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The Carps was created in 2005.

1 answer

Carps is more than likely referring to Carpathians or those from (or living in) Carpatho-Russia,

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The Asian Carp is native in Asia.

1 answer

darens,the green flower. good herb fish. get 5 carps and 1 herb put 4 carps + the herb in the oven.

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dog cat frog cow %^%&%^&##@!#$%$^#)(88-098jiguj

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The fish was called, "Old Sam."

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usually Lahontan cutthroats, carps, blue gill

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A dace is a small freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae family, which also includes carps and minnows.

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cows, chicken and horses. I found you can put carps in your pond.

2 answers

of course... I know, the only in Poland, so there are;

carps, mackerel, salmons, Yellowfin tuna :P

1 answer

you have to fish in the river, NOT THE POND, in Carmel River district. they appear in all seasons.

1 answer

The word carps can be made. As with the word scraps. Those are the only words that can be made with those letters.

I believe you can also spell: arc, arcs, carp, carps, scrap, scarp, sap, cap, caps, rap, raps car, cars, par,

2 answers

Asian carps are large, fast-growing freshwater fish that primarily feed on plankton and small aquatic organisms. In their native habitats, they play a role in controlling algae levels and maintaining ecosystem balance. However, in non-native environments like the Great Lakes, they can outcompete native fish species for resources and disrupt local food chains.

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large freshwater carps regularly eat baby ducks . They are also known to eat small children and the elderly

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umm........ I believe that there in both saltwater and fresh water. when i go fishing i catch some carps they mostly go for mussels for saltwater and for freash i think some dough bait.

They live in freshwater naturally, but could probably survive in salt water.

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Asian Carp are edible. The problem with their preparation is that have alot of bones, which can make cleaning somewhat time consuming. There are a number of recipes that can be found online.

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There is no standard collective noun for a group of carp, however, the standard collective nouns for fish can be used for carp: a school of carp or a shoal of carp.

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When Asians were traveling to America in boats, the Asian Carps hung on to the boats and traveled with them, then when they got there, the Asian Carps got off the boats and into the Great Lakes.

Actually Asian Carp were brought to the U.S. in an experiment to clean up ponds. During flooding the carp escaped the ponds and got into the Mississippi River system. They have not been confirmed to be in the Great Lakes yet. See link below for more information.

1 answer

A carp cell typically contains 100 chromosomes. This is because carps are polyploid organisms, meaning they have multiple sets of chromosomes.

2 answers

Only Carps eat duckweed, such as Goldfish and Koi. Danios do not.

Hope that helped. :)

3 answers

try lake valour where i found about 20 or any place with water check your pokedex to see were they can be found then use a fishing rod it should work

1 answer

So... The carp (Common carp - Cyprinus carpio carpio L.) has quite small eyes, compared to its body size. What is more, they are short-sighted - they could see sharply only close objects. Despite of this they can orienting well, eg.: they can notice an intensively moving fisherman, who has different colour, than its environment.

Anyway, experiments have shown, that carps can see colours: they can distinguish red and yellow. I don't know anything about the relationship of other colours and carps.

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A carp typically has 104 chromosomes in its body cells. This is due to the fact that carp have a tetraploid genome, meaning they have two sets of chromosomes from each parent.

2 answers

They are not native to the U.S. Their reproductive abilities exceed that of local fish and their size, averaging 50 pounds, means that they override the native fish by competing for the same food sources. In waterways, they are hazardous to local boating activities.

1 answer

sharp, shard, adapt, apart, pasta, chart, chard, charm, pants, cants, rants, smart, marts, trams, avast, carat, sprat, tarps, strap, carts, carps, scarp, scrap

1 answer

hi, i have a pond here at home and i have 4 orandas plus many carps. they are very delicate fish and they are prone to red spots but if you keep their water clean and they are properly aerated and with good supply of food, you'll do just fine and enjoy their beauty. They, together with other goldfishes like shubunkins, ryukins, etc, are dirty fishes. They dirt so much, more than carps. One of my orange cap is sick and I'm giving them all treatment. Salt plus a medicine over the counter in your average petshop will do. ok, i have to feed my fish and dogs. if you want to chat, here's my email address olstarz_92@yahoo.com

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Some popular edible fishes in Pakistan include Rohu (Labeo rohita), Katla (Catla catla), Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), and Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella).

