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The ISBN of Celandine - novel - is 9780385750486.

1 answer

Celandine - novel - has 496 pages.

1 answer

Celandine - novel - was created on 2006-08-22.

1 answer

Celandine is a pale green, sometimes with a hint of yellow or gold. It is named after the color of the celandine plant, a member of the same family as buttercups.

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The Hindi name for celandine is सुवासा (Suwasa).

2 answers

gumamelas, Carnation, narcisus, celandine

1 answer

They are both books by steve augarde in his trilogy.

1 answer

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Chelidonium majus.

1 answer

Both buttercups and celandines belong to the Ranunculaceae family, which is also known as the buttercup family. This family includes many herbaceous flowering plants with distinct yellow or white flowers.

2 answers

think of the Crocus, Azalea and Allium, Dahlia.

4 answers

The herbicide 2,4-D is an effective weed killer for eradicating the small lesser celandine plant (Ranunculus ficaria). The buttercup family member in question responds best to treatment schedules in October and November, when daytime temperatures do not fall below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.55 degrees Celsius). But the applications will have to await two mowings of new turf and be suspended in proximity to such susceptible plants as beans, grapes, roses, and tomatoes.

1 answer

Yes, and it's so delicious. It goes very well in every green salad, veggie, cheese based, even with dry fruits. Check out this recipe with radishes: creativecookbooks.wordpress.com/2016/03/28/celandine-and-ramson-salad/

1 answer

During the Victorian time period using the language of flowers you could relay any message. For congratulations I would use Allium for prosperity, Angelica for inspiration, Bells of Ireland for good luck, Bird of Paradise for magnificence, Bouvardia for enthusiasm, Celandine for joy. Any mix of those flowers could be used to convey congratulations. www.aboutflowers.com

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern CEL--D---. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter C and 2nd letter E and 3rd letter L and 6th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern C---NDI--. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter C and 5th letter N and 6th letter D and 7th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern CE---D-N-. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter C and 2nd letter E and 6th letter D and 8th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -EL-N---E. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter E and 3rd letter L and 5th letter N and 9th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:




1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 14 words with the pattern C----D--E. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter C and 6th letter D and 9th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:















1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 19 words with the pattern --L-N-IN-. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter L and 5th letter N and 7th letter I and 8th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:




















1 answer

The cast of The Disappearance - 1977 includes: Maureen Beck as Maid Peter Bowles as Jefferies Mark Cogan as Child Michael Eric Kramer as Peter Norman Eshley as Young Husband Christina Greatrex as Secretary David Hemmings as Edward Patricia Hodge as Young Wife Dan Howard as James John Hurt as Atkinson Robert Korne as Dominic Virginia McKenna as Catherine Christopher Plummer as Deverell Francine Racette as Celandine Robin Sachs as Young Man Donald Sutherland as Jay Mallory David Warner as Burbank

1 answer

Francine Racette has: Performed in "Le grand rock" in 1969. Performed in "Reportage sur un squelette ou Masques et bergamasques" in 1970. Played Dalia in "4 mosche di velluto grigio" in 1971. Played Emilie Grant in "Alien Thunder" in 1974. Played Suzy Bloom in "Un type comme moi ne devrait jamais mourir" in 1976. Played Celandine in "The Disappearance" in 1977. Played herself in "Give Me Your Answer True" in 1987. Played Mme Quentin in "Au revoir les enfants" in 1987.

1 answer

The cast of The Woman in White - 1997 includes: Adie Allen as Margaret Porcher Ann Bell as Mrs. Rideout Simon Callow as Count Fosco Anne Etchells as Liza Tara Fitzgerald as Marian Fairlie Andrew Lincoln as Walter Hartright Kika Markham as Madame Fosco Corin Redgrave as Dr. Kidson Ian Richardson as Mr. Fairlie John Standing as Mr. Gilmore Susan Vidler as Anne Catherick Justine Waddell as Laura Fairlie Celandine Wade as Young Marian James Wilby as Sir Percival Glyde Nicholas Woodeson as Asylum Proprietor

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 27 words with the pattern C----D-N-. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter C and 6th letter D and 8th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:




























1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 38 words with the pattern C-L----N-. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter C and 3rd letter L and 8th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:







































1 answer

* Acorns * Alder Buckthorn * Black Bryony * Black Nightshade * Box * Bracken * Broom * Buckthorn * Buttercup * Celandine - Greater * Charlock * Cherry Laurel * Chickweed * Clover * Columbine * Corncrockle * Cowbane * Cuckoo Pint * Darnel * Deadly Nightshade * Foxglove * Ground Ivy * Groundsel * Hellebore * Hemlock * Hemlock Water-Dropwort * Hemp Nettle * Henbane * Herb Paris * Horse Radish * Horsetail * Iris * Laburnum * Larkspur * Lily of the Valley * Linseed * Lupin * Marsh Marigold * Meadow Saffron * Melilot * Mercury * Monk's Hood * Oak * Pimpernel * Poppy * Potato * Privet * Ragwort * Rhubarb * Rododendron * Rush * St Johns Wort * Sorrel * Spurge * Thorn Apple * White Bryony * Woody Nightshade * Yew * all of these are poisonus but some are worse than others!
Many plants are poisonous to horses. I would suggest asking a local agricultural agency for a list of toxic plants.

1 answer


Could this be it? I found this at http://www.nearctica.com/flowers/ranunc/Rficar.htm. only thing is, i count 9 petals on mine...

~from Brenna

Color Photograph: Copyright Nearctica.com, Inc.

Line Drawing: Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and Canada, Second Edition.

Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria L.)

Alien: Native of Europe.

