No it cannott, it has nothing to do with your uterus at all.
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i m a ceo off a majoure corperationn and i cannott rely spel gud so i dnt thinke it is thet impartent
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You eat chicken
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the weaknesses of bullying is by person get more jealousy and insecure to one kind of person..some of man or woman ,doing that habit by bullying other people and they cannott work harder they situation!!.
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May be you should try to check yourself about the history of the car. Have you tried any websites?
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i m a ceo off a majoure corperationn and i cannott rely spel gud so i dnt thinke it is thet impartent
2 answers
Absolutley could. not nessecarily with new tires and rims you prolly want to get an alignment and have the wheels balanced. this should get rid of the shake YOU CANNOTT USE THE SAME LUG BOLTS IN AFTERMARKET WHEELS. THEY ARE TOO LONG AND THEY WILL SLIDE INTO THE EMERGENCY BRAKE SPRING CAUSING IT TO DISLODGE FROM THE SHAFT. YOU HAFL TO PUT WHEEL SPACERS ON
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There is no short cut or fast way to do this. The dash has to come out to access the heater box and replace the core. So the steps in replacing the heater core are to disconnect the heater hoses, remove the dash, to access the heater box assembly and remove the box. The box then has to be opened up and the core is replaced. You will not replace the core until you get the dash out of the way. Reassembly is in the reverse order as disassembly. Fill the cooling system with new coolant, and burp the air form the cooling system.
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Esme Hubbard has: Played Polly Eccles in "Castle" in 1915. Played Janet Cannott in "The Great Adventure" in 1915. Played Nancy Sibley in "Milestones" in 1916. Played Mrs. Lobb in "His Dearest Possession" in 1919. Played Polly Bamford in "Linked by Fate" in 1919. Played Mrs. Heath in "The Amazing Quest of Mr. Ernest Bliss" in 1920. Performed in "Dollars in Surrey" in 1921. Played Minty Weir in "Simple Simon" in 1922. Played Mrs. Warren in "The Red Circle" in 1922. Played Mrs. Craill in "Through Fire and Water" in 1923. Played Nurse Merrion in "Mist in the Valley" in 1923. Performed in "Discord" in 1933.
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You grow up and live in reality. Most people do not want to do either of those things, however, so first you must decide you actually want to get over him, also i am just fixing this answer, and i would like to add that i was quite obsessed with Edward myself, and i just didn't think i would ever get over him, so i just thought well one day i will get over it, but everyday that i came home, all i would do was reread all the parts i liked best about him, but after a very, very long time i finally got over him, but i really am not completely over him, but i can really think about other things, that are different from him being in my mind, because it was really was getting in the way of my school work, and all my friend's also, so i really think you could do what i did... i really just kept reading the book, just normal little parts i liked, and then i started to, and you have to do this, you have to, but you have to start reading other books that you like, then you can just slowly start to forget the book, but when you start to want to read about him again, you can really start to read about your favorite parts about him again, but you need to do really fun things that you did before you started this kinda obsession about him, just do normal things!
You don't, he's far too sexy. --- Realize that Edward really isn't that great of a guy. Understand that... * The ONLY thing he has going for him are his looks.
* He doesn't have much of a personality. He's basically a sparkling lump of dullardry.
* He thinks that stalking girls is acceptable - it's not! * He's emotionally manipulative. He enjoys playing with Bella's head in order to make her feel even more helpless and dependent on him.
* He's very controlling of Bella. Remember that incident with the car engine? How would you feel if your boyfriend hid your car keys?
* He buys multiple cars for his girlfriend with his endless wealth - while somewhere in the world a child dies of starvation every five seconds. Such wretched excess is NOT romantic; it's disgusting.
* He is essentially the dream man of the shallow materialist.
PFFT there is no cure, it's a terminal illness. wat happens when you are obbsessed and cannott go on living then wat?
Well then you die. However, since you /can/ go on living, then you continue living. Gee, that was a real brain-teaser, wasn't it?
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Things to consider before you make a life altering decision:
What have you done so far in your life to demonstrate that you are capable of being responsible for someone else's life.
How do you plan to support a child (besides letting someone else do it: your parents? the taxpayers?).
Have you educated yourself on child growth and development and understand what a child needs.
Have you considered how you will cope if your baby is born with disabilities.
Are you ready to put aside your own needs and desires and ready to support the needs of another.
ANSWERlet me tell you a little about myself, I was 17 years old and had a baby. you don't want a baby at the age of 14 trust me!!! life with any friends will end because you would be home with a baby don't do that to yourself. This is something you really should discuss with your parents (discuss not "tell). Babies are cute, cuddly and many girls of your age are anxious to have someone to love and that will love them in return. However, babies are a lot of emotionally and physically demanding, totally dependent upon you, not to mention the financial aspects which can be very, very expensive and many other issues. You cannot "put a baby away" when you get tired of caring for him or her. Babies obviously do not remain babies for long, eventually they become a teenager who perhaps would want a baby of their own. What would you say if the baby you want came to you at the age of 14, with all her life (and a multitude of choices of what to do with that life) ahead of her, and yet wants to compromise those choices by having a child? Please do find a time when your family household is calm and have a heart-to-heart with your parents. BTW those dads and moms who truly love their children are always protective, it's part of being a parent. I got pregnant when I was 16 and had my baby when I was 17. And let me tell you it is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. And raising her. I was fortunate enough to have help, but some are not. I do not think that it is a good idea to get pregnant at 14. You cannott go off with your friends all the time. That is one of the things I miss. Don't get me wrong I love my little girl, but it is hard to go out with a baby especially when she is 2!
Go do some babysitting for friends and neighbors. I found I liked babysitting kids about 3 and up but I HATED babysitting babies. Then I got pregnant at just barely 14 and I couldn't get it out of me fast enough. Have you thought about why you want a baby at 14? Do you like sitting home and not being able to go visit friends or go out on dates? Do you think you would like not being able to afford to buy the latest music DVD or a new outfit? Do you realize what pregnancy and giving birth entails? Do you realize something THAT big has to come out of something THAT small? That was what clinched it for me. Uh, uh.
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