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Biast is usually used as a male name - of Scottish origin and it means: beast.

1 answer

Biast oppinion.. International eventing.

1 answer

I believe what you're looking for is 'biased'.

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Do you mean Biased, it means to show unfair influence

2 answers

AWith compassion and understanding, as well as being competely biast and non judgemental

1 answer

If you are a homophobe. The reason why it is considered to be an "unjust law" is the massive amount of religious conservatives who believe they must carry on whatever their religions 'require'. Notice how many references are made to the bible when said homophobes attempt to justify their biast answers.

1 answer

Um, who are more famous than Justin Bieber? I don't think anyone is more famous than Justin Bieber now, even though I hate to admit it. I don't like Justin Bieber, but I haven't even heard of the JLs.

3 answers

One of the best places to go for a non-biast view of what insurance products are available in your area is to go to the Financial Standards council. They provide free reports on a wide variety of financial services. (Everything from Insurance, financial planners, mortgage brokers and even accountants.) It is a great site that allows you to see what experiences other consumers have had with these companies and also gives you an opportunity to become educated on the different kinds of products avialable to you as a a consumer.

1 answer

Negative discrimination occurs when someone is treated unfairly or disadvantaged based on factors such as race, gender, age, or disability. This type of discrimination can lead to feelings of exclusion, harm, and inequality for the individual or group affected.

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Bias is when it is influenced in some way or another.

E.g. In probability, a standard die should give a 1 in 6 chance for each number from 1-6 to be rolled. In a biased die, the number 3 could be appear 3 times in 6 rolls, and instead of being a 1/6 chance, it would have a 1/2 chance of appearing. Also if you say "do you just like Dr. Justice brush your teeth." is biast because it has to do with Dr. Justice's answer.

1 answer

One of the best places to go for a non-biast view of what banking products are available in your area is to go to the Financial Standards council. They provide free reports on a wide variety of financial services. (Everything from Insurance, financial planners, mortgage brokers and even accountants.) It is a great site that allows you to see what experiences other consumers have had with these companies and also gives you an opportunity to become educated on the different kinds of products avialable to you as a a consumer. You can find their website at www.FinancialStandardsCouncil.com

1 answer

A narrator who is omniscient, all-knowing, and reliable is often referred to as a reliable third-person omniscient narrator. This type of narrator has insight into the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the story and can provide a comprehensive and trustworthy account of events.

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i am a ballet dancer so i probably would have a biast i wouldnt rate any sport the only hardest sport in the world but it is one of the hardest sports along with gymnastics and a couple of other things .the skill techniqnique physicality flexibility and many other things needed to be to be a ballet dancer is amazing and any normal person eg the person who said ballet is not one of the hardest sports in the world would not be able to cope with the pressure it is just so hard it is also something that you have to already have the talent inside you and not just pick it up like some sports (football)

2 answers

One of the best places to go for a non-biast view of Investment advisors and products that are available in your area is to go to the Financial Standards council. They provide free reports on a wide variety of financial services. (Everything from Insurance, financial planners, mortgage brokers and even accountants.) It is a great site that allows you to see what experiences other consumers have had with these companies and also gives you an opportunity to become educated on the different kinds of products avialable to you as a a consumer. You can find their website at www.FinancialStandardsCouncil.com

2 answers

Because ignorance leads their knowledgeless mind to hurt people,mostly because the African American race feel so offended to minor racial slurs,they respond violently to the white race.


Anybody in a situation whey they are the minority can end up being discriminated against. Often times people being discriminated against are themselves a victim of a violant act. The dehuminizing, the humiliation and the frustration of the victim can result in an eruption of violance as the last possible menas of defending themselves. People in the majority, or biast like the first respons above, often blame the victim for defending themselves and see it as an act of agression rather than an act of defense.

1 answer

Not at all, apparently you don't know many Jehovah's Witnesses. I am one and I have a college degree, I work in corporate America and earn a decent living, many of my friends are also highly educated in secular sense. I know doctors, lawyers, teachers, people from all walks of life. All sorts of people belong to our organization. However our focus in life is not our jobs, careers and certainly not our education, it is our worship and our ministry.

Our journals the Watchtower and Awake magazines, are Bible based and highly researched. Please take time to view our literature without the biast that your question suggests you hold.

1 answer

Tramadol hydrochloride (Ultram, Tramal others below) is a centrally acting opioid analgesic, used in treating moderate to severe pain. It is for pain, not to improve mood or outlook. Like most drugs, it is best not self-prescribed. In fact, most of us encounter severe nausea when taking it, so as a recreational option, it sounds less than perfect.


I have taken Tramadol for about a month now, and i realize how drastically it improves my mood each day. Im not a very motivated person but i believe i have some potential, and Tramadol helps to encourage that as well as assist my biast mind into thinking more openly and accepting, as well as more excited and ambitious to do what i love. just wondering what people think, ive tried anti depressants, but they always seemed to make things wore for some reaseon. Just wanna be happy

Not that I know of. Tramadol is not an NSAID - it is one of those medications that work well, but they aren't sure exactly how it works. I believe it is sold in Europe over the counter, but in the USA it is by prescription only.

1 answer

In some degree, yes. What the refs can do is stall and or fuel a drive by making or not making simple calls, such as holding. Holding calls are the backbone of the refs penalty calling. On almost every play, they could call holding if they wanted to. How can a simple holding call have an impact on a game you may ask? In football, momentum is a huge part of the game and if your team is driving and a 40 yard play gets called back, it's gonna put negative thoughts in your team's heads. It is best to understand if u watch two teams that have no affect on you to be biast on the outcome. Look at the point spread and try to predict when penalties are going to be called. You may be amazed.