Identification: Flowers large with 8 waxy, yellow petals. Leaves and flowers arising on separate stems. Leaves heart-shaped, glossy, not subdivided. Plant low, from 2 to 6 inches in height.

Distribution: Southeastern Canada southward to Missouri and Virginia. Also occurs in the Pacific Northwest.

Habitat: Lesser Celadine is found in wet woods and pastures.

Flowering period: April to June.

Similar Species: The short stature of Lesser Celadine in addition to the large buttercup-like flowers and the heart-shaped leaves will identify this species.

1 answer

Sheep can eat a variety of vegetation, including grass, hay, clover, and alfalfa. It's important to provide them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs, including fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Avoid feeding them foods that are toxic to sheep, such as plants from the nightshade family or high levels of certain grains.

5 answers

i love that book i dont know all of them but i know a few: Fiver, Bigwig, Hazel, silver, blackberry, and there are more on this website http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/watership/characters.html

Pipkin, Hazel, Bigwig, Fiver, Blackberry, Dandelion, Hawkbit, Buckthorn, Silver, Strawberry, Speedwell, Acorn, Holly, Bluebell, Toadflax, Threarah, Scabious, Pimpernel, Willow, Nightshade, Pine Needles, Celandine, Butterbur, Ash, Clover, Boxwood, Haystack, Laurel, Cowslip, Nildro-hain, Silverweed, Kingcup, Laburnum, General Woundwords, Hyzenthlay, Campion, Thistle, Groundsel, Thethuthinnang, Blackavar, Vervain, Vilthuril, Chervil, Bartsia, Nelthita, Snowdrop, Charlock, Mallow, Bugloss, Sainfoin, Orchis, Coltsfoot, Thunder, Ragwort, Nyreenn, Lord Frith, El-ahrairah, Prince Rainbow,Rabscuttle, King Darzen, Yona, Hufsa, Hawock, King Fur-Rocious, Hallion, Henthred, Greenweed

3 answers

a plant

Mertensia virginica is also known by the common names of Virginia bluebells, Virginia cowslip, Lungwort Oysterleaf, and Roanoke Bells. It belongs to the Boraginaceae or Borage family. It is native to Eastern North America often found along streams in rich wooded valleys.

The plant is an erect, plant, approx. 1-2' tall. It produces terminal clusters of blue pendulus, trumpet shaped flowers which are quite striking in the shade garden. It looks great when grown with other shade loving perennials, such as: Columbine, Green Dragon, American Spikenard, Jack-in-the-pulpit, Goat's Beard, ild Ginger, Wild Geranium, Woodland Phlox, Jacob's Ladder, Bloodroot, Celandine Poppy, Woodland Spiderwort, Purple Trillium, White Trillium, Blue Cohosh, Black Cohosh, Shooting Star, Ginseng, Christmas Fern, Dutchman's Breeches

3 answers

No, benzoyl peroxide is not typically effective in treating poison ivy rashes. It is more commonly used to treat acne due to its ability to kill bacteria on the skin. For poison ivy, calamine lotion, hydrocortisone cream, or oral antihistamines may be more effective for relieving itching and inflammation.

2 answers

If you suffering from heartburn, then I think taking natural remedy is best way for cure heartburn. Also if you like then you can try natural medicine like" spoonful of sodium bicarbonate, or teaspoon-full to be exact in water, 1/2 cup aloe vera juice, or even use readily available remedies form your pharmacist

6 answers

Shelley King has: Played Jay Harper in "Angels" in 1975. Played Jay Choudry in "Angels" in 1975. Played Nalira Kapur in "The Bill" in 1984. Played Akhtar Dewan in "The Bill" in 1984. Played Mrs. Winton in "The Bill" in 1984. Played Hospital Receptionist in "The Jewel in the Crown" in 1984. Played Bubbly in "Tandoori Nights" in 1985. Played Mrs. Kayani in "EastEnders" in 1985. Played Nasreen in "King of the Ghetto" in 1986. Played Rama Patel in "Casualty" in 1986. Played Dr. Kumar in "Wipe Out" in 1988. Played Professor Jyoti Ibrahim in "Silent Witness" in 1996. Played Kumari in "A Secret Slave" in 1996. Played Suchvinder Juttla in "Silent Witness" in 1996. Played Hospital Doctor in "The Demon Headmaster" in 1996. Played Dr. Bell in "Where the Heart Is" in 1997. Played Fadwar Kermani in "Holby City" in 1999. Played Nina Pagetter in "See How They Run" in 1999. Played Larissa in "Twisted Tales" in 2005. Played Nazreen in "Banglatown Banquet" in 2006. Played herself in "Greg" in 2008. Played Auntie Laxmi in "All in Good Time" in 2012. Played Celandine in "Atlantis" in 2013. Played Mum Veer in "Nothing Like This" in 2014.

1 answer

· Adder's Tongue (ophioglossum vulgate)

· Blackthorn (prunus spinosa)

· Bluebells (hyacinthoides non-scriptus)

· Bugle (ajuga reptans)

· Common Mallow (malva sylvestris)

· Common Sundew (drosera rotundifolia)

· Cow Parsley (anthriscus sylvestris)

· Clustered Bellflower (campanula glomerata)

· Devil's Bit Scabious (succisa pratrensis)

· Dog Rose (rosa canina)

· Giant Horsetail (esuisetum telmateia)

· Golden Samphire (inula crithmoides)

· Gorse (ulex europaeus)

· Greater Knapweed (centaurea scabiosa)

· Greater Sitchwort (stellaria holostea)

· Green Alkanet (pentaglottis sempervirens)

· Green Winged Orchids (orchis morio)

· Hart's Tongue (asplenium scolopendrium)

