BTY AA NIMH Batteries: The BTY brand of NIMH batteries that are being sold on I had had received merchandise that matches exactly what they advertise.
1 answer
chlorophyll is a green pigment that is used bty the plant to produce sugars by reacting sunlight with water and carbon dioxide.
1 answer
A: Never tie two or more batteries in parallel for the reason that a weak battery will drag a good battery down as suspected. A means of equalizing the the load sharing is required like a diode or very small resistance in series
1 answer
i think there is no palm rest. bty r u doing howrse?
1 answer
yr koi mjhy SD card ka paswrd bty ga .plz
1 answer
bty head girl white girls are s fake
black girls fule and that is me.
3 answers
hi mate i have same model and year remove screw at rear of remote then remove bty before replacing with new one hold remote and press both open and close buttond at same time this resets it then replace bty and screw back on this should work
1 answer
Try to get them to forgive you, it depends on the severity if they'll forgive you or not, but if you show regret and sincerely apologize then they can't hate you forever.
1 answer
Yes. As a matter of fact my last name is Flournoy and my mom wanted to name me China like China Anne McClain but my name is Chazyn. BTY, i am 11 years old.
1 answer
tell them that they dont have a good voice its not mean or bad its called giving your opinion. dint get mad if your friend takes it sirously like if she or he will overact BTY (by the way ) i love to answer qustions.
1 answer
William led his troops away from senlac hill towards the forest. then as soon as the Saxons marched down the hill, the normans turned around and fought the Saxons. bty, you really can find the answer to this question on wikipedia!
1 answer
One of it's terms provided for Germany and the Soviet Union to divide Poland between them. And to declare a non aggression pact.
Bty you misspelled sign I'm pretty sure they didn't sing anything together. Lol
1 answer
No. In some Disney labeled book they are siblings but that's not created by Disney but bty an outsider and only copyrighted to Disney. So the hyenas' official/canon relationship to each other is utterly unknown. Disney has never revealed any official own vision of the matter.
1 answer
Terrible! Her new husband, who she JUST had a son with (Telemachus) has just went to war! How would you feel if you knew you probably wouldn't see your boyfriend/girlfriend for a long time, not to mention that they might die. BTY, he was gone for 20 something years before she saw him again. I'd feel sad if I were her
1 answer
stuff? You mean video or musi?
I usally download free video and music with Video Download StudioVideo Download Studio. It also help me import those files to psp.
http://www.ahisoft.com/video-download-studio-proBTY, you must make sure your video file is mp4 format.
1 answer
Because he doesn't love you. Or, better put, he doesn't know what love is. He just wants what he wants, and when he doesn't get it, blames everyone else for the problems he gets himslef into. (BTY: He's a loser. Stay clear)
1 answer
It is a kind of way to better promote their market! If you have been listed in their bunch of customer group, then from that time starting, their will pester you around until finally you can reach the transaction, that's all!
Bty, we are a real led lighting exporter, if you have the interest of this industry, you can add me skype: leo.echo88 or e-mail me leo@jvsled.com
Thanks&best regards,
1 answer
okay, if you want a real Pokemon, play the song from 'Rise of Darkrai' and make a Celebi shrine. Then call Arceus and say you want Pokemon, then all 493 Pokemon will appear and he'll give you 1,000,000 master balls. Catch Arceus before the portal closes but he'll make clones of everything including himself. BTY, this is not in ANY POKEMON GAME!!!
1 answer
Тройка (troika). Troika is not necessarily a sledge harnessed, it can be harnessed and wheeled cart. Troika has been designed for fast driving (45-50 km / h) over long distances. This harness horses are different gait. Wheeler (коренник - korennyk) runs at a trot, and the side horses (пристяжные - prystyajnye) - gallop.
1 answer
The Auxiliary Territorial Service was the women's branch of the British Army during the Second World War. It was formed on 9 September 1938, initially as a women's voluntary service, and existed until 1 February 1949. The poster artist, Abram Games, did a very controversial recruiting poster for the ATS during WW2.