There are also many rules in the rule book that are rarely used but are at the fingertips of someone at the game that can somehow relay it to the refs, it is impossible for them to know every single rule. I haven't figured out how the refs are communicated to yet(micro earpieces?). One great example is the "tuck rule". It was brilliant if u think about it. Everyone was so focused on arguing on if his arm was moving or not, they didn't even think of how in the world did they come up with this rule. After that game, if you still believe that the NFL is legit, come play poker with me please.

1 answer

To be fair i think China is the strongest country in the world, it has a really really good ecomany and it has thousands of soldiers. Russia has an elite army air force and navy but it would not be able to defeat a massive force. America has lots of special forces and elite armys, navys and air forces but in the real world numbers really do count and as soon as china reach the US mainland America would eventually fall. China could be beaten by multiple countrys working together but an individual nation could not beat china. Most nations in Europe and the middle east would be no challenge for Chinas Military. Britain, France and Germany would be a challenge but no one in the world has mass production like china. India have a really good Military and would challenge china but it would fall eventually.

Nations in Africa would probably use Gurella tactics if china invaded but China's advanced army could win the fight. South Africa and Eygpt are the main powers in Africa and could cause diffiulcuty for China's military

Brazil and Argintina could also put up a good fight agaist china but they too would fall eventually

North Korea would also be a problem for china but that would fall as it is right next to china.

I am not Chinise so im not being biast

3 answers

In my opinion if the church didnt exist do you think the world would be a better place and would families be unified?i dont think so ,if you look at the growth of a child and how children from a young age are told not to touch the stove or play with knives .When the child grows up to a point of adolescense this is the time where religon starts creeping in as well as culture because they have certain standards to live up to otherwise they would do what they want and we all know how rebelious teens can be . Secondly,if you are talking about the "church" make sure you not catergorising your self in either cathlicism or pentecostal etc etc because these too counteract each others movement and interpretations even though they are under the roof of Christianity .Cathoilcs go by what the pope says most of the time and use traddition and use the bible as a guidline for being a good christian while on the other hand pentecostal"s go by the bible and believe that since popes in the olden days used to rape and abuse children and that the roman catholics history is biast .so they only go by the bible . As well the two groups never talk to each other on their different views because of the past . If you are not a christian or you dont have any faith ,then you might see the church as irrelevant but this is not true .. i hope i opened your eyes to a broader view of the church and i hope i answered your question !! thankx!

3 answers

The big picture on Iraq and the invasion was mainly to(1) take out an unstable dictator that was reckless, unpredictable and on the cusp of or already had WMD. He used biological weapons on his own people slaughtering over 200,000 innocent Kurds. The weaponry they used in the offensive is considered a WMD. (2) After 9-11 it was crucial to have a long term presence in the middle East and no better than an American made successful democracy established in that region by it's own people. Also for the nation to have the power to stand firmly once detached from the U.S's umbilical cord. Thus giving the U.S an ally and nearby, in-depth intelligence platform in an increasingly hostile middle East. America can no longer afford to stand by idly as foreign enemies plot to destroy innocent American civilians.(3) Oil.

6 answers

They've NEVER been posted on the internet... until now :)

Punch! by Kill Paradise

[Instrumental beginning]

Rain falls!

Can't wait to break my way through these walls,

From the silly little scene that they saw

Launching from all thier fake catapults

And falling faster than lead cannonballs!

They see, they see what we can be

Thier reinacting everthing that everybody's seen

But missing vital things

That love and passion brings

Not what I had in minddd....

Here we go!

Never looking back again!

On the open road with my best friends!

We work hard, but we play harder

And everything that we've been through proves our hearts are

In it for,

The music and the melody

I believe in finding simple beauty

The bright lights, long drives, foreign street signs

So live it up, becuase we're leaving at sunrise!

I've been lied to, I've been sold

Jelousy tights the knot in thier biast blindfold

So cut it off, and see the other side

Don't let them hold you back,

Break out!

And see what life's really like

As I walk home, I see a shadow

I take a look back, at what I fought for

We always knew it was a matter of time

I know that we'll be fine...

Here we go!

Never looking back again!

On the open road with my best friends!

We work hard, but we play harder

And everything we've been thorugh proves our hearts are

In it for, the music and the melody

i believe in finding simple beauty

The bright lights, long drives, foriegn street signs

So live it up beaucse we're leaving at sunrise


Here we go,

Never looking back again

On the open road with my best friends

We work hard, but we play harder

We work hard, but we play harder

Here we go!

Never looking back again!

On the open road with my best friends!

We work hard, but we play harder

And everything we've been through proves our hearts are

In it for, the music and the melody

I believe in finding simple beauty

The bright lights, long drives, foriegn street signs

So live it up, becuase we're leaving at sunrise!


Sorry if thier's any grammer mistakes xD I just quickly typed this up. Kill Paradise is an epic band, and I friggin' love them ^_^ <3

1 answer

Felonies are on your record forever.


No. Once you have a felony record it stays with you until death, and also you cannot leave the country if you have a felony record.

In Arizona you can have your rights restored after 2 years. It doesn't wipe it clean, but it does show up as "set aside" on your background check. This could help with employent etc. you can search your locol non-profits and ask if anyone offers to do this procedure for free!!!....U of A has an excellent program if your in Tucson

This Answer is wrong, you can have a felony removed from your record. It depends on what you were convicted of, then how long its been since your conviction, in NY its 10 yrs. Last you can leave the country if you have a felony record, if not that would be biast on your persons which is illegal!!!

