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An axite is any of the terminal branches of an axon. (An axon is a usually long and single nerve-cell process that usually conducts impulses away from the cell body.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 18 words with the pattern -XI--. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter X and 3rd letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:



















1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 19 words with the pattern --ITE. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter I and 4th letter T and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:




















1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 21 words with the pattern A-I-E. That is, five letter words with 1st letter A and 3rd letter I and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:






















1 answer

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 87 words with the pattern --IT-. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter I and 4th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are:
























































































1 answer

2-letter words

ad, ae, ai, al, at, ax, da, de, el, et, ex, id, it, la, li, ta, ti, xi

3-letter words

aid, ail, ait, ale, alt, ate, axe, dal, dee, dei, del, dex, die, dit, eat, eel, eld, eta, lad, lat, lax, lea, led, lee, lei, let, lex, lid, lie, lit, tad, tae, tax, tea, ted, tee, tel, tie, til

4-letter words

adit, aide, alee, alit, axed, axel, axil, axle, dale, date, deal, deet, deil, dele, deli, dial, diel, diet, dita, dite, edit, eide, exit, idea, idle, ilea, ilex, lade, laid, late, lati, lead, leet, lied, tael, tail, tale, tali, taxi, teal, teed, teel, tela, tele, tide, tied, tile

5-letter words

ailed, axile, axite, axled, dealt, delta, dexie, edile, elate, elide, elite, exalt, exile, ideal, ixtle, lated, latex, taxed, telae, telex, telia, tidal, tilde, tiled

6-letter words

aedile, delate, detail, dilate, elated, exiled, exited, ideate, tailed, taxied

7-letter words


139 words found.

1 answer

affright airtight alight alright aright axite backbite backlight

bight birthright bite blacklight blight bobwhite bombsight bright

bullfight byte calcite campsite checkbite chlorite cite cockfight

contrite cordite daylight delight dendrite despite dogfight downright

Dwight excite eyebright eyesight fanlight ferrite fight finite

firelight fistfight flashlight fleabite flight floodlight fluorite footlight

foresight forthright fortnight fright frostbite gaslight ghostwrite goodnight

graphite gunfight handwrite headlight headright height highlight hindsight

hittite homesite ignite in-flight incite indict indite insight

invite jadeite kite knight krait lamplight landright levite

light lignite limelight lintwhite lite lucite midnight might

millwright miswrite mite moonlight nephrite night night-light nitrite

off-white on-site outfight outright partite penlight phosphite playwright

plight polite prizefight pyrite quartzite quite recite requite

respite rewrite right rite safelight searchlight semite shemite

shiite shipwright sidelight sight site skintight skylight skywrite

sleight slight smite snakebite snow-white somite spaceflight spite

spotlight spright sprite starlight stoplight streetlight sulfite sulphite

sunlight taillight tektite termite tight tonight topflight torchlight

townsite trite twilight twinight typewrite unite upright uptight

wainwright weeknight wheelwright white wright write

3 answers

affright airtight alight alright aright axite backbite backlight bight birthright bite blacklight blight bobwhite bombsight bright bullfight byte calcite campsite checkbite chlorite cite cockfight contrite cordite daylight delight dendrite despite dogfight downright Dwight excite eyebright eyesight fanlight ferrite fight finite firelight fistfight flashlight fleabite flight floodlight fluorite footlight foresight forthright fortnight fright frostbite gaslight ghostwrite goodnight graphite gunfight handwrite headlight headright height highlight hindsight hittite homesite ignite in-flight incite indict indite insight invite jadeite kite knight krait lamplight landright levite light lignite limelight lintwhite lite lucite midnight might millwright miswrite mite moonlight nephrite night night-light nitrite off-white on-site outfight outright partite penlight phosphite playwright plight polite prizefight pyrite quartzite quite recite requite respite rewrite right rite safelight searchlight semite shemite shiite shipwright sidelight sight site skintight skylight skywrite sleight slight smite snakebite snow-white somite spaceflight spite spotlight spright sprite starlight stoplight streetlight sulfite sulphite sunlight taillight tektite termite tight tonight topflight torchlight townsite trite twilight twinight typewrite unite upright uptight wainwright weeknight wheelwright white wright write

2 answers

affright airtight alight alright aright axite backbite backlight bight birthright bite blacklight blight bobwhite bombsight bright bullfight byte calcite campsite checkbite chlorite cite cockfight contrite cordite daylight delight dendrite despite dogfight downright Dwight excite eyebright eyesight fanlight ferrite fight finite firelight fistfight flashlight fleabite flight floodlight fluorite footlight foresight forthright fortnight fright frostbite gaslight ghostwrite goodnight graphite gunfight handwrite headlight headright height highlight hindsight hittite homesite ignite in-flight incite indict indite insight invite jadeite kite knight krait lamplight landright levite light lignite limelight lintwhite lite lucite midnight might millwright miswrite mite moonlight nephrite night night-light nitrite off-white on-site outfight outright partite penlight phosphite playwright plight polite prizefight pyrite quartzite quite recite requite respite rewrite right rite safelight searchlight semite shemite shiite shipwright sidelight sight site skintight skylight skywrite sleight slight smite snakebite snow-white somite spaceflight spite spotlight skylight spright sprite starlight stoplight streetlight sulfite sulphite sunlight taillight tektite termite tight tonight topflight torchlight townsite trite twilight twinight typewrite unite upright uptight wainwright weeknight wheelwright white wright write

Highlight rhymes with Twilight. If you don't know what a highlight is, it is hairdye that is only applied to a strip of hair not the whole head.

Highlight rhymes with Twilight. If you don't know what a highlight is, it is hairdye that is only applied to a strip of hair not the whole head.

4 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 185 words with the pattern --I-E. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter I and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:


























































































































































































1 answer

Addax admix affix annex ataxy auxin axels axial axile axils axing axiom axion axite axled axles axman axmen axoid axone axons beaux bemix bolix borax boxed boxen boxer boxes braxy buxom calix calyx carex caxon choux cimex codex comix coxae coxal coxed coxes culex cylix deoxy desex detox dewax dexes dexie dixie dixit doxie druxy duxes embox enfix epoxy exact exalt exams excel exeat execs exeem exeme exert exies exile exine exing exist exits exode exons expat expel expos extol extra exude exuls exult exurb faxed faxes fedex fixed fixer fixes fixit flaxy flexo forex foxed foxes foxie galax goxes hapax helix hexad hexed hexer hexes hexyl hoxed hoxes hyrax immix index infix ixias ixora ixtle jaxie kexes kylix latex laxer laxes laxly lexes lexis limax linux loxed loxes lurex luxes malax maxed maxes maxim maxis mirex mixed mixen mixer mixes mixte mixup moxas moxie murex muxed muxes myxos nexts nexus nixed nixer nixes nixie noxal noxes orixa oxbow oxers oxeye oxide oxids oxime oxims oxlip oxter panax paxes phlox pixel pixes pixie podex poxed poxes prexy proxy pyrex pyxed pyxes pyxie pyxis radix raxed raxes redox redux refix relax remex remix retax rewax rexes salix saxes sexed sexer sexes sexto sexts silex sixer sixes sixmo sixte sixth sixty sorex taxed taxer taxes taxis taxol taxon taxor taxus telex texas texes texts toxic toxin tuxes twixt unbox unfix unmix unsex untax varix vexed vexer vexes vexil vibex vitex vixen voxel waxed waxen waxer waxes wexed wexes woxen wuxia xebec xenia xenic xenon xeric xerox xerus xoana xylan xylem xylic xylol xylyl xysti xysts yexed yexes zaxes zexes

1 answer

3-letter words

aal, ail, ain, air, ait, ala, ale, alt, ana, ane, ani, ant, are, art, ate, axe, ear, eat, eon, era, ern, eta, ion, ire, lar, lat, lax, lea, lei, let, lex, lie, lin, lit, lot, lox, nae, net, nil, nit, nix, nor, not, oar, oat, oil, ole, one, ora, ore, ort, ran, rat, rax, rei, ret, rex, ria, rin, roe, rot, tae, tan, tao, tar, tax, tea, tel, ten, tie, til, tin, toe, ton, tor

4-letter words

aeon, aero, airn, airt, alae, alan, alar, alit, aloe, alto, anal, anil, anoa, anta, ante, anti, area, aria, aril, axal, axel, axil, axle, axon, earl, earn, elan, enol, etna, exit, exon, ilea, ilex, inro, into, iota, iron, lain, lair, lane, lari, late, lati, lean, lear, leno, lent, liar, lien, lier, line, lino, lint, lion, lira, lire, loan, loin, lone, lore, lorn, lota, loti, nail, naoi, near, neat, next, nixe, noel, noil, nota, note, olea, oral, orle, oxen, raia, rail, rain, rale, rani, rant, rate, rato, real, rein, rent, rial, riel, rile, riot, rite, roan, roil, role, rota, rote, rotl, tael, tail, tain, tala, tale, tali, tare, tarn, taro, taxa, taxi, teal, tear, tela, tern, tier, tile, tine, tire, tirl, tiro, toea, toil, tola, tole, tone, tora, tore, tori, torn, trio

5-letter words

alane, alant, alate, alert, alien, aline, aloin, alone, altar, alter, anear, anile, anole, antae, antra, antre, aorta, areal, arena, ariel, artal, artel, atone, atria, axial, axile, axite, axone, elain, elint, eloin, enrol, entia, exalt, extol, extra, inert, inlet, inter, intro, irate, irone, ixora, ixtle, lanai, laten, later, latex, laxer, leant, learn, lento, liana, liane, liner, lirot, liter, litre, loner, loran, naira, natal, nerol, niter, nitre, nitro, noria, notal, noter, oaten, oater, oiler, olein, orate, oriel, oxter, ratal, ratan, ratel, ratio, reata, relax, relit, renal, reoil, retax, retia, riant, riata, talar, taler, talon, taxer, taxon, telia, teloi, tenia, tenor, terai, tiara, tiler, tinea, toile, tolan, tonal, toner, toxin, trail, train, trial, trine, triol, trona, trone, xenia

6-letter words

aerial, alexia, alexin, aliner, anoxia, antiar, antler, antral, aortae, aortal, areola, aroint, atonal, atoner, atrial, axonal, entail, entoil, eolian, etalon, lanate, lariat, larine, latino, latria, learnt, linear, linter, loaner, loiter, nailer, narial, neroli, norite, orient, ornate, oxtail, ratine, ration, ratlin, realia, reloan, renail, rental, retail, retain, retial, retina, rialto, taenia, tailer, tailor, talion, tarnal, tenail, tineal, toiler, tolane, tonier, toxine, trinal, xenial

7-letter words

aeolian, aileron, alation, alienor, elation, latrine, oxalate, ratline, relaxin, reliant, retinal, retinol, toenail, trenail

8-letter words

aeration, anorexia, laxation, notarial, oriental, rational, relation, relaxant

9-letter words

alienator, rationale

10-letter words


1 answer

2 letter words with X


3 letter words with X


4 letter words with X


5 letter words with X


1 answer

aahed aalii aargh abaca abaci aback abaft abaka abamp abase abash abate

abaya abbas abbes abbey abbot abeam abele abets abhor abide abled abler

ables abmho abode abohm aboil aboma aboon abort about above abris abuse

abuts abuzz abyes abysm abyss acari acerb aceta ached aches achoo acids

acidy acing acini ackee acmes acmic acned acnes acock acold acorn acred

acres acrid acted actin actor acute acyls adage adapt addax added adder

addle adeem adept adieu adios adits adman admen admit admix adobe adobo

adopt adore adorn adown adoze adult adunc adust adyta adzed adzes aecia

aedes aegis aeons aerie afars affix afire afoot afore afoul afrit after

again agama agape agars agate agave agaze agene agent agers agger aggie

aggro aghas agile aging agios agism agist agita aglee aglet agley aglow

agmas agone agons agony agora agree agria agues ahead ahing ahold ahull

aided aider aides ailed aimed aimer aioli aired airer airns airth airts

aisle aitch aiver ajiva ajuga akees akela akene alack Alamo aland alane

alang alans alant alarm alary alate albas album alcid alder aldol alecs

alefs aleph alert alfas algae algal algas algid algin algor algum alias

alibi alien alifs align alike aline alist alive aliya alkie alkyd alkyl

allay allee alley allod allot allow alloy allyl almah almas almeh almes

almud almug aloes aloft aloha aloin alone along aloof aloud alpha altar

alter altho altos alula alums alway amahs amain amass amaze amber ambit

amble ambos ambry ameba ameer amend amens ament amias amice amici amide

amido amids amies amiga amigo amine amino amins amirs amiss amity ammos

amnia amnic amnio amoks amole among amort amour amped ample amply ampul

amuck amuse amyls ancho ancon andro anear anele anent angas angel anger

angle Anglo angry angst anile anils anima anime animi anion anise ankhs

ankle ankus anlas annal annas annex annoy annul anoas anode anole anomy

ansae antae antas anted antes antic antis antra antre antsy anvil anyon

aorta apace apart apeak apeek apers apery aphid aphis apian aping apish

apnea apods aport appal appel apple apply apres apron apses apsis apter

aptly aquae aquas araks arame arbor arced arcus ardeb ardor areae areal

areas areca areic arena arene arepa arete argal argil argle argol argon

argot argue argus arhat arias Ariel arils arise arles armed armer armet

armor aroid aroma arose arpen arras array arris arrow arses arsis arson

artal artel artsy arums arval arvos aryls asana ascot ascus asdic ashed

ashen ashes aside asked asker askew askoi askos aspen asper aspic aspis

assai assay asses asset aster astir asyla ataps ataxy atilt atlas atman

atmas atoll atoms atomy atone atony atopy atria atrip attar attic audad

audio audit auger aught augur aulic aunts aunty aurae aural aurar auras

aurei aures auric auris aurum autos auxin avail avant avast avens avers

avert avgas avian avion aviso avoid avows await awake award aware awash

awful awing awned awoke awols axels axial axile axils axing axiom axion

axite axled axles axman axmen axone axons ayahs ayins azans azide azido

azine azlon azoic azole azons azote azoth azuki azure

7 answers

abate, abets, abuts, aceta, acute, adits, adyta, agate, agita, airth, airts, alate, amity, aorta, arete, aunts, aunty, axite, azote, azoth, bahts, baith, baits, banty, baste, basts, batts, battu, batty, bawty, beats, beets, belts, bento, bents, berth, bests, betta, bhuts, bints, biota, birth, bitts, bitty, blate, blats, blets, blite, blitz, blots, boats, boite, bolts, booth, boots, booty, borts, borty, bortz, botts, bouts, brats, brith, brits, britt, broth, brute, bruts, bunts, busts, busty, butte, butts, butty, cacti, canto, cants, canty, carte, carts, caste, casts, catty, celts, cento, cents, centu, cesta, cesti, chats, cheth, chits, chott, chute, cists, cloth, clots, coati, coats, colts, comte, conte, conto, coots, costa, costs, cotta, couth, crate, crits, crwth, culti, cults, cutty, cysts, darts, datto, dauts, dawts, death, debts, deets, deity, delta, delts, dents, depth, dhoti, dhuti, dicta, dicty, diets, dints, dirts, dirty, ditto, ditty, doats, doeth, doits, dolts, dorty, dotty, drats, ducts, duets, duits, dunts, dusts, dusty, earth, easts, edits, elate, elite, elute, emits, emote, empty, enate, evite, exits, facts, faith, fasts, fatty, feats, felts, fests, fiats, fifth, fifty, filth, firth, fists, flats, flite, flits, flota, flute, fluty, flyte, fonts, foots, footy, forte, forth, forts, forty, frats, frets, frith, frits, fritt, fritz, froth, fusty, fytte, gaits, garth, gasts, gelts, gents, geste, gests, ghats, gifts, gilts, girth, girts, gists, glitz, glute, gluts, gnats, goats, gouts, gouty, grate, grith, grits, grots, gusto, gusts, gusty, gutta, gutty, haets, hafts, halts, hants, harts, haste, hasty, haute, heath, heats, hefts, hefty, hents, hertz, hests, hilts, hints, hists, holts, hoots, hooty, hosta, hosts, hunts, hurts, irate, janty, jests, jetty, jilts, jolts, jolty, jotty, junta, junto, justs, jutty, karts, keets, kelts, kente, khats, kheth, khets, kilts, kilty, kists, kitty, klutz, knits, knots, kurta, kyats, laith, laity, lasts, leets, lefts, lefty, lento, lepta, lifts, lilts, lints, linty, lists, loath, lofts, lofty, loots, lotto, louts, lunts, lusts, lusty, lytta, malts, malty, manta, marts, masts, matte, matts, mauts, meats, meaty, meets, melts, melty, menta, milts, milty, mints, minty, mirth, mists, misty, mitts, moats, molto, molts, monte, month, moots, morts, moste, mosts, motte, motto, motts, mouth, mufti, musth, musts, musty, mutts, nasty, natty, neath, neats, nerts, nertz, nests, netts, netty, newts, nifty, ninth, nitty, north, nowts, nutty, oasts, obits, omits, orate, ousts, ovate, pacts, panto, pants, panty, parts, party, pasta, paste, pasts, pasty, patty, peats, peaty, pelts, pesto, pests, petti, petto, petty, photo, phots, phuts, pieta, piety, pinta, pinto, pints, piste, pitta, plate, plats, platy, plots, plotz, poets, ports, posts, potto, potty, pouts, pouty, prate, prats, pruta, punto, punts, punty, purty, putti, putto, putts, putty, quate, quite, quits, quota, quote, quoth, rafts, raita, rants, ratty, reata, recta, recti, recto, rente, rents, rests, rhyta, riata, rifts, riots, roots, rooty, rotte, route, routh, routs, rowth, runts, runty, rusts, rusty, rutty, ryots, saith, salts, salty, saute, scats, scatt, scots, scuta, scute, scuts, seats, sects, senti, septa, septs, setts, sexto, sexts, shote, shots, shott, shute, shuts, sifts, silts, silty, sixte, sixth, sixty, skate, skats, skite, skits, slate, slats, slaty, slits, sloth, slots, sluts, smite, smith, smote, smuts, snath, snits, snots, softa, softs, softy, sooth, soots, sooty, sorta, sorts, south, spate, spats, spite, spits, spitz, spots, sputa, state, stats, stets, stots, stott, suets, suety, suite, suits, sutta, swath, swats, swith, swots, synth, tacts, tanto, tarts, tarty, taste, tasty, tatty, tauts, teats, tecta, teeth, tenth, tents, tenty, testa, tests, testy, texts, theta, tilth, tilts, tints, titty, tofts, toits, tooth, toots, torta, torte, torts, touts, trets, trite, troth, trots, truth, tufts, tufty, tutti, tutty, twits, unite, units, unity, urate, vasts, vasty, vents, verts, vertu, vesta, vests, virtu, vista, vitta, volta, volte, volti, volts, wafts, waits, waltz, wants, warts, warty, waste, wasts, watts, weets, wefts, welts, wests, whats, whets, white, whits, whity, width, wilts, wists, witty, wonts, worth, worts, wrath, write, writs, wrote, wroth, xysti, xysts, yenta, yente, yetts, yirth, youth, yurta, yurts, zests, zesty, zlote, zloty