4 answers
1st Bn. 941st Field Artillery was deactivated Nov. 1945 at Camp Myles Standish Mass.. Awarded (5) Campaign Battle Stars for (11) months of combat duty. Many were wounded but only one known fatality; Pvt Harvey J. Fernett HqHq
Bty Comm. Platoon. Killed by a German landmine Feb. 22 1945 in Belgium. Awarded the Purple Heart.
1 answer
ok really people who answer this question before is retarted the real answer is
i know this because we just learn this subject bty im a 6th grader
2 answers
Cody loves girls with great personality probably wants to stick w/basic hair color(ect. blond brunet) Alicia here! Ok if you wanna find out what he likes go to Google and search Bella thorne dream girl. It needs to show Bella thorne on one side and Cody smiling on the other. Bty he doesn't like Bella thorne, Cody lovers. Just go on the video I told you to and they will show you his dream girl.
1 answer
It is normal for a boy to go through a phase of thinking of his mother as a romantic partner. Psychologists call this the Oedipus Complex. (Oedipus was a Greek who, according to the story, was separated from his home town as a child, later returned bty chance, and married his mother without knowing that's who she was.) So--if you have started masturbating and know the connection to sexual intercourse by the time you go through your Oedipus stage, it is not suprising that you fantacize about her this way. Just remind yourself that it is a fantasy. In time you will be thinking about girls your own age again.
1 answer
To achieve an emo look for school, you can try incorporating dark colors like black, grey, or deep reds into your outfits. You can also accessorize with items like studded belts, band t-shirts, and chunky boots. Experiment with bold eyeliner or dark lipstick to complete the look. Remember that it's important to feel comfortable and confident in what you're wearing.
2 answers
regigigas is at the bottom of snowpoint temple but u need all the regis tho awaken him,girratina is inside springpath somewhere(just keep on goin up when your inside the cave),dialga+palkia is at spear pillar,heatran is in stark mountiain, uxie+mesprit+azelf are in the caves in the middle of each lake(lakes valor,acuity andverity OR you can just get all of them with infinite masterballs using an i-cheat thingy........bty i have a i-cheat and trust me its fun having all rares+infinite masterballs and rare candys........hope this helped!
1 answer
1. it's called Eterna city, and 2., You fly. Or walk all the way, which WILL take a while since you need the HM strength to move boulders. Sorry :S no other way. But you could get AR to walkthrough walls cheat. I wouldn't reccomendt it though, because it'll screw up your game by passing too much. so just stick to it. That's what I did until i beat the game. oh, BTY, here's the WTW code. only works for us AR.
94000130 fefd0000
12060b90 0000e00a
12060bf6 0000e001
12060c94 0000e008
Tested and works, Enjoy, -Pen10
1 answer
Pharaohs had five names, four of which were throne names, each determined by custom and the sacred aspect of the two lands, upper and lower egypt. This is far too complex a subject to be able to address in the short space available,.
You can usually tell the major throne name in cartouches it immediately follows the sedge and bee logogram [nsw-bty lord of upper and lower egypt] right before the familiar name we use for convenience, for example Maat-Ka-Re right before Hatshepsut [picture of the goddess Maat, two hands held up, ka, spirit, sun disc ra or re]. Oh yes, the sun disc is always the first symbol but is pronounced last, convention.
The fifth name is the personal name.
1 answer
albert Einstein said religion without science is blind and science without religion is lame the seeming opposites can coexist because personality basis for existence and consciousness is moral foundation
2 answers
Short Answer: Emerald (Block/Ore/Item) Long Answer: Ok, I'm going to have some fun here. Obviously, Diamond is very useful. You can make very strong tools with it, and it is pretty rare. But one could argue that Wood is more valuable, since diamond would be useles without sticks to make the tools. But I say emerald, since they can be used to trade with villagers, and can get you virtually anything. Now emerald is the most valuable, but what about the rarest block? I would say the rarest block that can still be found in world generation is the mob spawner. Specifically, the silverfish spawner, since there is only one per game (At the end portal). BTY this is my OPINION it may not be exactly statistically correct, but I'm sure its pretty close.
