While nitrogen makes up about 78% of the atmosphere, it is mainly in the form of N2 gas, which is not readily available for use by plants and animals. Nitrogen is needed in a bioavailable form, such as nitrate or ammonium, for living organisms to use. The shortage of nitrogen refers to the availability of bioavailable forms of nitrogen, which can be limited in certain ecosystems due to factors like leaching, denitrification, or high demand by plants.
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2 a day
Every day, all the time... however, you do not need to take supplements if you eat a balanced diet. It will provide the daily vitamins you need in their most natural (and bioavailable) form.
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To decarb THCA effectively for best results, heat it at a low temperature (around 220-240F) for about 30-45 minutes. This process converts THCA into THC, making it more potent and bioavailable for consumption.
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Decarboxylated cannabis is more potent and bioavailable, making it more effective for medicinal use. This process activates the cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, which have therapeutic benefits for pain relief, inflammation, anxiety, and more.
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Decarboxylation is a process that activates cannabinoids like THC and CBD, making them more potent and bioavailable. After alcohol extraction, decarboxylation can increase the potency of cannabinoids in the final product, leading to stronger effects when consumed.
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YES it does in a way. Actually it becomes more "bioavailable." That is, cooked meat provides more protein that your body can absorb than uncooked meat.
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Nitrogen gas (N2) in our atmosphere is an example of a form of nitrogen that humans cannot directly use. Additionally, nitrate (NO3-) in soils is not directly usable by humans and must first be converted by plants into a more bioavailable form of nitrogen.
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There is variation between species (and individuals) as some digestive systems are better at feed conversion than others. It also depends on the food source, some plants produce calories that are more bioavailable than others.
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If the soil is microbiologically active and contains humic substances, such as fulvic acid complex, plants will absorb minerals more easily, the nutrients in edible plants will be more bioavailable, and the plants will be more drought-tolerant, more resistant to weeds, insects, bacteria, viruses and fungi.
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If the soil is microbiologically active and contains humic substances, such as fulvic acid complex, plants will absorb minerals more easily, the nutrients in edible plants will be more bioavailable, and the plants will be more drought-tolerant, more resistant to weeds, insects, bacteria, viruses and fungi.
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To decarboxylate THC effectively for optimal potency and effects, finely grind the cannabis, spread it evenly on a baking sheet, and bake it in an oven at 240F for 30-40 minutes. This process activates the THC, making it more potent and bioavailable for desired effects when consumed.
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Good question. Nutritionists have shown that microwaved vegetables usually retain MORE nutrients than those that are conventionally cooked. One exception: lycopenes in tomatoes become more bioavailable when cooked than raw.
A new study says that up to 98% of the nutrients are destroyed in a microwave.
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Whole corn is actually not very bioavailable...and livestock corn is quite hard. The idea is to provide calories that are easily digestible and therefore converted to energy for quick weight gain. Mechanical grinding, steaming and even cooking breakdown the endosperm as well as the "shell".
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Plant proteins can be just as digestible as animal proteins when consumed as part of a balanced diet. However, some plant proteins may be less bioavailable due to factors such as anti-nutrients or insufficient essential amino acids. Cooking methods, food pairings, and processing techniques can also affect the digestibility of plant proteins.
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The ferrous (Fe2+) state is typically more soluble than the ferric (Fe3+) state because Fe2+ ions form more stable complexes with ligands in solution. This increased solubility can make ferrous compounds more bioavailable for biological processes and nutrient uptake.
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Hydrogen chloride is sometimes used in the salt form of antidepressants to help stabilize the drug and improve its absorption in the body. It can aid in making the drug more soluble and bioavailable, leading to better therapeutic effects when taken by the patient.
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Yes, there is an energy difference between cooked and uncooked peanuts. Cooking peanuts can increase their digestibility and make the nutrients more bioavailable, leading to slightly higher energy availability from cooked peanuts compared to uncooked ones.
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Calcium chloride is a salt compound that dissociates into calcium and chloride ions in solution. While it does contain calcium ions, it is not a suitable source of calcium for dietary needs as the chloride ion may have negative effects in high amounts. It is not a bioavailable form of calcium for human consumption.
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To make nascent iodine, iodine crystals are mixed with a solvent such as ethanol or purified water. The mixture is then allowed to sit and react for a period of time, creating a nascent form of iodine that is more bioavailable and easily absorbed by the body.