631 words

1 answer

abase, abate, abele, abide, abode, above, abuse, ackee, acute, adage, addle, adobe, adore, adoze, aerie, afire, afore, agape, agate, agave, agaze, agene, aggie, agile, aglee, agone, agree, aisle, akene, alane, alate, algae, alike, aline, alive, alkie, alone, amaze, amble, amice, amide, amine, amole, ample, amuse, anele, angle, anile, anime, anise, ankle, anode, anole, ansae, antae, antre, apace, apple, aquae, arame, areae, arene, arete, argle, argue, arise, arose, aside, atone, aurae, awake, aware, awoke, axile, axite, axone, azide, azine, azole, azote, azure, badge, baize, barbe, barde, barge, barre, barye, baste, bathe, beige, belie, belle, benne, berme, bible, bikie, bilge, binge, biome, birle, birse, blade, blame, blare, blase, blate, blaze, blite, bloke, blume, blype, bocce, bogie, bogle, boite, bombe, bonne, bonze, booze, borne, boule, bouse, bowse, brace, brake, brave, braze, brede, breve, bribe, bride, brine, broke, brome, brose, brume, brute, budge, bugle, bulge, burke, burse, butle, butte, cable, cache, cadge, cadre, calve, canoe, carle, carse, carte, carve, caste, cause, cavie, cease, cense, chafe, chape, chare, chase, chide, chile, chime, chine, chive, choke, chore, chose, chute, chyle, chyme, civie, clave, clepe, clime, cline, clone, close, clove, cloze, coble, comae, combe, comte, conge, conte, cooee, copse, corse, cosie, coude, coupe, coxae, cozie, crake, crane, crape, crate, crave, craze, creme, crepe, crime, cripe, crone, crore, croze, crude, cruse, curie, curse, curve, cutie, cuvee, cycle, cymae, dance, daube, deave, debye, deice, delve, dense, deuce, dexie, dhole, didie, diene, dinge, diode, dirge, disme, dobie, dodge, dogie, dolce, donee, donne, douce, douse, dowie, dowse, doxie, drake, drape, drave, drive, drone, drove, drupe, druse, dulse, dunce, duple, dwine, eagle, eagre, edile, educe, eerie, elate, elide, elite, elope, elude, elute, emcee, emote, emyde, enate, endue, ensue, enure, epode, erase, erode, erose, etape, etude, etwee, evade, evite, evoke, exile, exine, exude, eyrie, fable, fadge, false, farce, farle, fauve, fease, feaze, feeze, femme, fence, fesse, fibre, fiche, fidge, fille, fique, flake, flame, flare, flite, fluke, flume, flute, flyte, fogie, force, forge, forme, forte, fosse, frame, frere, frise, frore, froze, fudge, fugle, fugue, furze, fusee, fuzee, fytte, gable, gaffe, gambe, gauge, gauze, geese, gelee, genie, genre, geode, geste, gighe, gigue, gimme, glace, glade, glare, glaze, glebe, glede, glide, glime, globe, glove, gloze, glume, glute, gnome, goose, gorge, gorse, gouge, grace, grade, grape, grate, grave, graze, grebe, gride, grime, gripe, grope, grove, grume, guide, guile, guise, gurge, gwine, halve, hance, hanse, haste, haute, hawse, heave, hedge, heeze, helve, hence, henge, hinge, hiree, hoise, homie, horde, horse, house, hoyle, image, imbue, imide, imine, inane, inbye, indie, indue, ingle, inkle, inure, irade, irate, irone, issue, istle, ixtle, jambe, jesse, joule, judge, juice, kedge, keeve, kente, kerne, kibbe, kithe, kluge, knave, knawe, knife, koine, kopje, krewe, krone, kyrie, kythe, ladle, lance, lapse, laree, large, lathe, latke, lease, leave, ledge, lense, leone, lethe, levee, liane, liege, lieve, lisle, lithe, litre, livre, lodge, longe, looie, loose, louie, loupe, louse, lowse, lucre, lunge, lyase, lycee, mache, macle, madre, mahoe, maile, maize, mamie, mange, manse, maple, marge, marse, masse, matte, mauve, mavie, maybe, melee, mense, merge, merle, mesne, metre, miche, midge, mille, minae, mince, minke, mitre, moire, monde, monie, monte, moose, morae, morse, moste, motte, mouse, movie, moxie, murre, myope, nacre, naive, nappe, nerve, neume, newie, ngwee, niche, niece, nieve, nitre, nixie, noble, noise, nonce, noose, novae, nudge, nudie, nurse, obese, obole, ochre, odyle, ogive, oldie, olive, ombre, oorie, opine, orate, ounce, ouphe, ourie, outre, ovate, ovine, ovule, oxeye, oxide, oxime, ozone, padle, padre, paise, panne, parae, parge, parle, parse, parve, passe, paste, pause, payee, peace, peage, pease, peeve, peise, pekoe, pence, perse, pewee, phage, phase, phone, phyle, piece, pique, piste, pixie, place, plage, plane, plate, plebe, plume, poise, ponce, posse, prase, prate, prese, price, pride, prime, prise, prize, probe, prole, prone, prose, prove, prude, prune, psoae, pulse, pupae, puree, purge, purse, pyxie, quake, quale, quare, quate, queue, quire, quite, quote, ragee, raise, rakee, ramee, ramie, rance, ranee, range, raphe, rathe, razee, reave, rebbe, redye, reeve, reive, rente, resee, retie, reuse, revue, rheme, rhyme, ridge, rifle, rille, rinse, roble, rogue, roose, roque, rotte, rouge, rouse, route, ruble, ruche, ruffe, rugae, rupee, sable, sabre, sadhe, saice, salve, saree, sarge, sauce, saute, scale, scape, scare, scene, scone, scope, score, scree, scute, sedge, segue, seine, seise, seize, selle, sense, serge, serve, setae, shade, shake, shale, shame, shape, share, shave, shine, shire, shive, shone, shore, shote, shove, shute, sidhe, sidle, siege, sieve, since, singe, siree, sixte, skate, skene, skite, skive, slake, slate, slave, slice, slide, slime, slipe, slope, slype, smaze, smile, smite, smoke, smote, snake, snare, snide, snipe, snore, soave, socle, solve, sonde, souse, space, spade, spake, spale, spare, spate, spice, spike, spile, spine, spire, spite, spode, spoke, spore, spree, sprue, spume, stade, stage, stake, stale, stane, stare, state, stave, stele, stere, stile, stime, stipe, stoae, stoke, stole, stone, stope, store, stove, stupe, style, suave, sucre, suede, suite, surge, swage, swale, sware, swede, swine, swipe, swive, swore, sycee, table, tache, targe, tarre, tasse, taste, taupe, tawie, tawse, tazze, tease, telae, tenge, tense, tepee, terce, terne, terse, thane, thebe, theme, there, these, thine, thole, those, three, throe, thyme, tilde, tinge, tithe, title, titre, togae, togue, toile, tonne, topee, tophe, toque, torse, torte, touse, towie, trace, trade, trave, tribe, trice, trike, trine, tripe, trite, trode, troke, trone, trope, trove, truce, tsade, tubae, tulle, tuque, tutee, twice, twine, tythe, ukase, ulnae, uncle, undee, undue, unite, untie, upbye, urare, urase, urate, urine, ursae, usage, usque, utile, vague, valse, value, valve, varve, vegie, venae, venge, venue, verge, verse, verve, vitae, vogie, vogue, voice, voile, volte, wacke, waive, waste, weave, wedge, whale, where, while, whine, white, whole, whore, whose, wince, winze, withe, wodge, worse, write, wrote, yente, yince, yodle, yogee, youse, yowie, zaire, zlote, zoeae, zonae, zowie

936 words

1 answer








































2 answers

exchequer exchequers exequies exequy exquisite exquisitely exquisiteness exquisitenesses hydroxychloroquine hydroxychloroquines iodochlorhydroxyquin

* Aqua

* Axel * Axis

* Axle * Baroque * Barque * Boxer

* Cirque * Cloque

* Coax * Croquet * Dexter

* Diquat * Equator * Exhibit

* Hoax * Inquest

* Ixia * Jinx * Kumquat

* Lynx * Liquid * Masque * Maxi * Nixie

* Onyx * Opaque

* Oryx * Pixie

* Plaque

* Quare * Quarte * Quart

* Quean * Queen

* Quern * Query * Quixotic * Quixotry * Quiz * Rex

* Roque * Sphinx * Suq

* Toque * Torque * Tranq

* Toxic * Toxin * Vixen * Wax

* Xis * Zax

3 answers

3-letter words

aal, aas, ail, ain, ais, ait, ala, ale, alp, als, alt, ana, ane, ani, ant, any, ape, apt, asp, ass, ate, ava, ave, awa, awe, awl, awn, axe, aye, ays, eat, eau, eel, els, ens, ess, eta, eve, ewe, eye, inn, ins, its, ivy, lap, las, lat, lav, law, lax, lay, lea, lee, lei, let, leu, lev, lex, ley, lie, lin, lip, lis, lit, luv, lux, lye, nae, nap, naw, nay, nee, net, new, nil, nip, nit, nix, nun, nus, nut, pal, pan, pap, pas, pat, paw, pax, pay, pea, pee, pen, pep, pes, pet, pew, pia, pie, pin, pip, pis, pit, piu, pix, ply, psi, pul, pun, pup, pus, put, pya, pye, pyx, sae, sal, sap, sat, sau, saw, sax, say, sea, see, sei, sel, sen, set, sew, sex, sin, sip, sis, sit, six, sly, spa, spy, sty, sue, sun, sup, syn, tae, tan, tap, tas, tau, tav, taw, tax, tea, tee, tel, ten, tew, tie, til, tin, tip, tis, tui, tun, tup, tux, twa, tye, ulu, uns, ups, use, uta, uts, van, vas, vat, vau, vaw, vee, vet, vex, via, vie, vin, vis, wae, wan, wap, was, wat, wax, way, wee, wen, wet, win, wis, wit, wye, wyn, xis, yap, yaw, yay, yea, yen, yep, yes, yet, yew, yin, yip, yup

4-letter words

aals, ails, ains, aits, alae, alan, alas, alee, ales, alit, alps, alts, anal, anas, anes, anew, anil, anis, anna, ansa, anta, ante, anti, ants, anus, apes, apex, apse, asea, asps, atap, ates, aunt, aves, away, awee, awes, awls, awns, awny, axal, axel, axes, axil, axis, axle, ayes, ayin, ease, east, easy, eats, eaux, eave, eels, eely, elan, else, envy, eses, espy, etas, etna, etui, even, eves, evil, ewes, exes, exit, eyas, eyen, eyes, eyne, ilea, ilex, inly, inns, isle, lain, lane, laps, lase, lass, last, late, lati, lats, lava, lave, lavs, lawn, laws, lays, lean, leap, leas, lees, leet, leis, lens, lent, lept, less, lest, lets, leva, levy, leys, lien, lies, lieu, line, linn, lins, lint, liny, lips, lisp, list, lits, litu, live, luau, lues, luna, lune, lunt, luny, lust, lute, luvs, luxe, lwei, lyes, lynx, lyse, nail, nana, nape, naps, nave, navy, nays, neap, neat, neep, nene, ness, nest, nets, neve, nevi, news, newt, next, nils, nine, nipa, nips, nits, nixe, nixy, nuns, nuts, pail, pain, pale, palp, pals, paly, pane, pans, pant, papa, paps, pase, pass, past, pate, pats, paty, pave, pawl, pawn, paws, pays, peal, pean, peas, peat, peel, peen, peep, pees, pein, pele, pelt, pens, pent, peps, pest, pets, pews, pial, pian, pias, pies, pile, pily, pina, pine, pins, pint, piny, pipe, pips, pipy, pita, pits, pity, pixy, plan, plat, play, plea, plew, plie, plus, psis, psst, pula, pule, puli, pulp, puls, puna, puns, punt, puny, pupa, pups, puss, puts, pyas, pyes, pyin, sail, sain, sale, salp, sals, salt, sane, sans, saps, sate, sati, saul, save, sawn, saws, says, seal, seas, seat, seel, seen, seep, sees, seis, sels, sene, sent, sept, seta, sets, sewn, sews, sext, sexy, sial, silt, sine, sins, sipe, sips, site, sits, slap, slat, slaw, slay, slew, slip, slit, slue, slut, snap, snaw, snip, snit, snye, spae, span, spas, spat, spay, spew, spin, spit, spiv, spue, spun, staw, stay, step, stew, stey, stun, stye, sues, suet, suit, sulu, sunn, suns, supe, sups, swan, swap, swat, sway, syli, syne, tael, tail, tain, tala, tale, tali, tans, tapa, tape, taps, tass, taus, tavs, taws, taxa, taxi, teal, teas, teel, teen, tees, tela, tele, tels, tens, tepa, tews, ties, tile, tils, tine, tins, tiny, tips, tivy, tuis, tule, tuna, tune, tuns, tups, twae, twas, twee, twin, tyee, tyes, tyne, type, typp, typy, ulan, ulna, ulus, ulva, unai, unau, unit, upas, uses, utas, uvea, vail, vain, vale, vane, vans, vasa, vase, vast, vats, vatu, vaus, vaws, veal, veep, vees, veil, vein, vela, vena, vent, vest, vets, vext, vial, vies, view, vile, vina, vine, vins, viny, visa, vise, vita, waes, wail, wain, wait, wale, waly, wane, wans, want, wany, waps, wasp, wast, wats, waul, wave, wavy, waxy, ways, weal, wean, weel, ween, weep, wees, weet, welt, wens, went, wept, west, wets, wile, wilt, wily, wine, wins, winy, wipe, wise, wisp, wiss, wist, wite, wits, wive, wyes, wyle, wynn, wyns, wyte, xyst, yaps, yaup, yawl, yawn, yawp, yaws, yays, yean, yeas, yelp, yens, yeti, yews, yins, yipe, yips, yuan, yule, ywis

5-letter words

aisle, alane, alans, alant, alate, alias, alien, aline, alist, alive, aliya, alway, anele, anent, anile, anils, anise, anlas, annal, annas, annex, annul, ansae, antae, antas, antes, antis, antsy, anvil, apian, apnea, appal, appel, apple, apply, apses, apsis, aptly, aspen, aspis, assai, assay, asset, asyla, ataps, ataxy, atlas, aunts, aunty, auxin, avail, avast, avens, avian, await, axels, axial, axile, axils, axite, axles, ayins, easel, eases, easts, eaten, eaves, elain, elans, elate, elint, elite, elute, elves, enate, ennui, ensue, entia, essay, etape, etnas, etuis, evens, event, evils, evite, exalt, exile, exine, exist, exits, expel, exult, ileus, inane, inapt, inept, inlay, inlet, input, inset, isles, islet, issue, istle, ixtle, laity, lanai, lanes, lapin, lapis, lapse, lases, lasts, laten, latex, lauan, lavas, laves, lawns, lawny, layup, leans, leant, leaps, leapt, lease, least, leave, leavy, leets, lenes, lenis, lense, lepta, letup, levin, lewis, lexes, lexis, liana, liane, liens, lieus, lieve, linen, lines, liney, linns, lints, linty, lippy, lisps, lists, litas, liven, lives, luaus, lunas, lunes, lunet, lunts, lupin, lupus, lusts, lusty, lusus, lutea, lutes, luxes, lweis, lyase, lyses, lysin, lysis, lyssa, naevi, nails, naive, nanas, nanny, napes, nappe, nappy, nasal, nasty, natal, nates, naval, navel, naves, neaps, neats, neeps, neist, nests, neves, nevus, newel, newie, newly, newsy, newts, nexus, nieve, nines, ninny, nipas, nippy, nisus, nival, nixes, nutsy, nyala, paean, pails, pains, paint, paisa, paise, palea, pales, palet, palpi, palps, palsy, panel, panes, panne, pansy, pants, panty, papal, papas, papaw, pases, passe, pasta, paste, pasts, pasty, paten, pates, patin, patly, patsy, pause, pavan, paves, pavin, pavis, pawls, pawns, paxes, payee, peals, peans, pease, peats, peaty, peavy, peels, peens, peeps, peins, peise, peles, pelts, penal, penes, penis, penna, penni, penny, pepla, pests, petal, pewit, pians, pieta, piety, pilau, pilaw, pilea, piles, pilus, pinas, pines, piney, pinna, pinny, pinta, pints, pinup, pipal, pipes, pipet, piste, pitas, pixel, pixes, plain, plait, plane, plans, plant, plate, plats, platy, playa, plays, pleas, pleat, plena, plews, plies, pules, pulis, pulps, pulpy, pulse, punas, punny, punts, punty, pupae, pupal, pupas, pupil, puses, pussy, pyins, pyxes, pyxie, pyxis, sails, sains, saint, salep, sales, salpa, salps, salsa, salts, salty, salve, sanes, sappy, sasin, satay, sates, satin, satis, sauls, sault, sauna, saute, saves, savin, saxes, sayst, seals, seats, seels, seely, seeps, seepy, seine, seise, selva, senna, sensa, sense, senti, sepal, sepia, septa, septs, setae, setal, setup, seven, sewan, sexes, sexts, sials, sieve, silex, silts, silty, silva, sines, sinew, sinus, sipes, sisal, sites, situp, situs, sixes, sixte, sixty, slain, slant, slaps, slate, slats, slaty, slave, slaws, slays, sleep, sleet, slept, slews, slipe, slips, slipt, slits, slues, sluts, slype, snail, snaps, snaws, sneap, snipe, snips, snits, snyes, spaes, spail, spait, spale, spans, spate, spats, spawn, spays, spean, speel, speil, spelt, spent, spews, spiel, spies, spile, spilt, spine, spins, spiny, spite, spits, spivs, splat, splay, split, spues, sputa, stain, stale, stane, stave, stays, steal, steel, steep, stein, stela, stele, steps, stews, sties, stile, stipe, stuns, stupa, stupe, styes, style, styli, suave, suets, suety, suint, suite, suits, sulus, sunna, sunns, sunny, sunup, supes, swail, swain, swale, swans, swaps, swats, sways, sweat, sweep, sweet, swept, swine, swipe, swive, sylis, sylva, taels, tails, tains, talas, tales, talus, tansy, tapas, tapes, tapis, tasse, taupe, tawie, tawny, tawse, taxes, taxis, taxus, teals, tease, teels, teens, teeny, telae, teles, telex, telia, tenia, tense, tepal, tepas, tesla, texas, tiles, tinea, tines, tinny, tippy, tipsy, tules, tulip, tunas, tunes, tunny, tuxes, twaes, twain, tween, twine, twins, twiny, tyees, tynes, typal, types, typey, typps, ulans, ulnae, ulnas, ulpan, ulvas, unais, unapt, unaus, unite, units, unity, unlay, unlet, unlit, unpen, unpin, unsay, unset, unsew, unsex, untie, until, unwit, uplit, upset, usnea, usual, utile, uveal, uveas, uvula, vails, vales, valet, valse, value, vanes, vasal, vases, vasts, vasty, vatus, vault, vaunt, veals, vealy, veena, veeps, veils, veins, veiny, venae, venal, venin, vents, venue, vesta, vests, vexes, vexil, vials, views, viewy, vinal, vinas, vines, vinyl, visas, vises, vista, vitae, vital, vixen, wails, wains, waist, waits, waive, wales, wanes, waney, wanly, wants, wasps, waspy, waste, wasts, watap, wauls, waves, wavey, waxen, waxes, weals, weans, weave, weens, weeny, weeps, weepy, weest, weets, welts, wenny, wests, wetly, wiles, wilts, wines, winey, wipes, wises, wisps, wispy, wists, witan, wites, wives, wyles, wynns, wytes, xenia, xylan, xysti, xysts, yaups, yawls, yawns, yawps, yeans, yeast, yelps, yenta, yente, yeses, yetis, yipes, yuans, yulan, yules