2 answers

Bac Scottish Bank Backstere English Baker Bader Arabic Full Moon (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Badru Egyptian Born under a Full Moon. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BaecereAnglo-Saxon Baker Baen Scottish Fair skinned BaergenScandinavian Little Man (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Baerhloew English Ruler or lives on the bare hill Baethan Irish Foolish Bagdemagus Arthurian Legend Father of Meleagant Baghel Arabic Ox Baha Unknown The Glory of God (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Bahir Arabic Sparkling Baigh Scottish From the upper part Bailey English Steward or public official; man in charge. Bailey French Steward or public official; man in charge. Bailian Unknown One who leads. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bailintin Irish Valiant BaIloch Scottish From the pasture Bainbridge English Lives near the bridge over the white water BainbrydgeEnglish Lives near the bridge over the white water BairdScottish From Baird Baird Celtic Bard Baird English Minstrel; a singer-poet. Baird Irish Bard BairrfhionnCeltic Marksman Bairrfhoinn Irish Handsome BakerEnglish Baker Baldemar German Princely Balder English Bold army Baldhere English Bold army BaldliceAnglo-Saxon Bold Baldric German Bold Baldrik German Bold Balduin German Bold friend Baldulf Arthurian Legend A knight Baldwin German Bold friend BaldwynGerman Bold friend Balen Arthurian Legend Brother of Balaan Balfour Scottish From the pastureland BalgairScottish Fox Balgaire Scottish Fox Balin Arthurian Legend Brother of Balaan Balkan Europe Derived from the Balkans region in Europe. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Balkrishna Hindu Baby Krishna- the one who brought joy and togetherness (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Ballinamore Irish From the great river Ballindeny Irish From the town of oak wood BalmoralScottish From the majestic village Baltasar German Protected by God Balthazar Unknown One of the three Wise Men. A bottle of wine that has the equivalant of 12 bottles total. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bama Hebrew Son of prophecy Bamard German Brave as a bear Bamey German Brave as a bear Ban Arthurian Legend Father of Lancelot BanaAnglo-Saxon Slayer Banaing English Son of the slayer Banan Anglo-Saxon Slayer Banan Irish White Banbhan Irish Piglet Banbrigge English Lives near the bridge over the white water Bancroft English From the bean field Bandr Iranian Strong and caring (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bane Hawaiian Long awaited child (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bannan German Commander Banner Scottish Flag; ensign bearer. BannerEnglish Flag; ensign bearer. Banning Anglo-Saxon One who reads the banns Banning English Son of the slayer Bannruod German Famous commander Bar Anglo-Saxon Boar Barak Hebrew Flash of lightning. In the bible the valiant fighting man Barak cooperated with the prophetess Deborah to win victory in battle against overwhelming odds. Barakah Arabic Blessed Baram Hebrew Son of the nation BarclayEnglish The birch tree meadow. See also Berkley. BarclayScottish The birch tree meadow. See also Berkley. BarclayAnglo-Saxon From the birch meadow Bard Celtic Minstrel; a singer-poet. Bard English Minstrel; a singer-poet. Bardalph English Ax wolf Bardan English Lives near the boar's den Bardaric English Ax ruler BardarikEnglish Ax ruler Bardawulf English Ax wolf BardayScottish From Berkeley Barden Celtic Minstrel; a singer-poet. Barden English Lives near the boar's den Bardene English From the boar valley Bardo English Variant of Bartholomew often used as a surname. BardolfEnglish Ax wolf Bardolph English Ax wolf BardonEnglish Minstrel; a singer-poet. Bardon Celtic Minstrel; a singer-poet. Bardrick English Ax ruler BardulfEnglish Ax wolf Barhloew English Lives on the bare hill Bari Arabic Of Allah Baris Turkish Peace (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Barlow English Lives on the bare hill Barnabas Hebrew Son of comfort. A biblical first-century missionary companion of Paul. BarnabeHebrew Son of prophecy Barnaby English Son of comfort. Barnaby Hebrew Son of prophecy Barnard English Variant of Bernard - strong as a bear. Barnard German Variant of Bernard - strong as a bear. Barnet English Of honorable birth. Barnett English Leader BarneyEnglish Son of comfort. Barnum English From the nobleman's home Baron French A title of nobility used as a given name. Baron Hebrew Derived from phrase Bar Aaron meaning - son of Aaron. Baron English Warrior; A title of nobility used as a given name. Barr English Gateway Barra Celtic Marksman Barrak Hebrew Flash of lightning. In the bible the valiant fighting man Barak cooperated with the prophetess Deborah to win victory in battle against overwhelming odds. BarramIrish Handsome Barre English Gateway Barret German Mighty as a bear Barret English Variant of Barnett. Barrett English Variant of Barnett. Barrett German Brave as a bear Barric English Grain farm. BarrickEnglish Grain farm. Barrie Irish Fair-haired. BarrieEnglish Fair-haired. Barrie French Lives at the barrier Barrington English Fair-haired. Barrington Irish Fair-haired. Barron English Warrior; Variant of the title Baron. Barrow Irish Strong, of well stature (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Barry Celtic Marksman BarryEnglish Fair-haired. Barry French Lives at the barrier Barry Irish Fair-haired. Bart Hebrew Ploughman Bart English From the barley farm Bartel Hebrew Ploughman Bartel English Variant of Bartholomew often used as a surname. Barth English Son of the earth; Variant of Bartholomew often used as a surname. Bartholomew Hebrew Ploughman Barthram English Glorious raven BartleahEnglish From Bart's meadow Bartleigh English From Bart's meadow Bartlett French Ploughman Bartley Scottish The birch tree meadow. See also Berkley. Bartley English The birch tree meadow. See also Berkley. Bartley Hebrew Ploughman Bartoli Spanish Ploughman Bartolo Spanish Ploughman Bartolome Spanish Ploughman Barton English From the barley farm Bartram German Glorious raven. Bartram English Glorious raven. Baruch Hebrew Blessed Barwolf English Ax wolf Bashiri Swahilli Prophet or foreteller. (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Bashshar Arabic Brings good news Basil English Royal; kingly. Basilio Spanish Noble Bassam Bassam Smile baby (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BatesEnglish Variant of Bartholomew often used as a surname. Bathmithan Indian Beautiful