.Every Inch a Lady-Fling Publishing and reprinted by AmazonPublishers.Her movies are Big Girls Don't Cry,The Girl From Planet X-Part One and Part Two,Extra-Part One.Although Editor Dian Hanson on "The BigBook of Breasts"dosen't seem to know this or refuses to care.
Terry Richardson and Benedikt Taschen, NYC, 2010.
Photo © Terry Richardson
When The Big Book of Breasts debuted in 2006 people immediately noticed that the cover image of this edition was roughly life-size. Once noticed, the urge to hold the book over the appropriate body part and snap a photo proved irresistible. These urges only increased when The Big Penis Book was released, followed by The Big Book of Legs, and The Big Butt Book, until it seemed each day's email brought new body part impersonation photos.
Since TASCHEN loves creativity and hates waste, we're now offering you the chance to turn your favorite body part photos into valuable prizes! Just take a photo with your copy (or copies) of any one of our body parts books and upload it here as JPG. Creativity counts! Use our art to make your art and win your weight in art books!** Contest closes November 30, 2010, so don't delay. There's gold in them thar parts, and we aim to mine it all.
7 answers