· Ivy (hendera helix)

· Ivy-leaved Toadflax (cymbalaria muralis)

· Kidney Vetch (anthyllis vulneraria)

· Lesser Celandine (ranunculus ficaria)

· Lichen (cladonia)

· Meadowsweet (filipendula ulmaria)

· Oxeye Daisy (leucanthemum vulgari)

· Pendulous Sedge (carex pendula)

· Purple Loosestrife (lythrum salicaria)

· Ragwort (senecia jacobaea)

· Red Valerian (centranthus ruber)

· Sea Aster (aster tripolium)

· Sea Kale (crambe maritime)

· Sea Thrift (armeria maritime)

· Snowdrop (galanthus nivalis)

· Soft Shield-fern (polystichum setiferum)

· Wood Anemone (anemone nemorosa)

· Wood Speedwell (veronica Montana)

· Yellow Iris (iris pseudacorus)

1 answer

Bias can mean prejudice or to cut cloth in a diagonal line.

"When choosing someone for a jury, you want to be sure to pick someone who doesn't have a bias against either party."

"Celandine is going to major in history, with a bias on the Middle Ages."

Your question forces me to bias my answer in your favor.

Please attenuate the bias in that circuit.

As a noun: To avoid a bias in the results, the survey should include a cross section of age groups.

As an adjective: A bias cut fabric will give the garment more flexibility.

As an adverb: If you bias cut the wood, it will add more dimension to the piece.

As a verb: Allowing the mayor's brother to bid on the contract might bias the selection of a contractor.

7 answers

1.poppy seeds

2. cob webs

3.alder bark

4.Beech Leaves

5.blackberry leaves

6.borage leaves

7.burdock root








15.cob nuts



18.comfrey root

19.daisy leaf





24.heather flower

25. honey



28.juniper berries

29.lamb's ear



32.mouse bile

33. dried oak leaf


31.mallow leaves

4 answers

Noblewomen have many roles in the middle ages. here are some of the things that a noblewoman does... sorry that there's a lot of info, but it does help and it's interesting. The education of Noble women in the Middle Ages concentrated on the practical as opposed to academic. Young noble women as young as seven girls would be sent away from their home to live with another noble family. There she would be taught a range of subjects and skills. Manners and etiquette were of prime importance, including how to curtsey and how to mix with the greatest nobles in the land. Time would be spent learning how to dance and ride. Archery were also taught to young noble women. These young girls were expected to act as servants to the older ladies of the castle. The duties of the young noble women would be to look after clothes and the assist ladies with their dressing and coiffure. Some housewifely duties such as preserving fruits and household management would be taught, to prepare them for their duties as a married woman. High ranking young women would take on the role of ladies-in-waiting and were taught French. Young noble women would also be taught the principles of the Medieval Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love and would join the spectators at jousting tournaments. The appearance of a noble woman during the Middle Ages was important. A woman aged quickly during this era due to constant child bearing. Numerous pregnancies took their toll on a woman's body. The diet of noble women during the Middle Ages lacked Vitamin C which resulted in bad teeth and bleeding gums. To retain the appearance of youth a Noble woman of the middle Ages might even dye her hair yellow with a mixture of saffron, cumin seed, celandine and oil. Face make-up was applied to acquire a pale look. A pale complexion was so desirable that women were bled to achieve the desired look. Face paint made from plant roots and leaves was also applied.

1 answer

Some common plants that are poisonous to horses include yew, oak, red maple, black walnut, and certain types of nightshade. It's important to ensure that horses don't have access to these plants as ingestion can lead to various health issues, such as colic or even death.

9 answers

Words that start with C are:
















That's all i can Really think of. I will hopefully add more soon!

Good Luck, Hope this helped answer your Question!


8 answers

The German battleship Bismarck was sunk at about 10:30 am on the 27th of May in 1941 by combined efforts from Royal Navy air and water craft.

Other vessels sunk by the Royal Navy in 1941 were:

The German submarine U-147 was sunk at about 10:30 am on the 27th of May in 1941 by destroyer HMS Wanderer and corvette Periwinkle

The German submarine U-556 was sunk on the 27 June in 1941 by corvettes Nasturtium, Celandine, and Gladiolus.

The German submarine U-138 was sunk on the 18th of June in 1941 by destroyers HMS Faulknor, HMS Fearless, HMS Forester, HMS Foresight and HMS Foxhound

4 answers

What 9 letter words starting with c and ending with d? chagrined

adjective feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious; "felt abashed at the extravagant praise"; "chagrined at the poor sales of his book"; "was embarrassed by her child's tantrums" [syn: abashed]

8 answers

Some good home remedies for hemorrhoids are:

Crushed chickweed,or a compress of marigold or chamomile tea,will reduce heat and itching.

Clear congestion in the area with a good diet and teas of bitter herbs such as dock or dandelion root.

An ointment made with lesser celandine or pile wort which is best when made in the spring is very good and can be kept in the fridge until needed.

Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply to the hemorrhoids over night.

A:or u could just go get something from the pharmacy. i would recommend anusol suppositories. they work great. just because it's not a raw herb doesn't mean it's harmful. please don't delete this again. thank you. was it u Sarah?

also, hot baths provide instant though short lived relief.

Response to 2nd answer: I'm sure there's products at the pharmacy, but that is not the question.