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Labile carbon is a form of organic carbon that is readily available for microbial consumption and can be easily decomposed. It plays a crucial role in nutrient cycling and soil health, as it serves as a source of energy for soil microorganisms, influencing soil fertility and nutrient availability.
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The most bioavailable form of iron is from meat, so if you need to increase your blood iron levels, and you are not vegetarian, eat meat. If you are vegetarian, than you can eat iron pills and a lot of green vegetables like spinage and broccoli along with Vitamin C. The vitamin C, when given with plant forms of iron, will help it to absorb better, though the form of iron in plants is still not very absorbable.
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B-Dose 2ml and B-Dose Forte 2.5ml are injectable solutions of B-complex. Used mostly to treat B vitamin deficiencies when oral B complex is eiether not absorbed properly via the gut, or not tolerated. They are also used for various health conditions where injectable form is much more bioavailable than oral forms, giving more benefit.
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The most bioavailable form of iron is from meat, so if you need to increase your blood iron levels, and you are not vegetarian, eat meat. If you are vegetarian, than you can eat iron pills and a lot of green vegetables like spinage and broccoli along with Vitamin C. The vitamin C, when given with plant forms of iron, will help it to absorb better, though the form of iron in plants is still not very absorbable.
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Magnesium citrate is generally more effective and better absorbed by the body compared to magnesium carbonate. This is because magnesium citrate is a more bioavailable form of magnesium, meaning it is easier for the body to absorb and utilize. Magnesium carbonate, on the other hand, is less soluble and may not be as readily absorbed, making it less effective in terms of providing magnesium benefits.
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Magnesium citrate is generally more effective and better absorbed by the body compared to magnesium carbonate. This is because magnesium citrate is a more bioavailable form of magnesium, meaning it is easier for the body to absorb and utilize. Magnesium carbonate, on the other hand, is less soluble and may not be as readily absorbed, making it less effective in raising magnesium levels in the body.
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Ferrous iron is the form of iron that is readily absorbed by the body and is essential for various physiological functions such as oxygen transport. Ferric iron is a less bioavailable form of iron that needs to be converted to ferrous iron before it can be utilized by the body.
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"Minerals" in general don't cure illnesses. If you have a chronic lack of some essential element in your diet, a mineral containing that element can help, though it needs to be in some bioavailable form. Eating some insoluble rock powder is not going to do much, and the only thing that simply having a mineral around is going to cure is poverty on the part of whoever's selling the minerals (and, possibly, gullibility on the part of the buyer when they discover it doesn't work).
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To incorporate fermented lemon juice into your cooking, you can use it as a marinade for meats or vegetables, add it to salad dressings, or mix it into sauces and soups for a tangy flavor. For skincare, you can mix fermented lemon juice with other natural ingredients like honey or yogurt to create a face mask or toner. The fermentation process can enhance the benefits of lemon juice by increasing its probiotic content and making it more bioavailable for your body or skin.
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Iron is an essential mineral for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in our blood. While iron is a hard metal, the form of iron found in food and supplements is in a different chemical form that is easily absorbed by the body. These forms of iron are specifically designed to be bioavailable and safe for consumption.
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A pseudovitamin is a substance that was once classified as a vitamin due to its importance for health but later determined to not meet all the criteria of a vitamin, such as being essential for life or not being produced in sufficient amounts by the body. An example is laetrile, once considered a B vitamin but later found to have no essential role in human nutrition.
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The atmosphere is made up of 70% nitrogen. Nitrogen is also a key ingredient for proteins and nucleic acids such as DNA, and without these, no life could exist. However, the nitrogen in the atmosphere is unusable for most organisms. A few types of microorganisms are capable of fixing nitrogen into a bioavailable form, and that is the process of nitrogen fixation. The fixed nitrogen can then be used by plants to create amino acids, and the amino acids are then consumed by animals.
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Seleno methionine is the plant source of selenium and is almost 100% bioavailable.
How much supplemental selenium your dog needs depends entirely on your dogs baseline selenium status, the amount he's getting from food and his kidney function. You can overdose your dog even with small doses if he already has enough in his diet or has impaired kidney function.