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NO, people from different cultures get tattoos of peices inspired by other countries all the time. For example, Americans get cherry blossoms, Japanese text and koi carps all the time and they're not from the east. It deffinantly doesn't mean its bad karma. =]

1 answer

Dreams are abstract.

I don't expect that it meant anything other than you have a very big imagination.

But here

Ill throw you a bone.

I think (though it may be completally wrong and unrelated) that it means you are either a very good swimmer

either that or you drown on a fishing trip

though it was probably nothing at all.

1 answer

Gordon Jon Howes has written:

'Anatomy and phylogeny of the Chinese major carps Ctenopharyngodon Steind., 1866 and Hypophthalmichthys Blkr., 1860'

'Notes on the anatomy of Macrochirichthys macrochirus (Valencinnes), 1884, with comments on the Cultrinae (Pisces, Cyprinidae)'

'Problems in catfish anatomy and phylogeny exemplified by the Neotropical Hypophthalmidae (Teleostei : Siluroidei)'

1 answer

Yeah Digga for sure you can. But keep out, best CARP FISHING is in Russia and Ukraine, also Kazachstan is damn`famous for monster carps bigger than hogs.

Russian fishes are awesome. Get down and really check it out buddy: Wolga Delta and Donau Delta best carp waters in da whole world, you know what I mean?

1 answer

In composite fish culture more than one type of compatible fishes are cultured simultaneously in same pond. Example Catalas are surface feeders, Rohus are middle zone feeders, Mrigals and Common Carps are bottom feeders and Grass Carp feed on weeds, together these species can use all the food in the pond without competing with each other.

1 answer

There are four main types of Asian carp: bighead carp, silver carp, grass carp, and black carp. These invasive species are known for their rapid reproduction and high jumping ability, which can disrupt ecosystems and outcompete native fish species for resources.

2 answers

you catch five carps. and get any herb. you use your oven and put four carps and the herb in there. then after that what i do is put good herb fish in the tool box until i need ot (i do it with everything needed for any recipe). then i got the grilled yam at the SUMMER flea market, or you can also grow yams and cook them over a bonfire (make sure you have matches if you grill over bonfire). get a common seashell form any beach. buy the apple at the fall flea market (i think that's the 1) or u can plant an apple tree and harvest in the fall. IT TAKES A WHILE FOR THE TREE TO GROW! I RECOMMEND PLANTING THE TREE IN SPRING. MAYBE IN THE MIDDLE OF SPRING.


the watering can, carp, grilled yam, common seashell, apple, and good herb fish.

then talk to daren and there you go.

1 answer

China catches a wide variety of fish, including carps, tilapia, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies. Fisheries in China are among the largest in the world, with both freshwater and marine species being harvested.

2 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -CARPS. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter C and 3rd letter A and 4th letter R and 5th letter P and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

Asian carp currently effect humans by starving out native species of fish and destroying the natural ecosystems.

They pose a serious threat to rivers and the great lakes region by starving off native species of fish and hurting the fishing and tourism industry.

6 answers

Charles Bowlker has written:

'The art of angling, or, Compleat fly-fisher' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Fish-culture, Fishes, Fishing

'The art of angling, and compleat fly-fishing. Describing the different kinds of fish, their places of feeding and retirement. With an account of the generation of fishes, and observations on the breeding of carps, together with directions how to regulate pools or ponds. Also the various kin'

'Bowlker's art of angling' -- subject(s): Fishes, Fishing

1 answer

The Eiffel Tower in Paris is constructed from low carbon iron which can last for many years if protected from moisture. However it still rusts. Thankfully the tower is sealed every seven years with 60 tons of paint.