6-letter words

aeneus, aisles, alanin, alants, alates, alevin, alexia, alexin, aliens, alines, aliyas, alpine, alvine, always, aneles, anenst, anises, annals, anneal, annexe, annual, annuli, annuls, ansate, anuses, anvils, anyway, apexes, aplite, apneal, apneas, appals, appeal, appels, apples, aslant, asleep, aspens, assail, assent, ataxia, atwain, atween, auntie, auntly, auspex, auxins, avails, avaunt, avenue, avians, aviate, avulse, awaits, awless, axises, axites, easels, easies, easily, elains, elapse, elates, elints, elites, eluant, eluate, eluent, elutes, eluvia, enates, enisle, enlist, ennuis, ennuye, ensile, ensues, entail, envies, espial, espies, etapes, eupnea, eutaxy, evenly, events, evites, exalts, exeunt, exiles, exines, exists, expels, exults, exuvia, eyases, ilexes, inanes, inlays, inlets, innate, inputs, insane, insets, inspan, instal, instep, insult, invent, invest, islets, istles, ixtles, lanais, lanate, lapins, lappet, lapses, lapsus, lassie, lateen, latens, lauans, lawine, laxest, laxity, layups, leases, leasts, leaven, leaves, leeway, lenity, lenses, lenten, lessen, letups, levant, levies, levins, levity, lianas, lianes, linens, lineny, lineup, linnet, linsey, lipase, lippen, listen, litany, livens, livest, lunate, lunets, lunies, lupine, lupins, lutein, luxate, lyases, lynxes, lysate, lysine, lysins, naevus, naives, nannie, nappes, nappie, nasals, nasial, native, nausea, navels, navies, neaten, neatly, nestle, newels, newest, newies, newsie, nieves, ninety, nipple, nyalas, paeans, paesan, paints, painty, paisan, paisas, palais, palate, paleae, palest, palets, palpus, panels, pannes, pantie, papain, papaws, papaya, papula, papule, passee, passel, pastas, pastel, pastes, pastie, pastil, pastis, patens, patina, patine, patins, paulin, pausal, pauses, pavane, pavans, pavins, pavise, pawnee, payees, peanut, peasen, peases, peavey, peepul, peewit, peises, pelite, pelves, pelvis, penial, penile, pennae, pennia, pennis, pensil, pentyl, penult, peplus, pepsin, peseta, pesewa, pestle, petals, petnap, petsai, pewits, pietas, pilaus, pilaws, pileup, pileus, pinata, pineal, pinene, pineta, pinnae, pinnal, pinnas, pintas, pintle, pinups, pipals, pipets, pistes, pitsaw, pixels, plains, plaint, plaits, planes, planet, plants, platan, platen, plates, platys, playas, please, pleats, plenty, plexus, pliant, plisse, pluses, plutei, ptisan, puisne, pulpit, pulses, punily, punnet, pupate, pupils, pusley, pussly, pyxies, saints, saleps, salina, saline, saliva, salpae, salpas, saltie, salute, salves, salvia, sanely, sanest, sanies, sanity, sannup, sansei, satays, sateen, satins, satiny, saults, saunas, sautes, savant, savate, savine, savins, sawney, sayest, seawan, seaway, seesaw, seines, selsyn, selvas, selves, senate, senile, sennas, sennet, sennit, sepals, sepias, septal, setups, sevens, sewans, sexily, sexist, sextan, sexual, sienna, siesta, sieves, silane, silent, silvae, silvan, silvas, silvex, sinews, sinewy, sippet, situps, sixtes, slants, slanty, slates, slatey, slaves, slavey, sleave, sleeps, sleepy, sleets, sleety, sliest, slipes, slippy, slipup, slyest, slypes, snails, snappy, sneaps, snipes, snippy, snivel, spails, spaits, spales, spates, spavie, spavin, spawns, speans, speels, speils, speise, spelts, spense, spiels, spiles, spinal, spinel, spines, spinet, spinny, spital, spites, splats, splays, spleen, splent, spline, splint, splits, stains, stales, stanes, stapes, staple, staves, steals, steels, steely, steeps, steins, stelae, stelai, steles, steppe, stiles, stipel, stipes, stupas, stupes, styles, stylus, suints, suites, sultan, sunlit, sunnas, sunset, suntan, sunups, supine, supple, supply, svelte, swails, swains, swales, sweats, sweaty, sweeny, sweeps, sweepy, sweets, sweven, swipes, swiple, swivel, swives, swivet, sylvae, sylvan, sylvas, sylvin, syntax, taenia, taipan, tannin, tassel, tassie, taupes, tawney, tawpie, tawses, taxies, teasel, teases, teensy, tenail, teniae, tenias, tennis, tenpin, tenses, tenues, tenuis, tepals, teslas, tineal, tineas, tinsel, tipple, tisane, tissue, tulips, tuneup, tunnel, tussal, tussle, twains, tweeny, twelve, twines, unease, uneasy, uneven, unisex, unites, unlays, unless, unlive, unnail, unpens, unpent, unpile, unpins, unsawn, unsays, unseal, unseat, unseen, unsent, unsets, unsewn, unsews, unsexy, unsnap, unspun, unstep, unties, untune, unveil, unvext, unwept, unwise, unwits, upases, upleap, uppile, uppity, upsent, upsets, upstep, usneas, usuals, uvulae, uvulas, vainly, valets, valine, valise, valses, values, valuta, vanity, vassal, vastly, vaults, vaulty, vaunts, vaunty, veenas, veinal, velate, venial, venine, venins, venues, venule, vessel, vestal, vestas, vexils, vilest, vinals, vineal, vinyls, vistas, visual, vitals, vixens, waists, waives, walies, walnut, wastes, watape, wataps, waveys, wavies, wavily, waxily, waylay, weasel, weaves, weensy, weevil, wintle, wisely, wisent, wisest, witney, xenial, xenias, xylans, xylene, xystus, yautia, yeasts, yeasty, yeelin, yentas, yentes, yippee, yulans, yuppie

7-letter words

alanine, alanins, alevins, alexias, alexine, alexins, aliases, alpines, alunite, anality, analyse, analyst, anapest, anatase, anlases, annates, anneals, annexes, annuals, annuity, annulet, annulus, antenna, antisex, anxiety, anyways, anywise, apetaly, aplasia, aplenty, aplites, appeals, appease, applies, appulse, aptness, asexual, assault, astasia, ataxias, ataxies, atlases, aunties, auxeses, auxesis, avenses, avenues, aviates, avulses, aweless, awnless, easiest, elapine, elapses, elastin, elative, eluants, eluates, eluents, elusive, elysian, enisles, enlists, enliven, enplane, ensiles, enslave, entails, entases, entasia, entasis, entwine, epaulet, epistle, epitaxy, espials, estival, etesian, eupepsy, eupneas, evilest, expanse, expiate, explain, explant, expulse, exuviae, exuvial, ileuses, inanely, inanest, inaptly, ineptly, innless, inspans, instals, insteps, insults, inswept, intense, inulase, invents, invests, inweave, issuant, lantana, lapises, lappets, lateens, latexes, lauwine, lawines, lawsuit, laxness, layaway, leanest, leavens, leeways, lenient, levants, lewises, lievest, lineate, lineups, linnets, linseys, lipases, lippens, lisente, listens, luniest, lupines, lupuses, luteins, luxates, lysates, lysines, nailset, naively, naivest, naivete, naivety, nannies, napless, nappies, nasties, nastily, natives, nauseas, neatens, nestles, netless, newness, newsies, nexuses, nipples, nuptial, paesani, paesans, paisana, paisans, paisley, palates, paliest, palpate, palsies, pansies, panties, pantile, papains, papayan, papayas, papulae, papules, passant, passive, pastels, pasteup, pasties, pastils, pastina, patinae, patinas, patines, patness, patsies, paulins, pavanes, pavises, pawnees, peanuts, peasant, peaveys, peavies, peepuls, peewits, pelisse, pelites, penalty, penates, penises, penlite, pennant, pennate, pennies, pennine, pensile, pensils, pensive, pentane, pentyls, penults, pepsine, pepsins, pesetas, pesewas, pestles, petasus, petnaps, petsais, petunia, piasava, pileate, pileups, pinatas, pinenes, pinesap, pinnate, pinnula, pinnule, pintles, pinwale, pissant, pitsaws, plaints, planate, planets, platane, platans, plateau, platens, platies, platina, platypi, playpen, pleases, plenist, pluteus, pluvian, ptisans, ptyalin, puisnes, pulpits, pulsant, pulsate, puniest, punnets, punties, pupates, pusleys, pussley, pustule, saintly, salient, salinas, salines, salivas, salpian, salpinx, salties, saltine, saltpan, salutes, salvias, sannups, sapiens, sapient, sappily, sateens, savanna, savants, savates, savines, sawneys, sealant, seawans, seawant, seaways, senates, seniles, sennets, sennits, sensate, sensual, sestina, sestine, setline, seventy, sexiest, sextain, sextans, sextile, siennas, silanes, silents, silenus, silexes, silvans, sinsyne, sinuate, sippets, sixteen, slainte, slaveys, sleaves, slipups, slipway, snippet, snivels, spaniel, spatial, spatula, spavies, spaviet, spavins, spelean, spinals, spinate, spinels, spinets, spinney, spinula, spinule, spitals, spleens, spleeny, splenia, splents, splines, splints, stanine, staples, steeply, steppes, stewpan, stipels, stipple, stipule, stylise, suasive, suavely, suavest, suavity, sultana, sultans, sunnily, sunsuit, suntans, sunwise, supines, supples, sustain, swanpan, sweetly, swevens, swinney, swiples, swipple, swivels, swivets, syenite, sylvans, sylvine, sylvins, sylvite, synapse, taeniae, taenias, taipans, talipes, taluses, tannins, tansies, tapises, tawneys, tawnies, tawnily, tawpies, taxiway, taxless, taxwise, teasels, telesis, tenails, tenpins, tensely, tensile, tensive, texases, tieless, tinsels, tipless, tipples, tisanes, tissual, tissuey, tuneups, tunnels, tunnies, tussive, twelves, ulexite, unaptly, uneases, uneaten, unlives, unnails, unpiles, unplait, unseals, unseats, unsexes, unsnaps, unspent, unspilt, unsplit, unsteel, unsteps, unswept, untunes, untwine, unveils, unweave, upleaps, upleapt, uppiles, upsteps, upsweep, upswept, utensil, vainest, valiant, valines, valises, valuate, valutas, vauntie, vawntie, veinlet, veinule, velites, venines, ventail, venules, vespine, vestals, vilayet, vinasse, visuals, vitesse, vixenly, vulpine, waeness, walnuts, waniest, wanness, wannest, waspily, wassail, watapes, wavelet, waviest, waxiest, waylays, wayless, weasels, weevils, weevily, wetness, winless, wintles, wisents, witless, witness, witneys, xylenes, yautias, yeelins, yuppies

8-letter words

aestival, alanines, alewives, alexines, alienate, alunites, analyses, analysis, analysts, anapaest, anapests, anatases, annalist, annulate, annulets, antennae, antennal, antennas, aplasias, appeases, applause, appulses, aventail, awayness, elastase, elastins, elatives, eluviate, enlivens, enplanes, enslaves, entasias, entwines, epaulets, epilepsy, epinasty, epistasy, epistles, epistyle, epitases, etesians, eupepsia, eutaxies, evaluate, eventual, evilness, exitless, expanses, expiates, explains, explants, expulses, exuviate, innately, insanely, insanest, insulant, insulate, inulases, inweaves, lantanas, lateness, lauwines, lawsuits, laxative, layaways, leanness, leaviest, liveness, nailsets, naivetes, nappiest, nasalise, nasality, natively, nauplius, nauseant, nauseate, nautilus, neatness, newsiest, nuptials, painless, paisanas, paisleys, palatine, paleness, paleways, palewise, palpates, panatela, panelist, panetela, pantiles, pasteups, pastinas, peasants, pelvises, penalise, penality, penlites, pennants, pennines, pentanes, pepluses, pepsines, petaline, petunias, piasavas, piassava, pieplant, pinesaps, pinnulae, pinnules, pinwales, pipeless, plainest, plantain, platanes, plateaus, plateaux, platinas, platypus, plausive, playpens, playsuit, pleasant, plenists, plenties, plexuses, ptyalins, puissant, pulpiest, pulsates, pulvinus, puniness, punniest, pustules, salients, salivate, salpians, saltines, saltpans, sanative, sannyasi, sappiest, savannas, saxatile, sealants, seaplane, seawants, sentinel, sepaline, septuple, setlines, sextains, sextiles, sextuple, sextuply, silvexes, sinuates, sixpenny, sixteens, slipways, snappily, snippets, snippety, spalpeen, spaniels, spatulas, spelaean, spinneys, spinulae, spinules, splenius, stanines, stapelia, staysail, steapsin, stepwise, stewpans, stipples, stipules, stunsail, sultanas, sunniest, supinate, supinely, supplant, supplest, supplies, swanpans, sweatily, swinneys, swipples, syenites, sylvines, sylvites, syntaxes, tapeless, tapeline, taxiways, tennises, tenpenny, tuneless, tuppenny, ulexites, uneasily, unevenly, unisexes, unplaits, unpliant, unsexual, unsilent, unsteels, untwines, unweaves, unwisely, unwisest, upsweeps, utensils, vainness, valiants, valuates, vealiest, veinless, veinlets, veinules, veinulet, venality, venetian, ventails, ventless, viewless, vilayets, vileness, waspiest, waveless, wavelets, waviness, waxiness, waxplant, wenniest, wineless, yeastily

9-letter words

aisleways, alienates, alienness, aliveness, anapaests, annalists, annuluses, antennule, antipapal, antisense, antisleep, apetalies, applauses, assailant, aventails, eluviates, epistaxes, epistyles, essential, eupepsias, evaluates, expansive, expulsive, exuviates, inaneness, inaptness, ineptness, insensate, insulants, insulates, intensely, laxatives, leastways, leastwise, naiveness, nauseants, nauseates, palatines, panatelas, panelists, panetelas, pansexual, passivate, passively, penalises, penalties, peneplain, peninsula, penniless, pensively, pieplants, pinnately, plainness, plantains, playsuits, pulpiness, salivates, sannyasin, sapiently, seaplanes, sensately, sentinels, septuples, sextuples, sexuality, slantways, slantwise, snappiest, spalpeens, stapelias, suasively, supinates, supplants, suppliant, sylvanite, taeniases, tapelines, tawniness, unaptness, uneasiest, unisexual, univalent, valentine, vanaspati, veinulets, venetians, waxplants

10-letter words

antennules, antinausea, antisexual, asexuality, assaultive, innateness, nativeness, nautiluses, peneplains, peninsulas, platypuses, pliantness, sensuality, septennial, suppletive, suppliants, sylvanites, univalents, unpleasant, uppityness, valentines, vanaspatis, venialness

11-letter words

expansively, explanative, insensately, unessential, valiantness

12-letter words


1 answer

4-letter words

apex, axal, axed, axel, axes, axil, axis, axle, axon, boxy, calx, coax, coxa, crux, dexy, doux, doxy, eaux, exam, exec, exes, exit, exon, expo, falx, faux, fixt, flax, flex, flux, foxy, hoax, ibex, ilex, ixia, jeux, jinx, luxe, lynx, maxi, minx, mixt, moxa, next, nixe, nixy, onyx, oryx, oxen, oxes, oxid, oxim, pixy, prex, roux, sext, sexy, taxa, taxi, text, vext, waxy, xyst

5-letter words

addax, admix, affix, annex, ataxy, auxin, axels, axial, axile, axils, axing, axiom, axite, axled, axles, axman, axmen, axone, axons, beaux, bemix, borax, boxed, boxer, boxes, braxy, buxom, calix, calyx, carex, cimex, codex, comix, coxae, coxal, coxed, coxes, culex, cylix, desex, detox, dewax, dexes, dexie, dixit, doxie, epoxy, exact, exalt, exams, excel, execs, exert, exile, exine, exist, exits, exons, expel, expos, extol, extra, exude, exult, exurb, faxed, faxes, fixed, fixer, fixes, fixit, flaxy, foxed, foxes, galax, goxes, hapax, helix, hexad, hexed, hexer, hexes, hexyl, hyrax, immix, index, infix, ixias, ixora, ixtle, kexes, kylix, latex, laxer, laxly, lexes, lexis, loxed, loxes, luxes, maxim, maxis, mirex, mixed, mixer, mixes, mixup, moxas, moxie, murex, nexus, nixed, nixes, nixie, oxbow, oxeye, oxide, oxids, oxime, oxims, oxlip, oxter, paxes, phlox, pixel, pixes, pixie, poxed, poxes, prexy, proxy, pyxes, pyxie, pyxis, radix, raxed, raxes, redox, redux, refix, relax, remex, remix, retax, rewax, rexes, saxes, sexed, sexes, sexto, sexts, silex, sixes, sixmo, sixte, sixth, sixty, taxed, taxer, taxes, taxis, taxon, taxus, telex, texas, texts, toxic, toxin, tuxes, twixt, unbox, unfix, unsex, varix, vexed, vexer, vexes, vexil, vixen, waxed, waxen, waxer, waxes, xebec, xenia, xenic, xenon, xeric, xerus, xylan, xylem, xylol, xylyl, xysti, xysts, zaxes

6-letter words

adieux, admixt, adnexa, afflux, alexia, alexin, alkoxy, annexe, anoxia, anoxic, apexes, ataxia, ataxic, auspex, auxins, axeman, axemen, axenic, axilla, axioms, axised, axises, axites, axlike, axonal, axones, axonic, axseed, bemixt, biaxal, biflex, bijoux, bollix, bollox, bombax, bombyx, boxcar, boxers, boxful, boxier, boxing, calxes, caudex, cervix, claxon, climax, coaxal, coaxed, coaxer, coaxes, coccyx, commix, convex, cortex, cowpox, coxing, cruxes, deluxe, dexies, dexter, dextro, dioxid, dioxin, diplex, dixits, doxies, duplex, earwax, efflux, elixir, ethoxy, eutaxy, exacta, exacts, exalts, examen, exarch, exceed, excels, except, excess, excide, excise, excite, excuse, exedra, exempt, exequy, exerts, exeunt, exhale, exhort, exhume, exiled, exiles, exilic, exines, exists, exited, exodoi, exodos, exodus, exogen, exonic, exotic, expand, expect, expels, expend, expert, expire, expiry, export, expose, exsect, exsert, extant, extend, extent, extern, extoll, extols, extort, extras, exuded, exudes, exults, exurbs, exuvia, faxing, fixate, fixers, fixing, fixity, fixure, flaxen, flaxes, flexed, flexes, flexor, fluxed, fluxes, fornix, foxier, foxily, foxing, galaxy, hallux, hatbox, hexade, hexads, hexane, hexers, hexing, hexone, hexose, hexyls, hoaxed, hoaxer, hoaxes, hotbox, ibexes, icebox, ilexes, influx, ixodid, ixoras, ixtles, jinxed, jinxes, klaxon, larynx, laxest, laxity, lexeme, lexica, loxing, lummox, luxate, luxury, lynxes, mastix, matrix, maxima, maxims, maxixe, meninx, minxes, mixers, mixing, mixups, moxies, myxoid, myxoma, nixies, nixing, nontax, onyxes, oryxes, outbox, outfox, oxalic, oxalis, oxbows, oxcart, oxeyes, oxford, oxides, oxidic, oximes, oxlips, oxtail, oxters, oxygen, paxwax, pegbox, peroxy, phenix, pickax, pixels, pixies, plexal, plexor, plexus, poleax, pollex, poxing, praxes, praxis, prefix, premix, pretax, prexes, prolix, pyxies, raxing, reflex, reflux, remixt, saxony, scolex, sexier, sexily, sexing, sexism, sexist, sexpot, sextan, sextet, sexton, sextos, sexual, silvex, sixmos, sixtes, sixths, smilax, spadix, sphinx, storax, styrax, subfix, suffix, surtax, syntax, syrinx, taxeme, taxers, taxied, taxies, taxing, taxite, taxman, taxmen, taxons, teabox, thorax, toxine, toxins, toxoid, tuxedo, unfixt, unisex, unmixt, unsexy, unvext, urtext, vernix, vertex, vexers, vexils, vexing, vixens, volvox, vortex, waxers, waxier, waxily, waxing, xebecs, xenial, xenias, xenons, xylans, xylems, xylene, xyloid, xylols, xylose, xylyls, xyster, xystoi, xystos, xystus