9 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 15 words with the pattern N-E--. That is, five letter words with 1st letter N and 3rd letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
















8 answers

There are many herbs in the world of Warriors. Some are not even mentioned in the series. Here are most of them:

Cobweb: to stop the bleeding

Poppy Seeds: eat if shocked or having trouble sleeping

Honey: sore throats

Dock: Soreness

Marigold: good for cuts and scratches and infections

Burdock Root: infections and rat bites

Yarrow: make cats sick

Juniper berries: bellyaches and energy

Borage: helps milk come for queens, heals infections, puts down fever

Horsetail: good for infections

Celandine: juice is good for damaged eyes

Parsley: helps stop the milk for queens whose kits died

Catmint: sweet smelling herb good for curing whitecough and greencough

Chervil: juice good for infections, roots good for bellyaches

Comfrey: helps mend broken bones, soothes wounds

Feverfew: puts down fever

Goldenrod: heals wounds

Stinging Nettle: helps if cat swallowed poison, brings down swelling

Rushes: to bind broken bones

There are SEVERAL herbs used in Warriors. Here is a list of them and their cures:


Reduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. May also be chewed by a cat with a toothache to reduce pain, swelling, and aid in preventing complications.


Used to prevent tooth decay.


Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns.


New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed and applied to the bit of an Adder or Viper to stave off the effects of its poisoned bite.

Keys (seeds) of the Ash tree may also be consumed to fight the pain caused by a stitch in the side.


Leaves and Roots should be consumed to stave off fevers. Seeds and leaves should be consumed by the nursing Queen to increase available milk.

Borage should never be used dried, only green.


Chew this to a fine syrup. It helps to sleep.


Leaves may be chewed and applied to wounds that are clear of infection to speed healing.

Roots may be chewed and applied to a wound to draw infection from it.


Burrs can be used to help hold treatment onto a cat.


Leaves and Flowers can be used to relive congestion and coughs. Used to counter greencough and whitecough.


Used to strenghten weak eyes.


Leaves and Flowers may be consumed to sooth a cat and add to their physical strength.


The juice of the leaves are used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots helps with bellyache.


If there is now catmint around, it is a good substitute to counter greencough.


Gathered and pressed into wounds to stop bleeding. Generally only used with wounds that risk bleeding heavily as they can cause increased risk of infection.


The leaves are eaten to reduce shortness of breath.


Used when healing broken bones.


If chewed into a paste, can be a useful remedy for aching joints.


Berries, or any other part of the plant, when consumed will kill the cat who swallows if they are not given immediate help, and even then they may not always be saved. Roots & leaves may be chewed together and applied to sore places, but must NEVER be applied to open wounds.

This is a poison in addition to a healing plant.


The leaf is chewed and applied to scratches to soothe them.


Used to stop infections.


Used to ease infection.


Used to clean out wounds.


Leaves can be used to reduce fever, in addition to being consumed to aid against colds and stomach ailments.


The poultice of this is for healing wounds.


Used to sooth the throat. Particularly good for smoke inhalation.


The leaves are chewed up and applied to infected wounds.


Berries ease the stomach and can serve as a counter poison. Leaves are used to ease coughs and other respiratory problems.


Leaves & flowers are particularly good when eaten for easing pains in head and throat, and curing fever. Inhaling the sent of fresh flowers can also calm the nerves.


Leaves and Flowers should be consumed to relieve chills.

Leaves and Petals can be chewed and placed on wounds to prevent infection.


Bile from the liver of the common mouse may be harvested and used to kill stubborn fleas and ticks.


Used to stop the flow of a queen's milk.


Seeds can be consumed to remove pain and aid is sleep.

Flower heads should be consumed together to relive continuous coughs.

Petals and Leaves should be chewed to aid in sleep and improve resting.


The leaves are applied to reduce swelling, while the seeds are ingested by those who have swallowed poison.


Used to counter poison.


Leaves, flowers, and Stems should be eaten together to remove worms.

Leaves may be chewed to relive joint aches.

Flowers should be consumed to remove coughs.

Pregnant Queens should NEVER be given Tansy, for it causes miscarriages.


Should be consumed to calm the anxious cat, or to aid in brining restful sleep.


Used to help cure bellyaches.


Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be dripped into the eyes to help clear blurriness of vision. It may also be applied to dry patches of skin to sooth itches.

Small amounts of Willow Bark may be consumed to ease pain, act against inflammation, and to ease diarrhea or fevers.


Rolling in a patch helps prevent infection, particularly for rat bites.


Entire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting.

Entire plant should be chewed and applied to wounds to relive pain and prevent infection.


To make a cat vomit up poisons.


The white liquid inside the stem is used for bee stings. Its roots can also be chewed to act like poppy seeds.


It can be included in herbal mixtures, to make it easier to swallow.


The leaves are best collected at sunhigh, when they are dry. It soothes a cat's belly.


Like lamb's ear, this herb, commonly found in the mountains, gives a cat strength.


A herb used in kittings it could be a painkiller, or to help stop bleeding during the kitting.


Traveling Herbs consists of sorrel, daisy, chamomile and burnet. Chamomile strengthens hearts, and calms cats. The other herbs' uses are unknown.


Feel free to add on to the list in case I forgot any

Yew, also known as deathberries, is a poisonous berry. Night Shade is another poisonous berry.

