Grander scale, whole idea, overall image
1 answer
Broader speech refers to language that is more general and inclusive. It aims to encompass a wide range of ideas or concepts, often providing an overview or summary without focusing on specific details. This type of speech is useful in settings where a big picture perspective is needed.
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Narrowness of focus: While attention to detail and ability to focus are assets in both areas, a managerial position may often require a broader outlook that, in an engineering position might be seen as lack of focus or detail - but in a management position is seen as seeing the broader picture.
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A big picture person is someone who focuses on the overall vision, strategy, and long-term goals rather than getting bogged down in the details. They tend to see the broader implications of decisions and how various parts fit together to create a holistic view of a situation or problem.
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"Vista la vega" is a Spanish phrase that translates to "seeing the meadow" or "viewing the flatland." It is often used figuratively to mean taking in the broader perspective or seeing the bigger picture.
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Looking at the big picture can provide valuable insights and a broader perspective on the situation. It allows for a better understanding of the overall context, patterns, and trends that may not be apparent when focusing on individual details.
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yes the topic of the research can be broader then the topic of short essay
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A food chain refers to the transfer of energy in a single line from producers through herbivores and carnivores through a community. A food web is broader, it describes a nutritional picture of a ecosystem as a whole.
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A kingdom is a broader classification level compared to a family. Kingdom is one of the higher taxonomic ranks in biological classification, whereas family is a lower rank that falls under kingdom.
3 answers
Where do you live and what kind of card does she use? Most companies sell gift cards on their website - BP does on mybpstation.com/cards, I amigine the others have similar services. If you're looking for the broader picture, check out the 'buiying wisely'-section of wikihow.com. It tells you how.
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I think you should try iHealth. This app has health, pharmaceutical and mood timelines allow the user to input data of all sorts over time in order to see a broader picture of health and to draw conclusions, spot trends and see potential correlations from it.
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Looking at the big picture in an essay means considering the broader context, overarching themes, and main ideas rather than getting bogged down in minor details. It involves seeing how the smaller components of your essay contribute to the overall message or argument you are trying to convey. It helps ensure coherence and clarity in your writing.
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The five key dimensions of the broader business environment include the Social, Economic, Technologic, Global and Competitive environments.
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HDI stands for Human Development Index, which is a composite statistic used to rank countries based on their human development levels. It takes into account factors such as life expectancy, education, and income to provide a broader picture of human well-being.
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when there is a picture in a picture, we use the term, "inscribing" This is because, there is a picture, inside another picture.
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Ii is advisable to have a broader aquarium than one with height.
Fish prefer breadth to height.
The broader your tank, the more comfortable your fish will be.
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It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
It is on the Format tab of Picture Tools, when you have a picture selected.
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A picture typically refers to a photograph or image captured with a camera, while a graphic is a visual representation created with software that can include text, shapes, and other elements. While both involve visual elements, a graphic is a broader term that encompasses various types of visual communication beyond just photographs.
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They have a broader spectrum of action.
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President Kwaniewski lead Poland in its drive to become part of a broader European community when he made peace with the United States.
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A universal bank can spread it cost over a broader base of activities and generate more revenues by offering a bundle of products. -Cyrille Ballerta
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Comparative: broader
Superlative: broadest
4 answers
A wordy picture is that when you draw a picture and there is something happening in your picture you have to explain what is happening in the picture.
1 answer