3 answers
Many coastal artillery battalions existed early in the war to protect against threat of an enemy attack by sea. As the war progressed and this threat diminished, some of these units were coverted to field artillery battalions or anti-aircraft artillery battalions. Some coastal artillery battalions did go overseas to protect US naval bases. The 62nd Coast Artillery Antiaircraft Regiment earned campaign credits for: Algieria-French Morocco Tunisia (Ground) - 1st Bn, HQ & Hq Bty, Co B, & D only Sicily(Ground) - HQ only There was also a 62nd Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion that served in Sicily, Rome-Arno, Southern France, Rhineland, and Ardennes-Alsace. My guess is that the coastal artillery regiment was reduced in size and re-designated as an AA battalion.
1 answer
There are three. The Spanish diplomatist Prince Alfonso de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou and Cadiz, is the direct successor of Charles X, who succeeded Louis XVIII and was then dethroned by the revolution of 1830. After 1830 France was ruled by Louis-Philippe d'Orléans, from another branch of the Royal Family. Hisnatural successor is Prince Henri d'Orleans, Comte de Paris. However, from 1904 to 1814 France was ruled bty an Emperor - Napoleon I - and from 1852 to his forced abdication in 1870 by Napoleon III. Prince Imperial Louis-Napoleon is the current claimant to the Imperial throne. Complicated enough? No? Well, let it be added that the last two are third cousins, both having Louis-Philippe I as their great-great-grandfather. In the past, this multiplicity of claimants has been France's best defence against a restoration of the Monarchy; on at least two occasions one or other of the Royal families might have been restored if some agreement could have been reached.
1 answer
his friends are sam mansion and tucker foly sam is a vegan goth type vegan meanig she dont eat meat and she aint afrade to speak her mine she also has a crush on danny and danny has a crush on her u can see this in the series and tucker is a computer loving geek but he loves meat and him and danny go back they been friends for years tucker makes a tense moment nice and calm most of the time but some times he can be a pain and both sam and tucker help danny kill ghosts i love the show the reasen it was over is because buch hartman over spent nick bugeit by 20,000$ by getting moore voice actors and getting expensive art work for the show with out nick saying it was ok and then in hopes to get money back to nick 5 to 10 games were made to name a couple urban jungle for the ds and game boy and nick toons battle for volcaneo island for the game boy and the game cube and they also made a few for pc games and it did not work the end up looseing money so nick said thats it 1 moore seson thats all and it had 53 episodes and 3 seasons started in 2004 end in aug. 21 2007 and the sad thing is well theres 2 buch did not work that much on the 2nd season and only worked on 1 ep in the 3 season 1 moore thing buch said that he is willing to make moore episodes of dp if the show was picked up agean but u and i know that pritty much wont happen its april 23 2012 so its been 6 years bty there was A BUNCH of stuff like a new movie dont get all happy bc i was and i found out it was a bunch of S*** MAN I WAS MAD I WATED A YEAR NOTHING HAPPENED so hope this satifyied any one that reads it bty i know my spelling suck not from here well have a good ! best show ever and if u dont like it then gtfo this page!
3 answers
There were a number of midget actors who portrayed the characters known as (Munchkins) who were midget people but not called dwarfs oddly a character doll of a Munckin Boy made some years ago bty MMe Alexander somewhat resembled the costume of an Africa Corps or similar soldier in jungle-warfare gear.
2 answers
FYI The fuel pump is in the gas tank. It is that whine you hear when turn on or off the car.
Mine got pretty loud before it failed. But it died without warning in the middle of a turn lane and had to be towed. Somewhere around 97,000 miles.
Was told after the fact that it is best to keep the fuel tank at least a quarter full because the pump has some fuel around it keeping it cool and making it last longer.
There is a fuel pump relay under the hood on the driver's side where you can check the voltage going to the pump. If there is voltage going to the pump but it's not running it's probably bad.
Fuel pump is fairly simple for the shade tree mechanic to replace. with a fuel pump costing around $300 you can save a good bit on labor.
BTY If your engine has a hard time starting , it could be a fuel line check valve that may be failing. It is supposed to keep the fuel at the engine pressured up when the fuel pump is turned off so that the engine starts quicker.
1 answer
Let's see...