Just saying but Ragwort is used. Sorry, but i don't know what for

10 answers

  • Alpine Violet - Cyclamen hederifolium
  • Alumroot - Heuchera
  • American Dream - Coreopsis rosea
  • American Feverfew - Parthenium integrifolium
  • American Pokeweed - Phytolocca a. 'Melody'
  • American Spikenard - Aralia racemosa
  • Anchusa myosotidiflora - Brunnera macrophylla
  • Anise Mint - Agastache
  • Apache Plume - Fallugia paradoxa
  • Apple Blossom Grass - Gaura
  • Artic Willow - Salix arctica
  • Arrow Broom - Genista sagittalis
  • Avens - Geum
  • Aztec Indian Berry - Duchesnea
  • Baby White Swan - Echinacea 'Cygnet White'
  • Baby's Breath - Gypsophila
  • Bachelor Button - Centaurea
  • Ball Cactus - Coryphantha vivipara
  • Balloon Flower - Platycodon
  • Baneberry - Actaea
  • Barren Strawberry - Waldsteinia
  • Basket of Gold - Aurinia
  • Beardtongue - Penstemon
  • Bear's Breech - Acanthus
  • Beautyberry - Callicarpa
  • Bee Balm - Monarda
  • Bellflower - Campanula
  • Bellwort - Uvularia
  • Betony - Stachys
  • Big Ears - Stachys b. 'Helene von Stein'
  • Birch Double - Geranium h. 'Plenum'
  • Bird-foot Violet - Viola pedata
  • Bird's Foot Trefoil - Lotus corniculatus
  • Birthwort - Aristolochia
  • Bishop's Weed - Aegopodium
  • Bitter Root - Lewisia
  • Blackberry Lily - Belamcanda
  • Black Cohosh - Actaea
  • Black-Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia
  • Black Mondo Grass - Ophiopogon p. 'Niger'
  • Bladder Pod - Alyssoides
  • Blanket Flower - Gaillardia
  • Blazing Star - Liatris
  • Bleeding Heart - Dicentra
  • Bloodroot - Sanguinaria
  • Bloody Crane's Bill - Geranium sanguineum
  • Blue Cohosh - Caulophyllum
  • Blue Indigo - Baptisia australis
  • Blue Mist Spirea - Caryopteris
  • Blue Pickerel Plant - Pontederia cordata
  • Bluebell - Mertensia
  • Bluestar - Amsonia
  • Boston Ivy - Parthenocissus tricuspidata
  • Bouncing Bet - Saponaria officinalis
  • Bowman's Root - Gillenia
  • Boxwood - Buxus Bright Star - Echinacea 'Leuchstern'
  • Broom - Genista
  • Bugleweed - Ajuga
  • Bugloss - Anchusa
  • Burnet, Giant - Sanguisorba tenuifolia
  • Bush Clover - Lespedeza
  • Bush Morning-glory - Ipomoea leptophylla
  • Bush Palmeto - Sabal minor
  • Bush Pea - Thermopsis
  • Butter Bur - Petasites japonicus
  • Buttercup - Ranunculus
  • Butterfly Bush - Buddleja, Clerodendron ugadensis
  • Butterfly Milkweed - Asclepias
  • Button Bush, Button Willow - Cephalanthus occidentalis
  • Button Snakeroot - Liatris p. 'Eureka'
  • California Fuchsia - Zauschneria garrettii
  • Campion - Lychnis, Silene
  • Canadian Milkvetch - Astragalus Canadensis
  • Candylily - Pardancanda
  • Candytuft - Iberis
  • Canterbury Bells - Campanula
  • Cardinal Flower - Lobelia
  • Cardoon - Cynara
  • Carnation - Dianthus
  • Carolina Moonseed - Cocculus carolinus
  • Carpenter Plant - Silphium perfoliatum
  • Catchfly - Lychnis, Silene
  • Catmint - Nepeta
  • Celandine - Chelidonium, Stylophorum
  • Chamomile - Matricaria recutita
  • Chamomile, False - Chamaemelum
  • Checkerbloom - Sidalcea
  • Cheddar Pink - Dianthus gratianopolitanus
  • Chinese Foxglove - Rehmannia
  • Chinese Lantern - Physalis
  • Chinese Yam - Dioscorea batatas
  • Chocolate Flower - Berlandiera
  • Chocolate Vine - Akebia
  • Cinnamon Vine - Dioscorea batatas
  • Cinquefoil - Potentilla
  • Clove pink - Dianthus gratianopolitanus
  • Clover - Trifolium
  • Cohosh - Cimicifuga, Actaea
  • Colorado Rubber Plant - Hymenoxys r. var. richardsonii
  • Columbine - Aquilegia
  • Compass Plant - Silphium lacinatum
  • Comfrey - Symphytum
  • Coneflower - Echinacea, Rudbeckia
  • Coral Beads - Cocculus carolinus
  • Coral Bells - Heuchera
  • Cowslip - Caltha
  • Crane's Bill - Geranium
  • Creeping Phlox - Phlox subulata
  • Crimson Glory Vine - Vitis coignetiae
  • Cross Vine - Bignonia capreolata
  • Crowsfoot - Ranunculus
  • Crown of Snow - Campanula g. 'Schneekrone'
  • Crownvetch - Coronilla
  • Culver's Physic - Veronicastrum
  • Cup and Saucer - Campanula med. 'Calycanthema'
  • Cup Plant - Silphium perfoliatum
  • Cupid's Dart - Catananche
  • Curly Onion - Allium s. s. glaucum
  • Daisy, Mt. Atlas - Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus
  • Daisy, Ox-Eye - Leucanthemum vulgare
  • Daisy, Shasta - Leucanthemum
  • Dame's Rocket - Hesperis
  • Daylily - Hemerocallis
  • Dead Nettle - Lamium
  • Dense Gentian - Liatris microcephala
  • Devil's Paintbrush - Hieracum aurantiacum
  • Dittany of Crete - Origanum calcarticum
  • Dog-toothed Violet - Erythronium
  • Doll's Eyes - Actaea
  • Dong dang gui - Angelica acutiloba
  • Double Bird's Foot Trefoil - Lotus coniculatus
  • Double Bubble Mint - Agastache cana
  • Double Gloriosa - Rudbeckia h. 'Tetraploid'
  • Double Robin White Breast - Silene 'Swan Lake'
  • Dragonhead - Dracocephalum
  • Drumstick Primrose - Primula denticulate
  • Dunce Caps - Orostachys
  • Dusty Miller (Hardy) - Artemisia stelleriana
  • Dutchman's Pipe - Aristolochia
  • Dwarf Blue Rabbitbrush - Ericameria nauseosus
  • Dwarf Golden - Linum
  • Dwarf Palmetto - Sabal minor
  • Dwarf Red - Helenium x 'Rubinzwerg'
  • Edelweiss - Leontopdium
  • Elder - Sambucus
  • Englemann Daisy - Englemannia pinnatifida
  • English Daisy - Bellis
  • European Elder - Sambucus
  • Evening Primrose - Oenothera
