I think you mean bullets, not builts- and that varies from one machinegun to another. Some hold as few as 10, some use a belt of cartridges that could be any length.
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cause constuctive from delta and it also builts up
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someone who builts
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Need to specify a specific type of firearm. There are many, many firearms manufactured for various 9mm cartridges, and a lot of variation as to how many rounds they can hold between them.
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The redeemer is a statue of Christ that is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and was built by Paul Landowski. The statue was built between the years of 1922 through 1931 and stands about 98ft tall.
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No because if Canada builds a train track it would make a difference to PEI. If Canada builts a train track it wont even reach PEI.
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The number of rounds a magazine holds is a function of the magazine, not a function of the gun. Many 1911 magazines hold 8 rounds, a few Sig magazines hold 8 rounds, and there are others.
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Orthographic grid paper is grid paper that allows for isometric drawings.
This allows for 3 dimensional drawings, and is common for drawing construction diagrams, as-builts and such. For example, you could use this to account length, width, and elevation.
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An "as-built" drawing (or set of drawings) are prepared at the end of a construction or engineering project to show the actual configuration of the final system as it was actually built or installed. It may differ significantly from the original plans or subsequent revisions, because it contains the actual state of the project when it is completed and commissioned. Modifications may be noted on the as-builts.
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Mammoth Cave in Kentucky is approximately 400 miles long, making it the longest known cave system in the world. It is a popular tourist destination for exploring its vast underground chambers and passageways.
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its is the risk sharing burden .....................it gives u infrastructure such as storage facility, transport facility, ...............it gives u first hand information from the market.......it builts your relationship.........it is usefull for market mapping..............
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You COULD contact a surveyor and pay $300 or more to have your property resurveyed.
However, the cheapest and easiest way to obtain the 'as-built' survey records for your property is to contact the Title Company that processed your original loan (re-finances typically don't require as builts) and ask them for a copy. They should be able to supply you with a copy at no cost.
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Electronic or Electric Engineering is not necessarily better than that of a mechanical engineering. This would usually depend on your field of interest and expertise. Both are involved in building but they differ in what they build or fix. Electric Engineering deals with electronics and smaller parts that make up a big technology while mechanical Engineer designs and builts large scale machines or machinery.
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Lighter side: Further back in history, what we now call "buildings" were indeed called "builts". Builders were satisfied with this title and thought it only made sense until they realized it was causing too much confusion amongst civilians. For example, when people called their parents about their trips to New York, the puzzlement was endless.
"Hey, mom. It's me. I can't believe I'm actually glancing at the Empire State Built."
"The Empire State Built what?"
"The Empire State Built..."
"Built what? Built house? Built bridge?"
"No, the Built!"
"Built what!?"
After dealing with years of families breaking up because of simple misunderstandings, the term for "builts" was finally officially changed to "buildings" instead. As it turned out, the word buildings left people less inclined to asking about the buildings themselves since they thought by it not yet being finished and still in the "building" process, whoever they asked might not have a clue to what was being built.
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for the same reason blank paper is called newsprint but after its got the news printed on it it is called a newspaper . go figure. for the same reason blank paper is called newsprint but after its got the news printed on it it is called a newspaper . go figure. for the same reason people trying out hacky jokes spend time at open mics, and not wikianswers. go figure.
1 answer
Lighter side: Further back in history, what we now call "buildings" were indeed called "builts". Builders were satisfied with this title and thought it only made sense until they realized it was causing too much confusion amongst civilians. For example, when people called their parents about their trips to New York, the puzzlement was endless.
"Hey, mom. It's me. I can't believe I'm actually glancing at the Empire State Built."
"The Empire State Built what?"
"The Empire State Built..."
"Built what? Built house? Built bridge?"
"No, the Built!"
"Built what!?"
After dealing with years of families breaking up because of simple misunderstandings, the term for "builts" was finally officially changed to "buildings" instead. As it turned out, the word buildings left people less inclined to asking about the buildings themselves since they thought by it not yet being finished and still in the "building" process, whoever they asked might not have a clue to what was being built.
1 answer
Lighter side: Further back in history, what we now call "buildings" were indeed called "builts". Builders were satisfied with this title and thought it only made sense until they realized it was causing too much confusion amongst civilians. For example, when people called their parents about their trips to New York, the puzzlement was endless.
"Hey, mom. It's me. I can't believe I'm actually glancing at the Empire State Built."
"The Empire State Built what?"
"The Empire State Built..."
"Built what? Built house? Built bridge?"
"No, the Built!"
"Built what!?"
After dealing with years of families breaking up because of simple misunderstandings, the term for "builts" was finally officially changed to "buildings" instead. As it turned out, the word buildings left people less inclined to asking about the buildings themselves since they thought by it not yet being finished and still in the "building" process, whoever they asked might not have a clue to what was being built.