1. He's emotionally manipulative. He plays abusive mind-games with Bella.
2. He's a control freak.
3. He has no other personality to speak of.
That makes him about as un-hot as you can get.
he is hott
he's hot in my imagination. the movie sorta killed my image. so for you folks, read the book and don't base your judgment on movies.. that's just lame
DANG Edward Cullen is hot to me Bella thinks hes hot to so were both even im so additicted to the books i read all the books five times in a row.
I agree edward is so hot and would do any thing just to kiss him
I think tha he is hot in my mind cause this guy "Robert" is fake!!!!! So he is not hot.
I completely agree with the first answer he plays sickly abusive mind games with Bella and this book is teaching girls to be okay with that then he hides by saying well I am a vampire.Well too bad you are a boy an almost human boy. So STOP THE ABUSE bty he is hotter in the book than the pale scrawny guy they picked for his character. thank you
1 answer
Well, you CAN get lv. 100 Shaymin sky forme with this cheat, AND if you take what it's holding, you get the Gracidea. but you need to press L & R (same time) to get it. It'll pop up as your first Pokemon in your party, so put a junky Pokemon in your parties front. this is by a random guy. I tested it myself, and it works for USA version of AR and USA version of the game (i think, i only hav USA version). oh, BTY, u can't use Gracidea ON the shaymin it gives, but you CAN just press L+R to hav it again. It works, and it has NEVER been reported to give you a bad egg ( lucky 4 u !) k so here it is, Enjoy :)
94000130 fcff0000
b2101d40 00000000
e00000b4 000000ec
08e0de1b f22c0000
12ddc5e9 3f7045e3
96d48545 dde8c669
e695e297 9720c7ea
7ba364f3 56cee6ef
d931cd2b 48fbe1d8
28a8cba4 6c50bf95
933732a2 f1433e96
5b96ea73 9877e64b
f24c2213 fa2150c0
3b373e00 a2d03c07
6b508fb6 5de6b5c1
b78ed240 91ca7a38
1e16aa8e 9fe0e08c
0ae12044 de8462c7
2b0c3a42 1d0b1848
3df5fed8 65d9136e
d66bef4d a41bafdd
10296323 01a11824
c0041901 fed61214
a3c7e1fe e6c5d287
c18f7638 59010c96
0054f107 2cd5a9ff
3ee87374 46549da5
2b2561b5 b9adefb3
476605f7 cfc36807
d3389b5e bffd7acc
8b510549 33595b68
74c1b6da e4c75999
27678eb4 00000000
d2000000 00000000
It's long, so use AR code manager
1 answer
Potsey, Hopscotch
Jump Rope
Pixey Sticks
Stoop ball
Hand Ball
Spaldine hand ball alphabet game
Dodge ball
hide and seek
May I
Red light, Green light 1,2,3
6 answers
Before Thanksgiving, I thaw my 24-26 lb turkey for two days in the refridge, it won't be completely thawed by it will be workable so you can clean the inside and rinse it without much trouble.
Next look into brine'ing your turkey as the a way to get a moist turkey. (I brine for 30 hrs. prior to cooking.)
7 answers
Dorothy Edwards has written:
'Mists and Magic'
'My Naughty Little Sister's Friends' -- subject(s): Sisters, Friendship, Family life, Fiction
'Joe and Timothy together' -- subject(s): Children's stories, Apartment houses, Friendship, Fiction
'My naughty little sister' -- subject(s): Behavior, Brothers and sisters, Family, Family life, Fiction, Juvenile fiction, Sisters
'My naughty little sister storybook' -- subject(s): Behavior, Family life, Fiction, Sisters
'My naughty little sister's friends' -- subject(s): Family life, Fiction, Friendship, Sisters
'Tales of Joe and Timothy'
'Mark the Drummer-Boy Bty'
'My naughty little sister and bad Harry's rabbit' -- subject(s): Children's stories
'King Dicky Bird and the Bossy Princess'
'Tales of Joe andTimothy' -- subject(s): Children's stories
'Listen, listen!'
