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Cephal is Greek for head.

1 answer

The root word for "cephal" is "cephalo," which comes from the Greek word "kephalē" meaning "head."

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The prefix is normo- and the suffix is -ic.

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  • Prefix: normo- (meaning normal)
  • Root word: cephal- (meaning head or skull)
  • Suffix: -ic (pertaining to)

2 answers

The root word in the term cephalalgia is "cephal," which means head or skull.

2 answers

"Cephal-" (sometimes expressed as "cephalic") is a Latin root word meaning of or pertaining to the head.

5 answers

Encephalopathy: the prefix is en- meaning within. -cephal- is the root word meaning head and the suffix is -opathy meaning disease. Encephalopathy = disease in the head or brain.

2 answers

Cephalocaudal growth refers to the pattern of growth and development that occurs from the head downward to the feet. In other words, during early childhood, the head develops and grows first, followed by the rest of the body. This pattern is commonly observed in the physical development of infants and young children.

1 answer

Cephalexin is an antibiotic that is used to treat bacteria in the body. Physicians usually warn patients not to consume alcohol while taking antibiotics, however there is printed warning to avoid alcohol while taking cephalexin.

4 answers

Cefuroxime (2nd generation) best given with food for better absorption .others may be given with or without food.generally food increase absorption of the three generations of chephalosporins

1 answer

Cephalochordates are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature. They are not able to generate their own body heat like endothermic organisms such as mammals.

4 answers

a) sedentary life

b) predators, but not prey

c) concentration of sensory structures at the anterior end

d) a sessile existence

e) a backbone


1 answer

Will Cephalexin make you test positive for cocaine?

1 answer

Head-footed mollusks

1 answer

Cephalomedullary nailing for proximal femoral fractures is an acceptable treatment. However, it requires a high degree of skill. Only a trained orthopedic surgeon should attempt the surgery.

1 answer

"Cephalic in position" means that the baby's head is facing downward during a scan, which is the ideal position for a vaginal delivery. This position allows for a smoother delivery process as the baby can easily pass through the birth canal.

1 answer

Albert, Burglar, Cephal, Curly, Baby, Bean, Demos, Delta, Imael, Henry, Champ, Felt Head, Egg Roll, Dumpling, Dumplin', Zenokeneta, Cosmo, Wendel, Marshmallow, Prince, Princess, Wrinkle, Top, Toe Master, Mr. Bulgy Eyes I'm pretty sure there are better ones...

1 answer

its a laitn root meaning head. if youre looking for the greek root word for cephal it means head as well.

2 answers

For example the word hydrocephaly (hydro = water + cephal = head + y = process), means the process of water in the head.

The true combining form is enceph- which means "in the head" and many times refers to the brain.

Electroencephalogram (electro = electricity + encephalo = in head [brain] + gram = writing [tracing]) is a test that is run to look at the electrical activity of the brain.

4 answers

Chronic=ongoing or long-term condition, not a more incidental or temporary (acute) condition.

infarct= means blood supply is cut off and some tissue (including possibly bone) dies.

cephal/o = head oste/o- = bone

malac/ia= (condition involving) softening

therefore this term means that blood supply to the head (more specifically to a vessel supplying the arterioles/venules/cappilaries of the skull) has been blocked or cut off, causing some area of skull bone to die and become soft since blood cannot bring minerals , immune factors, and nutrition to that area of bone.

1 answer