"he content of selenium in food depends on the selenium content of the soil where plants are grown or animals are raised. For example, researchers know that soils in the high plains of northern Nebraska and the Dakotas have very high levels of selenium."
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The best nutritional products are those that are food-based because they have all the right ingredients in a food-form our bodies can digest. People can't absorb inorganic nutrients and minerals from the earth because they're in a form that only plants can take up. When plants eat them, however, and the plants are then eaten, we absorb all the nutrients through the plants. Food-based nutritional supplements like Phytomatrix and Perfect Food can lead to better health because the nutrients are in a form that are highly bioavailable and that our bodies can digest and eat safely. People should stick to these kinds of supplements.
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Depending on the drug, first pass can have a major influence on it's fraction reaching systemic circulation. F = fa x fg x fh
Essentially the fraction reaching the systemic circulation or bioavailability (F) is influenced by fa - absorption from intestine, fg = fraction escaping metabolism in the gut, and fh = fraction escaping the first pass (metabolism) by the liver carried via the portal vein.
The amount of drug reaching the systemic circulation (bioavailable) can be drastically reduced by first pass. When talking concentration, we can only measure the blood, so the amount reaching could be less.
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From a nutritional point of view, this answer to this question doesn't make make any difference. While there are polyphenol antioxidants in blue potatoes, there are a whole set of other antioxidants in white potatoes. Possibly one has more of one nutrient or another, but how would you know which one you need? Which one is more bioavailable? What if this potato has 1,000 times more or less than the tested potato? The answer is that the most important nutrient is the one that you are missing at this moment. Eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes and you will get plenty of nutrients the way nature intended.
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Ferrous sulfate is cost-effective but can cause more gastrointestinal side effects compared to ferrous fumarate and ferrous gluconate. Ferrous fumarate has a higher elemental iron content, making it more bioavailable, but it may cause less gastrointestinal irritation. Ferrous gluconate is well-tolerated but has a lower elemental iron content, requiring higher doses for the same effect as ferrous sulfate or fumarate.
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In answering the question, there are a few things that need to be considered. The first is that lead is a naturally occurring element, and it is ubiquitous in nature, meaning that it is found everywhere. Therefore, all fishponds already have lead in them to some degree. So the first consideration is to remember that your question becomes a question of presence versus significance. Next, not all lead is equally toxic. The oxidation state and the anion associated with lead in a particular compound will heavily dictate the significance of the presence, even in environments where the content is very high. A good example of this is when the lead is present as the mineral galena (PbS). Although galena is some 87% lead, and may be present in large quantities in the bed of the fish pond, PbS is not particularly bioavailable, and therefore, its presence, even at high concentrations is not biologically significant. In the other end of the biological scale are the organic leads, such as tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead. These leaded compounds are particularly bioavailable and can be of considerable concern in the aquatic environment. Finally, the last consideration is the food chain. Different kinds of leaded compounds will bioaccumulate to different degrees. And, depending on the food, chain, may therefore enter higher omnivores and carnivores in the surrounding environment, and may (but not necessarily) effect the health of those animals as well. So the answer to your questions lies with properly defining the word "contaminant" and recognizing that the mere presence of lead does not equal contaminant, even at very high concentrations - rather of greater importance is the significance of the lead, based on its bioavailability in the context of the existing environment.
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You CAN, but please do not do that to your baby - it's incredibly selfish. You are putting CHEMICALS onto your hair & scalp. Everything you do to your body, you do to your baby. What's more important, how you look, or the health & safety of your child?
5 answers
Between T3 and T4, T3 is the bioavailable form of the hormone which the body is able to actively utilize to control metabolism. T4 is only storage hormone, making it a less reliable predictor of current metabolic functions since it must first be converted. Some patients are unable to convert T4 to T3 effectively. Totals are less reliable than Frees however, so between the two hormones, the most reliable hormone to test is Free T3, not Total T3. That said, diagnosing thyroid dysfunction requires multiple tests for appropriate diagnosis, since the overall impression is most important in the diagnostic process, not a single hormone.
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Nitrogen in fertilizer will not melt ice directly. Nitrogen is a nutrient that helps promote plant growth and is not typically used for de-icing purposes. Adhering to ice melting products like rock salt or calcium chloride is more effective.
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Roughly 10% of the energy from one trophic level is transferred to the next level, so about 10% of the energy is used by the animal that eats it. The rest of the energy is lost as heat or used for metabolic processes.
