Men would wear braies, which would have been fastened at the waist with a cord; depending on the time period, they might reach down to the knees or be as short as modern underwear. Women would wear long shifts, and if needed a countrywoman would wear clouts (female braies).
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Sailors, field workers and other men engaged in physical activity stripped to their braies - long, baggy, linen underpants. The 12th century observer and writer Alexander Neckham tells us that in summer the sailors at the Port of London wore nothing but braies and linen coifs, adding a woollen gonne (long tunic) in cool weather. In art, workmen pruning vines, gathering grapes and harvesting crops are depicted dressed like this - wearing only braies was considered to be fully dressed at such times.
Even in the depths of winter men stripped to their braieswhen threshing grain inside the threshing barn - it was hot, tedious work lasting many days.
Women would never dream of removing any clothing but many wore a large-brimmed straw hat in hot weather to keep the sun from their heads. At the very most, they might tuck the hem of their woollen dress into the belt, leaving the long linen shift below to cover their legs.
The links below take you to images of men working striped to their braies:
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Clothing for knights varied greatly between regions and times. However, in general they wore higher quality tunics and chausses/braies with turnshoes and perhaps a coif. These pieces cover the torso, legs/groin, feet, and head respectively.
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hi I am a kid and I searched online and it said "In addition to loincloths, medieval men wore an entirely different type of underpants called braies. Women of the period might have worn a breast band called a strophium or mamillary made from linen or leather." i know this won't help but if it does your welcome? 😅
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When planning a road trip in the Dolomites, must-see attractions include the Sella Pass, Tre Cime di Lavaredo, and Lake Braies. For the best routes, consider driving the Great Dolomites Road, the Gardena Pass, and the Giau Pass for stunning views and picturesque stops along the way.
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Some must-see attractions in the Dolomites for a road trip include the Sella Pass, Tre Cime di Lavaredo, and Lake Braies. Recommended routes include the Great Dolomites Road, the Gardena Pass loop, and the Giau Pass route for stunning views and scenic drives.
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From the time of the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, nobody at any level in society wore "trousers" (pants in American English) - they wore separate leggings of wool cloth called hose, which each tied to the drawstring of the linen braies (male underwear).
Sailors, building labourers and farm workers often took off their hose and worked just in their braies, which reached to below the knees and might vaguely resemble shorts, but they could have ties around the bottom of each leg or splits at the bottom of each leg; they were made extremely loose and baggy, since linen does not stretch and tight garments would simply burst apart at the seams. Noblemen would never be seen without their hose, which were made to fit closer to the leg, of better quality wool and sometimes with feet coverings attached ("footed hose").
See link below for an image:
3 answers
The ancient Egyptians sometimes wore loincloths. The Romans also wore underwear. Both Roman men and women wore a loincloth or shorts called subligaculum. Women also wore a band of cloth or leather around their chest called a strophium.
During the Middle Ages men word linen shorts called braies but women did not wear knickers until the 19th century february 17th. Their only underwear was a long linen garment called a shift, which they wore under their dress. From the 16th century women wore corsets made with whalebone.
paigelbtv xx
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From about 1400 to 1600, the Renaissance saw an explosion of art, music, scholarship and exploration. Europeans discovered the "New World." Protestant reformers rebelled against the Catholic Church. Michelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci, Dante and Shakespeare, Galileo and Isaac Newton flourished. Costumes evolved over the period and varied regionally, between men and women and by wealth and social class.
Women's Clothing: NobilityEarly Renaissance gowns had high waists with wide gored skirts and trains, gathered at center front and worn over a linen shift. They had square necklines and flat bustlines. Sleeves were puffed, interchangeable and separate from the bodice, tied to it with laces. Fabrics were rich: brocaded and embroidered silks and velvets, fine linen in dark, deep colors accented by gold and jewels. By the late Renaissance, waistlines of gowns dropped to the natural waist. Skirts became much fuller, supported by hooped underskirts that showed through slits in the gown. Collars became high and ruffled. An outer garment for warmth was the houppeland, a long, full, sleeved gown that opened in the front.
Women's Clothing: PeasantryPeasants' clothes were simpler. Women wore a shift under a laced bodice and overskirt for everyday with a houppeland for warmth. For rare festive occasions they may have had gowns similar to those of noblewomen but in coarser, plainer fabric.
Men's Clothing: NobilityThe basic men's garments were chausses and a doublet or jerkin. Chausses were knitted stockings tied to braies, which were similar to a loincloth. Doublets and jerkins were padded tunics fitted at the waist and flaring out from there to the hips. As with women's gowns, sleeves were detachable. They were made from the same fabrics as women's gowns, and worn over a linen shirt that was gathered at the neck and wrists. By the late Renaissance, chausses and braies had evolved to resemble modern-day tights. The stockings were connected in the back by a triangular piece of fabric and tied to a codpiece in the front. The late Renaissance ruffled collars were worn by men also. Men's houppelands were shorter, ending at about the knees.
Men's Clothing: PeasantryPeasant men wore chausses and braies as well, but of coarser fabric. Over that they wore a long shirt and a doublet, jerkin or houppeland.