and harmonize (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bawdewyn Anglo-Saxon Bold friend Bawdewyne Anglo-Saxon Bold friend Bax English Baker Baxter English Baker Bay English Variant of Bayard - auburn-haired. Bay French Variant of Bayard - auburn-haired. Bayanda African boys are growing in numbers in a family (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bayard English Auburn-haired. Bayard French Auburn-haired. Bayard was a sixteenth-century French knight and national hero renowned for valor and purity of heart. Baye Africa Straight forward (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BayenAnglo-Saxon From Ban Bayhard English Reddish brown hair Baylen English Variant of Bayard - auburn-haired. Baylen French Variant of Bayard - auburn-haired. Bayler Unknown Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bayley English Steward or public official; man in charge. Bayley French Steward Beacan Celtic Small Beacher English Lives by the beech tree BeadurincAnglo-Saxon Warrior Beadutun English From the warrior's estate Beadwof Anglo-Saxon Bold in war Beal English Handsome. Beal French Handsome. Beale English Handsome. Beale French Handsome. Beall English Handsome. Beall French Handsome. BealohydigAnglo-Saxon Enemy Beaman English Beekeeper BeamardIrish Brave as a bear Beamer English Trumpeter BeanScottish Fair skinned Bear Canada Bear or steal strength (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bearacb Celtic Marksman Bearcban Celtic Marksman Bearn Anglo-Saxon Son Bearnard Scottish Bear strong Beartlaidh Irish From Bart's meadow Beathan Scottish Son of the righthand Beaton English From the warrior's estate Beau French Handsome. Beaufort French From the beautiful fortress Beaumains Arthurian Legend White hands BeauregardFrench Respected; in high regard. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Beauvais French From Beauvais BebeodanAnglo-Saxon Commands Becan Celtic Small BeceereEnglish Lives by the beech tree Beck English Brook Beckett Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Beckham English (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Bede Anglo-Saxon Name of a historian Bede English Prayer Bedivere Arthurian Legend Returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake Bedver Arthurian Legend Returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake Bedwyr Arthurian Legend Returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake Bedwyr Celtic Arthurian legend name Beecher English Lives by the beech tree Behrend German Variable of Berend: brave as a bear (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BeinvenidoSpanish Welcome Beiste Scottish Beast Bek English Brook Bela Hebrew Destruction Beldan English Lives in the beautiful glen Beldane English Lives in the beautiful glen Belden English Lives in the beautiful glen Beldene English Lives in the beautiful glen BeldonEnglish Lives in the beautiful glen Bell French Handsome Bellamy French Handsome Bellangere Arthurian Legend Son of Alexandre Bellinus Anglo-Saxon Name of a king Beltran Spanish Bright raven Bem German Bear Bemabe Spanish Son of comfort. Bembe Spanish Spanish form of Barnaby - prophet Bemeere English Trumpeter Bemelle English Variant of Bernard - strong as a bear. Bemelle German Variant of Bernard - strong as a bear. Bemossed Native American Walker Bemot German Brave as a bear Ben English Abbreviation of Benjamin and Benedict. Ben Hebrew Son of Zion or usually just son BenajimEthiopia So happy to see you (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Benat German Brave as a bear Bendigeidfran Celtic Name of a king Benecroft English From the bean field Benedetto Italian A blessing...a benediction (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Benedicto Spanish Blessed Benedictson Hebrew Son of Benedict Benen Irish Kind Beniamino Hebrew Son of the right hand Benicio Latin Benevolent one. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Benito Latin Blessed (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Benjamin Hebrew Son of the right hand. In the bible the patriarch Jacob's twelfth and most beloved son. Benji English Abbreviation of Benjamin and Benedict. Benjie Hebrew Son of the right hand (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Benjiman Unknown Alternate spelling of Benjamin (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Benjy English Abbreviation of Benjamin and Benedict. Benkamin Hebrew Ploughman Benn English Abbreviation of Benjamin and Benedict. Bennet English Variant of Benedict. Bennett English Variant of Benedict. BennieEnglish Abbreviation of Benjamin and Benedict. Benny English Abbreviation of Benjamin and Benedict. Benoic Anglo-Saxon From Ban Benoit France Derivative of Benedict, giver of grace. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BenonEnglish Variant of Bert - industrious. Benoni Hebrew Son of my sorrows Benoyce Arthurian Legend Name of a kingdom Benroy Hebrew Son of a lion Benson Hebrew Son of Benjamin Benson English Variant of Benedict. BentleahEnglish From the bent grass meadow Bentleigh English From the bent grass meadow Bentley English From the bent grass meadow Benton English Settlement in a grassy place. Benwick Anglo-Saxon From Ban Benzion Hebrew Son of Zion Beolagh Irish Foolish Beomann English Beekeeper Beore English Birch tree Beorht English Glorious Beorhthram English Bright raven Beorhthramm English Glorious raven Beorhttun English From the fortified town Beorn Anglo-Saxon Warrior Beornet English Leader Beornham English From the nobleman's home BeornwulfAnglo-Saxon Name of a king Beowulf Anglo-Saxon Intelligent wolf Ber German Bear Berakhiah Hebrew God blesses Berchtwald German Bright ruler Bercilak Arthurian Legend The Green Knight Bercleah English Lives at the birch tree meadow Berdy German Intelligent Berend German Brave as a bear Beresford English From the barley ford Beretun English From the barley farm Berford English From the barley ford Berg German Mountain BerhaneEthiopia Light, hope (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Beric English Grain farm. Berinhard German Brave as a bear Berk Irish The birch tree meadow. Also see Barclay and Burke. Berk English The birch tree meadow. Also see Barclay and Burke. Berke Irish The birch tree meadow. Also see Barclay and Burke. Berke English The birch tree meadow. Also see Barclay and Burke. Berkeley Anglo-Saxon From the birch meadow Berkeley English Lives at the birch tree meadow Berkeley Irish The birch tree meadow. Also see Barclay and Burke. Berkley English The birch tree