3 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 18 words with the pattern C--PS. That is, five letter words with 1st letter C and 4th letter P and 5th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:



















1 answer

Acid rain can affect many different things on Earth. Due to its acidic form, much of what it affects greatly impacts human life, and without any type of intervention, could later make living on Earth itself much harder later on. The three main things that acid rain does in fact affect would be that it: (1) kills fish and animals, which in turn limits human food supply, (2) erodes or destroys buildings created by humans themselves, and (3) attacks a plant's waxy coating on the surface of the leaf of that plant.

1 answer

In Pokémon Emerald, you can obtain Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza by encountering and capturing them at specific locations in the game. Groudon can be found in the Terra Cave after receiving the Magma Emblem from Groudon itself. Kyogre can be found at the Marine Cave after obtaining the Aqua Emblem from Kyogre. Rayquaza can be encountered at the Sky Pillar after awakening it by showing it both Groudon and Kyogre in your party.

2 answers

Complete Answer:

cardsharp carp harp scarp sharp tarp warp



Can't think of that many! Not that easy! I think there may be some rhyme dictionaries out there on the internet; if there aren't, there needs to be some! When I was younger I was constantly making ryhming poems, and having a lot of trouble thinking up words that rhyme.

i normally write out the alphabet (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) and the last couple of letters i try to rhyme with the first letter. ex)aarp, barp, carp, darp, farp, garp, harp, jarp, etc. you eventually find something that rhymes :D hope it helped!

harp, carp,
Harp, Carp, Tarp

3 answers

That all depends on the excercises you are doing to produce muscle growth. It you are doing "active" excersises (running, swimming, rowing etc.) then a higher amount of carps will be better as this will provide the long term energy you need to maintain this type of excersise. If you are only doing "inactive" excersises (Weight lifting, tension cords, calastetics etc.) then a lower amount of carbs with higher amounts of protein would be more benificial to muscle growth.

Before changing or altering your diet you should speak to your doctor and a dietician about your goals. They will be able to tell you if the goals are attainable and if you will have any potential health problems along the way. They will also be able to keep you informed on your progress toward your goal.

1 answer

OF COURSE! They are just not stupid enough to actually go down the falls! We have brown trout, lake trout, king salmon, large mouth bass, small mouth bass, walleye, and muskie. I have even caught a rainbow trout here and there. But this is just the large game, don't forget the smelt, minnows, sunfish, blue gills, catfish, and pike!

7 answers

you fish near where the waterfall is (also near where caramel spa is)and no you cannot
fish on the waterfall you barely catch any fish there so fish on the river right before you get there and the good part about it is that when you run out of energy you can just go right to caramel spa!REMEMBER:you can only fish RIGHT before you begin to get to the
waterfall.So good luck with catching carps and if you are having trouble getting the other things for darens rainbow recipe here is a tip: you can buy an apple on souffle farm in fall,
you can find the commen seashell at cream beach(south of waffle town),you can grow a yam(you can only buy the seeds for it in fall)or buy one at souffle farm(only in fall)(I suggest buying one because you waste time and energy)and then you get matches from the general store matches cost six hundred gold.you grill the yam on the beach and yes a bonfire is on cream beach or on the beach in caramel river distrct.to make good herb fish,you need an oven and four carps and also one herb.you put them all in the oven and voila! you have made good herb fish.

5 answers

The WWE tours constantly. You can look in the yellow pages for local production companies that serves the arenas in your area under the heading, "production services." These companies usually provide labor for rock bands, corporate events and yes, even the WWE when they appear locally. Getting your feet wet in these local companies will get your face out there and introduce you to the marvelous world of fast-paced production in sound, lighting, carps, video, pushing and loading. Don't expect to jump on a light board straight away -- you gotta pay your dues. Everybody's gotta start somewhere. If you are having trouble finding the listing for an event production company in the phone book, try searching for the stagehand union known as IATSE. They may have a chapter in your area.

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