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Chugs are very active and have eyes the size of gumballs.

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Lam and rice

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Chugs, Chugs' therapist, Joanna, Mickey(Claire's boyfriend),Claire, Mrs. Crenshaw, Kyle, Jessica and Andy(the killer)

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"I watched him chug a whole bottle of water in one go."

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magnify glass

You take a chihuahua and a pug dog and mix breed them

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They are called Chugs, and they are very popular.

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Aoife McDonald goes by Aoifemc, and Chugs.

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It could be your timing is off or your timing chain needs replacement.

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Possibly in need a new spark plugs... I had a Honda that did this,and new plugs,it was running like new....

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Chugs two gallons of horse sh*t and chokes out what he can

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ignition related misfire

have you had a tune-up lately?

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Check the vaccume return hose that goes over the block on top. Mine was dried out and I was losing pressure at the connection. That was causing mine to do chug.

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maybe fuel filter or coil throttle/pedal pressure sensor according to my obd2 test kit for my '99. Try hooking up an obd1 and see what the diagnosis is.

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Sounds like the fuel filter is plugged. when did you change it last?

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sounds like it is not getting enough fuel, replce fuel filter and if nessary check fuel pump pressure.

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My kodiak 400 2003 idles well but when you throttle away it chugs like its no getting any fuel does any one have any clues

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Chug dogs, a mix between a Chihuahua and a Pug, are typically friendly and outgoing around people. They are known to be affectionate and social, making them good companions. However, like any dog, their behavior can vary based on individual temperament, socialization, and training.

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Are you possibly thinking of "Fluttershy's Big Burp?" She chugs an entire coco cola and then makes a huge burp shaking the world.

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Chugs can vary in behavior like any other dog breed. They are known to be affectionate, loyal, and eager to please, but like all dogs, training, socialization, and consistent guidance are important in shaping their behavior. Consistent exercise and mental stimulation can help keep them happy and well-behaved.

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Check your fuel filter and your fuel seperator if you have one.

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still havent figured out the chugging but the instrument panel issue can be fixed by reheating all of the solder points on the back of the cluster again.

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It sounds like your trainsmission is going bad. something inside the trains- mission. also could be trainsmission vacume line to modual. .

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Fortunately, the engine light is flashing. That means that the computer has a code for you to read. Borrow, rent or buy a code scanner for your vehicle, plug it in and find out what the computer is telling you, then the mystery will be gone.

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If you have a manual transmission, then it sounds like your clutch is slipping and needs to be replaced. If the RPM's of the engine are roaring and your car is barely moving, that would be my first assumption. Mechanic.

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If it sort of chugs and dies and wont start for a while. My 2000 was the Mass air sensor. its right next inline from the Air filter housing. Round metal cylinder with black retangle sensor on side. Plug her in to the computer at autozone see if they agree.

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lol well it depends on if it's your first time drinking?? vodka is very strong, and it was the first alcohol i ever drank. i didn't take shots, just had like two chugs out of the bottle, and i was wasted <32 lol well it depends on if it's your first time drinking?? vodka is very strong, and it was the first alcohol i ever drank. i didn't take shots, just had like two chugs out of the bottle, and i was wasted <32

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Your alternator could be going down the tubes. If I was told correctly, your rpms jump up because it is trying to recharge...

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If you have idling issues at slow speeds, most of this is caused by a dirty throttle body or faulty Idle air control valve.

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An Eatery Director ensures the café chugs along as expected. They recruit and train staff following organization strategies. What's more, Eatery Administrators talk with clients about any worries or issues, while likewise making work plans

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All electromagnetic radiation (light) travels at a constant speed through whatever medium it encounters. Light in a vacuum, for instance, is about 186,282 miles per second; whereas in a fiber optic cable it chugs along at only 115,000 miles per second.

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You probable don't check you re transmission fluid and its dirty or low, or maybe you played around with the auto-stick feature too much and ran too low or too high of rpms, but wither way, sounds like your transmission is going out.

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Could be a fuel issue. That motor has a "spider" type of injection in the intake, and is commonly known for failure. Or, the pump could be the culprit. Again, commonly known for problems. The EGR valve, has also been known to create symptoms such as thse, as well. All three are common to the 4.3.

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Ah, what a lovely thought! The time of a clock is like the whistle of a train when it's two to two. Just imagine the train whistling as it chugs along, much like the clock ticking towards two o'clock. It's a delightful comparison that brings a sense of rhythm and harmony to our day.

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Check fuel pressure regulator. Located behind the trottle on top of the plastic upper intake manifold. If fuel comes out when you take off vacuum line, replace fuel pressure regulator. Cheap fix. Good luck.

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I would say a teacup poodle...I like the pugs and chugs though,for that small size,overall I would say the happiest dog is one you treat with love and it will be happy and show you it's happy by returing that love tenfold.I love the cocker spaniels though,they are the best!

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inside the steering column accepts the key but I believe the ignition module is a small unit above the carburetor - square and about 1/4 inch thick. when the car chugs and stalls or just does not start replce this module. It may fail intermittently and is often overlooked. Occurs at about 40 to 45,000 miles in my experience.

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Surely there is some sort of warranty on repairs made a week ago ... take it back to that shop ... most likely some connector is loose or something didn't get connected right.

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I've got a '98 Civic EX doing the same thing. It's fine when the engine hasn't warmed up yet, but when it does, I change gears, and it chugs up to 3000 rpm and then finally kicks in. I'll let you what the diagnosis is when I find out from a mechanic next week.

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Cinch Crepe Catch Cabin Cafes Caged Cages Cakes Candy Canal Canes Carbs Carve Carts Curse Caved Cedar Celeb Cello Cents Chase Chalk Chair Chain Champ Chews Chevy Chill Chili Chimp China Chirp Chive Clock Chops Chomp Chows Chuck Chugs Cider

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check the fuel filter, spark plugs, air filter, ignition wires, get the fuel injectors cleaned. basically make sure all fuel and spark components are good.

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White or blue smoke, and oil in the coolant are two fairly reliable signs of a blown head gasket or crack in the block or head. If it was the brakes (warped rotors also cause vibration), you would feel it vibrating faster at high speeds with light braking, and slower at lower speeds.

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The noun 'Chuggs' seems to have several uses:

  • Chuggs Boot Care, Sheepskin & Suede Water & Stain Repellent
  • Chuggs, a character on the 'Family Guy' animated TV show
  • Chuggs, a slang term for the Jimmy Choo Uggs (boots)
  • Chuggs, a slang term for cheap Uggs (boots)

All of these uses are proper nouns, the name of a specific person or thing. Proper nouns are always capitalized.

See the link below.

2 answers

Make sure all of your vacuum lines are in the correct place and you might need to adjust the setting of your booster pump. Its the little arm on the front towards the drivers side that has three holes with a pin going through one. Also, your fuel pump might have gone bad. Hope this helps - Prime

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