  • Evergreen Bittersweet - Euonymus f. 'Vegeta'
  • Everlasting - Anaphalis
  • Faassen's Catnip - Nepeta faassenii (x)
  • Fairy Candles - Actaea
  • Fairy Lily - Zephyranthes drummondii
  • False Dragonhead - Physostegia
  • False Indigo - Baptisia, Amorpha fruticosa, A. nana
  • False Lupine - Thermopsis
  • False Mallow - Sidalcea, Sphaeraicea
  • False Miterwort - Tiarella
  • False Salvia - Lamium m. 'Chequers'
  • False Solomon's Seal - Smilacena racemosa
  • False Strawberry - Duchesnea
  • Fern-leaf - Coreopsis verticillata
  • Feverfew - Tanacetum p. 'Tetra White Wonder'
  • Fireball - Geum chiloense 'Mrs. Bradshaw'
  • Firecracker - Penstemon
  • Fire Pink - Silene virginica
  • Five Finger - Potentilla
  • Five-leaf Aralia - Eleutherococcus
  • Flag - Iris
  • Flax - Linum
  • Fleabane - Erigeron
  • Fleece Flower - Fallopia
  • Fleur-De-Lis - Iris
  • Foamflower - Tiarella
  • Forget-Me-Not - Myosotis
  • Four-winged Saltbush - Atriplex canescens
  • Foxglove - Digitalis
  • Fraxinella - Dictamnus albus
  • Fremont's Crowfoot - Clematis fremontii
  • French Honeysuckle - Hedysarum
  • Fringed Finger Poppy Mallow - Callirhoe digitata
  • Fringed Sage - Artemisia frigida
  • Funkia - Hosta
  • Garden Heliotrope - Valeriana officinalis
  • Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata
  • Garden Sorrel - Rumex
  • Gas Plant - Dictamnus
  • Gayfeather - Liatris
  • Gentian - Gentiana
  • German Garlic - Allium senescens subsp. M.
  • German Statice - Goniolimon tataricum
  • Germander - Teucrium
  • Giant Flowered Salvia - Salvia pachyphylla
  • Gilia - Ipomopsis
  • Ginger - Asarum
  • Globeflower - Trollius
  • Globemallow - Sphaeralcea
  • Globe Thistle - Echinops
  • Gloriosa Daisy - Rudbeckia
  • Goatsbeard - Aruncus
  • Gold Crown - Hosta f. 'Aureomarginata'
  • Gold Dust - Aurinia
  • Gold Net - Lonicera
  • Goldball - Geum chiloense 'Lady Stratheden'
  • Golden Alexander - Zizia aurea
  • Golden Bells - Clematis tangutica
  • Golden Poppy - Stylophorum
  • Goldenrod - Solidago
  • Golden Star - Chrysogonum
  • Golden Strawbwrry - Waldsteinia geoides
  • Gooseberry Leafed Globemallow - Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia
  • Gooseneck Loosestrife - Lysimachia clethroides
  • Goutweed - Aegopodium
  • Grape - Vitis
  • Great Merrybells - Uvularia grandiflora
  • Greater Celandine - Chelidonium majus
  • Green-and-Gold - Chrysogonum
  • Greenthreads - Thelosperma trifidum
  • Greek Valerian - Polemonium
  • Ground Elder - Aegopodium
  • Ground Plum - Astragulus
  • Groundsel, Prairie - Senecio plattenensis
  • Gumbo Lily - Oenothera caespitosa
  • Hall's Honeysuckle - Lonicera halliana
  • Harebell - Campanula
  • Hawkweed - Hieracum
  • Heartleaf Alexanders - Zizia aptera
  • Helen's Flower - Helenium
  • Heliotrope - Valeriana
  • Helmet Flower - Scutellaria
  • Hen and Chicks - Sempervivum
  • Heron's-bill - Erodium
  • Hibiscus, Russian - Kitaibela
  • Hoary Scullcap - Scutellaria incana
  • Hollyhock - Alcea
  • Honey Bells - Cephalanthus occidentalis
  • Honeysuckle - Lonicera
  • Hopflower Oregano - Origanmum libanoticum
  • Hops - Humulus
  • Horehound - Marrubium
  • Horsemint - Monarda
  • Hummingbird - Agastache cana
  • Hyssop - Agastache
  • Hyssop Scullcap - Scutellaria incana
  • Ice Plant, Hardy - Delosperma, Ruschia
  • Indian Physic - Gillenia
  • Indian Strawberry - Duchesnea
  • Indian Turnip - Arisaema triphyllum
  • Indigo - Indigofera pseudotinctoria
  • Irish Moss - Minuartia verna
  • Ironweed - Vernonia fasciculate
  • Italian Bugloss - Anchusa
  • Ivy - Hedera
  • Jack-In-The-Pulpit - Arisaema triphyllum
  • Jacob's Ladder - Polemonium
  • Japanese Parsley - Cryptotaenia j. 'Atropurpurea'
  • Joe-Pye Weed - Eupatorium purpureum
  • Joint Fir - Ephedra
  • Kalimeris mongolica - Asteromoea mongolica
  • Kalm St.-John's-Wort - Hypericum Kalmianum
  • Knapweed - Centaurea dealbata
  • Korean Boxwood - Buxus sinica var. insularis
  • Lacy Veil - Asparagus officinalis var. pseudoscaber
  • Ladies' Tresses - Spiranthes
  • Lady's Leek - Allium cernuum
  • Lady's Mantle - Alchemilla
  • Ladybells - Adenophora
  • Lamb's Ear - Stachys
  • Lantern Plant - Physalis
  • Lavender Cotton - Santolina
  • Lavender Monkey Flower - Mimulus rigens
  • Lead Plant - Amorpha
  • Leadwort - Ceratostigma
  • Lemon Lace Vine - Fallopia
  • Lemon Lily - Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus
  • Lenten Rose - Helleborus orientalis
  • Leopard Plant - Farfugium, Ligularia
  • Leopard's Bane - Doronicum
  • Lily - Lilium
  • Lily-Of-The-Valley - Convallaria
  • Lilyturf - Liriope, Ophiopogon
  • Little Pickles - Othonna capensis
  • Littleleaf Mock Orange - Philadelphus microphyllus
  • Liverleaf - Hepatica
  • Lizard Tail - Saururus cernuus
  • Locoweed, Lambert's - Oxytropis lambertii
  • Loosestrife - Lysimachia
  • Low's Japanese Creeper - Parthenocissus t. 'Lowii'
  • Lungwort - Pulmonaria, Mertensia
  • Lupine - Lupinus
  • Magnolia Vine - Schisandra
  • Mahogany Plant - Sedum telephium 'Atropurpureum'
  • Maidenhair Tree - Ginkgo biloba
  • Mallow - Hibiscus,
  • Malva, Sphaeralcea
  • Maltese Cross - Lychnis
  • Man of the Earth - Ipomoea leptophylla
  • Marsh Marigold - Caltha
  • Martha Washington's Plume - Filipendula r. 'Venusta'

