Betula is the birch family Oaks are in the Quercus family.
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Yes, Betula is deciduous. Betula is a genus of trees that includes species like birch trees, which are known for their deciduous nature, shedding leaves in the fall and remaining bare throughout the winter.
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The leaves of Betula populifolia, also known as gray birch, have smooth lower surfaces.
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A store you may find Betula shoes would be at Sears. You can look on their website for locations that may be near you or you may be interested in buying them off the internet at the Betula website, where you can order them.
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Betula lenta, or black birch, typically has one prominent vein running down the center of each leaf, with smaller branching veins extending outwards.
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Birkenstocks are the original made with real leather uppers. Betula is an offshoot of Birkenstock started by Christian Birkenstock in 1994 and is a cost effective alternative to the original Birkenstock shoe. The quality of the Betula isn't as comparable to the Birkenstock, but if you want a low cost Birkie style shoe then maybe the Betula line is for you.
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Betula papyrifera (Paper Birch, also known as Paper Birch, American White Birch and Canoe Birch) is a species of birch native to northern North America.
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The scientific name of an organism is comprised of the two most specific parts of the organism's taxonomy. First is the name of the organism's genus and then the name of the organism's species. Birch trees are in the Betula genus. There are many species of Birch trees which means the second word in the name is different for different types (species) of birch trees. Some example scientific names of birch trees include: Betula ienta (the cherry birch), Betula pubescens (the European white birch), Betula glandulosa (the American dwarf birch).
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The family name of birch is Betula .There are a number of birch native to The USA the best is probably Betula papyrifera the paper birch or canoe birch.
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The catkin-bearing tree in the birch family is called a Betula tree. Betula trees produce both male and female catkins, which are the tree's reproductive structures.
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The scientific name of the Paper birch is Betula papyrifera. It belongs to the Betulaceae family and is commonly found in North America.
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smooth and not peeling
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Betula lutea also B. alleghaniensis.
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If you mean Betula lenta, the Cherry Birch, it is deciduous.
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The scientific name for the river birch is Betula Nigra
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The name would be Betula pendula. Family: Betulaceae.
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Yes, there are several species of birch trees that are native to California, such as the water birch (Betula occidentalis) and the paper birch (Betula papyrifera). These birch trees are typically found in mountainous regions and along streams or rivers in California.
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cause its hairy like our pubic hair
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no it does not
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A black birch is a tree of the species Betula lenta, with a dark bark resembling that of a cherry tree.
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There are around 30 different species of birch trees in the world, with the most common being the Betula pendula (silver birch) and Betula nigra (river birch). Each species has unique characteristics such as bark texture, leaf shape, and size.
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It means that the company Birkenstock issues this brand, like Betula or Papillon. It is by them, but a different design and/or cheaper price.
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