'My naughty little sister goes fishing' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'My Naughty Sister and Bad Harry'
'Emmie and the Purple Paint'
'My naughty little sister and Father Christmas'
'A wet Monday' -- subject(s): Family life, Fiction, Rain and rainfall
'The Magician Who Kept a Pub'
'When My Naughty Little Sister Was Good (My Naughty Little Sister Series)'
'Naughty Little Sister (Cover to Cover Story Tapes)'
'My Naughty Little Sister and Bad Harry (My Naughty Little Sister)'
'Winter sonata'
'Mists and Magic'
'The witches and the grinnygog'
'The old man who sneezed'
'Joe and Timothy Together'
'Tales of Joe and Timothy'
'Here's Sam'
'My naughty little sister stories'
'My Naughty Sisters Frien 749702400'
'Story time two'
'Story time two'
'Listen and Play Rhymes (Starting Books)'
''Listen with Mother' stories' -- subject(s): Children's stories
'The Magician Who Kept a Pub and Other Stories'
1 answer
Dyan Sheldon has written:
'Deep and Meaningful Diaries from Planet Janet' -- subject(s): Interpersonal relations, Diaries, High schools, Schools, Family life, Fiction
'My brother is a superhero' -- subject(s): Brothers, Bullies, Fiction, Sibling rivalry
'Lizzie and Charley Go Shopping'
'Save the Last Dance for Me'
'On the Road Reluctantly'
'The crazy things girls do for love' -- subject(s): Interpersonal relations, Environmental protection, High schools, Schools, Green movement, Fiction
'Undercover Angel Strikes Again'
'Harry and Chicken'
'Le Chant DES Baleines'
'Confessions of a teenage drama queen' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Interpersonal relations, Identity, High schools, Schools, Juvenile fiction, Identity (Philosophical concept), Fiction
'El Canto De Las Ballenas / The Whales' Song'
'I Conquer Britain'
'A witch got on at Paddington Station' -- subject(s): Buses, Fiction, Witches
'Harry's Holiday (Racers)'
'Alison and the Prince'
'Love, your bear, X / Pete' -- subject(s): Fiction, Teddy bears, Lost and found possessions
'The garden' -- subject(s): Fiction, Indians of North America, Dreams
'Alison & the Prince Bty'
'Whale Song'
'Only Binky (Read Alouds)'
'Clara and Buster go moondancing' -- subject(s): Fiction, Cats, Dogs, Ballroom dancing
'Planet Janet' -- subject(s): Schools, Interpersonal relations, Family problems, Fiction, High schools
'Ts4 61h Whales Song'
'Sophie Pitt-Turnbull discovers America' -- subject(s): Conduct of life, Fiction, Interpersonal relations, Self-confidence, Vacations
'I conquer Britain' -- subject(s): Self-perception, Interpersonal relations, Families, Vacations, Fiction
'Planet Janet' -- subject(s): Fiction, Schools, Interpersonal relations, Family problems, High schools
'Counting cows'
'Lizzie and Charley Go Away for the Weekend'
'Confessions of a teenage drama queen' -- subject(s): Fiction, High schools, Identity, Interpersonal relations, Schools
'My life as a whale' -- subject(s): Bachelors, Fiction, Popular Print Disabled Books
'Whales Song Calendar 1995'
'Harry the explorer' -- subject(s): Cats, Extraterrestrial beings, Fiction
'Elena the Frog'
'Only Binky'
'Ich bin, wie ich bin'
'I forgot' -- subject(s): Memory, Fiction
'Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Reissue'
'Harry on vacation' -- subject(s): Fiction, Cats, Vacations, Camping, Extraterrestrial beings, Family life
2 answers
9 answers
Well, I know a lot of people got Poke'mon Mystery Dungeon Explorers Of Sky. Same with me. And I know TONS of people want to know how to get to Palkia. For those of you who do, here are the steps to follow to get there. And I know this is how to activate the Cresellia dreams, but it tells that in this to.
1. Beat the game. (Defeat Primal Dialga.)
2. Graduate from the Guild. Then talk to Mr. Mime by Keckleon Shop. You get asked to go rescue the famous explorer Scizor. You go to Blizzard Island and battle a Frosslass at the very bottom of Crevice Cave. Beat Frosslass. Scizor is let free! Then you go back to Treasure Twon.