7-letter words

abaxial, abaxile, adaxial, addaxes, admixed, admixes, adnexal, affixal, affixed, affixer, affixes, alexias, alexine, alexins, alloxan, annexed, annexes, anorexy, anoxias, antefix, anthrax, antisex, antitax, anxiety, anxious, apraxia, apraxic, apteryx, aruspex, asexual, asphyxy, ataraxy, ataxias, ataxics, ataxies, auxeses, auxesis, auxetic, auxinic, axially, axillae, axillar, axillas, axolotl, axoneme, axseeds, bandbox, bateaux, bauxite, beeswax, bemixed, bemixes, betaxed, betwixt, biaxial, boombox, boraxes, boxcars, boxfish, boxfuls, boxhaul, boxiest, boxings, boxlike, boxwood, braxies, broadax, bruxism, bureaux, buxomer, buxomly, cachexy, calyxes, carapax, cashbox, chamoix, claxons, coalbox, coannex, coaxers, coaxial, coaxing, coexert, coexist, commixt, complex, conflux, context, coteaux, coxalgy, coxcomb, coxitis, desexed, desexes, detoxed, detoxes, dewaxed, dewaxes, dextral, dextran, dextrin, digoxin, dioxane, dioxide, dioxids, dioxins, elixirs, epitaxy, epoxide, epoxied, epoxies, epoxyed, equinox, ethoxyl, exactas, exacted, exacter, exactly, exactor, exalted, exalter, examens, examine, example, exarchs, exarchy, exceeds, excepts, excerpt, excided, excides, excimer, exciple, excised, excises, excited, exciter, excites, exciton, excitor, exclaim, exclave, exclude, excreta, excrete, excused, excuser, excuses, execute, exedrae, exegete, exempla, exempts, exergue, exerted, exhaled, exhales, exhaust, exhibit, exhorts, exhumed, exhumer, exhumes, exigent, exilian, exiling, existed, exiting, exocarp, exoderm, exogamy, exogens, exordia, exosmic, exotica, exotics, exotism, expands, expanse, expects, expends, expense, experts, expiate, expired, expirer, expires, explain, explant, explode, exploit, explore, exports, exposal, exposed, exposer, exposes, exposit, expound, express, expulse, expunge, exscind, exsects, exserts, extends, extents, externe, externs, extinct, extolls, extorts, extract, extrema, extreme, extrude, exudate, exuding, exulted, exurban, exurbia, exuviae, exuvial, exuvium, feedbox, firebox, fixable, fixated, fixates, fixatif, fixedly, fixings, fixture, fixures, flaxier, flexile, flexing, flexion, flexors, flexure, flummox, fluxing, fluxion, fowlpox, foxfire, foxfish, foxhole, foxiest, foxings, foxlike, foxskin, foxtail, foxtrot, galaxes, gateaux, gearbox, hapaxes, helixes, hellbox, hexades, hexadic, hexagon, hexanes, hexapla, hexapod, hexerei, hexones, hexosan, hexoses, hoaxers, hoaxing, homosex, hydroxy, hypoxia, hypoxic, hyraxes, immixed, immixes, indexed, indexer, indexes, indoxyl, inexact, infixed, infixes, ixodids, jinxing, jukebox, klaxons, latexes, laxness, lexemes, lexemic, lexical, lexicon, lixivia, lockbox, luxated, luxates, mailbox, maxilla, maximal, maximin, maximum, maxixes, maxwell, methoxy, milieux, minimax, minxish, mirexes, mixable, mixible, mixture, monaxon, murexes, myxomas, narthex, nexuses, noxious, oratrix, outjinx, overlax, overmix, overtax, oxalate, oxazine, oxblood, oxcarts, oxfords, oxheart, oxidant, oxidase, oxidate, oxidise, oxidize, oxtails, oxyacid, oxygens, oxymora, oxyphil, oxysalt, oxysome, oxytone, packwax, panchax, paradox, pemphix, peroxid, perplex, phalanx, pharynx, phenoxy, phloxes, phoenix, pickaxe, pillbox, pixyish, plexors, poleaxe, postbox, postfix, pretext, prexies, princox, proxies, proximo, pyrexia, pyrexic, pyxides, pyxidia, quixote, radixes, reaffix, reannex, rectrix, redoxes, reexpel, refixed, refixes, reindex, relaxed, relaxer, relaxes, relaxin, remixed, remixes, reseaux, retaxed, retaxes, rewaxed, rewaxes, salpinx, saltbox, sandbox, saxhorn, saxtuba, sexiest, sexisms, sexists, sexless, sexpots, sextain, sextans, sextant, sextets, sextile, sextons, silexes, simplex, sixfold, sixteen, sixthly, sixties, soapbox, sonovox, spandex, subtaxa, subtext, taxable, taxably, taxemes, taxemic, taxicab, taxiing, taximan, taximen, taxites, taxitic, taxiway, taxless, taxpaid, taxwise, taxying, tectrix, telexed, telexes, texases, textile, textual, texture, toolbox, tortrix, toxemia, toxemic, toxical, toxines, toxoids, trioxid, triplex, tubifex, tuxedos, ulexite, unboxed, unboxes, unfixed, unfixes, unmixed, unsexed, unsexes, untaxed, unvexed, unwaxed, urtexts, uxorial, vexedly, vexilla, vixenly, waxbill, waxiest, waxings, waxlike, waxweed, waxwing, waxwork, waxworm, woadwax, woodbox, woodwax, workbox, xanthan, xanthic, xanthin, xerarch, xeroses, xerosis, xerotic, xeruses, xiphoid, xylenes, xylidin, xylitol, xyloses, xysters

8-letter words

acetoxyl, admixing, affixers, affixial, affixing, affluxes, aftertax, alexines, alloxans, amphioxi, amplexus, anatoxin, annexing, anorexia, anorexic, anoxemia, anoxemic, antefixa, anthelix, apomixes, apomixis, apoplexy, appendix, apraxias, asphyxia, ataraxia, ataraxic, auxetics, aviatrix, axiality, axillars, axillary, axiology, axletree, axolotls, axonemal, axonemes, axoplasm, bandeaux, batteaux, bauxites, bauxitic, bemixing, biconvex, biotoxin, bisexual, bollixed, bollixes, bolloxed, bolloxes, bombyxes, bordeaux, boxberry, boxboard, boxhauls, boxiness, boxthorn, boxwoods, breadbox, broadaxe, bruxisms, buxomest, cachexia, cachexic, cacomixl, carboxyl, cathexes, cathexis, caudexes, cervixes, chapeaux, chateaux, chronaxy, cicatrix, climaxed, climaxes, coccyxes, coexerts, coexists, coextend, commixed, commixes, contexts, convexes, convexly, cortexes, couteaux, cowpoxes, coxalgia, coxalgic, coxcombs, coxswain, crucifix, curtalax, deflexed, desexing, detoxify, detoxing, dewaxing, dextrans, dextrine, dextrins, dextrose, dextrous, digoxins, dioxanes, dioxides, diplexer, doxology, duplexed, duplexer, duplexes, duxelles, dyslexia, dyslexic, dystaxia, earwaxes, effluxes, ektexine, endexine, epicalyx, epitaxic, epoxides, epoxying, ethoxies, ethoxyls, eutaxies, euxenite, exacters, exactest, exacting, exaction, exactors, exalters, exalting, examined, examinee, examiner, examines, exampled, examples, exanthem, exarchal, excavate, exceeded, exceeder, excelled, excepted, excerpts, excessed, excesses, exchange, exciding, excimers, exciples, excising, excision, excitant, exciters, exciting, excitons, excitors, exclaims, exclaves, excluded, excluder, excludes, excretal, excreted, excreter, excretes, excursus, excusers, excusing, execrate, executed, executer, executes, executor, exegeses, exegesis, exegetes, exegetic, exemplar, exemplum, exempted, exequial, exequies, exercise, exergual, exergues, exerting, exertion, exertive, exhalant, exhalent, exhaling, exhausts, exhibits, exhorted, exhorter, exhumers, exhuming, exigence, exigency, exigible, exiguity, exiguous, eximious, existent, existing, exitless, exocarps, exocrine, exoderms, exoduses, exoergic, exogamic, exonumia, exorable, exorcise, exorcism, exorcist, exorcize, exordial, exordium, exosmose, exospore, exoteric, exotisms, exotoxic, exotoxin, expanded, expander, expandor, expanses, expected, expedite, expelled, expellee, expeller, expended, expender, expensed, expenses, experted, expertly, expiable, expiated, expiates, expiator, expirers, expiries, expiring, explains, explants, explicit, exploded, exploder, explodes, exploits, explored, explorer, explores, exponent, exported, exporter, exposals, exposers, exposing, exposits, exposure, expounds, expresso, expulsed, expulses, expunged, expunger, expunges, exscinds, exsecant, exsected, exserted, extended, extender, extensor, exterior, external, externes, extincts, extolled, extoller, extorted, extorter, extracts, extrados, extremer, extremes, extremum, extrorse, extruded, extruder, extrudes, extubate, exudates, exultant, exulting, exurbias, exuviate, fabliaux, fixatifs, fixating, fixation, fixative, fixities, fixtures, flaxiest, flaxseed, flexagon, flexible, flexibly, flexions, flextime, flexuose, flexuous, flexural, flexures, fluxions, fourplex, foxfires, foxglove, foxholes, foxhound, foxiness, foxskins, foxtails, foxtrots, galaxies, geotaxes, geotaxis, gloxinia, haruspex, hatboxes, heretrix, heritrix, hexagons, hexagram, hexamine, hexaplar, hexaplas, hexapods, hexapody, hexarchy, hexereis, hexosans, horsepox, hotboxes, hydroxyl, hypoxias, iceboxes, immixing, indexers, indexing, indoxyls, inexpert, infixing, infixion, inflexed, influxes, intermix, interrex, intersex, jambeaux, larynxes, laxation, laxative, laxities, lexicons, lixivial, lixivium, lummoxes, luxating, luxation, luxuries, manteaux, mastixes, matchbox, matrixes, maxicoat, maxillae, maxillas, maximals, maximins, maximise, maximite, maximize, maximums, maxwells, methoxyl, microlux, millilux, mixology, mixtures, monaxial, monaxons, monoxide, morceaux, myxedema, myxocyte, myxomata, naloxone, neuraxon, nextdoor, nontaxes, nontoxic, octuplex, orthodox, ototoxic, outboxed, outboxes, outfoxed, outfoxes, oxalated, oxalates, oxalises, oxazepam, oxazines, oxbloods, oxhearts, oxidable, oxidants, oxidases, oxidasic, oxidated, oxidates, oxidised, oxidiser, oxidises, oxidized, oxidizer, oxidizes, oxpecker, oxtongue, oxyacids, oxygenic, oxymoron, oxyphile, oxyphils, oxysalts, oxysomes, oxytocic, oxytocin, oxytones, panmixes, panmixia, panmixis, parallax, paroxysm, paxwaxes, pegboxes, peroxide, peroxids, phenixes, phylaxis, pickaxed, pickaxes, pixieish, pixiness, plateaux, plexuses, poleaxed, poleaxes, pontifex, poxvirus, praxises, preaxial, precieux, preexist, prefixal, prefixed, prefixes, premixed, premixes, pretexts, prolixly, protoxid, proxemic, proximal, pyrexial, pyrexias, pyroxene, pyxidium, quadplex, quincunx, quixotes, quixotic, quixotry, reexpels, reexport, refixing, reflexed, reflexes, reflexly, refluxed, refluxes, relaxant, relaxers, relaxing, relaxins, remixing, retaxing, rewaxing, rondeaux, rouleaux, sardonyx, saucebox, saxatile, saxhorns, saxonies, saxtubas, sexiness, sexology, sextains, sextants, sextarii, sextette, sextiles, sextuple, sextuply, sexually, siloxane, silvexes, sixpence, sixpenny, sixteens, sixtieth, smallpox, smilaxes, snuffbox, soundbox, spadixes, sphinxes, spinifex, storaxes, styraxes, subaxial, subfixes, subindex, suboxide, subtaxon, subtexts, suffixal, suffixed, suffixes, superfix, supersex, supertax, surtaxed, surtaxes, sweatbox, swinepox, syntaxes, syrinxes, tableaux, taxables, taxation, taxicabs, taxingly, taxiways, taxonomy, taxpayer, teaboxes, teletext, telexing, tetroxid, textbook, textiles, textless, textuary, textural, textured, textures, thoraxes, thyroxin, toadflax, tonneaux, toxaemia, toxaemic, toxemias, toxicant, toxicity, transfix, triaxial, trioxide, trioxids, trumeaux, tuxedoed, tuxedoes, ulexites, unboxing, undertax, unexotic, unexpert, unfixing, unflexed, uniaxial, unisexes, unsexing, unsexual, uxorious, vernixes, vertexes, vexation, vexillar, vexillum, vexingly, videotex, vixenish, volvoxes, vortexes, waxberry, waxbills, waxiness, waxplant, waxweeds, waxwings, waxworks, waxworms, xanthans, xanthate, xanthein, xanthene, xanthine, xanthins, xanthoma, xanthone, xanthous, xenogamy, xenogeny, xenolith, xerosere, xiphoids, xylidine, xylidins, xylitols, xylocarp, xylotomy

9-letter words

aboideaux, aboiteaux, acetoxyls, admixture, affixable, affixment, aflatoxin, alexander, alkoxides, amphioxus, anatoxins, anorexias, anorexics, anorexies, anoxemias, antefixae, antefixes, antiauxin, antitoxic, antitoxin, anxieties, anxiously, apteryxes, asexually, asphyxias, asphyxies, ataraxias, ataraxics, ataraxies, auxiliary, auxotroph, axiomatic, axletrees, axoplasms, bandboxes, banjaxing, beeswaxes, biaxially, biotoxins, bisexuals, bollixing, bolloxing, boomboxes, boxboards, boxfishes, boxhauled, boxthorns, broadaxes, buxomness, cachexias, cachexies, cacomixls, carapaxes, carboxyls, cashboxes, catalexes, catalexis, cataplexy, chronaxie, climaxing, coalboxes, coannexed, coannexes, coaxially, coexerted, coexisted, coextends, commixing, complexed, complexer, complexes, complexly, confluxes, connexion, convexity, coxalgias, coxalgies, coxcombry, coxitides, coxswains, cytotoxic, cytotoxin, deoxidize, dexterity, dexterous, dextrines, dextroses, digitoxin, diplexers, directrix, disclimax, duplexers, duplexing, dyslexias, dyslexics, dystaxias, effluxion, ektexines, endexines, endomixis, endotoxic, endotoxin, epistaxes, epistaxis, epitaxial, epitaxies, epoxidize, equinoxes, euxenites, exactable, exactions, exactness, exaltedly, examinant, examinees, examiners, examining, exampling, exanimate, exanthema, exanthems, exarchate, exarchies, excavated, excavates, excavator, exceeders, exceeding, excellent, excelling, excelsior, excepting, exception, exceptive, excerpted, excerpter, excerptor, excessing, excessive, exchanged, exchanger, exchanges, exchequer, excipient, excisable, exciseman, excisemen, excisions, excitable, excitants, excitedly, excitonic, exclaimed, exclaimer, excluders, excluding, exclusion, exclusive, excoriate, excrement, excreters, excreting, excretion, excretory, exculpate, excurrent, excursion, excursive, excusable, excusably, execrable, execrably, execrated, execrates, execrator, executant, executers, executing, execution, executive, executors, executory, executrix, exegetist, exemplars, exemplary, exemplify, exempting, exemption, exercised, exerciser, exercises, exergonic, exertions, exfoliate, exhalants, exhalents, exhausted, exhauster, exhibited, exhibitor, exhorters, exhorting, exigences, exigently, existence, existents, exocrines, exocyclic, exodermis, exodontia, exoenzyme, exogamies, exogamous, exogenous, exonerate, exorcised, exorciser, exorcises, exorcisms, exorcists, exorcized, exorcizes, exordiums, exosmoses, exosphere, exospores, exostoses, exostosis, exoticism, exotoxins, expanders, expanding, expandors, expansion, expansive, expatiate, expectant, expecting, expedient, expedited, expediter, expedites, expeditor, expellees, expellers, expelling, expenders, expending, expensing, expensive, experting, expertise, expertism, expertize, expiating, expiation, expiators, expiatory, explained, explainer, explanted, expletive, expletory, explicate, explicits, exploders, exploding, exploited, exploiter, explorers, exploring, explosion, explosive, exponents, exporters, exporting, exposited, expositor, exposures, expounded, expounder, expressed, expresser, expresses, expressly, expressos, expulsing, expulsion, expulsive, expungers, expunging, expurgate, exquisite, exscinded, exsecants, exsecting, exsertile, exserting, exsertion, exsiccate, extempore, extenders, extending, extensile, extension, extensity, extensive, extensors, extenuate, exteriors, extermine, externals, extincted, extirpate, extollers, extolling, extolment, extorters, extorting, extortion, extortive, extracted, extractor, extradite, extrality, extravert, extremely, extremest, extremism, extremist, extremity, extricate, extrinsic, extrovert, extruders, extruding, extrusion, extrusive, extubated, extubates, exuberant, exuberate, exudation, exudative, exultance, exultancy, exuviated, exuviates, feedboxes, fireboxes, fixations, fixatives, fixedness, flambeaux, flaxseeds, flexagons, flexitime, flextimes, flummoxed, flummoxes, fluxgates, fluxional, fowlpoxes, foxfishes, foxgloves, foxhounds, foxhunted, foxhunter, gearboxes, gloxinias, hellboxes, heterodox, hexachord, hexagonal, hexagrams, hexahedra, hexameter, hexamines, hexaploid, homosexes, hydroxide, hydroxyls, hypertext, hypotaxes, hypotaxis, hypoxemia, hypoxemic, immixture, indexical, indexings, inexactly, inexperts, infixions, inflexion, jukeboxes, juxtapose, kickboxer, laxations, laxatives, laxnesses, lexically, lixiviate, lixiviums, lockboxes, loxodrome, luxations, luxuriant, luxuriate, luxurious, mailboxes, maxicoats, maxillary, maximally, maximised, maximises, maximites, maximized, maximizer, maximizes, mediatrix, metaxylem, minimaxes, minoxidil, monoxides, multiplex, mycotoxin, myxedemas, myxocytes, myxoviral, myxovirus, naloxones, narthexes, neocortex, neuraxons, nonexempt, nonexotic, nonexpert, nonextant, nonsexist, nonsexual, noxiously, obnoxious, orthodoxy, outboxing, outfoxing, outjinxed, outjinxes, overexert, overmixed, overmixes, oversexed, overtaxed, overtaxes, oxacillin, oxalating, oxazepams, oxidating, oxidation, oxidative, oxidisers, oxidising, oxidizers, oxidizing, oxpeckers, oxtongues, oxygenate, oxyphiles, oxyphilic, oxytocics, oxytocins, packwaxes, panchaxes, panmixias, pansexual, paradoxes, parataxes, parataxis, paroxysms, pemphixes, pentoxide, pepperbox, peroxided, peroxides, peroxidic, perplexed, perplexes, phalanxes, pharynxes, phenoxide, phoenixes, pickaxing, pillboxes, pixilated, plaintext, plexiform, poleaxing, polymyxin, postaxial, postboxes, postfixed, postfixes, preexilic, preexists, prefixing, premixing, pretexted, priedieux, princoxes, prolixity, prothorax, protoxids, proxemics, proximate, proximity, pyridoxal, pyroxenes, pyroxenic, pyroxylin, quixotism, reaffixed, reaffixes, reannexed, reannexes, reexamine, reexplore, reexports, reexposed, reexposes, reexpress, reflexing, reflexion, reflexive, refluxing, reindexed, reindexes, relaxants, relaxedly, reoxidize, retexture, retroflex, saltboxes, sandboxes, saxifrage, saxitoxin, saxophone, sexlessly, sextarius, sextettes, sextupled, sextuples, sextuplet, sexuality, sexualize, shadowbox, siloxanes, simplexes, sixpences, sixteenmo, sixteenth, sixtieths, soapboxes, sonovoxes, spandexes, strongbox, subclimax, suboxides, subtaxons, suffixing, sulfoxide, surtaxing, tamoxifen, taxations, taxidermy, taximeter, taxonomic, taxpayers, taxpaying, teletexts, telotaxes, telotaxis, testatrix, tetroxide, tetroxids, textbooks, textually, texturing, texturize, thyroxine, thyroxins, tinderbox, toolboxes, tortrixes, toxaemias, toxaphene, toxicants, toxicoses, toxicosis, toxigenic, toxophily, transaxle, transfixt, trioxides, triplexes, tubifexes, unexcited, unexcused, unexpired, unexposed, unindexed, unisexual, unmixable, unrelaxed, uxoricide, vexations, vexatious, videotext, waxplants, woadwaxes, woodboxes, woodwaxes, workboxes, xanthates, xantheins, xanthenes, xanthines, xanthomas, xanthones, xenograft, xenoliths, xenophile, xenophobe, xerophile, xerophily, xerophyte, xeroseres, xylidines, xylocarps, xylograph, xylophone