meadow. Also see Barclay and Burke. Berkley Irish The birch tree meadow. Also see Barclay and Burke. Berlyn German Son of Berl. See also Burl. Bernard English Strong as a bear. See also Bjorn. Bernard German Brave as a bear Bernardo German Brave as a bear Bernardo Spanish Strong as a bear. Bernardyn German Brave as a bear Bernd German Brave as a bear Berne English Variant of Bernard - strong as a bear. Berne German Bear Bernhard German Brave as a bear Bernie Unknown Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Berniefacio Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bernlak Arthurian Legend The Green Knight Bernon German Brave as a bear Berowalt German Mighty as a bear Berrett Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Berrin German Bear Bersules Arthurian Legend A knight Bert English Glorious; Illustrious. Berthold German Bright ruler Bertie English Variant of Bert - industrious. Bertin English Variant of Bert - industrious. Berto Spanish Intelligent Berton English From the fortified town Bertram Arthurian Legend A knight Bertram English Bright raven Bertram German Glorious raven. Bertrand French Intelligent; Glorious raven. Berwick English From the barley grange Berwyk English From the barley grange Bestandan Anglo-Saxon Stands beside Besyrwan Anglo-Saxon Ensnares Beth Scottish Lively Betlic Anglo-Saxon Splendid Betzalel Hebrew In God's shadow Bevan Celtic Young soldier Beverley English From the beaver meadow Bevin Celtic Young soldier Bevis French From Beauvais Bevyn Celtic Young soldier Bhaic Scottish Bank Bhaltair Scottish Strong fighter Bhradain Scottish Salmon Bhraghad Scottish From the upper part Bhreac Scottish Speckled Bhric Scottish Speckled Biast Scottish Beast Bick English From the hewer's ford Bickford English From the hewer's ford Bicoir Arthurian Legend Father of Arthur BidziilNative American He is strong (Navajo) Biecaford English From the hewer's ford Biford English Lives at the river crossing Bilagaana Native American White person (Navajo) BillEnglish Nickname for William - resolute protector - often used as an independent name. Billie English Nickname for William resolute protector - often used as an independent name. Billy English Nickname for William - resolute protector - often used as an independent name. Bimisi Native American Slippery Binah Hebrew Understanding Bing German From the kettle shaped hollow Binge German From the kettle shaped hollow Bink English Lives at the bank Binyamin Hebrew Ploughman Birch English Bright; shining; the birch tree. Birche English Birch Bird English Bird BirdeEnglish Bird Birdhil English From the bird hill Birdhill English From the bird hill BirdoswaldAnglo-Saxon From Birdoswald Birk English Birch tree Birk Scottish From a birch tree Birkett English Lives at the birch headland Birkey English From the birch tree island Birkhead English Lives at the birch headland Birkhed English Lives at the birch headland BirleyEnglish From the cattle shed on the meadow Birney English Lives on the brook island Biron English Surname used as a given name. Biron was the name of a character in Shakespeare's Loves Labours Lost. Birr Irish From Birr BirtelEnglish From the bird hill Birtle English From the bird hill Bishop English Overseer Bitanig English From the preserving land Bittan German Desire Bitten German Desire Bizhan Persian A character in Shahnameh (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bjorn Norway/Scandinavian pronounced "Bee-yurn", or americanized as "Bay-orn". (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Black English Dark BladeEnglish Wealthy glory Bladen Unknown Combination of Blake and Landen (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BlaecEnglish Black or white Blaecleah English From the dark meadow Blaed English Wealthy glory Blaeey English Blond Blagdan English From the dark valley BlagdenEnglish From the dark valley Blagdon English From the dark valley Blaiden English (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Blaine English Surname of uncertain meaning. Blaine Irish Thin Surname. Blaine Scottish Surname of uncertain meaning. Blaine Celtic Slender BlaineyCeltic Slender Blair Celtic From tbe plain BlairIrish From the fields Blair Scottish Peat moss BlaisFrench Lisp; stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy; mathematician; scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. Blaisdell French Lisp; stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy; mathematician; scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. Blaise Arthurian Legend A cleric BlaiseEnglish Stutters Blaise French Lisp; stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy; mathematician; scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. BlaizeFrench Lisp; stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy; mathematician; scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. Blake English Black or white Blake Scottish Dark; dark-haired. Can also mean the reverse -fair; pale. Blakeman Blakeley English From the dark meadow Blakely English From the dark meadow BlakemoreEnglish From the dark moor Blakey English Blond Blanco Spanish Blond Blandford English Gray haired Blane Celtic Slender Blane English Variant of Blaine. Blane Scottish Variant of Blaine. Blaney English Variant of Blaine. Blaney Scottish Variant of Blaine. Blanford English Gray haired Blar Irish From the fields Blas Spanish Stutters Blase French Lisp; stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy; mathematician; scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. Blathma Irish Flower Blaydon English loving, joyish (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Blayke English Attractive; Dark; Form of Blake (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Blayne Celtic Slender Blayne English Twin Blayne Scottish Variant of Blaine. Blayney Celtic Slender Blayze French Lisp; stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy; mathematician; scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. Blayze American A spitfire. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Blaze French Lisp; stutter. Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth century child prodigy; mathematician; scientist and philosopher who invented the calculating machine and hydraulic press before dying at age thirty-nine. Blaze English Stutters Blian Irish Thin Bliant Arthurian Legend Healer Bliss Anglo-Saxon Happy Bliss English Happy Bly British (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Blyth English Merry Blythe English Merry Boarte Arthurian Legend Son of Arthur Boas Hebrew Swift Boaz Hebrew Swift BobEnglish Abbreviation of Robert. Bobbie English Abbreviation of Robert. Bobby English Abbreviation of Robert. BocEnglish Male deer Bocleah English Lives at the buck meadow Bocley English Lives at the buck meadow Boda English Herald Bodaway Native American Fire maker BodenAnglo-Saxon Messenger Boden Celtic Blond BodhiBuddhist Enlightenment and a monk in training (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bodwyn Arthurian Legend Brother of Mark Body Celtic Blond Boeden Ukranian From the name Bogden or Bohden meaning Gift From God (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Boell German Hill dweller. BogartGerman Bowstring Bogdan Hebrew Gift from God Bogohardt German Bowstring Bohannon Irish Son of Owen. Bohdan Hebrew Gift from God Bohort Arthurian Legend Uncle of Arthur Bokamoso Unknown Future (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Boldizsar Syrian Protected by god (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BoltonEnglish From the manor farm Bond English Tied to the land Bondig English Free Bonginkosi Unknown To thank God for anything that one goes through in life - weather good or bad (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BonifaceAnglo-Saxon Name of a saint Bonifacio Spanish Benefactor Bonifaco Spanish Benefactor Bonnar Irish Debonair (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Boone English Good; a blessing. American frontier hero Daniel Boone. BooneFrench Good; a blessing. American frontier hero Daniel Boone. Booth English Lives in a hut Boothe English Lives in a hut Borak Arabic The lightning. Al Borak was the legenday magical horse that bore Muhammad from earth to the seventh heaven. Bordan Anglo-Saxon From the boar valley BordenAnglo-Saxon From the boar valley Borden English From the boar valley Borre Arthurian Legend Son of Arthur BorsArthurian Legend Uncle of Arthur Bort English Fortified. Bosworth English Lives at the cattle enclosure Botewolf English Herald wolf Both Scottish From the stone house Bothain Scottish From the stone house Bothan Scottish From the stone house Bothe English Lives in a hut Botolf English Herald wolf BotwolfEnglish Herald wolf Boulus Arabic Arabic form of Paul Bourke English Fortified hill. See also Berkley. Bourn English From the brook Bourne English From the brook Bowden Anglo-Saxon Messenger Bowden Celtic Blond Bowdyn Anglo-Saxon Messenger Bowdyn Celtic Blond Bowen Celtic Son of Owen Bowie Irish Surname. Bowyn Celtic Son of Owen Boyce French Lives near the wood. Boyce English Lives near the wood. BoydScottish Blonde; fair-haired. Boyd Celtic Blond Boyden Anglo-Saxon Messenger Boyden Celtic Blond Boyet Gullible (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Boynton Celtic From tbe white river Boynton Irish From the town by the river Boyn Bple English Cup bearer Bracken Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Brad English From the broad valley Bradaigh Irish Spirited Bradan English From the broad valley Bradbourne English From the broad brook BradburnEnglish From the broad brook Bradd English Broad; wide. Braddock English broad-spreading oak. Braddon English Broad hillside. Braddon Irish Broad hillside. BradenEnglish Broad hillside. Braden Scottish Salmon BradenIrish Broad hillside. Bradene English From the broad valley Bradey Irish Spirited. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bradford English From the broad ford Bradig English From tbe broad island Bradin Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bradleah English From tbe broad meadow Bradlee English English surnames related to Bradley Broad clearing in the wood. Note: This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc. 1995. BradleyEnglish Broad clearing in the wood. Bradly English From tbe broad meadow Bradon Irish Broad hillside. BradonEnglish Broad hillside. Bradshaw English English surnames related to Bradley Broad clearing in the wood. BradwellEnglish From the broad spring Brady English From tbe broad island Brady Irish Spirited; Broad. Bradyn English From the broad valley Braeden English Broad hillside. Braeden Irish Broad hillside. Braeden Celtic Dark valley. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BraedonEnglish Broad hillside. Braedon Irish Broad hillside. Braelin Irish (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Braelon American Combination of Braydon, Lynn (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Braemwiella English From the bramble bush spring Braiden English, Irish Variation of Braden; From the Broad Valley Braidon Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Brainard English Bold raven Brainerd English Bold raven Braison Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Braleah English From the hillslope meadow Bralynn Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bram Irish Irish form of Abraham Bram Scottish Bramble; a thicket of wild gorse. Abbreviation of Abraham and Abram. Bram Stoker was author of Dracula. Bram English Bramble; a thicket of wild gorse. Abbreviation of Abraham and Abram. Bram Stoker was author of Dracula. Bramley Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Bramwell English From the bramble bush spring BranArthurian Legend Father of Caradoc or Caradawc Bran Celtic Raven Brand English Proud Brand German Fiery torch; beacon. Also a variant of Brandon. Brandt: (German) Fiery torch; beacon. Brandan Irish Name of a saint Brandan Celtic Sword Brandan English Beacon on the hill or gorse-covered hill. Branddun English From the beacon hill BrandeisGerman Dwells on a burned clearing Brandeles Arthurian Legend A knight Brandelis Arthurian Legend A knight Branden English Beacon on the hill or gorse-covered hill. Brandin English Beacon on the hill or gorse-covered hill. Brandon English From the beacon hill Brandubh Irish Black raven Branduff Irish Black raven BrandynEnglish Beacon on the hill or gorse-covered hill. BranhardEnglish Bold raven Branigan Irish Surname. BrannCeltic Raven Brannan Irish Variant of Brandon. Brannen Irish Variant of Brandon. Brannon Irish Variant of Brandon. Branor Arthurian Legend A knight Bransan Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Branson Irish Variant of Brandon. Brant English Proud; Variant of Brand. Mohawk Indian Joseph Brant was a renowned strategist who fought for the British during the American Revolution; and a devout scholar who translated Christian religious works into his native Indian tongue. Brantley English Proud Branton English Variant of Brand. Mohawk Indian Joseph Brant