SummaryThen as now, social status and personal taste were reflected in clothing. There were no designer labels, but the fabric and decoration told the story.
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According to one source I found, pull on underwear began to replace loincloths for men in the 13th century.
In the 1600's, women wore chemises and smocks worn under their gowns. They also sometimes wore linen drawers. Garters, corsets, petticoats and whatnot became popular as fashions changed and skirts more voluminous. The brassiere did not appear until the early 20th century, however.
In the middle ages, men started wearing loose, mid-calf length undergarmets called braies. These usually had a flap in the front for when nature called. When men started wearing hose in the 1600-1700's, their underwear became tighter-fitting, and presumably shorter.
The term smallclothes for mens' undies came into use in the mid to late 1700's.
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Nobody wore tights in the medieval period - blame Hollywood for that particular piece of nonsense fiction.
Fashions changed considerably during the very long medieval era: the Saxons and Vikings wore trousers from waist to ankle. By the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066, these had become obsolete and men wore "hose" instead - these were separate legs of wool material that tied to the waistband of the braies (long, very baggy linen underpants). These hose tucked into the shoes.
Hose remained the fashion throughout the medieval era, although the shape and style of underwear changed. During the 14th century some men wore hose of different colours ("parti-colour").
Capes in the sense of a hooded garment that extended to cover the shoulders or extended like a cloak to cover most of the body were certainly worn. Some capes were sewn shut down the front and had short sleeves attached to be worn as wet-weather dress by carters, shepherds and other outdoor workers.
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The first item of clothing for a man was a set of linen breeches or braies, similar to loose boxer shorts. These would have been secured with a thin belt or lace. Over these went a pair of hose, long woolen stockings that covered the entire leg. The next layer was a linen shirt that reached to the thighs or knees. Over the top was a wool tunic. Laborers and those who did physical labor wore shorter tunics,often to the knee, to allow for movement, those of higher status who did not do physical work would have longer tunics, in some cases reaching the feet. Tunics would also be decorated and trimmed bases on wealth and social status. A peasant or laborer would wear a simple tunic of plain cloth. The tunic of a wealthy man might have embroidery, trim, fur, or even jewels for decoration.
Women's clothing was similar, but women did not wear braies. Their undergarment was a long shirt, longer than the man's. Women wore hose as well, although because her garments were longer women's hose were usually knee length. The woman's tunic was almost always long, ankle or foot length.
Both women and men would have worn a leather belt which was used to hold one's knife, purse, and other useful items. Shoes were typically leather with a flat sole and no heel, fastened with leather laces or drawstrings. Shoes were simple and were frequently repaired or replaced. Shoemakers are among the most common trades found in medieval tax and tenancy documents. A variety of outer garments would have been worn as conditions required, including a second tunic, a surcoat, or a mantle.
There was a variety of headgear. Men are shown bareheaded more often than women in the surviving sources. A variety of hats were worn by men, however, including a simple coif tied under the chin, hat and caps made of cloth or felt, and among agricultural workers straw hats. Women more often kept their head covered. Poor women wore a simple head wrap, and women of higher status covered their hair with a veil and secured it with a variety of means.
Source: Daily Life in Medieval Europe by Jeffrey Singman.
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If you happened to be a Cistercian monk, then the clothing was just a woollen habit reaching to the ankles, with a hooded cloak or a hooded cape (the cowl), all made of natural, undyed wool. Sleeves were deliberately made very wide and far too long, so they had to be turned back or bunched up the arm. When allowed to fall to full length these sleeves completely hid the hands. No underwear was allowed and the shoes would be the normal leather turnshoes of the time.
Benedictine and Cluniac monks wore the same, but in black wool. They were permitted to have a long linen shirt underneath and if they were sent outside the monastery on some errand they were permitted not only to borrow a good-quality habit and cowl from the cellarer, but also a pair of linen braies (long, baggy underpants) which had to be washed and put back into the stores on their return.
Carthusian monks also wore undyed woollen habits, over very coarse hair shirts intended to make the skin sore (the Carthusians were perhaps the most extreme of all the orders of monks).
No crosses were worn, no sandals and no knotted rope belts - these were all marks of the Friars, who were not the same as monks.
See links below for images:
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Many different tools were used by peasant farming labourers, including the threshing flail. Threshing was an extremely lengthy and hard manual job during the winter months, part of the sequence of processes the grain had to go through before it was taken to the miller.
Wheat and other grain crops were stored in a barn after the harvest, still tied in sheaves. Ploughing and sowing the next crop was the priority while the weather was still reasonable; threshing often took place in the depths of winter when working the land was impossible.
Teams of men and boys would take rakes and flails to the barn. The work was so hot that they often stripped to their braies (underwear). The boys would spread out some of the crop on the floor and the men would work together to thresh or "thrash" it with their flails - knocking out the important kernels of wheat along with the chaff. The boys would then rake away all the straw before spreading out more of the crop - the women would sweep up the wheat and chaff into winnowing baskets for the next part of the process, which had to be done outside in a breeze.
The threshing flail in England traditionally had an ashwood handle and a blackthorn "beater", hinged together with leather straps or metal rings.