10-letter words

admixtures, affixation, affixments, aflatoxins, alexanders, ambisexual, amphimixes, amphimixis, amplexuses, annexation, anthelixes, antiauxins, anticlimax, antisexist, antisexual, antitoxins, anxiolytic, apoplexies, appendixes, asexuality, asphyxiate, autosexing, auxotrophs, auxotrophy, aviatrixes, axenically, axialities, axillaries, axiologies, axiomatize, axoplasmic, bisexually, bordereaux, boxberries, boxhauling, boxinesses, breadboxes, carboxylic, cephalexin, chatterbox, chemotaxes, chemotaxis, chionodoxa, chronaxies, cicatrixes, ciphertext, circumflex, climaxless, coadjutrix, coannexing, coexecutor, coexerting, coexistent, coexisting, coextended, commixture, complexest, complexify, complexing, complexion, complexity, connexions, contextual, contexture, coxswained, crucifixes, curtalaxes, cytotoxins, deoxidized, deoxidizer, deoxidizes, detoxicant, detoxicate, detoxified, detoxifies, dextranase, digitoxins, dominatrix, doxologies, econoboxes, effluxions, endotoxins, epexegeses, epexegesis, epexegetic, epicalyxes, epoxidized, epoxidizes, exacerbate, exactingly, exactitude, exaggerate, exaltation, examinable, examinants, exanthemas, exarchates, exasperate, excavating, excavation, excavators, excellence, excellency, excelsiors, exceptions, excerpters, excerpting, excerption, excerptors, exchangers, exchanging, exchequers, excipients, excisional, excitation, excitative, excitatory, excitement, excitingly, exclaimers, exclaiming, excludable, excludible, exclusions, exclusives, excogitate, excoriated, excoriates, excrements, excrescent, excretions, excruciate, exculpated, exculpates, excursions, excursuses, excusatory, execrating, execration, execrative, execrators, executable, executants, executions, executives, exegetical, exegetists, exemptions, exenterate, exercisers, exercising, exfoliated, exfoliates, exhalation, exhausters, exhausting, exhaustion, exhaustive, exhibiting, exhibition, exhibitive, exhibitors, exhibitory, exhilarate, exhumation, exigencies, exiguities, exiguously, existences, exobiology, exocytoses, exocytosis, exocytotic, exodontias, exodontist, exoenzymes, exonerated, exonerates, exorbitant, exorcisers, exorcising, exorcistic, exorcizing, exospheres, exospheric, exothermal, exothermic, exotically, exoticisms, exoticness, expandable, expansible, expansions, expatiated, expatiates, expatriate, expectable, expectably, expectance, expectancy, expectants, expectedly, expedience, expediency, expedients, expediters, expediting, expedition, expeditors, expellable, expendable, experience, experiment, expertises, expertisms, expertized, expertizes, expertness, expiations, expiration, expiratory, explainers, explaining, explanting, expletives, explicable, explicably, explicated, explicates, explicator, explicitly, exploiters, exploiting, exploitive, explosions, explosives, exportable, expositing, exposition, expositive, expositors, expository, expounders, expounding, expressage, expressers, expressing, expression, expressive, expressman, expressmen, expressway, expulsions, expunction, expurgated, expurgates, expurgator, exquisites, exscinding, exsertions, exsiccated, exsiccates, exsolution, extemporal, extendable, extendedly, extendible, extensible, extensions, extenuated, extenuates, extenuator, exteriorly, extermined, extermines, externally, externship, extincting, extinction, extinctive, extinguish, extirpated, extirpates, extirpator, extolments, extortions, extracting, extraction, extractive, extractors, extradited, extradites, extradoses, extralegal, extramural, extraneous, extraverts, extremisms, extremists, extricable, extricated, extricates, extroverts, extrudable, extrusions, extubating, exuberance, exuberated, exuberates, exudations, exultances, exultantly, exultation, exultingly, exurbanite, exuviating, exuviation, ferredoxin, flexitimes, flummoxing, fourplexes, foxhunters, foxhunting, foxinesses, foxtrotted, fraxinella, generatrix, googolplex, heretrixes, heritrixes, heterodoxy, hexachords, hexahedron, hexameters, hexaploids, hexaploidy, hexapodies, hexarchies, hexokinase, homeoboxes, homosexual, horsepoxes, hydroxides, hydroxylic, hypertexts, hypoxemias, immixtures, indexation, indexicals, inexistent, inexorable, inexorably, inexpertly, inexpiable, inexpiably, inexplicit, infixation, inflexible, inflexibly, inflexions, inheritrix, intermixed, intermixes, intersexes, intoxicant, intoxicate, juxtaposed, juxtaposes, kickboxers, kickboxing, lexicality, lexicalize, lexicology, lixiviated, lixiviates, loxodromes, luxuriance, luxuriated, luxuriates, matchboxes, maxilliped, maximalist, maximising, maximizers, maximizing, mesothorax, metagalaxy, metathorax, metaxylems, microluxes, milliluxes, minoxidils, mixologies, mixologist, multiaxial, mycotoxins, myxomatous, myxomycete, naltrexone, neurotoxic, neurotoxin, noncomplex, nonexperts, nonexposed, nonlexical, nontaxable, oropharynx, orthodoxes, orthodoxly, outjinxing, overexcite, overexerts, overexpand, overexpose, overextend, overmixing, overtaxing, oxacillins, oxidations, oxidizable, oxygenated, oxygenates, oxygenator, oxygenless, oxymoronic, oxyuriases, oxyuriasis, parallaxes, parasexual, paroxysmal, pentoxides, peroxidase, peroxiding, peroxisome, perplexing, perplexity, phenoxides, phototaxes, phototaxis, phototoxic, phylaxises, phyllotaxy, phylloxera, phytotoxic, picrotoxin, pixilation, pixillated, pixinesses, plaintexts, polymyxins, postexilic, postfixing, poxviruses, praxeology, preexisted, premaxilla, pretexting, protoxylem, proximally, pyridoxals, pyridoxine, pyroxenite, pyroxenoid, pyroxylins, quadplexes, quincunxes, quixotical, quixotisms, quixotries, reaffixing, reannexing, reexamined, reexamines, reexpelled, reexplored, reexplores, reexported, reexposing, reexposure, reflexions, reflexives, reindexing, relaxation, reoxidized, reoxidizes, retextured, retextures, sardonyxes, sauceboxes, saxicolous, saxifrages, saxitoxins, saxophones, saxophonic, sexinesses, sexologies, sexologist, sextillion, sextuplets, sextupling, sexualized, sexualizes, sixteenmos, sixteenths, smallpoxes, snuffboxes, soundboxes, sphinxlike, spinifexes, subindexes, submaximal, subtextual, sulfoxides, superfixes, superhelix, superoxide, supersexes, supertaxes, sweatboxes, swinepoxes, tamoxifens, taxidermic, taximeters, taxonomies, taxonomist, tetroxides, textuaries, texturally, texturized, texturizes, thixotropy, thyroxines, toadflaxes, toxaphenes, toxicities, toxicology, toxoplasma, transaxles, transfixed, transfixes, trihydroxy, tropotaxes, tropotaxis, trousseaux, undersexed, undertaxed, undertaxes, unexamined, unexampled, unexcelled, unexciting, unexpected, unexpended, unexploded, unexplored, unorthodox, uxoricides, uxoriously, videotexes, videotexts, waxberries, waxinesses, xanthomata, xenobiotic, xenogamies, xenogeneic, xenogenies, xenografts, xenolithic, xenophiles, xenophobes, xenophobia, xenophobic, xenotropic, xerography, xerophytes, xerophytic, xylographs, xylography, xylophones, xylotomies

11-letter words

affixations, alexandrine, alexandrite, ambisexuals, amoxicillin, amoxycillin, amphioxuses, anaphylaxes, anaphylaxis, annexations, antianxiety, antioxidant, antisexists, anxiolytics, anxiousness, approximate, asphyxiated, asphyxiates, auxiliaries, auxotrophic, axiological, axiomatized, axiomatizes, axisymmetry, axonometric, biconvexity, bisexuality, buxomnesses, carboxylase, carboxylate, cataplexies, cephalexins, chionodoxas, ciphertexts, cloxacillin, coexecutors, coexistence, coextending, coextensive, commixtures, complexions, complexness, contextless, contextures, convexities, coxcombical, coxcombries, coxswaining, crucifixion, cyclohexane, deoxidation, deoxidizers, deoxidizing, deoxygenate, deoxyribose, desexualize, detoxicants, detoxicated, detoxicates, detoxifying, dexterities, dexterously, dextranases, directrixes, disclimaxes, doxorubicin, doxycycline, endomixises, enterotoxin, epitaxially, epoxidation, epoxidizing, exacerbated, exacerbates, exactitudes, exactnesses, exaggerated, exaggerates, exaggerator, exaltations, examination, exanthemata, exasperated, exasperates, excavations, exceedingly, excellences, excellently, exceptional, excerptions, excessively, excitations, excitements, exclamation, exclamatory, exclusively, exclusivism, exclusivist, exclusivity, excogitated, excogitates, excoriating, excoriation, excremental, excrescence, excrescency, excruciated, excruciates, exculpating, exculpation, exculpatory, excursively, execrations, executioner, executorial, executrices, executrixes, exemplarily, exemplarity, exemplified, exemplifies, exenterated, exenterates, exercisable, exfoliating, exfoliation, exfoliative, exhalations, exhaustible, exhaustions, exhaustless, exhibitions, exhilarated, exhilarates, exhortation, exhortative, exhortatory, exhumations, existential, exodermises, exodontists, exogenously, exonerating, exoneration, exonerative, exonuclease, exorbitance, exoskeletal, exoskeleton, expansional, expansively, expansivity, expatiating, expatiation, expatriated, expatriates, expectances, expectantly, expectation, expectative, expectorant, expectorate, expediences, expediently, expeditions, expeditious, expendables, expenditure, expensively, experienced, experiences, experiments, expertizing, expirations, explainable, explanation, explanative, explanatory, explicating, explication, explicative, explicators, explicatory, exploitable, exploration, explorative, exploratory, explosively, exponential, exportation, expositions, expostulate, expressages, expressible, expressions, expressways, expropriate, expunctions, expurgating, expurgation, expurgators, expurgatory, exquisitely, exsiccating, exsiccation, exsolutions, extemporary, extemporise, extemporize, extensional, extensities, extensively, extenuating, extenuation, extenuators, extenuatory, exteriorise, exteriority, exteriorize, exterminate, extermining, externalise, externalism, externality, externalize, externships, extinctions, extirpating, extirpation, extirpators, extortioner, extractable, extractions, extractives, extraditing, extradition, extralities, extrapolate, extravagant, extravagate, extravasate, extraverted, extremeness, extremities, extricating, extrication, extroverted, exuberances, exuberantly, exuberating, exultancies, exultations, exurbanites, exuviations, ferredoxins, fixednesses, flexibility, flexography, foxhuntings, foxtrotting, fraxinellas, fucoxanthin, hematoxylin, hepatotoxic, heteroauxin, hexadecimal, hexagonally, hexahedrons, hexahydrate, hexokinases, homosexuals, hydrothorax, hydroxylase, hydroxylate, hydroxyurea, hydroxyzine, hyperextend, hypersexual, hypopharynx, indexations, inexactness, inexcusable, inexcusably, inexistence, inexpedient, inexpensive, infixations, intermixing, intersexual, intoxicants, intoxicated, intoxicates, irreflexive, juxtaposing, kickboxings, letterboxed, lexicalized, lexicalizes, lixiviating, lixiviation, luxuriances, luxuriantly, luxuriating, luxuriously, maxillaries, maxillipeds, maximalists, mediatrixes, mixologists, monohydroxy, multiplexed, multiplexer, multiplexes, multiplexor, myxomatoses, myxomatosis, myxomycetes, myxoviruses, naltrexones, nasopharynx, neocortexes, neoorthodox, nephrotoxic, neurotoxins, nonexistent, nonorthodox, nontaxables, noxiousness, obnoxiously, orthodoxies, ototoxicity, overanxiety, overanxious, overcomplex, overexcited, overexcites, overexerted, overexpands, overexplain, overexploit, overexposed, overexposes, overextends, oxalacetate, oxidatively, oxygenating, oxygenation, oxygenators, oxyhydrogen, paradoxical, pepperboxes, peroxidases, peroxisomal, peroxisomes, perplexedly, phoenixlike, phyllotaxes, phyllotaxis, phylloxeras, phytoalexin, picrotoxins, pixilations, polyhydroxy, preexistent, preexisting, premaxillae, premaxillas, prolixities, prophylaxes, prophylaxis, prothoraxes, protogalaxy, protoxylems, proximately, proximities, pyridoxines, pyroxenites, pyroxenitic, pyroxenoids, quincunxial, reexamining, reexpelling, reexploring, reexporting, reexposures, reexpressed, reexpresses, reflexively, reflexivity, reflexology, relaxations, relaxedness, reoxidation, reoxidizing, retexturing, saxophonist, sexagesimal, sexlessness, sexologists, sextillions, sextodecimo, sexualities, sexualizing, shadowboxed, shadowboxes, sociosexual, stereotaxic, strongboxes, subclimaxes, subluxation, suffixation, superdeluxe, superluxury, superoxides, taxidermies, taxidermist, taxonomists, textbookish, textureless, texturizing, thermotaxes, thermotaxis, thigmotaxes, thigmotaxis, thixotropic, thromboxane, tinderboxes, toxicologic, toxophilies, toxophilite, toxoplasmas, toxoplasmic, transfixing, transfixion, transsexual, triaxiality, underexpose, undertaxing, unexcitable, unexercised, unexplained, unexploited, unexpressed, unnilhexium, unorthodoxy, vexatiously, vexillology, xanthophyll, xenobiotics, xenophobias, xerographic, xerophilies, xerophilous, xerophytism, xerothermic, xiphisterna, xylographer, xylographic, xylophagous, xylophonist

12-letter words

alexandrines, alexandrites, ambidextrous, amoxicillins, amoxycillins, annexational, anorexigenic, anticlimaxes, antioxidants, approximated, approximates, asexualities, asphyxiating, asphyxiation, autoxidation, auxotrophies, axiomatizing, axisymmetric, carboxylases, carboxylated, carboxylates, chatterboxes, circumflexes, cloxacillins, coexistences, complexation, complexified, complexifies, complexional, complexioned, complexities, contextually, crucifixions, cyclodextrin, cyclohexanes, cytotaxonomy, cytotoxicity, deoxidations, deoxygenated, deoxygenates, deoxyriboses, desexualized, desexualizes, detoxicating, detoxication, dextrorotary, dicarboxylic, doxorubicins, doxycyclines, endoperoxide, enterotoxins, epexegetical, epoxidations, exacerbating, exacerbation, exactingness, exaggerating, exaggeration, exaggerative, exaggerators, exaggeratory, examinations, exanthematic, exasperating, exasperation, excavational, excellencies, exchangeable, excitability, exclamations, exclusionary, exclusionist, exclusivisms, exclusivists, excogitating, excogitation, excogitative, excoriations, excrescences, excrescently, excruciating, excruciation, exculpations, excursionist, executioners, exemplifying, exenterating, exenteration, exercitation, exfoliations, exhaustively, exhaustivity, exhibitioner, exhilarating, exhilaration, exhilarative, exhortations, exiguousness, exobiologies, exobiologist, exonerations, exonucleases, exopeptidase, exophthalmic, exophthalmos, exophthalmus, exorbitances, exorbitantly, exorcistical, exoskeletons, exoterically, exothermally, exoticnesses, expansionary, expansionism, expansionist, expatiations, expatriating, expatriation, expatriatism, expectancies, expectations, expectedness, expectorants, expectorated, expectorates, expediencies, expediential, expenditures, experiencing, experiential, experimental, experimented, experimenter, expertnesses, explanations, explantation, explications, explicitness, exploitation, exploitative, explorations, exportations, expositional, expostulated, expostulates, expressional, expressively, expressivity, expropriated, expropriates, expropriator, expurgations, exsanguinate, exsiccations, extemporally, extemporised, extemporises, extemporized, extemporizer, extemporizes, extendedness, extensometer, extenuations, exteriorised, exteriorises, exteriorized, exteriorizes, exterminated, exterminates, exterminator, externalised, externalises, externalisms, externalized, externalizes, exteroceptor, extinguished, extinguisher, extinguishes, extirpations, extortionary, extortionate, extortioners, extortionist, extracranial, extractively, extraditable, extraditions, extrahepatic, extralegally, extralimital, extralogical, extramarital, extramundane, extramurally, extramusical, extraneously, extranuclear, extrapolated, extrapolates, extrapolator, extrasensory, extrasystole, extratextual, extrauterine, extravagance, extravagancy, extravaganza, extravagated, extravagates, extravasated, extravasates, extraversion, extrications, extroversion, flexographic, fluidextract, fucoxanthins, googolplexes, hematoxylins, heteroauxins, heterodoxies, heteroduplex, heterosexual, hexadecimals, hexahydrates, hexaploidies, hexobarbital, homosexually, hydroxylases, hydroxylated, hydroxylates, hydroxyureas, hydroxyzines, hypercomplex, hyperexcited, hyperextends, hyperpyrexia, hypoxanthine, inexactitude, inexistences, inexpedience, inexpediency, inexperience, inexpertness, inexplicable, inexplicably, inexpressive, inexpugnable, inexpugnably, inexpungible, inextricable, inextricably, inheritrixes, intermixture, intoxicating, intoxication, letterboxing, lexicalities, lexicalizing, lexicography, lexicologies, lexicologist, lixiviations, maximization, mesothoraxes, metagalaxies, metathoraxes, methotrexate, methoxychlor, morphallaxes, morphallaxis, multiplexers, multiplexing, multiplexors, myxedematous, neoorthodoxy, nonexclusive, nonexecutive, nonexistence, nonexplosive, nonoxidizing, oropharynxes, overexciting, overexercise, overexerting, overexertion, overexpanded, overexplains, overexplicit, overexploits, overexposing, overexposure, overextended, overtaxation, oxalacetates, oxaloacetate, oxyacetylene, oxygenations, pansexuality, perplexities, photoexcited, photooxidize, phyllotaxies, phytoalexins, pneumothorax, portmanteaux, postexercise, postexposure, praxeologies, preexistence, premaxillary, propoxyphene, psychosexual, pyridoxamine, quixotically, reannexation, reexperience, reexpressing, reoxidations, retroflexion, saxophonists, semiflexible, sexagenarian, sexagesimals, sexdecillion, sextodecimos, sextuplicate, shadowboxing, subluxations, submaxillary, suffixations, superexpress, superhelixes, taxidermists, tetrodotoxin, thixotropies, thromboxanes, toxicologies, toxicologist, toxigenicity, toxophilites, transfixions, transsexuals, trophallaxes, trophallaxis, underexposed, underexposes, unexpectedly, unexpressive, unexpurgated, unisexuality, unnilhexiums, unorthodoxly, unoxygenated, uxoriousness, vexillologic, xanthophylls, xerographies, xerophytisms, xiphisternum, xylographers, xylographies, xylophonists, zooxanthella