3. Talk to Sunflora at Wigglytuff's Guild.
4. She tells you about a hidden area called the Surrounded Sea. Afterwards, you will be able to go there.
5. Head out to Surrounded Sea. (P.S. I advise you are at least level 55 by right here.)
6. When you get to the bottom, you will find multiple Boxes and a Wonder Egg.
7. Pick up the Wonder Egg. (This must happen to continue.)
8. The next day, it will wiggle around and then a bright light will appear from it. It is hatching.
9. It hatches into none other than the legendary Manaphy! Then you take Manaphy to the Guild to show Chatot.
10. Chatot tells you that Manaphy is supposed to be in the sea. Then Manaphy starts crying. You have to go to Craggy Coast to get Blue Gummis. (Manaphy is hungry.)
11. Just go straight to the bottom. The next day, look in your Inventory. 2 Blue Gummis will be there! How did that happen? Don't know. Oh, well!
12. Take the Blue Gummis to Manaphy. It will eat one of them. Then you take Manaphy bake to Sharpedo Bluff.
It will say, "The Next Morning....."on the screen after you fall asleep. Manaphy is gone! Oh no!
13. Head to the beach and you will find Manaphy there. You walk up to him, and he collapses on the sand! Chatot comes, and tells you Manaphy is running a fever and you need to get some Phione Dew at Miracle Sea.
14. Go to Miracle Sea and head down. (P.S. It is REALLY deep. Deep enough for there to be a rest point! Which there is, bty.)
15. When you get to the bottom, a bunch of Phione are talking. Then you hear a roar simaller to Primal Dialga's and Groudon's. A Gyarados rushes in and frightens the Phione!
16. You go into a battle with Gyarados. Gyarados has over 600 HP. I suggest using move types like Electric and Grass and Ice. If you or your partner is a Shinx, have Thunder Fang at this point. Make sure to use it. It deals at least 300 damage!
17. After you whoop Gyarados, a Phione gives you a Phione Dew for rescuing them.
18. Go back to Sharpedo Bluff and give Manaphy the Phione Dew. He starts to get better! Yes! Then, you go to bed.
19. It will say, "Several Days Later....." on the screen. When you wake up, you, your partner and Chatot guide Manaphy to the beach where a Walrein is waiting.
20. Walrein takes Manaphy to live in the sea.
Part 2
1. do some random missions then after 5 Go to the guild bottom and You'll see everyone crowding around Team Charm
2. You go to Aegis Cave with them and you have to spell out rock , steel ect with unknown stones (u get these by fighting unknown). You have to fight Regirock, Registeel, and Regice independantly with your partner. Then you fight 4 Bronzong, 4 Hitmonlee and Regigigas with Team Charm! Regigigas!
3. Once you beat all that, you start to dream of Cresselia at night. She is telling you you need to disappear!
4. After several nights of dreaming with Cresselia, Palkia comes and snatches you up while your sleeping! Palkia then takes you to Spacial Rift.
5. When you get to the bottom, you begin to battle Palkia.
6. When you beat Palkia[level48], he tells you you Cresselia said that you need to be destroyed in a dream.
7. A while later, you figure out it was Darkrai pretending to be Cresselia giving bad dreams! So you go to Darkrai's lair dark crater, acompaneed by the real Cresellia.
8. When you finish the Dungeon, you meet up with Darkrai[level53. He asks you to rule the world with him. Say no. Then, you battle Darkrai and 6 others. The others are
arbok(level 36,) rhyperior(level 36,) magmortar(level 36,) aggron(level 36,) and magcargo(level 36,) mismagius(level 35.)
when you wake up go outside and to the left (the cliff face) will be cresselia waiting to join your team. also if you wait three days after returnin to your house manaphy will be on the beach for you to recruit yays. also if you get palkia you can then evolve you hero and partner Pokemon
So that is how get Palkia. Later after you beat Darkrai, you can battle Palkia again. If you beat him, he asks to join your team. It's your disission. Thank your for reading!
3 answers
Prior to having a serious discussion about the different religious divisions in Judaism Christianity and Islam, several words must be defined for the sake of clarity. These terms are used this way exclusively in this answer and may have different names or connotations elsewhere. (For example, the term defined here as "Movement" is typically called a "School" in the Islamic context.)