3 answers
because most of the Pakistani rivers originates from kashmir and north east and north west of the country.
India have already unlawfully occupied Muslim majority states in the region
and kashmir is also one of them.
economic importance is because of origination of rivers which are main source for irrigation in an agricultural country
and if india builts more dams on these originating points of rivers water will be blocked in Pakistani states
thus creating scarcity of water which will lead to economic turmoil for a county that mostly depends on its agricultural output.
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Israel became after the War of Independence 70 % of British Palestine without Transjordan and around 12 % with Transjordan. The areas remaining for a Palestinian State according to the UN were the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In Nothern Israel the Golan Heights western border were Israels border. The Israeli coastal plain from the mediterranean to the West Bank was only 15 km width. That's why the higher West Bank full of mountains is strategical and that's why Israel builts settlemens there and doesnt want to return to 1967 without a border correction for save borders. Netanyahu declared recently that Israel should annexe parts of the western West Bank and stay in the Jordan River for save borders.
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i didn't know either, It is definatly either mountains or volcanoes, but it is difficult to dissifer which one. I am doing this for my Yr9 geography project on Boundarys and i still havn't found the answer. sorry.
5 answers
It is important to understand where association ownership of the waste lines begins and meets with the public utility ownership of the lines.
Key here is a basic schematic of the waste lines, which should be available in the 'as builts' turned over to the association by the developer.
Several indicators will point to potential issues in the waste lines in a high-density, multi-family building, including all maintenance records that relate to the waste lines. The board can survey owners about in-unit plumbing issues that may point to waste lines.
Finally, your reserve study should include waste lines in the plumbing component category, so that when it is time to replace them, the association has the funds to cover the expense.
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Lighter side: Further back in history, what we now call "buildings" were indeed called "builts". Builders were satisfied with this title and thought it only made sense until they realized it was causing too much confusion amongst civilians. For example, when people called their parents about their trips to New York, the puzzlement was endless.
"Hey, mom. It's me. I can't believe I'm actually glancing at the Empire State Built."
"The Empire State Built what?"
"The Empire State Built..."
"Built what? Built house? Built bridge?"
"No, the Built!"
"Built what!?"
After dealing with years of families breaking up because of simple misunderstandings, the term for "builts" was finally officially changed to "buildings" instead. As it turned out, the word buildings left people less inclined to asking about the buildings themselves since they thought by it not yet being finished and still in the "building" process, whoever they asked might not have a clue to what was being built.
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Generally no. This is a maintenance item that builts up over time and does not happen suddenly and accidentally. You can purchase an endorsement to cover sewer and septic tank backup coverage that may cover some damage caused by any damage from the backup. Otherwise it would not be covered and no repair of the septic tank or sewer system would be covered at all.
2 answers
A red-line drawings is essentially an intermediate drawing that shows corrections or changes to a previous drawing. The term red line literally comes from the (typically) red pen used to amend the drawings by hand. These changes mark-ups show changes made to the drawing subject matter during the manufactuer or construction of the product.
For example, piping drawings were developed at the onset of a project to build a new school. During the course of construction for that school, the piping contractors changes several elements of the design (pipe size, routing, orientation etc). At the end of the project, the constructor would "red line" the drawings showing those changes.
Red-lines are used to then develop record drawings. Record drawings, also called "as-builts" accurately reflect what was constructed and are used for future work and/or reference.
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Tectonic activity is concentrated at plate margins because this is where the Earth's lithospheric plates interact with each other. The movement and interactions of these plates create stress and pressure that result in processes such as subduction, mountain building, and earthquakes. These phenomena are most pronounced at plate boundaries, making them the focal points of tectonic activity.
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A composite laminator . a composite technician can laminate a multitude of materials together by the use of adhesives
The main material people recognise is fibreglass. Generally the fibreglass is laid into a mould , a determined quantity of resin is used to wet out the glass then another layer of glass and resin is added. The air bubbles are removed from between and the item is left to harden. This is the lamination
This is a simplified version of what a composite laminator does.
Technicians use a multitude of materials and resins with many varied techniques to produce many items in the aeronautical industry, for example laminating of metal, carbon fibres, kevlar and basically anything that the adhesive will bond to. the two main resins used are polyester with MEKP being used as a catylyst or epoxies that use a hardener.
Some of the items manufactured are flaps , radomes, fairing but not limiting to aircraft themselves. Example of aircraft manufactured are the majority of gliders in use today but there are powered types ie The Rutan Varieze and the Long EZ home builts These powered aircraft can be manufactured by just about any experienced composite technician .
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Karl-benz,Gottlieb Daimler and Whilliam Maybach working all together made the first engine powered car in 1886.After that everyone headed their own way in history.
Karl Benz made a company that happens to be my favorite.Mercedes-benz.he named it Mercedes after his wife.