was a renowned strategist who fought for the British during the American Revolution; and a devout scholar who translated Christian religious works into his native Indian tongue. BrantsonEnglish Variant of Brand. Mohawk Indian Joseph Brant was a renowned strategist who fought for the British during the American Revolution; and a devout scholar who translated Christian religious works into his native Indian tongue. Braoin Irish Sadness Brarn Celtic Raven Brasen American Gods Gift (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BRASHAWN Unknown Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BrasilCeltic Battle Braun German (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Braw)eigh English From the hillslope meadow Brawley English From the hillslope meadow BraxstonUnknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BraxtonAnglo-Saxon (Submitted by Babies Online Member)(Submitted by Babies Online Member) Brayan Scottish Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BraydenEnglish Broad hillside. Brayden Irish Broad hillside. Braydin Old English (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Braydon English Broad hillside. BraydonIrish Broad hillside. Braylen Unknown There is no meaning to my knowledge (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Braylin Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Braylon Unknown Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Braylyn Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Brayton English (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Breac Scottish Speckled Breanainn Celtic Sword Breandan Celtic Sword Breandan Irish Prince Breasal Irish Pain Brecc Anglo-Saxon Name of a king Brecken Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Breckin Celtic/Gaelic Freckled (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bredbeddle Arthurian Legend The Green Knight Bredon Celtic Sword Breen Irish Sadness Brehm Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Brehus Arthurian Legend A knight Bren German Flame Brendan Irish Prince. Well known Irish playwright and wit Brendan Behan. Brendan Celtic Raven Brendan German Flame Brenden Irish Prince. Variant of Brendan. Brendin Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Brendis German Flame Brendon Irish Prince. Variant of Brendan. Brendt Celtic Hilltop. Variant of Brent. Brendt English Hilltop. Variant of Brent. BrendynCeltic Little Raven (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Brenius Arthurian Legend A supposed king of Britain Brenn Irish Prince. Variant of Brendan. BrennanCeltic Raven Brennan Irish Little drop; Prince. Variant of Brendan. Brennen Irish Prince. Variant of Brendan. Brenner Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Brennin Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Brennon Irish Prince. Variant of Brendan. BrennusArthurian Legend A supposed king of Britain Brent English From the steep hill Brent Celtic Hilltop. BrentanEnglish From the steep hill Brenten English Hilltop. Variant of Brent. Brenten Celtic Hilltop. Variant of Brent. Brentley Celtic Hilltop. Variant of Brent. BrentleyEnglish Hilltop. Variant of Brent. Brently Celtic Hilltop. Variant of Brent. Brently English Hilltop. Variant of Brent. Brenton English Hilltop. Variant of Brent. BrentonCeltic Hilltop. Variant of Brent. Breri Arthurian Legend A messenger Breslin Irish Surname. Bressal Celtic Battle Bret Celtic A Breton Bret English Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England). BrettCeltic A Breton Brett English Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England). Bretton Scottish Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England). BreuseArthurian Legend A knight Brewster English One who brews ale. See also Webster. Brewstere English Brewer breyland Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Brian Celtic In use in England since the Middle Ages. Possibly connected with the Irish word for Hill, thus He ascends. Also some texts define it as Strong. 10th century Brian Boru was a high king and great national hero of Ireland. Briant Celtic Strong; He ascends. 10th century Brian Boru was a high king and great national hero of Ireland. Briar Irish (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Brice French From Brieuxtown Brice Scottish Speckled Brice Celtic Swift Brice Anglo-Saxon Son of a nobleman Brice English A given name of medieval origin. Brick English Bridge. Brickman English Bridge. Bricriu Celtic The poison tongued Bridger English Lives at tbe bridge BrienCeltic He ascends. 10th century Brian Boru was a high king and great national hero of Ireland. Brier Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Brigbam English Lives by the bridge Briggebam English Lives by the bridge BriggereEnglish Lives at tbe bridge Brigham English Bridge. Brighton English Covered bridge. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Brighton French Troops or brigade. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Brik English Bridge. Briley English Noble, Strong, cleared meadow (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Brinton English From Brinton Brion Celtic He ascends. 10th century Brian Boru was a high king and great national hero of Ireland. Brittain English Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England). Brittan English Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England). Britton English Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England). Broc English Badger Broc Scottish Badger Brochan Scottish Broken Brock English Badger; Variant of Brook. Brock German Variant of Brook. BrockAustralia Stong (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Brockley English From the badger meadow BrocleahEnglish From tbe badger meadow Brocleigh English From the badger meadow Brocly English From the badger meadow Brodan Unknown Cowboy (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Broden Scottish Reference to Castle Brodie in Scotland. Broderic Scottish Brother. BroderickEnglish From the broad ridge Broderick Irish Surname. Broderick Scottish Brother. Broderik English From the broad ridge Brodey Scottish Second son (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Brodie Scottish From Brodie Brodiey American (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Brodric Scottish Brother. Brodrick Scottish Brother. Brodrig English From the broad ridge Brodrik English From the broad ridge Brody Irish From the muddy place. Surname. Brody Scottish Reference to Castle Brodie in Scotland. Broehain Scottish Broken Broga Anglo-Saxon