Religion: A faith cemented by acts and prayers which is relatively distinct.
Sect: A portion of a religion that believes other members of other sects to be improperly following the religion and thus not achieving that religion's central goal.
Movement: A portion of a sect whose members have a unique style of praying and living that is approved of by members of other movements in the same sect, but is representative of their interpretation of the sect's purpose.
Rite or Ritual: A repertoire of physical acts that takes place during worship or religious activities. These are usually different across geographic regions.
As to be expected, given such a relatively low population and low level of societal integration, Judaism has only two major sects. However, they have very different perceptions of each other and these are the Torah Jews and the Liberal Jews. The main divisions between these sects is the ability to use non-Judaic source content to abrogate and modernize Jewish teaching and practice. Torah Jews believe that such things represent a deterioration of Jewish identity and purpose whereas Liberal Jews see Jewish Identity to be more internal or ethnic and the religious aspect to be secondary. As a result, Torah Jews believe Liberal Jews to have "lost their way" and Liberal Jews see Torah Jews as being antiquated and "out of sync" with the modern world. Regardless of whether a person is a Torah Jew or a Liberal Jew, that person may also practice rites derivative of his ancestral region such as Eastern European customs, Iberian customs, North African customs, etc. These customs do not affect other Jews as perceiving him as Jewish and these rites are all co-equal.
Within the Torah Judaism Sect there are a number of movements distinguished by their level of integration with the non-Jewish World, their styles of prayer, and their level of conservatism. The Modern Orthodox are typically seen as the more liberal branch of Torah Judaism and typically wear Jewish paraphernalia (such as a Kippa and Tzitzit) although they will dress in a typical business-suit and work in Western companies. On the more conservative side are the Hasidim and Ultra-Orthodox who wear unique vestment at all times and are recognizable by their payyot (sideburn-curls).
Within Liberal Judaism there are a number of movements also distinguished by their level of integration with the non-Jewish World, their styles of prayer, and their level of conservatism. At the most liberal are Secular Jews who may make Jewish foods and sing Jewish songs, but rarely attend synagogue services and do not perform the daily acts required of Torah Jews. In Liberal Judaism there is a question as to how much Hebrew and how much Vernacular should be used in a Synagogue Service. Conservative Jews, on the more conservative side typically prefer more Hebrew, whereas Reform Jews prefer more Vernacular. Liberal Jews are often well-acclimated to non-Jewish society and may have many non-Jewish friends and contacts.
There are six major sects in Christianity and some say even more, but the easiest way to break up Christianity is into these six categories: Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Oriental, Modern, and Mormon. Each of these groups believe the other groups are failing in their attempt to reach proper salvation through the Christ and as such have their own methods of attaining this goal.
Orthodox Christianity is the one of the oldest Christian Sects in the sense that it represents a fragment of the original Church and holds many doctrines in common with Catholicism as concerns the Sacraments. The disagreement between the Orthodox and Catholic is over leadership. The Orthodox maintain that the Church is a community of Patriarchs all with equal standing as opposed to a Pope with supreme power over all cardinals. Orthodox are most famous for praying with icons. There are several movements in Orthodox Christianity, the most famous being the Greek Orthodox and the Russian Orthodox, but there are also Georgian Orthodox, Bulgarian Orthodox, Slavic Orthodox, and Eastern Orthodox.
Catholicism is also one of the oldest Christian Sects in the sense that it represents a fragment of the original Church. Catholics hold that all seven sacraments are necessary to be saved along with the proper Eucharist. Catholicism also has several co-equal rites such as the Roman Rite (the most popular), the Byzantine Rite, the Slavic Rite, and so on. All Catholics (and exclusively Catholics) recognize the infallibility of the Pope on certain matters and the Pope's rule over Christendom.
Protestantism incorporates a wide variety of different movements and in certain cases, different sects in its umbrella. As a result, it is hard to pin down Protestantism. It formed as a rejection of Catholic doctrine in some cases, especially as concerns Calvinists and Lutherans or Catholic power in some cases, especially as concerns Anglicanism/Episcopalianism and Presbyterianism. As Protestant doctrines most often derive from the idea that the Bible should be the only source of Christian belief, differing interpretations of the Bible have made Protestant movements most prone to splitting. New Protestant movements are being created all of the time, with the Evangelical Movement among the fastest growing forms of Christianity. Most African-Americans ascribe to Protestant movements such as the Baptist Church.