Gottlieb Daimler made a company that doesn't built cars but it is focused on buying other car companies and closing deals.He made a deal with Mercedes-benz so some of the engines that Mercedes builts can be fitted into other cars from companies that Daimler owns.After buying Chrysler the company that Gottlieb built was renamed.It is named Daimler/Chrysler AG.
Last but not least William Maybach built a super car company that hold even today(named Maybach.Maybach sells the most expensive car in history.Built in 2004 until today it is the Maybach Exelero and it costs 8.000.000$ - One of the most beautiful cars ever built.)Now Maybach has Mercedes as a parent company but of course keeps on building it's fantastic vehicles.
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Many people don't understand where this song is about and say the following things: The place within the song is a place that has haunted Amy no matter how beatuiful. She feels stuck. It's kind of like she is saying she is stuck within her own world of lies. This place isn't real.
This song is about lucid dreaming. You know what I mean? Knowing that you are dreaming while dreaming. So being awake in your dream. You can escape from reality by building your own dream world, you can do everything there and it is so magical. you can sleep 15hrs a day if you like to. I know because I did this too.
1. She doesn't want to be woken up
I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming
Monsters calling my name
Let me stay
2. She builts her own dream world and escapes reality
Don't say I'm out of touch
With this rampant chaos- your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I built my own world to escape
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light
Hope you understand what I'm trying to tell ya.
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because it is known for its precious gold and oil reserves under
the gilgit mountains.
it is also because the coal and iron reserves combined with the
gold and oil reserves can equate to a monumental $236,000,000,000
when all reserves are accessed, this is just an estimate which
takes into account the surface mass of iron.
3 answers
Yes, if you go to a dentist, he will remove the plaque that causes the swollen gum. Plaque builts up when we dont' brush and floss like we ought to; causing singns of gingivitis(red purple swollen gums). Brushing and flossing will avoid gingivits symtoms.
5 answers
It is possible to use an automobile engine to power a helicopter, but the thing better be light (have an aluminum block and heads) and have a high horsepower to weight ratio. But it can't be a hot rod engine either. It absolutely must be set up to run extremely reliably or you'll be autorotating down every week. A light plane or gyro-copter may be easier to build from scratch, but you may have figured that out already.
The Lycoming engines (O-235, O-290, O-320, O-360,...) used in light aircraft have been adapted for use in a number of home brew or kit rotorcraft. A lot of two-seater helicopters are built using them. But they cost. A more modest power plant can be used to power up a single-seater. You can pay $3K to $4K just for a Lycoming core (the whole engine, but outside its hours and needing to be rebuilt).
Are you going to design the thing and build it from scratch? Or use a plan to construct it? Plans aren't free, but they have a singular advantage - they have been proven, have been engineered to work. Plus, critical parts can be purchased instead of built (machined). If you plan to fly this thing, what's your life worth?
Have you looked at the Adams-Wilson Choppy plans? (The A/W-95 is the current run, if memory serves.) They use about the smallest airframe and a modest power plant to lift one person (about 250 pounds) clear of the ground. These have been built and flown so they're relatively safe. The whole thing is doable at home. (Which is why it was designed.) Plans cost about a hundred bucks.
There are mini helicopters and gyrocopters that have motorcycle engines adapted for use to power them up. Hit the www and check it out. If you're not already surfing the net for info, you should be. What you waitin' on?
There are going to be severe limits on what you can do unless you have a machine shop. The swash plate and pitch linkage is not something that can be "welded up" from scrap. It has to be machined. The main rotor hub must be adequate. And what about the tail rotor drive mechanism? You lose a tail rotor and you won't be autorotating the vehicle in. (Your loss of control will yield a high probably of serious injury or death, and probably the latter.)
And if you haven't looked into FAA regs regarding home builts, you need to. These aren't local cops; they're Feds, and they'll kick your butt for fooling around with uncleared (uncertified) aircraft. Any flying machine can fall onto a citizen or a house or other structure. It can be much worse than a car crash. You don't want to be crashing or even autorotating into someone's back yard and a kid's birthday party there, do you? A flying machine puts people at risk like no vehicle can. You been warned, ait?
Links are provided to get you started and give you some things to think about. And there is always Wikianswers for other questions.
1 answer
A red-line drawings is essentially an intermediate drawing that shows corrections or changes to a previous drawing. The term red line literally comes from the (typically) red pen used to amend the drawings by hand. These changes mark-ups show changes made to the drawing subject matter during the manufactuer or construction of the product.
For example, piping drawings were developed at the onset of a project to build a new school. During the course of construction for that school, the piping contractors changes several elements of the design (pipe size, routing, orientation etc). At the end of the project, the constructor would "red line" the drawings showing those changes.
Red-lines are used to then develop record drawings. Record drawings, also called "as-builts" accurately reflect what was constructed and are used for future work and/or reference.
6 answers