Terror Brogan Anglo-Saxon Terror Broin Celtic Raven Brok English Badger Bromleah English From the broom covered meadow Bromleigh English From the broom covered meadow Bromley English From the broom covered meadow Bromly English From the broom covered meadow BronAnglo-Saxon Brown or dark Brone Irish Sorrowful Bronson German Brown's son. Bronson Anglo-Saxon Son of the dark man Bronson English Brown's son. BrookEnglish Lives by the stream Brooke English Lives by the stream Brooks English Son of Brooke Brookson English Son of Brooke Brooksone English Son of Brooke Brougher English Lives at the fortress BroughtonEnglish From the fortress town Brown English Dark skinned Bruce English Surname since medieval times; now a common given name. Folklore tale of 14th century Robert King of Scotland: (the Bruce) who learned the value of perseverance from watching a spider spin a web. Bruce French From Brys BruceScottish Surname since medieval times; now a common given name. Folklore tale of 14th century Robert King of Scotland: (the Bruce) who learned the value of perseverance from watching a spider spin a web. Bruhier Arabic Name of a Sultan Brun Anglo-Saxon Brown or dark Brun English Dark skinned BrunelleFrench Dark haired Bruno German Brown Brunon German Brown Bryan English Popular variant of Brian. BryanCeltic Strong Bryan Arthurian Legend Lord of Pendragon Bryant Celtic Strong Bryant English Popular variant of Brian. Bryant French He ascends. Bryce Scottish Speckled; Surname form of Brice. Bryce Anglo-Saxon Son of a nobleman Bryce Celtic Swift Brycen Scottish Variant of Bryce. Bryceton Scottish Variant of Bryce. BrychanWelsh (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BrydgerEnglish Lives at tbe bridge Bryen Unknown Variant of Bryan. (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Bryer Canadian Gentle and sweet. (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Bryggere English Lives at tbe bridge Brylon Unknown Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) BryneIrish Surname. Bryon English Popular variant of Brian. Brys French From Brys Bryson Scottish Variant of Bryce. Bryston Scottish Variant of Bryce. BrytonEnglish The Sun (Submitted by Babies Online Member)Bssil Celtic Battle Buach Irish Victorious Buagh Irish Victorious Bubba German Boy (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Buchanan Scottish From the cannon's seat Buck English Male deer Buckley Irish Boy Buckley English Variant of Buck; male goat or deer. Bud English Brother. Nickname used since medieval times. Budak Unknown Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Budd English Herald Buddy English Herald Buinton Spanish Born fifth Buiron French From the cottage Bundy English Free Burbank English Lives on the castle's hill Burcet French From the little stronghold Burch English Birch Burchard English Strong as a castle Burdett English Surname used as a given name. Burdett French Surname used as a given name. BurdetteEnglish Surname used as a given name. Burdette French Surname used as a given name. Burdon English Lives at the castle Bureig English Lives on the brook island BurelFrench Reddish brown haired Burford English Lives at the castle ford Burgeis English Lives in town BurgessEnglish Lives in town Burgess Celtic Citizen BurghardEnglish Strong as a castle Burghere English Lives at the fortress Burgin Scotch Irish (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Burgtun English From the fortress town Burhan Arabic To have courage (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Burhardt German Strong as a castle Burhbank English Lives on the castle's hill BurhdonEnglish Lives at the castle Burhford English Lives at the castle ford Burhleag English Lives at the castle's meadow Burhtun English From the fortified town Burke English Fortified hill. See also Berkley. Burkett French From the little stronghold Burkette Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Burkhart German Strong as a castle Burkly Unknown Unknwon (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Burl English Cup bearer Burle English Fortified. See also Berlyn. Burleigh English Lives at the castle's meadow. Fortified. See also Berlyn. Burley English Lives at the castle's meadow Burlin German Son of Berl. See also Burl. Burly English Lives at the castle's meadow Burn English From the brook Burnard English Variant of Bernard strong as a bear. Burnard German Variant of Bernard strong as a bear. Burne Irish Bear; brown. Burne English From the brook Burneig English Lives on the brook island Burnell English Variant of Bernard strong as a bear. Burnell French Reddish brown haired Burnell German Variant of Bernard strong as a bear. Burnell Irish Bear; brown. Burnette English Bear; brown. Burnette Irish Bear; brown. Burney English Lives on the brook island Burney Irish Bear; brown. Burns English Son of Byrne Burrell English Fortified. See also Berlyn. Burrell French Reddish BursoneEnglish Son of Byrne Burt English Glorious BurtonEnglish From the fortified town Buster Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Butch Unknown Manly (Submitted by Babies Online Member) Butrus Arabic Arabic form of Peter Byford English Lives at the river crossing Byme Irish Bear; brown. Byme English Bear; brown. Byram English From the cattle yard ByrdEnglish Bird Byreleah English From the cattle shed on the meadow Byrne English From the brook Byrnes English Son of Byrne Byron English Bear Byron French From the cottage Byrtel English From the bird hill




Public Servant




Barbara, Barbra

Latin, Greek

Stranger, Foreign Woman



A Pledge



The Baptizer




Beatrice, Beatrix


Bringer of Joy



The Ensnarer


Latin, Spanish, Italian

Beautiful, Serpentine

Belle, Bella





The Blessed



The Blessed



Bright Maiden



Strong and Brave, Brave as a Bear, Feminine for Bernard



Bringer of Victory

Bertha, Berta


Bright or Glorious



Bright, Shining



Green Gemstone



Consecrated to God

Beth, Bethany


Worshiper of God



House of Mercy



Consecrated to God



She who is to be married


Old English

From a Beaver Meadow









Dweller of the Plain



White or Fair





Old English

Free Spirit






Good & Beautiful



Fair, Lovely

Brandi, Brandy

English, Dutch

Burnt Wine, Variant of the beverage name used as a given name


Celtic, Gaelic







Blazing Sword

Brianna, Briana


Strong, High, Noble

Bridget, Bridgit, Brit

Irish Gaelic




From Briseis, Achilles Love From "The Iliad"

Brittany, Brittny, Britni

Latin, English

From Britain


Old English

The Brook



Battle Maid

2 answers