1 answer

Some common plants and their scientific names include:

  1. Rose (Rosa spp.)
  2. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
  3. Tulip (Tulipa spp.)
  4. Daffodil (Narcissus spp.)
  5. Maple tree (Acer spp.)
  6. Oak tree (Quercus spp.)
  7. Lily (Lilium spp.)
  8. Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)
  9. Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
  10. Jasmine (Jasminum spp.)

7 answers

Lots of words...

3-letter words

aal, ace, add, aid, ail, ain, ala, ale, all, alp, ana, and, ane, ani, any, ape, aye, cad, can, cap, cay, cee, cep, dad, dal, dap, day, dee, dei, del, den, dey, did, die, din, dip, dye, eel, eld, ell, end, eye, ice, icy, ill, inn, lac, lad, lap, lay, lea, led, lee, lei, ley, lid, lie, lin, lip, lye, nae, nap, nay, nee, nil, nip, pac, pad, pal, pan, pap, pay, pea, ped, pee, pen, pep, pia, pic, pie, pin, pip, ply, pya, pye, yap, yay, yea, yen, yep, yin, yip

4-letter words

aced, acid, acne, acyl, aide, alae, alan, alec, alee, ally, anal, anil, anna, aped, ayin, caca, cade, cadi, caid, cain, call, cane, cape, ceca, cede, cedi, ceil, cell, cepe, cine, clad, clan, clap, clay, clip, cyan, dace, dada, dale, dead, deal, dean, deed, deep, deil, dele, deli, dell, dene, deny, dial, dice, didy, died, diel, dill, dine, dyad, dyed, dyne, eddy, eely, eide, elan, epee, epic, eyed, eyen, eyne, iced, idea, idle, idly, idyl, ilea, ilia, illy, inia, inly, lace, lacy, lade, lady, laic, laid, lain, lall, land, lane, lead, leal, lean, leap, lend, lice, lied, lien, lily, line, linn, liny, nail, nana, nape, neap, need, neep, nene, nice, nide, nidi, nill, nine, nipa, paca, pace, padi, paid, pail, pain, pale, pall, palp, paly, pane, papa, peal, pean, peel, peen, peep, pein, pele, pend, pial, pian, pica, pice, pied, pile, pili, pill, pily, pina, pine, piny, pipe, pipy, plan, play, plea, pled, plie, pyic, pyin, yald, yean, yeld, yell, yelp, yill, yipe

5-letter words

aalii, acidy, acini, acned, added, addle, aecia, aided, ailed, aland, alane, alcid, alien, aline, aliya, allay, alley, allyl, anele, anile, annal, apace, apian, apnea, appal, appel, apple, apply, caddy, caeca, calla, canal, candy, caned, canid, canna, canny, caped, cecal, ceded, cella, celli, cilia, clean, clepe, cline, cycad, cycle, cynic, daddy, daily, dally, dance, dandy, decal, decay, dedal, deedy, deice, delay, deled, delly, diced, dicey, didie, diene, dilly, dined, dippy, dynel, edile, elain, eland, elide, ended, icily, ideal, idled, idyll, ileac, ileal, iliac, iliad, ilial, inane, indie, inlay, inned, laced, lacey, laded, laden, ladle, lanai, lance, lapel, lapin, layed, leady, liana, liane, lilac, linac, lindy, lined, linen, liney, linin, lipid, lipin, lippy, lycea, lycee, naiad, naled, nanny, nappe, nappy, needy, nelly, nicad, nidal, nided, niece, ninny, nippy, nyala, paced, paddy, padle, paean, palea, paled, pally, palpi, panda, pandy, paned, panel, panic, panne, papal, pappi, pappy, payed, payee, peace, pecan, pedal, penal, pence, penna, penni, penny, pepla, peppy, pical, piece, pilea, piled, pilei, pined, piney, pinna, pinny, pipal, piped, place, plaid, plain, plane, playa, plead, plena, plica, plied, yield, yince