7 answers
TriCalcium Phosphate is a common form of dietary calcium that is highly bioavailable to the human body. It is well-absorbed by the digestive system and provides a good source of calcium for bone health and other physiological functions. Overall, TriCalcium Phosphate is considered a useful and effective form of dietary calcium for humans.
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Yes, in fact the extra iron in red meat is more bioavailable (better absorbed by your GI tract) than that found in iron or multivitamin tablets ~ and iron is certainly something you need more of during pregnancy. However, do not stop taking prenatal vitamins even if you have a good diet since the fetus may need more vitamins/minerals/nutrients for healthy development than you can do with your usual diet. A balance of good diet and vitamin supplements as suggested by your doctor is the best option.
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Humans impact the nitrogen cycle by making fertilizers and burning fossil fuels, which alter the amount of fixed nitrogen our ecosystems.
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Cooking an egg can increase protein absorption as it denatures the proteins, making them easier to digest and absorb in the body. The protein in cooked eggs is also more bioavailable compared to raw eggs, resulting in better utilization by the body.
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In some muscle tissue acetylcholine causes vaso-dilation, but not all. Norepinephrine is the opposite competor/effector of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is present in all preganglionic fibers, both parasympathetic and sympathetic. Acetylcholine is present in postganglionic parasympatic fibers, where norepinephrine is present in the postganglionic sympathetic fibers. In some tissues acetylcholine causes constriction. Can also reduce heart rate vi the vagus nerve. Acetylcholine is the only neurotransmitter used in the somatic nervous system! Acetylcholine can effect vasodilation by several mechanisms, including activation of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase and prostaglandin (PG) production. In human skin, exogenous Acetylcholine increases both skin blood flow and bioavailable NO levels, but the relative increase is much greater in skin blood flow than NO. So this may lead us to speculate that acetylcholine may dilate cutaneous blood vessels through PGs, as well as NO. In some muscle tissue acetylcholine causes vaso-dilation, but not all. Norepinephrine is the opposite competor/effector of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is present in all preganglionic fibers, both parasympathetic and sympathetic. Acetylcholine is present in postganglionic parasympatic fibers, where norepinephrine is present in the postganglionic sympathetic fibers. In some tissues acetylcholine causes constriction. Can also reduce heart rate vi the vagus nerve. Acetylcholine is the only neurotransmitter used in the somatic nervous system! Acetylcholine can effect vasodilation by several mechanisms, including activation of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase and prostaglandin (PG) production. In human skin, exogenous Acetylcholine increases both skin blood flow and bioavailable NO levels, but the relative increase is much greater in skin blood flow than NO. So this may lead us to speculate that acetylcholine may dilate cutaneous blood vessels through PGs, as well as NO.
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As in all things nutritional, you can have both excess and deficiency. Your body needs protein and beef and pork are both excellent sources of complete protein. However, too much meat, especially red meat, can contribute to obesity, vascular disease and cancer. If undercooked, meat can also carry diseases (as can vegetables if not washed properly). You can get the needed protein from other sources such as leaner meats (like chicken and turkey) and fish and also from vegetarian sources.
Nearly all non-meat and fish sources are incomplete and so care must be taken to use complimentary sources (just eating salad is not healthy). Vegetables, lentils and legumes are higher in vitamins and fiber and lower in fats, however, they are also low in bioavailable iron (the iron in green leafy vegetables in not easily absorbed) so care must also be taken to address this need.
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While I am not intimate with the raw data for this, you can be certain that a major pharmaceutical firm would not provide pills or gel caps at the identical dose unless there were certainty that the two are equally bioavailable. ---- In fact, the difference is in pharmacokinetics.. Liquigel are absorbed 10 minutes faster than regular ones.. this means an absorption in 15-20 minutes instead of 25-30 minutes. This 10 minutes is not very important... but in migraines.. every minute counts! ---- I am intimate with the raw data. The big issue is is your stomach affected by Advil? Advil tablets are designed not to dissolve until they reach the intestine. This resolves stomach issues. Although people taking broken or chipped tablets can get around this unknowingly. The Liquid Gel Advil designed by Robert Dicianni, and George Van Parys along with Banner Pharmacaps our the originators of the liquid gel concept.
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