13-letter words

ambidexterity, ambisexuality, annexationist, antisexuality, anxiousnesses, approximately, approximating, approximation, approximative, archaeopteryx, asphyxiations, autoxidations, axiologically, axiomatically, axisymmetries, biconvexities, bisexualities, canthaxanthin, carboxylating, carboxylation, cephalothorax, chemotaxonomy, cocarboxylase, coextensively, complexations, complexifying, complexnesses, contextualize, cyclodextrins, cyclohexanone, cycloheximide, cytotaxonomic, decarboxylase, decarboxylate, demultiplexer, deoxygenating, deoxygenation, desexualizing, detoxications, dexamethasone, dexterousness, digitoxigenin, disintoxicate, endoperoxides, exacerbations, exaggeratedly, exaggerations, examinational, exanthematous, exasperatedly, exasperations, exceptionable, exceptionably, exceptionally, excessiveness, excitableness, excludability, exclusionists, exclusiveness, exclusivities, excogitations, excommunicate, excrescencies, excruciations, excursionists, excursiveness, excusableness, execrableness, exemplariness, exemplarities, exenterations, exercitations, exhaustlessly, exhibitioners, exhibitionism, exhibitionist, exhilarations, existentially, exobiological, exobiologists, exopeptidases, exothermicity, expandability, expansibility, expansionisms, expansionists, expansiveness, expansivities, expatriations, expatriatisms, expectational, expectorating, expectoration, expeditionary, expeditiously, expendability, expensiveness, experimenters, experimenting, explanatively, explanatorily, explantations, explicatively, exploitations, explorational, exploratively, explosiveness, exponentially, exportability, expostulating, expostulation, expostulatory, expressionism, expressionist, expropriating, expropriation, expropriators, expurgatorial, exquisiteness, exsanguinated, exsanguinates, extemporarily, extemporising, extemporizers, extemporizing, extendability, extensibility, extensionally, extensiveness, extensometers, exteriorising, exteriorities, exteriorizing, exterminating, extermination, exterminators, exterminatory, externalising, externalities, externalizing, exteroceptive, exteroceptors, exterritorial, extinguishers, extinguishing, extortionists, extracellular, extragalactic, extrajudicial, extraliterary, extraordinary, extrapolating, extrapolation, extrapolative, extrapolators, extrasystoles, extravagances, extravagantly, extravaganzas, extravagating, extravasating, extravasation, extravascular, extraversions, extremenesses, extrinsically, extroversions, extrudability, flexibilities, flexographies, fluidextracts, heterosexuals, hexamethonium, hexobarbitals, homosexuality, hydroperoxide, hydrothoraxes, hydroxylamine, hydroxylating, hydroxylation, hyperextended, hyperpyrexias, hypopharynxes, hypoxanthines, inexactitudes, inexactnesses, inexhaustible, inexhaustibly, inexorability, inexpediences, inexpediently, inexpensively, inexperienced, inexperiences, inexplainable, inexpressible, inexpressibly, inflexibility, intermixtures, interproximal, intersexually, intoxicatedly, intoxications, isoalloxazine, isocarboxazid, juxtaposition, letterboxings, lexicographer, lexicographic, lexicologists, luxuriousness, maxillofacial, maximizations, methotrexates, methoxychlors, myxomatosises, nasopharynxes, neurotoxicity, nonexecutives, nonexistences, nonexpendable, nonexploitive, nonexplosives, nonhomosexual, nonintoxicant, noxiousnesses, obnoxiousness, ototoxicities, overanxieties, overexercised, overexercises, overexertions, overexpanding, overexpansion, overexplained, overexploited, overexposures, overextending, overextension, overexuberant, overtaxations, oxaloacetates, oxyhemoglobin, paradoxically, paramyxovirus, parasexuality, photooxidized, photooxidizes, phototoxicity, phytotoxicity, praxeological, preexistences, preexperiment, propoxyphenes, protogalaxies, proximateness, pyridoxamines, reannexations, reexamination, reexperienced, reexperiences, reexportation, reflexiveness, reflexivities, reflexologies, relaxednesses, retroflexions, sexagenarians, sexdecillions, sexlessnesses, sexploitation, sextuplicated, sextuplicates, superluxuries, taxonomically, tetrodotoxins, toxicological, toxicologists, toxoplasmoses, toxoplasmosis, triaxialities, tricarboxylic, ultraorthodox, underexposing, underexposure, unexceptional, unexplainable, unorthodoxies, vexatiousness, vexillologies, vexillologist, xenodiagnoses, xenodiagnosis, xerophthalmia, xerophthalmic, xylographical, zooxanthellae

14-letter words

administratrix, ambidextrously, annexationists, antihomosexual, approximations, axiomatisation, axiomatization, axisymmetrical, blaxploitation, canthaxanthins, carboxylations, chemotaxonomic, cocarboxylases, contextualized, contextualizes, counterexample, cyclohexanones, cycloheximides, cytotaxonomies, cytotoxicities, decarboxylases, decarboxylated, decarboxylates, demultiplexers, deoxygenations, detoxification, dexamethasones, dextrorotatory, digitoxigenins, disintoxicated, disintoxicates, epexegetically, exactingnesses, exasperatingly, exceptionalism, exceptionality, excitabilities, excommunicated, excommunicates, excommunicator, excruciatingly, exhaustibility, exhaustiveness, exhaustivities, exhibitionisms, exhibitionists, exhilaratingly, exiguousnesses, existentialism, existentialist, exophthalmoses, exophthalmuses, exothermically, expansionistic, expectednesses, expectorations, experientially, experimentally, explicitnesses, exploitatively, exponentiation, expostulations, expressionisms, expressionists, expressionless, expressiveness, expressivities, expropriations, exsanguinating, exsanguination, extemporaneity, extemporaneous, extendednesses, extensionality, exterminations, extinguishable, extinguishment, extortionately, extracorporeal, extractability, extraembryonic, extraneousness, extraordinaire, extrapolations, extrapyramidal, extravagancies, extravasations, extravehicular, hepatotoxicity, heteroduplexes, heterosexually, hexamethoniums, hexosaminidase, hydroperoxides, hydroxyapatite, hydroxylamines, hydroxylations, hydroxyproline, hypercatalexes, hypercatalexis, hyperexcitable, hyperexcretion, hyperextending, hyperextension, hypersexuality, inexorableness, inexpediencies, inexpertnesses, inexpressively, inflexibleness, intersexuality, isoalloxazines, isocarboxazids, juxtapositions, lexicalisation, lexicalization, lexicographers, lexicographies, methoxyflurane, methylxanthine, monocarboxylic, neoorthodoxies, nephrotoxicity, nonexistential, nonexplanatory, nonhomosexuals, overexaggerate, overexercising, overexpansions, overexplaining, overexploiting, overextensions, overextraction, oxidoreductase, oxyhemoglobins, oxymoronically, pansexualities, paradoxicality, photooxidation, photooxidative, photooxidizing, pneumothoraxes, postexperience, preexperiments, premaxillaries, psychosexually, reexaminations, reexperiencing, reexportations, sexploitations, sextuplicating, submaxillaries, superexpensive, superexpresses, superluxurious, supersexuality, thyrotoxicoses, thyrotoxicosis, toxigenicities, transsexualism, transsexuality, ultraexclusive, underexposures, unexpectedness, unisexualities, uxoriousnesses, vexillological, vexillologists, xenodiagnostic, xenophobically, xerophthalmias

15-letter words

ambidexterities, ambisexualities, antisexualities, archaeopteryxes, axiomatisations, axiomatizations, blaxploitations, cephalothoraxes, chemotaxonomies, chemotaxonomist, contextualizing, counterexamples, cyclohexylamine, decarboxylating, decarboxylation, desexualization, detoxifications, dexterousnesses, disintoxicating, disintoxication, exaggeratedness, exceptionalisms, exceptionalness, excessivenesses, exchangeability, excitablenesses, excludabilities, exclusivenesses, excommunicating, excommunication, excommunicative, excommunicators, excrementitious, excursivenesses, excusablenesses, execrablenesses, exemplarinesses, exemplification, exhaustlessness, exhibitionistic, existentialisms, existentialists, exoerythrocytic, exothermicities, expandabilities, expansibilities, expansivenesses, expeditiousness, expendabilities, expensivenesses, experimentalism, experimentalist, experimentation, explosivenesses, exponentiations, exportabilities, expressionistic, exquisitenesses, exsanguinations, extemporisation, extemporization, extendabilities, extensibilities, extensivenesses, exteriorization, externalisation, externalization, extinguishments, extracellularly, extracurricular, extrajudicially, extralinguistic, extraordinarily, extrudabilities, heterosexuality, hexachlorethane, hexachlorophene, hexosaminidases, hexylresorcinol, homosexualities, hydroxyapatites, hydroxylapatite, hydroxyprolines, hyperexcitement, hyperexcretions, hyperextensions, inexcusableness, inexorabilities, inexpensiveness, inexplicability, inextricability, inflexibilities, interparoxysmal, juxtapositional, lexicalisations, lexicalizations, lexicographical, luxuriousnesses, methoxyfluranes, methylxanthines, neurotoxicities, nonexperimental, nonexploitation, nonexploitative, nonintoxicating, obnoxiousnesses, overexaggerated, overexaggerates, overexpectation, overextractions, overextravagant, oxidoreductases, oxyphenbutazone, oxytetracycline, paradoxicalness, paramyxoviruses, parasexualities, photoexcitation, photooxidations, phototoxicities, phytotoxicities, proximatenesses, psychosexuality, recontextualize, reflexivenesses, stereotaxically, toxicologically, transsexualisms, unexceptionable, unexceptionably, unextraordinary, vexatiousnesses, xerographically, xeroradiography

16-letter words

autointoxication, carboxypeptidase, chemoprophylaxes, chemoprophylaxis, chemotaxonomists, chlordiazepoxide, cyclohexylamines, decarboxylations, desexualizations, dihydroxyacetone, disintoxications, exceptionability, exceptionalities, excommunications, exemplifications, exhaustibilities, exhaustivenesses, existentialistic, experimentalisms, experimentalists, experimentations, expressionlessly, expressivenesses, extemporaneities, extemporaneously, extemporisations, extemporizations, extensionalities, exteriorizations, externalisations, externalizations, exterritoriality, extrachromosomal, extracorporeally, extractabilities, extracurriculars, extraneousnesses, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, flexographically, hepatotoxicities, hexachlorethanes, hexachloroethane, hexachlorophenes, hexylresorcinols, hydroxylapatites, hyperexcitements, hypersexualities, inexhaustibility, inexorablenesses, inexplicableness, inexpressibility, inexpressiveness, inexpugnableness, inextinguishable, inextinguishably, inflexiblenesses, intersexualities, nephrotoxicities, nonexploitations, overexaggerating, overexaggeration, overexpectations, overexploitation, oxyphenbutazones, oxytetracyclines, paradoxicalities, photoexcitations, postexperimental, recontextualized, recontextualizes, supersexualities, transsexualities, ultraparadoxical, unexpectednesses

17-letter words

autointoxications, carboxypeptidases, chlordiazepoxides, cytotaxonomically, deoxyribonuclease, dextroamphetamine, dihydroxyacetones, exaggeratednesses, exceptionalnesses, exchangeabilities, exhaustlessnesses, expeditiousnesses, extraordinariness, extraterrestrials, heterosexualities, hexachloroethanes, hydroxytryptamine, hyperexcitability, inexcusablenesses, inexhaustibleness, inexpensivenesses, inexplicabilities, inexpressibleness, inextricabilities, lexicographically, overexaggerations, overexploitations, overextrapolation, paradoxicalnesses, psychosexualities, recontextualizing, xeroradiographies

18-letter words

deoxyribonucleases, dextroamphetamines, exceptionabilities, expressionlessness, extemporaneousness, exterritorialities, gedankenexperiment, hydroxytryptamines, inexhaustibilities, inexplicablenesses, inexpressibilities, inexpressivenesses, inexpugnablenesses, overextrapolations

19-letter words

deoxyribonucleotide, exhibitionistically, expressionistically, extralinguistically, extraordinarinesses, extraterritoriality, gedankenexperiments, hyperexcitabilities, inexhaustiblenesses, inexpressiblenesses, unexceptionableness

20-letter words

deoxyribonucleotides, existentialistically, expressionlessnesses, extemporaneousnesses

21-letter words

extraterritorialities, unexceptionablenesses

22-letter words

carboxymethylcellulose, hexamethylenetetramine

23-letter words

carboxymethylcelluloses, hexamethylenetetramines

1 answer

3-letter words

ate, tea, ted, tee, teg, tel, ten, tet, tew

4-letter words

ante, ates, bate, bite, byte, cate, cete, cite, cote, cute, date, dite, dote, fate, fete, gate, hate, hyte, item, jete, jute, kite, kyte, late, lute, mate, mete, mite, mote, mute, note, pate, rate, rete, rite, rote, sate, site, stem, step, stet, stew, stey, tate, teak, teal, team, tear, teas, teat, teds, teed, teel, teem, teen, tees, teff, tegs, tela, tele, tell, tels, temp, tend, tens, tent, tepa, term, tern, test, teth, tets, tews, text, tote, vote, wite, wyte

5-letter words

abate, acted, acute, after, agate, alate, alter, anted, antes, apter, arete, artel, aster, axite, azote, baste, bated, bates, betel, biter, bites, blate, blite, boite, botel, brute, buteo, butte, bytes, carte, caste, cater, cates, cetes, chute, cited, citer, cites, comte, conte, coted, cotes, crate, cuter, cutes, cutey, dated, dater, dates, deter, dites, doted, doter, dotes, eaten, eater, elate, elite, elute, emote, enate, enter, ester, evite, fated, fates, feted, fetes, flite, flute, flyte, forte, fytte, gated, gates, geste, grate, haste, hated, hater, hates, haute, hotel, inter, irate, items, jetes, jutes, kited, kiter, kites, kytes, lated, laten, later, latex, liter, lutea, luted, lutes, mated, mater, mates, matey, matte, meted, meter, metes, miter, mites, monte, moste, motel, motes, motet, motey, motte, muted, muter, mutes, nates, niter, noted, noter, notes, oaten, oater, octet, often, ofter, opted, orate, otter, outed, outer, ovate, oxter, paste, pated, paten, pater, pates, peter, piste, plate, prate, quate, quite, quote, rated, ratel, rater, rates, rente, retem, rites, rotes, rotte, route, sated, satem, sates, saute, scute, shote, shute, sited, sites, sixte, skate, skite, slate, smite, smote, spate, spite, state, stead, steak, steal, steam, steed, steek, steel, steep, steer, stein, stela, stele, stems, steno, steps, stere, stern, stets, stews, suite, taste, tater, tates, teach, teaks, teals, teams, tears, teary, tease, teats, techy, tecta, teddy, teels, teems, teens, teeny, teeth, teffs, tegua, teiid, teind, telae, teles, telex, telia, telic, tells, telly, teloi, telos, tempi, tempo, temps, tempt, tench, tends, tenet, tenia, tenon, tenor, tense, tenth, tents, tenty, tepal, tepas, tepee, tepid, tepoy, terai, terce, terga, terms, terne, terns, terra, terry, terse, tesla, testa, tests, testy, teths, tetra, teuch, teugh, tewed, texas, texts, titer, torte, toted, totem, toter, totes, trite, tutee, unite, urate, uteri, utter, volte, voted, voter, votes, waste, water, white, wited, wites, write, wrote, wyted, wytes, yente, zlote

6-letter words

abated, abater, abates, ablate, acuate, acuter, acutes, adnate, aerate, afters, agates, agnate, airted, alated, alates, albite, alters, ansate, anteed, aplite, aptest, arbute, aretes, artels, artery, astern, asters, astute, atelic, attend, attent, attest, augite, aurate, auteur, aviate, axites, azoted, azotes, baited, baiter, banter, barite, barter, baryte, basted, baster, bastes, bateau, batted, batten, batter, beaten, beater, belted, berate, bested, betels, betted, better, binate, bister, biters, bitted, bitten, bitter, blites, boated, boatel, boater, boites, bolete, bolted, bolter, booted, bootee, borate, botels, bruted, brutes, bunted, bunter, busted, buster, butene, buteos, butted, butter, buttes, canted, canter, capote, carate, carted, cartel, carter, cartes, caster, castes, catena, caters, catted, cenote, center, cerate, cerite, certes, chaste, chuted, chutes, citers, coated, coatee, coater, colter, comate, comtes, contes, copter, cortex, costed, coster, coteau, cotter, couter, coyote, crated, crater, crates, create, curate, curite, curter, cutely, cutest, cutesy, cuteys, cutter, dafter, darted, darter, daters, dauted, dawted, debate, defter, delate, delete, demote, denote, dented, depute, detect, detent, deters, detest, devote, dexter, dieted, dieter, dilate, dilute, dinted, doated, doited, donate, doters, dotted, dottel, dotter, ducted, dunite, dunted, dusted, duster, easter, eaters, eatery, ecarte, edited, effete, elated, elater, elates, elites, eluate, eluted, elutes, emeute, emoted, emoter, emotes, enates, endite, entera, enters, equate, ergate, estate, esteem, esters, eterne, evited, evites, excite, exited, extend, extent, extern, facete, falter, fasted, fasten, faster, fatted, fatten, fatter, feater, felted, fester, fetted, fetter, filter, finite, fisted, fitted, fitter, fixate, flited, flites, fluted, fluter, flutes, flutey, flyted, flytes, folate, fomite, footed, footer, fortes, foster, frater, fyttes, gaited, gaiter, gamete, garote, garter, gasted, gaster, gateau, gelate, gemote, gentes, gestes, getter, gifted, girted, glutei, gluten, goatee, goiter, gotten, grated, grater, grates, gusted, gutted, gutter, gyrate, hafted, hafter, halite, halted, halter, hamate, hanted, hapten, hasted, hasten, hastes, haters, hatted, hatter, heated, heater, hefted, hefter, hented, hetero, hilted, hinted, hinter, histed, hitter, hooted, hooter, horste, hosted, hostel, hotels, hotted, hotter, humate, hunted, hunter, hurter, hutted, ideate, ignite, illite, impute, incite, indite, ingate, inmate, innate, instep, intend, intent, intern, inters, invite, iodate, iolite, irater, itemed, iterum, jested, jester, jetted, jilted, jilter, jitter, jolted, jolter, jotted, jotter, jugate, justed, juster, jutted, karate, kelter, ketene, kilted, kilter, kiters, kitted, kittel, kitten, krater, lanate, lasted, laster, lateen, lately, latens, latent, latest, latten, latter, lefter, legate, lenten, letted, letter, lifted, lifter, ligate, lilted, lintel, linter, listed, listel, listen, lister, liters, litten, litter, lobate, locate, lofted, lofter, loiter, looted, looter, lotted, louted, lunate, lunted, lusted, luster, luteal, lutein, luteum, luxate, lyrate, lysate, malate, malted, mantel, mantes, marted, marten, masted, master, maters, mateys, matted, matter, mattes, meeter, melted, melter, mestee, metate, meteor, metepa, meters, milted, milter, minted, minter, minute, misate, misted, mister, miters, mitten, moated, molted, molten, molter, montes, mooted, mooter, motels, motets, mottes, musted, mustee, muster, mutate, mutely, mutest, mutter, natter, neaten, neater, negate, nested, nester, netted, netter, neuter, niters, nitery, norite, notate, noters, nutate, nutted, nutter, oaters, oblate, obtect, obtest, octets, oftest, oleate, oocyte, oolite, ophite, opiate, orated, orates, ornate, osteal, otters, ousted, ouster, outate, outeat, outers, oxters, oyster, palate, palter, panted, parted, pasted, pastel, paster, pastes, patens, patent, paters, patted, pattee, patten, patter, pecten, pedate, pelite, pelted, pelter, perter, pester, peters, petite, petted, petter, pewter, peyote, pinite, pirate, pistes, pitted, plated, platen, plater, plates, plutei, podite, pointe, polite, pontes, ported, porter, posted, poster, poteen, potent, potted, potter, pouted, pouter, powter, prated, prater, prates, protea, protei, pterin, punted, punter, pupate, putted, puttee, putter, pyrite, quarte, quinte, quoted, quoter, quotes, rafted, rafter, ramate, ranted, ranter, raster, ratels, raters, ratite, ratted, ratten, ratter, rebate, recite, redate, refute, relate, remate, remote, rented, renter, rentes, repute, resite, rested, rester, reteam, retear, retell, retems, retene, retest, retted, revote, rifted, rioted, rioter, ritter, rooted, rooter, roster, rotate, rotted, rotten, rotter, rottes, routed, router, routes, rugate, rusted, rutted, salted, salter, salute, samite, sapote, sateen, sauted, sautes, savate, scoter, scutes, seated, seater, sedate, senate, septet, sestet, settee, setter, sextet, shotes, shtetl, shuted, shutes, sifted, sifter, silted, sinter, sister, sitten, sitter, sixtes, skated, skater, skates, skited, skites, slated, slater, slates, slatey, smiter, smites, soften, softer, solate, solute, somite, sooted, sopite, sorted, sorter, sotted, souter, spates, spited, spites, sprite, stacte, stated, stater, states, steads, steady, steaks, steals, steams, steamy, steeds, steeks, steels, steely, steeps, steers, steeve, steins, stelae, stelai, stelar, steles, stelic, stella, stemma, stemmy, stench, stenos, steppe, stereo, steres, steric, sterna, sterns, sterol, stewed, suited, suiter, suites, suttee, svelte, system, tarted, tarter, tasted, taster, tastes, taters, tatted, tatter, tauted, tauten, tauter, taxite, teabox, teacup, teamed, teapot, teapoy, teared, tearer, teased, teasel, teaser, teases, teated, teazel, teazle, teched, tectal, tectum, tedded, tedder, tedium, teeing, teemed, teemer, teener, teensy, teepee, teeter, teethe, tegmen, teguas, teiids, teinds, teledu, telega, telfer, telial, telium, teller, tellys, telome, telson, tempeh, temper, temple, tempos, tempts, tenace, tenail, tenant, tended, tender, tendon, tenets, teniae, tenias, tenner, tennis, tenons, tenors, tenour, tenpin, tenrec, tensed, tenser, tenses, tensor, tented, tenter, tenths, tentie, tenues, tenuis, tenure, tenuti, tenuto, teopan, tepals, tepees, tepefy, tephra, tepoys, terais, teraph, terbia, terbic, tercel, terces, tercet, teredo, terete, tergal, tergum, termed, termer, termly, termor, ternes, terrae, terras, terret, territ, terror, terser, teslas, testae, tested, testee, tester, testes, testis, teston, tetany, tetchy, tether, tetrad, tetras, tetryl, tetter, tewing, tilted, tilter, tinted, tinter, titers, titter, togate, toited, tooted, tooter, torten, tortes, totems, toters, totted, totter, touted, touter, triste, triter, tryste, tubate, tufted, tufter, tutees, tutted, ulster, uncute, united, uniter, unites, unstep, update, upstep, uptear, urates, ureter, urtext, uterus, utters, vacate, vaster, vatted, vegete, velate, vented, venter, verite, verste, vertex, vested, vestee, vetted, voltes, volute, vortex, voters, wafted, wafter, waited, waiter, wanted, wanter, warted, wasted, waster, wastes, waters, watery, watter, weeted, welted, welter, wester, wetted, wetter, whited, whiten, whiter, whites, whitey, wilted, winter, wisted, witted, wonted, wotted, writer, writes, xyster, yatter, yentes, yester, zested, zonate, zoster, zygote