The Oriental Orthodox Churches are not a uniform group of churches, but this group represents all of the Churches of the Old World that do not fit neatly into the categories of Orthodox, Catholic, or Protestant. These churches include the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Egyptian Coptic Church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and the early Christian Heretical Religions (such as the Nestorians and Justinians). What makes these Christian sects unique is different in every case. The Ethiopians have additional holy books and a unique liturgy, the Coptics hold to Monophysite Heresy, the Armenian Church did not join with the Early Patriarchs of the Church, and so forth.
Modern Christianity refers to new movements of Christianity that have developed in the last 200 years. The most famous of these is the Jehovah's Witnesses, but there are numerous other similar churches. They engage in relatively cultish and insular behaviors and many focus quite strongly in Christian eschatology.
Mormonism is a uniquely American form of Christianity (that is to say it embodies many American cultural ideas and American locales not that exclusively Americans are Mormons). Mormonism holds the Divine Revelation extended beyond the Biblical Period, resulting in additional Testaments of His Will. The most famous of these new documents is the Book of Mormon. Additionally Mormons believe that Divine Revelation continues into the present day and the Elder Mormon Leadership has partial access to Divine Knowledge in order to arbitrate Questions of the Faith. Many Christians outside of Mormonism consider Mormonism to be a heresy as it does not hold to the Nicene Creed's understanding of the Trinity.
There are three main sects within Islam: Ahl Sunna (commonly called Sunni), Shi'a (commonly called Shiite) and Ibadi. The main distinction between them is who has the right to power over the community. However, as simple as that may seem at first blush, it lead to numerous smaller but significant differences.
Sunni Islam is the dominant sect of Islam worldwide and established the Rule of Intikhabat and Ashura (Elections) for Mohammed's successors. Sunni Islam has many different forms. The most common movement of Islam is Hanafi, which is dominant in South Asia, the Levant, north Mesopotamia, Turkey, and southeast Europe. Sunni also has a mystical movement called Sufism of which many submovements exist like the Turkish Dervishes. In recent times, Saudi Arabia has stimulated a submovement within the Hanbali movement called Wahhabism which is a fundamentalist strain of Islam.
Shiite Islam is the dominant sect of Islam in Iran and the surrounding area. It was originally the political faction supporting Ali as Mohammed's successor instead of the elections. This has led to the ascription of martyrdom to Ali's sons: Hassan and Hussein who wished to promulgate a Caliphate from what the Shiites see as the rightful line. The most prominent movement in Shiite Islam is the Ja'afari Movement. Shiite submovements have historically been quite varied leading to groups as different as the Ismailis and the Alawites, both groups existing outside of the majority Shiite area today. Former Shiite submovements have now exited the religion of Islam such as the Druze and the Baha'i. Shiite movements are unique in that the process of Ijtihad (Open Religious Jurisprudence) continues solely in Shiite Islam.
Ibadi Islam is the dominant sect of Islam in Oman. It is an offshoot of the third party in the Islamic Civil War (Fitna al-Kubra), the Kharijites (the other two parties were the Sunnis and the Shiites). Ibadi Islam is so small that it has no internal movements. Ibadi holds to a moderated version of the Kharijite purification requirements by limiting contact with unbelievers and increasing contact with proper believers. They also hold with the tradition Kharijite view of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, namely that Abu Bakr and Omar were proper rulers, Othman was not and Ali lost favor when he agreed to the Arbitration with Mu'awiya.
In addition to the three main sects of Islam, there are also minor sects like the Ahmadiyya which are considered blasphemous (takfir) by the remaining Muslim sects. Ahmadiyya was founded by a prophet (Mirza Ghulam) and, according to most Muslims, this violates the Islamic concept that Mohammed was the capstone of the Prophets: the last and final prophet. The difference between Ahmadiyya versus Baha'i and Druze is that the Ahmadiyya still see themselves as Muslims whereas Druze and Baha'i do not.
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