See links below for images of the threshing flail:
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Despite the popular myth that monks wore a cross, this was neither permitted or needed by real medieval monks.
Depending on which Order of monks they belonged to, the habit was made of a particular colour of coarse wool cloth: black for Benedictines and Cluniacs (called "black monks"), undyed, unbleached natural wool for Carthusians and Cistercians (often called "white monks").
The underwear for Benedictines consisted of a natural linen shirt reaching almost to the knees, with long, tight sleeves. Underpants were only issued to monks leaving the monastery on some errand, otherwise they were not worn - they were called braies and were long, baggy and made of linen.
Shoes were of black or tan leather (sandals were not worn by monks, despite the popular cartoon version of history) and socks were permitted in cold climates, as were fur undergarments called pelices.
The habit reached almost to the ground and the sleeves were made very wide and far too long - they had to be turned back or bunched up the arm. At certain times the sleeves were allowed to fall to their full length, hiding the hands completely. A hood could be attached directly to the habit, or to an overgarment known as a cowl. The hood had to be worn at specific times.
When doing manual work, monks put on a protective garment called a scapular. This was a long, rectangular piece of wool cloth with a hole in the middle for the head, falling over the habit front and back to keep it clean.
Belts could be of leather, tied in a knot at the front, or of linen cord (without the three knots worn by friars).
The obvious mark of the monk was not any kind of wooden cross but his haircut, which was the Roman tonsure, leaving a bald patch at the crown of the head. Combined with the black or white habit this instantly marked him out as a monk and made all other signs unnecessary.
Many people today are confused by the dress of medieval friars, who were not the same as monks - in fact they were the complete opposite of monks. In general terms they wore grey or brown habits, sandals, rope belts with three knots, and had the Roman tonsure.
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For a man clothing started with a piece of underwear somewhat similar to large boxer shorts or loose pajama pants. These were know as breeches, breeks, or braies. These were held in place by a tie similar to a shoe lace. A shirt was worn over this. The shirt was longer than waist length, being somewhere between thigh and knee length. Under garments were usually linen. Over the shirt went a tunic, essentially a long wool overshirt, of similar length to the undershirt. The legs were covered with long stockings that covered the enter leg, and were held in place with ties. Shoes were simple and made of leather. Medieval shoes had to be repaired or replaced frequently, consequently shoemakers were one of the most common tradesmen in towns and cities. Hats were nearly universal and came in a number to style, the most common being a coif, a simple cloth garment that fit close to the head and might be tied under the chin.
Women's clothing was similar, but the shirt and tunic were much longer, making them essentially dresses. Women's stockings were shorter, as much less of their legs showed. There is some debate as to if women wore breeches. Women wore headgear, which might be as simple as a cloth hair wrap or include a variety of hats.
Both genders wore a belt, and because garments were short on pockets small items were either carried thrust through the belt, tied to it, or in small pouches or bags tied to the belt. A knife was a universal tool and utensil in the middle ages. Everyone from commoners to monks to merchants carried one in their belt.
Medieval clothing involved alot of layers because of the limited heating of medieval buildings. In cold weather more layers like a mantle (basically a sleeveless coat) would be added. During hot weather the tunic might not be worn, leaving only the shirt. When doing very strenuous work in hot weather, such as at harvest time, men might work only in the breeches to stay cool.
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There was no specific set of clothes for medieval shepherds, they were among the very lowest class of peasants and wore their everyday clothing with a few additional items. Shepherds are frequently portrayed in Bibles since they feature prominently in the Christmas story - the inclusion of lowly peasant folk appealed very much to medieval congregations.
Apart from his usual linen shirt and braies (long, baggy underwear), woollen tunic and hose (separate leggings) and leather ankle boots a shepherd dressed for life outdoors in extremes of weather - he added a warm cloak, chape or hooded garment that might be lined with fur or made entirely of sheep's fleece, plus wrappings around his legs of linen cloth soaked in beeswax (cirecloth) to keep out the wet and mud.
Naturally he carried the tools he needed: a shepherd's crook (carried with the curved end downwards and the straight end in the hand) and a cow horn trumpet for calling the sheep or his dog and signalling to other shepherds.
Modern shepherds also wear warm clothing such as padded jackets or winter coats, but their footwear is wellington boots (gumboots) and hooded cloaks are not included. Modern shepherds also carry their crooks upside-down (curved end upwards) as walking-sticks.
See links below:
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Monks and nuns traditionally wore specific religious garments known as habits. These habits varied depending on the religious order and often included robes, tunics, scapulars, veils, and other symbolic items. The color and style of the habit would also signify the particular order to which the monk or nun belonged. The habit served as a visible sign of their commitment to their religious vows and as a form of identification within the community.
8 answers
They must have worn some sort of rough but durable cloth, as they were going to out in all sorts of weather. Probably they wore wool or burlap, or maybe a very heavy linen. I suppose it also depended on their location. But their clothes probably became ragged extremely quickly.
4 answers
in medieval europe, the vast majority of clothing would be linen, or woven wool. a small proportion of material would be imported silks, velvets, or similar luxury fabric.
leather was not used extensively for clothing, though it was used for belts, shoes, and similar items.
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