7-letter words

abaters, abetted, abetter, ablated, ablates, abluted, aborted, aborter, abutted, abutter, accrete, acerate, acetate, achiote, acolyte, aconite, actuate, acutely, acutest, acylate, adapted, adapter, adepter, adopted, adoptee, adopter, adulate, aerated, aerates, agamete, agisted, agitate, agnates, airdate, albites, alerted, alerter, altered, alterer, alunite, amateur, amirate, ammeter, amniote, amputee, andante, animate, annates, anolyte, ansated, antefix, anteing, antenna, apatite, aplites, apteral, apteria, apteryx, arbiter, arbutes, arcuate, arenite, ariette, artiste, ascites, asteria, atelier, athlete, attempt, attends, attests, attrite, audited, augites, aurated, aureate, austere, auteurs, averted, aviated, aviates, awaited, awaiter, azurite, baccate, baiters, ballute, banters, barbate, barites, bartend, barters, barytes, basters, bateaux, batiste, batteau, battens, batters, battery, bauxite, beaters, bedmate, belated, berated, berates, bestead, betters, bighted, bigoted, bilsted, biotech, biotite, bistate, bisters, bittern, bitters, blasted, blaster, blatted, blatter, bleated, bleater, blister, bloated, bloater, blotted, blotter, blunted, blunter, blurted, blurter, bluster, boasted, boaster, boatels, boaters, boletes, bolster, bolters, boosted, booster, bootees, bootery, borated, borates, bornite, bracted, bromate, bruited, bruiter, brutely, bullate, bunters, burette, burkite, bursate, bursted, burster, busters, butenes, butters, buttery, calcite, calotte, canteen, canters, capotes, carates, cartels, carters, caseate, casette, casters, catechu, catenae, catenas, cateran, catered, caterer, cattery, caudate, cautery, celeste, cenotes, centers, cerated, cerates, cerites, chanted, chanter, chantey, chapter, charted, charter, chasten, chaster, chateau, chatted, chattel, chatter, chayote, cheated, cheater, chedite, chelate, chested, chitter, cholate, chunter, ciliate, cirrate, cistern, citrate, cittern, clatter, clavate, cleated, clefted, climate, clotted, clouted, clouter, cluster, clutter, clyster, coacted, coapted, coasted, coaster, coatees, coaters, cocotte, coesite, cognate, cointer, collate, colters, comates, commute, compete, compote, compted, compute, confute, connate, connote, contemn, contend, content, contest, context, coopted, copters, cordate, cordite, cornute, cortege, costate, costers, coteaux, coterie, cotters, coulter, counted, counter, courted, courter, couteau, couters, coveted, coveter, cowrite, cowrote, coyotes, crafted, craters, created, creates, cremate, crenate, crested, crinite, critter, crofter, crusted, ctenoid, culotte, cuneate, cuprite, curates, curette, curites, curtate, curtest, curtesy, cuspate, cutesie, cutters, cuvette, cyanate, cyanite, cystein, dabster, daftest, darters, datedly, daunted, daunter, dealate, debated, debater, debates, debited, debuted, deflate, deftest, delated, delates, deleted, deletes, demoted, demotes, denoted, denotes, dentate, deplete, deputed, deputes, despite, detects, detente, detents, deterge, detests, deviate, devoted, devotee, devotes, dewater, diastem, diaster, dictate, diester, dieters, dighted, dilated, dilater, dilates, diluted, diluter, dilutes, dimeter, dinette, diopter, diorite, diptera, dispute, disrate, distend, distent, donated, donates, dottels, dotters, doubted, doubter, drafted, draftee, drafter, dratted, drifted, drifter, duetted, dunites, dunnite, dusters, duteous, eastern, easters, ebonite, ecartes, educate, egalite, egested, ejected, elaters, elected, electee, elevate, eluates, emanate, embrute, emeutes, emirate, emitted, emitter, emoters, emulate, enacted, endited, endites, endnote, entente, enteral, entered, enterer, enteric, enteron, epazote, epidote, equated, equates, equites, erected, erecter, eremite, ergates, eructed, erudite, erupted, escoted, estated, estates, esteems, esthete, eternal, etesian, eucrite, eustele, everted, evicted, evictee, evolute, exacted, exacter, exalted, exalter, excited, exciter, excites, excrete, execute, exegete, exerted, existed, expiate, extends, extents, externe, externs, exudate, exulted, faceted, fagoted, fagoter, fainted, fainter, falcate, falters, fastens, fastest, fateful, fattens, fattest, faulted, feasted, feaster, featest, feinted, fellate, felsite, fermate, ferrate, ferrite, festers, fetters, fifteen, fighter, fileted, filiate, filters, finites, fissate, fitters, fittest, fixated, fixates, flatted, flatten, flatter, fleeted, fleeter, flinted, flirted, flirter, flitted, flitter, floated, floatel, floater, flouted, flouter, fluster, fluters, flutter, foisted, folates, foliate, fomites, footers, formate, fossate, fosters, foveate, fracted, fraters, fretted, fretter, frigate, fritted, fritter, fronted, fronter, frontes, frosted, fruited, fruiter, fumette, furcate, gagster, gahnite, gaiters, galatea, galeate, gallate, gametes, garoted, garotes, garotte, garrote, garters, gasters, gateaux, gateman, gatemen, gateway, gaunter, gavotte, gazette, gelated, gelates, gemmate, gemotes, genette, genteel, gestate, getters, ghosted, gittern, gleeted, glinted, glisten, glister, glitter, gloated, gloater, globate, glouted, gluteal, glutens, gluteus, glutted, goateed, goatees, goiters, gothite, gradate, grafted, grafter, granite, granted, grantee, granter, graters, greaten, greater, greeted, greeter, grifted, grifter, gritted, grouted, grouter, grunted, grunter, grutten, guested, gummite, guttate, gutters, guttery, gypster, gyrated, gyrates, habited, hafters, halites, haltere, halters, hamates, hamster, haplite, haptene, haptens, hastate, hastens, hateful, hatters, haunted, haunter, hauteur, hearted, hearten, heaters, hefters, heisted, heister, hessite, heteros, highted, hinters, hipster, hirsute, hitters, hoisted, hoister, holster, hooters, hoplite, horstes, hostels, hostess, hottest, humates, hunters, hurters, hyalite, hydrate, ichnite, icteric, icterus, ideated, ideates, ignited, igniter, ignites, illites, imamate, imbrute, imitate, impaste, imputed, imputer, imputes, incited, inciter, incites, indited, inditer, indites, infante, inflate, ingates, ingoted, ingrate, inmates, inosite, instate, instead, insteps, integer, intends, intense, intents, interim, interne, interns, invited, invitee, inviter, invites, iodated, iodates, iolites, irately, iratest, isolate, iteming, itemize, iterant, iterate, jadeite, jaunted, jesters, jilters, jitters, jittery, jointed, jointer, joisted, jolters, jotters, jousted, jouster, justers, justest, kainite, kantele, karates, keester, keister, kelters, kernite, ketenes, keynote, keyster, khanate, kiester, kilters, kittens, klister, knitted, knitter, knotted, knotter, knouted, kraters, kunzite, kyanite, labiate, lactate, lacteal, lactean, lamster, lanated, lantern, lasters, lateens, latency, latened, latents, laterad, lateral, latests, latexes, lattens, layette, lectern, leftest, legated, legatee, legates, leister, letters, leucite, librate, licente, lichted, lifters, ligated, ligates, lighted, lighten, lighter, lignite, limbate, limited, limiter, limites, lineate, lintels, linters, liquate, lisente, listels, listens, listers, literal, litotes, litters, littery, lobated, lobster, located, locater, locates, lofters, loiters, looters, lottery, lunated, lunette, lusters, luteins, luteous, luxated, luxates, lyddite, lyrated, lysates, machete, magnate, malates, maleate, malteds, mammate, manatee, mandate, mannite, manteau, mantels, marlite, marmite, martens, masters, mastery, matters, mattery, mediate, meeters, melters, merited, mestees, mesteso, metates, meteors, metepas, metered, midterm, migrate, milters, minster, minters, minuted, minuter, minutes, miscite, misdate, mismate, misrate, misstep, mistend, misterm, misters, misteuk, mitered, miterer, mittens, mobster, modiste, mofette, moisten, moister, molters, monster, montero, mooters, mostest, moulted, moulter, mounted, mounter, mozette, mulcted, mullite, munster, muriate, musette, mustees, musters, mutated, mutates, mutedly, mutters, myosote, mystery, naivete, narrate, natters, navette, neatens, neatest, negated, negater, negates, neonate, neoteny, nervate, nesters, netters, neuters, nictate, nitrate, nitrite, norites, notated, notates, notedly, notepad, nutated, nutates, nutters, oblates, obovate, obtests, obviate, ocreate, octette, odonate, oersted, oftener, oldster, oleates, omitted, omitter, oocytes, oolites, oophyte, operate, ophites, opiated, opiates, orbited, orbiter, osteoid, osteoma, oughted, ousters, outdate, outearn, outeats, outecho, outrate, outtell, outvote, ovately, overate, ovulate, oxalate, oxidate, oysters, painted, painter, palates, palette, palmate, palpate, palters, partite, pastels, pastern, pasters, pasteup, patella, patency, patents, pattens, pattern, patters, pearter, pectate, pectens, pelites, peltate, pelters, penates, penlite, pennate, penster, pentene, perlite, permute, pertest, pesters, petered, petites, petters, pewters, peyotes, phenate, philter, phonate, phorate, piaster, picoted, picotee, picrate, picrite, pileate, piloted, pinites, pinnate, pipette, pirated, pirates, piteous, pivoted, placate, plaited, plaiter, planate, planted, planter, plaster, plateau, platens, platers, platted, platter, pleated, pleater, plicate, plotted, plotter, plumate, pluteus, podites, poetess, pointed, pointer, pointes, politer, pollute, portend, portent, porters, posited, posteen, postern, posters, poteens, potence, potency, potteen, potters, pottery, poulter, pouters, powters, praters, predate, prelate, prester, preteen, pretend, pretest, pretext, primate, printed, printer, private, probate, proette, prolate, promote, pronate, prorate, protean, proteas, protect, protege, proteid, protein, protend, protest, proteus, psalter, pterins, pteryla, pulsate, punster, punters, pupated, pupates, puttees, putters, pyrites, quanted, quarter, quartes, quartet, quested, quester, quieted, quieten, quieter, quilted, quilter, quinate, quintes, quintet, quirted, quitted, quitter, quixote, quoited, quoters, radiate, rafters, ranters, rasters, ratites, ratteen, rattens, ratters, reacted, realter, rebated, rebater, rebates, recited, reciter, recites, recrate, redated, redates, reenter, reested, reflate, refuted, refuter, refutes, regrate, reinter, related, relater, relates, remated, remates, remoter, remotes, renters, replate, replete, reputed, reputes, requite, reroute, resited, resites, reslate, respite, restate, resters, retaste, reteach, reteams, retears, retells, retenes, retests, reunite, reutter, revoted, revotes, rewrite, rewrote, righted, righter, rioters, riposte, ritters, riveted, riveter, roasted, roaster, roister, roosted, rooster, rooters, roseate, rosette, rosters, rotated, rotates, rotters, rousted, rouster, routers, royster, ruinate, saccate, sainted, saltern, salters, saltest, saluted, saluter, salutes, samites, sapotes, sateens, satiate, saunter, sauteed, savates, scanted, scanter, scarted, scatted, scatter, scented, scepter, scooted, scooter, scoters, scouted, scouter, scutate, scutter, seaters, secrete, sedated, sedater, sedates, senates, sensate, septate, septets, seriate, serrate, sestets, settees, setters, sextets, shafted, shantey, shatter, sheeted, sheeter, shelter, shifted, shifter, shooter, shorted, shorten, shorter, shotted, shotten, shouted, shouter, shtetel, shtetls, shunted, shunter, shuteye, shutter, shyster, sienite, sifters, sighted, sighter, sigmate, sinters, sinuate, sisters, sitters, situate, sixteen, skaters, skeeter, skelter, skirted, skirter, skitter, slainte, slanted, slaters, slatted, sleeted, slitted, slitter, slotted, smarted, smarten, smarter, smatter, smelted, smelter, smiters, smitten, smutted, snifter, snooted, snorted, snorter, snouted, softens, softest, solated, solates, solutes, solvate, somites, sopited, sopites, sorbate, sorites, sorters, souters, spatted, spatter, specter, spelter, spicate, spinate, spirted, spitted, spitter, sported, sporter, spotted, spotter, spouted, spouter, sprites, spurted, sputter, stactes, started, starter, stately, staters, statute, steaded, stealer, stealth, steamed, steamer, stearic, stearin, steeked, steeled, steelie, steeped, steepen, steeper, steeple, steeply, steered, steerer, steeved, steeves, stelene, stellar, stellas, stemmas, stemmed, stemmer, stemson, stenchy, stencil, stengah, stenoky, stentor, stepped, stepper, steppes, stepson, stereos, sterile, sterlet, sternal, sterner, sternly, sternum, steroid, sterols, stertor, stetted, steward, stewbum, stewing, stewpan, stilted, stinted, stinter, stomate, stouten, stouter, strette, striate, stunted, stutter, stylate, stylite, subitem, sublate, subsite, subteen, subtend, subtest, subtext, suiters, sulcate, sulfate, sulfite, summate, sumpter, suttees, svelter, swatted, swatter, sweated, sweater, sweeten, sweeter, swelter, swifter, swotted, swotter, syenite, sylvite, systems, tainted, tannate, tapster, tartest, tasters, tatters, taunted, taunter, tautens, tautest, taxites, teabowl, teacake, teacart, teacher, teaches, teacups, tealike, teaming, teapots, teapoys, tearers, tearful, teargas, tearier, tearily, tearing, tearoom, teasels, teasers, teashop, teasing, teatime, teaware, teazels, teazled, teazles, techier, techily, technic, tectite, tectrix, tedders, teddies, tedding, tedious, tediums, teemers, teeming, teenage, teeners, teenful, teenier, teentsy, teepees, teeters, teethed, teether, teethes, tegmina, tegular, tegumen, tektite, telamon, teledus, telegas, teleman, telemen, teleost, teleran, teleses, telesis, telexed, telexes, telfers, telford, tellers, tellies, telling, telomes, telomic, telpher, telsons, temblor, tempehs, tempera, tempers, tempest, templar, templed, temples, templet, tempted, tempter, tempura, tenable, tenably, tenaces, tenails, tenancy, tenants, tenches, tenders, tending, tendons, tendril, tenfold, tenners, tennist, tenoned, tenoner, tenours, tenpins, tenrecs, tensely, tensest, tensile, tensing, tension, tensity, tensive, tensors, tentage, tenters, tenthly, tentier, tenting, tenuity, tenuous, tenured, tenures, tenutos, teopans, tephras, tepidly, tequila, teraohm, terbias, terbium, tercels, tercets, terebic, teredos, terefah, tergite, termers, terming, termini, termite, termors, ternary, ternate, ternion, terpene, terrace, terrain, terrane, terreen, terrene, terrets, terrier, terries, terrify, terrine, territs, terrors, tersely, tersest, tertial, tertian, tessera, testacy, testate, testees, testers, testier, testify, testily, testing, testons, testoon, testudo, tetanal, tetanic, tetanus, tetched, tethers, tetotum, tetrads, tetrode, tetryls, tetters, teughly, texases, textile, textual, texture, theater, thecate, thorite, tighten, tighter, tillite, tilters, tincted, tinters, tipster, titrate, titters, toasted, toaster, toccate, togated, toluate, tonette, tooters, totemic, totters, tottery, touters, treated, treater, tribute, tritely, tritest, trotted, trotter, trusted, trustee, truster, trysted, tryster, trystes, tuatera, tufters, turgite, tutelar, tweeted, tweeter, twisted, twister, twitted, twitter, ulexite, ulsters, ululate, umpteen, unacted, unakite, unbated, uncrate, undated, uneaten, uniters, unmated, unmiter, unnoted, unquote, unrated, unsated, unstate, unsteel, unsteps, unteach, unwhite, updated, updater, updates, upstate, upsteps, uptears, uralite, uranite, ureters, urinate, urtexts, utensil, uterine, uttered, utterer, utterly, vacated, vacates, valeted, vallate, valuate, valvate, variate, vastest, vaulted, vaulter, vaunted, vaunter, vedette, velites, veloute, venters, verites, verstes, vestees, veteran, vibrate, vicomte, vidette, violate, virgate, visited, visiter, vitesse, vitiate, vittate, volante, voluted, volutes, volvate, vomited, vomiter, vulgate, vulvate, wafters, waisted, waister, waiters, wanters, wasters, wastery, watered, waterer, wattest, webster, welters, western, westers, wetters, wettest, wheaten, whetted, whetter, whisted, whitely, whitens, whitest, whitter, winters, wintery, worsted, wrested, wrester, writers, written, xysters, yachted, yachter, yatters, yeasted, yestern, yperite, zapateo, zeolite, zincate, zincite, zoisite, zonated, zosters, zygotes