6-letter words

acacia, accede, acedia, acidic, acidly, acinic, addend, addled, adenyl, adipic, aecial, aedile, aedine, alanin, alanyl, alcade, alcaic, alidad, alined, aliped, allele, allied, alpaca, alpine, anally, aneled, anilin, anlace, anneal, apical, apiece, apneal, apneic, appall, appeal, append, caddie, caecal, calcic, callan, called, calpac, canape, cancan, cancel, candid, candle, canine, canned, cannel, cannie, caplin, capped, ceiled, celiac, cellae, celled, cicada, cicala, cicale, cicely, cilice, clayed, clayey, cleped, clinal, clinic, clypei, cyanic, cyanid, cyanin, cycled, cyclic, daddle, daedal, danced, dandle, dapped, dapple, deaden, deadly, deaned, decade, decane, decide, decile, deeded, deepen, deeply, deiced, delead, denial, denied, denned, depend, diacid, dialed, diddle, diddly, dilled, dindle, dinned, dipped, dyadic, eddied, edenic, elapid, elided, encina, enlace, ennead, epical, eyelid, icecap, icicle, inclip, indeed, indene, inlace, inlaid, inland, ipecac, lacily, laddie, ladled, laical, lallan, lalled, lanced, landed, lanely, lapped, leaded, leaden, leally, leaned, leanly, leaped, lidded, lienal, lilied, linden, lineal, lineny, lipide, lipped, lippen, nailed, nandin, nannie, napped, nappie, needed, needle, nellie, niacin, nicely, nielli, nilled, nipped, nipple, padded, paddle, paella, pained, palace, paleae, paleal, palely, palled, pallia, pallid, palpal, panada, panned, papacy, papain, papaya, payday, peaced, pealed, peddle, peeled, peened, peeped, peined, pencel, pencil, pended, penial, penile, pennae, penned, pennia, pepped, pianic, picnic, piddle, piddly, pieced, pilled, pineal, pinene, pinnae, pinnal, pinned, pinyin, pipped, pippin, placed, placid, plaice, planed, played, pleiad, plicae, plical, yapped, yeaned, yeelin, yelled, yelped, yenned, yipped, yippee, yippie

7-letter words

acapnia, acceded, accidia, accidie, aclinic, acyclic, addedly, addenda, adenine, aecidia, alanine, alcaide, alcalde, alcayde, alidade, aliened, alienee, alienly, allayed, allelic, allicin, allylic, ancilla, aniline, annelid, applied, caddice, caddied, cadelle, cadence, cadency, calcine, calicle, calipee, calycle, canaled, candela, candida, candied, candled, canella, cannily, capelan, capelin, cayenne, cecally, cedilla, cenacle, cicadae, clapped, claypan, cleaned, cleanly, clipped, clypeal, cyanide, cyanine, cynical, daddled, dallied, dandily, dandled, dappled, daylily, deadeye, deadpan, decadal, decanal, decayed, decency, decided, decline, deicide, delaine, delayed, deplane, dialled, diallel, dicliny, dicycly, diddled, diddley, dindled, elapine, encinal, enlaced, enplane, epicene, icicled, ideally, idyllic, inanely, incline, indican, indicia, inlaced, ladened, lalland, lapeled, lapilli, licence, lindane, lipidic, lyncean, nacelle, needily, needled, ninepin, nippily, paddled, palaced, paladin, pallial, panacea, pandani, pandied, paneled, panicle, panpipe, papally, papayan, papilla, pedaled, peddled, pedicel, pedicle, pelican, penally, penance, penicil, pennine, peppily, piddled, pinnace, plaided, plained, plainly, planned, playday, playpen, pleaded, pliancy, ycleped, yielded

8-letter words

aecidial, alcidine, alliance, alpinely, ancillae, annealed, anyplace, apically, appalled, appealed, appellee, appended, cadenced, caecally, calcanea, calcanei, calcined, calendal, callipee, calyceal, calycine, canaille, canalled, canceled, candidly, cayenned, clinally, clinical, cyanided, cyclical, cyclicly, deadened, deadline, decennia, declined, deepened, deicidal, deleaded, delicacy, depended, deplaned, diacidic, dicyclic, encaenia, encyclic, enneadic, enplaned, epically, epicedia, epicycle, eyepiece, inclined, laically, landlady, lapelled, leadenly, lenience, leniency, licenced, licencee, lineally, lippened, palladia, palladic, pallidly, panacean, panelled, panicled, papillae, peccancy, pedalled, pedicled, pedipalp, pellicle, penanced, penciled, pendency, pineland, pinnacle, pinniped, pipeline, placidly, playland, pycnidia

9-letter words

accidence, alicyclic, annelidan, appliance, caecilian, calcaneal, cancelled, candidacy, candlepin, celandine, clinician, cynically, dalliance, dandiacal, decadence, decadency, decennial, decidedly, epicyclic, incidence, inclipped, indecency, pencilled, peneplain, peneplane, picaninny, pineapple, pinnacled, pipelined, pycnidial

10-letter words

clinically, cyclically, deadpanned, dependance, dependence, dependency, dillydally, dyadically, encyclical, incipience, incipiency, indelicacy, penicillia, penicillin, piccalilli

11-letter words

decennially, idyllically

12-letter words

dillydallied, independence, independency

1 answer