8-letter words

abdicate, abducted, abetters, ablegate, abnegate, aboiteau, aborters, abrogate, abrupter, absented, absentee, absenter, absolute, absterge, abutters, acaudate, accented, accepted, acceptee, accepter, accosted, accouter, accreted, accretes, accurate, acerated, acerbate, acervate, acetated, acetates, achiotes, acierate, acolytes, aconites, acrylate, activate, actuated, actuates, aculeate, acylated, acylates, adamsite, adapters, addicted, adducted, adeptest, adequate, adjusted, adjuster, admitted, admitter, adoptees, adopters, adroiter, adulated, adulates, adultery, aduncate, advected, adverted, advocate, aerolite, aesthete, affected, affecter, aflutter, aftertax, agametes, agitated, agitates, aglitter, agminate, aigrette, airdates, alertest, alginate, alienate, alighted, alkylate, allanite, allocate, allotted, allottee, allotter, alterant, alterers, altering, alunites, amateurs, ambulate, ameerate, amirates, ammeters, ammocete, ammonite, amniotes, amounted, amputate, amputees, analcite, andantes, andesite, andesyte, anecdote, angulate, animated, animater, animates, anisette, ankerite, annotate, annulate, anointed, anointer, anolytes, anteater, antecede, antedate, antefixa, antelope, antennae, antennal, antennas, antepast, anterior, anteroom, antetype, antevert, antidote, apatetic, apatites, aphanite, apholate, apostate, appetent, appetite, apposite, apterium, apterous, arbiters, arbutean, arcuated, arenites, areolate, ariettes, arillate, aristate, arointed, aroynted, arrested, arrestee, arrester, arrogate, arsenate, arsenite, artefact, arterial, arteries, artistes, asperate, aspirate, assented, assenter, asserted, asserter, assisted, assister, assorted, assorter, asterias, asterisk, asterism, asternal, asteroid, astutely, atechnic, ateliers, athletes, atlantes, attemper, attempts, attended, attendee, attender, attested, attester, attestor, attrited, atwitter, auguster, austerer, autecism, automate, autunite, awaiters, azotemia, azotemic, azurites, baccated, backbite, backdate, bacteria, bacterin, baguette, baldpate, balloted, balloter, ballutes, baluster, banister, banknote, bantered, banterer, barbette, barrater, barrette, bartends, bartered, barterer, basaltes, basseted, batistes, batteaux, battened, battener, battered, batterie, bauxites, bedmates, bedotted, bedplate, bedstead, befitted, begetter, begotten, bemisted, benzoate, besetter, besotted, besteads, betatter, betelnut, bettered, biforate, bijugate, billeted, billeter, bilobate, bilsteds, bimester, binately, biotechs, biotites, biparted, bisected, bistered, biteable, bitewing, bittered, bitterer, bitterly, bitterns, blastema, blasters, blatters, bleaters, blighted, blighter, blisters, blistery, bloaters, blotters, bloviate, bluestem, bluntest, blurters, blusters, blustery, boasters, bobwhite, boehmite, bolsters, bonneted, bontebok, boosters, boracite, bornites, boughten, bracteal, braunite, breasted, bregmate, breveted, brighten, brighter, brocatel, bromated, bromates, brookite, bruiters, brunette, bucketed, budgeted, budgeter, buffeted, buffeter, bulleted, bunkmate, burettes, burkites, bursters, buttered, butylate, butyrate, cacheted, cadaster, calamite, calceate, calcites, califate, calottes, calycate, calypter, campsite, canister, canteens, cantered, canulate, capitate, carinate, carotene, carpeted, caseated, caseates, casemate, casettes, casketed, cassette, casteism, castrate, catamite, catechin, catechol, catechus, category, catenary, catenate, catenoid, caterans, caterers, cateress, catering, catheter, caudated, caudates, caveated, cavitate, cavorted, cavorter, celestes, celibate, cellmate, cemented, cementer, cemetery, cenobite, centered, centeses, centesis, cerastes, cerusite, chanters, chanteys, chapiter, chapters, charters, chastely, chastens, chastest, chateaus, chateaux, chattels, chatters, chattery, chaunted, chaunter, chayotes, cheaters, cheddite, chedites, chelated, chelates, chitters, chlorate, chlorite, cholates, chordate, christen, chromate, chromite, chunters, ciliated, ciliates, cineaste, cisterna, cisterns, citeable, citrated, citrates, citterns, clatters, clattery, cleveite, climates, clitella, clodpate, cloister, closeted, clouters, clusters, clustery, clutters, cluttery, clypeate, clysters, coasters, coattend, coattest, cocottes, cocreate, coedited, coempted, coequate, coesites, coextend, cogitate, cognates, cohobate, cohosted, coinmate, cointers, collated, collates, colleted, colocate, combated, combater, commuted, commuter, commutes, competed, competes, complete, compotes, computed, computer, computes, concrete, conepate, conflate, confuted, confuter, confutes, connoted, connotes, contemns, contempt, contends, contents, contests, contexts, contrite, copemate, copulate, coquette, cordites, corelate, cornuted, corotate, corseted, corteges, cortexes, corvette, cosseted, cotenant, coteries, coulters, counters, countess, courante, courters, courtesy, couteaux, coveters, cowrites, craniate, cratered, credited, cremated, cremates, crenated, creosote, crinites, crispate, cristate, criteria, critters, crocoite, crofters, crowstep, cruciate, crudites, cryolite, ctenidia, culottes, cultrate, cumulate, cuneated, cuprites, cupulate, curetted, curettes, curveted, cuspated, cuteness, cutesier, cutwater, cuvettes, cyanates, cyanites, cysteine, cysteins, cytaster, dabsters, dateable, dateless, dateline, daughter, daunters, deaerate, dealated, dealates, debaters, decanted, decanter, decenter, decimate, decocted, decorate, dedicate, deducted, deemster, defatted, defeated, defeater, defecate, defected, definite, deflated, deflates, degusted, dehorted, dejected, delegate, delicate, delisted, deluster, demasted, demented, demitted, dempster, dendrite, dentated, denudate, departed, departee, depicted, depicter, depilate, depleted, depletes, deported, deportee, depurate, deratted, derivate, derogate, desalted, desalter, deserted, deserter, desisted, desolate, despited, despites, detected, detecter, detector, detentes, deterged, deterger, deterges, deterred, deterrer, detested, detester, detonate, deuteric, deuteron, devested, deviated, deviates, devotees, devouter, dewaters, diabetes, diamante, diameter, diastema, diastems, diasters, dictated, dictates, diesters, dietetic, digested, digester, digitate, dilatate, dilaters, diluters, dimeters, dinettes, diopters, diorites, dipteral, dipteran, dipteron, directed, directer, disaster, discrete, disinter, diskette, disputed, disputer, disputes, disrated, disrates, distaste, distends, disunite, divagate, diverted, diverter, divested, docketed, dogteeth, dolerite, dolomite, dominate, doomster, doorstep, dopester, dotterel, doubters, dovecote, draftees, drafters, dragster, drifters, dunnites, dynamite, easterly, eateries, ebonites, ecaudate, echinate, eclogite, edentate, educated, educates, effected, effecter, effetely, egalites, eglatere, eighteen, einstein, ektexine, elatedly, elaterid, elaterin, electees, elevated, elevates, elicited, elongate, eluviate, emaciate, emanated, emanates, embitter, embruted, embrutes, emeerate, emendate, emigrate, emirates, emitters, emulated, emulates, enceinte, encysted, endnotes, endostea, endplate, enervate, enfetter, enlisted, enlistee, enlister, enrooted, entellus, ententes, enterers, entering, enterons, epazotes, ephorate, epidotes, epiphyte, epizoite, eradiate, erecters, eremites, eructate, escalate, escorted, esoteric, essonite, esteemed, esterase, esterify, esthetes, estimate, estivate, etcetera, eternals, eternise, eternity, eternize, etesians, ethylate, etiolate, eucrites, eusteles, eutectic, euxenite, evacuate, evaluate, evictees, evolutes, exacters, exactest, exalters, excavate, excepted, exciters, excreted, excreter, excretes, execrate, executed, executer, executes, exegetes, exempted, exhorted, exhorter, existent, exoteric, expected, expedite, experted, expiated, expiates, exported, exporter, exsected, exserted, extended, extender, extensor, exterior, external, externes, extorted, extorter, extubate, exudates, exuviate, eyeteeth, eyewater, facetely, facetted, faggoted, fagoters, fainters, faintest, falcated, faltered, falterer, fasciate, fastened, fastener, fattened, fattener, fauteuil, favorite, fayalite, feasters, federate, fellated, fellates, felsites, ferrates, ferreted, ferreter, ferrites, festered, feterita, fettered, fetterer, fidgeted, fidgeter, fifteens, figeater, fighters, figurate, filiated, filiates, filister, filleted, filtered, filterer, filtrate, finitely, fistnote, flattens, flatters, flattery, flattest, flaunted, flaunter, fleabite, fleetest, flichter, flighted, flinkite, flirters, flitters, floatels, floaters, flouters, fluorite, flusters, flutters, fluttery, foliated, foliates, folkmote, fomented, fomenter, footnote, footstep, foredate, forested, forester, foretell, formates, fossette, fostered, fosterer, foughten, fourteen, foveated, fretters, frigates, frighted, frighten, frisette, fritters, frizette, frosteds, frotteur, frowsted, fruiters, fumarate, fumettes, fumigate, furcated, furcates, gagsters, gahnites, galateas, galeated, galenite, gallates, galleted, gamester, gangster, ganister, garotted, garotter, garottes, garroted, garroter, garrotes, garrotte, gartered, gatefold, gateless, gatelike, gatepost, gateways, gauntest, gavotted, gavottes, gazetted, gazettes, geminate, gemmated, gemmates, generate, genettes, geometer, geophyte, gestated, gestates, gettered, giantess, gibbeted, gibbsite, giftedly, gimleted, gitterns, glabrate, glaciate, gladiate, glistens, glisters, glitters, glittery, gloaters, globated, glutelin, gnathite, goethite, gonocyte, gorgeted, gothites, gradated, gradates, graduate, grafters, granites, grantees, granters, graphite, grateful, greatens, greatest, greeters, grifters, grisette, grouters, grunters, gummites, gusseted, guttated, guttered, gypsters, haltered, halteres, hamsters, hamulate, haplites, haptenes, haptenic, hasteful, hastened, hastener, hateable, hatteria, haunters, hauteurs, headgate, headnote, heartens, heatedly, hebetate, heighten, heisters, hellkite, helmeted, helpmate, hematein, hematite, hemipter, hemocyte, herniate, hesitate, hessites, hipsters, hoisters, holstein, holsters, homesite, honester, hoopster, hoplites, hosteled, hosteler, hostelry, hoteldom, hotelier, hotelman, hotelmen, huckster, huntedly, hyalites, hydrated, hydrates, hysteria, hysteric, ichnites, icterics, idolater, igniters, ilmenite, imamates, imbitter, imbruted, imbrutes, imitated, imitates, immolate, impacted, impacter, imparted, imparter, impasted, impastes, impolite, imported, importer, imposted, imposter, impotent, imputers, incanted, incepted, inchoate, inciters, increate, incubate, incudate, indagate, indebted, indented, indenter, indicate, indicted, indictee, indicter, inditers, inducted, inductee, indurate, inedited, infantes, infected, infecter, infested, infester, infinite, inflated, inflater, inflates, ingested, ingrates, initiate, injected, innately, innovate, inosites, inputted, inserted, inserter, insetted, insetter, insisted, insister, insolate, instated, instates, insulate, insulted, insulter, integers, integral, intended, intender, intenser, intently, interact, interage, interbed, intercom, intercut, interest, interims, interior, interlap, interlay, intermit, intermix, internal, interned, internee, internes, interred, interrex, interrow, intersex, intertie, interval, interwar, intimate, intonate, intorted, intubate, intuited, inundate, invected, invented, inventer, inverted, inverter, invested, invitees, inviters, invocate, involute, iodinate, irrigate, irritate, irrupted, isolated, isolates, isophote, itemized, itemizer, itemizes, iterance, iterated, iterates, jacketed, jaculate, jadeites, jarosite, jittered, jockette, jointers, jokester, jousters, jubilate, jugulate, junketed, junketer, kainites, kalifate, kamacite, kanteles, keesters, keisters, kernites, keynoted, keynoter, keynotes, keysters, khanates, kiesters, kilobyte, kitelike, kittened, klisters, knighted, knitters, knotters, kryolite, kunzites, kyanites, labiated, labiates, laborite, lacerate, lactated, lactates, lacteals, lacteous, lacunate, lambaste, lamented, lamenter, laminate, lamister, lamsters, lanceted, lanterns, lapidate, lappeted, lariated, lateener, lateness, latening, latently, laterals, laterite, laterize, latewood, latterly, laughter, laureate, layettes, lazulite, lazurite, leachate, lecterns, legatees, leisters, lepidote, lettered, letterer, leucites, levanted, levanter, levigate, levirate, levitate, lewisite, liberate, librated, librates, lientery, liftgate, lightens, lighters, lightest, lignites, ligulate, limiteds, limiters, limonite, lineated, lipocyte, liquated, liquates, listened, listener, literacy, literals, literary, literate, literati, litigate, littered, litterer, lobately, lobsters, lobulate, localite, locaters, lockstep, locomote, loculate, loitered, loiterer, loricate, lunately, lunettes, lunulate, lustered, lustrate, lutecium, lutenist, luteolin, lutetium, lyddites, lyrately, macerate, machetes, maculate, magister, magnates, makebate, malamute, maleates, malemute, maltster, manatees, mandated, mandates, mannites, manteaus, manteaux, mantelet, maquette, marinate, marketed, marketer, marlites, marmites, martello, masseter, mastered, masterly, mateless, matelote, material, materiel, maternal, mateship, mattedly, mattered, maturate, maximite, mediated, mediates, medicate, meditate, megabyte, melanite, melilite, melinite, meristem, mesquite, messmate, mestesos, meteoric, meterage, metering, mezquite, midterms, migrated, migrates, militate, mimetite, minister, minsters, minutely, minutest, misacted, misalter, miscited, miscites, misdated, misdates, miseaten, misenter, misinter, mismated, mismates, misquote, misrated, misrates, misroute, misstate, missteer, missteps, misteach, mistends, misterms, miswrite, miswrote, miterers, mitering, mitigate, mobsters, moderate, modester, modistes, modulate, mofettes, moffette, moistens, moistest, molested, molester, moltenly, monazite, monocyte, monstera, monsters, monteith, monteros, moquette, moschate, mostests, motivate, moulters, mounters, mozzette, muenster, muleteer, mullites, munsters, muriated, muriates, muricate, muscatel, musettes, mustered, muteness, mutilate, muttered, mutterer, mylonite, myosotes, myxocyte, naivetes, narrated, narrater, narrates, nattered, nauseate, navettes, navigate, neatened, negaters, neonates, neophyte, neotenic, neoteric, nephrite, neutered, nictated, nictates, nineteen, niteries, nitrated, nitrates, nitrites, nizamate, noisette, nominate, nonelite, nonrated, nonvoter, nonwhite, notebook, notecase, noteless, notepads, nucleate, numerate, obdurate, objected, oblately, obligate, obsolete, obtected, obtested, obturate, obverted, obviated, obviates, obvolute, occulted, occulter, ocellate, octettes, odometer, odonates, oersteds, oftenest, ohmmeter, oldsters, oleaster, omelette, omitters, oogamete, oophytes, operated, operates, oppilate, opposite, orbiters, ordinate, oriented, ornately, orometer, osculate, osteitic, osteitis, osteoids, osteomas, osteoses, osteosis, outacted, outcaste, outdated, outdates, outearns, outeaten, outquote, outrated, outrates, outskate, outstate, outsteer, outtells, outvoted, outvotes, outwaste, outwrite, outwrote, overbite, overhate, overlate, overrate, overstep, overvote, ovulated, ovulates, oxalated, oxalates, oxidated, oxidates, oystered, oysterer, packeted, paginate, painters, palettes, pallette, palliate, palmated, palmette, palpated, palpates, paltered, palterer, panatela, panetela, parakite, parasite, parented, pargeted, parietes, parlante, parroted, parroter, parterre, pasterns, pasteups, patellae, patellar, patellas, patented, patentee, patently, patentor, paternal, patinate, pattered, patterer, patterns, pearlite, peartest, pectates, peculate, pedately, pelleted, peltered, penitent, penlites, pennated, pensters, pentenes, peripter, perlites, permeate, permuted, permutes, perorate, pestered, pesterer, petechia, petering, pettedly, pewterer, phenates, philters, phonated, phonates, phorates, phyllite, piasters, picketed, picketer, picotees, picrated, picrates, picrites, pilaster, pileated, pinaster, pinnated, pipestem, pipetted, pipettes, pisolite, placated, placater, placates, plaister, plaiters, plankter, planters, plasters, plastery, plateaus, plateaux, plateful, platelet, platters, playdate, playmate, pleaters, plicated, plighted, plighter, plotters, pocketed, pocketer, pointers, politely, politest, pollster, polluted, polluter, pollutes, polytene, polyteny, populate, portends, portents, postdate, posteens, posterns, postteen, posttest, potences, potently, potteens, pottered, potterer, poulters, preacted, precited, predated, predates, prelates, prepaste, presters, pretaste, preteens, pretence, pretends, pretense, preterit, pretests, pretexts, preunite, priested, primates, printers, printery, priorate, privater, privates, probated, probates, proettes, profited, profiter, promoted, promoter, promotes, prompted, prompter, pronated, pronates, prorated, prorates, prostate, proteans, protease, protects, protegee, proteges, proteide, proteids, proteins, protends, proteose, protests, psalters, psaltery, psammite, psephite, pteropod, pterygia, pterylae, pulsated, pulsates, pumicite, punctate, punsters, puttered, putterer, pyruvate, quadrate, quainter, quartern, quarters, quartets, questers, quietens, quieters, quietest, quilters, quintets, quipster, quitters, quixotes, rabbeted, rabbited, rabbiter, racemate, racketed, raclette, radiated, radiates, radicate, raftered, ragouted, rateable, rateably, ratteens, rattened, rattener, ravigote, realters, rebaited, rebaters, rebutted, rebutter, recanted, recanter, recenter, reciters, recrated, recrates, recreate, redacted, reedited, reenters, refasten, refected, refilter, refitted, reflated, reflates, refuters, regelate, register, regrated, regrates, regulate, reheated, reheater, reignite, reincite, reinters, reinvite, rejected, rejectee, rejecter, relaters, relegate, relented, reletter, relisted, relocate, relucted, remaster, remelted, reminted, remitted, remitter, remotely, remotest, renested, renitent, renovate, repartee, repasted, repeated, repeater, repented, repenter, repetend, replated, replates, reported, reporter, repotted, requited, requiter, requites, rerouted, reroutes, resalute, reseated, resected, resented, resetter, resifted, resinate, resisted, resister, reslated, reslates, resolute, resonate, resorted, resorter, respited, respites, restated, restates, resulted, retasted, retastes, reteamed, retemper, retested, retinite, retinted, retorted, retorter, reunited, reuniter, reunites, reutters, reverted, reverter, revested, revetted, revolted, revolter, revolute, rewetted, rewriter, rewrites, rhyolite, righters, rightest, rimester, riposted, ripostes, riveters, rivetted, roadster, roasters, robuster, rocketed, rocketer, roisters, rolamite, roomette, roommate, roosters, roqueted, rosettes, rostella, rostrate, rosulate, rotenone, rottener, rottenly, roulette, rousters, routeman, routemen, routeway, roysters, ruinated, ruinates, ruminate, runagate, ruralite, saboteur, sacheted, salivate, salterns, saluters, sanitate, saponite, satiated, satiates, saturate, saunters, sauteing, sauterne, sawteeth, scantest, scatters, scepters, scimiter, sclerite, scooters, scouters, scripted, scripter, sculpted, scutella, scutters, scyphate, seamster, seatmate, seawater, secateur, secreted, secreter, secretes, sedately, sedatest, selected, selectee, selenate, selenite, semester, semimute, sensated, sensates, sentence, separate, septette, serenate, seriated, seriates, serrated, serrates, sesterce, setenant, sextette, shanteys, shatters, sheeters, shelters, shifters, shipmate, shooters, shortens, shortest, shouters, shtetels, shunters, shuteyes, shutters, shysters, sibilate, siderite, sidestep, sienites, sighters, signeted, silenter, silicate, simulate, sinister, sintered, sinuated, sinuates, sirvente, sistered, sisterly, situated, situates, sixteens, skeeters, skelters, skirters, skitters, skittery, sklented, skywrite, skywrote, slattern, slighted, slighter, slitters, smaltite, smartens, smartest, smatters, smelters, smeltery, snifters, snorters, socketed, sodalite, sodomite, softened, softener, solvated, solvates, songster, sonicate, sonneted, sorbates, sororate, spatters, speciate, spectate, specters, spelters, spicated, spinster, spirited, spiteful, spitters, splatted, splatter, splinted, splinter, splitter, splutter, spoliate, sporters, spotters, spouters, sprinted, sprinter, sprouted, sputters, squamate, squatted, squatter, squinted, squinter, squirted, squirter, stagnate, stannite, starters, statedly, statutes, steadied, steadier, steadies, steadily, steading, stealage, stealers, stealing, stealths, stealthy, steamers, steamier, steamily, steaming, steapsin, stearate, stearine, stearins, steatite, stedfast, steeking, steelier, steelies, steeling, steenbok, steepens, steepers, steepest, steeping, steepled, steeples, steerage, steerers, steering, steeving, stegodon, steinbok, stellate, stellify, stemless, stemlike, stemmata, stemmers, stemmery, stemmier, stemming, stemsons, stemware, stenches, stencils, stengahs, stenosed, stenoses, stenosis, stenotic, stentors, stepdame, steplike, steppers, stepping, stepsons, stepwise, stereoed, sterical, sterigma, sterlets, sterling, sternest, sternite, sternson, sternums, sternway, steroids, stertors, stetting, stewards, stewbums, stewpans, stibnite, stilbite, stinters, stipites, stomates, stoutens, stoutest, straiten, straiter, strategy, striated, striates, stricter, strunted, strutted, strutter, stutters, stylites, subacute, subcaste, subcutes, subitems, sublated, sublates, subovate, subsites, substate, subteens, subtends, subtests, subtexts, subulate, sufflate, sulcated, sulfated, sulfates, sulfites, sulphate, sulphite, summated, summates, sumpters, supinate, suricate, sveltely, sveltest, swatters, sweaters, sweetens, sweetest, swelters, swifters, swiftest, swotters, sybarite, syenites, sylvites, symbiote, systemic, tableted, tabulate, tachiste, taconite, tailgate, talented, tannates, tapsters, targeted, tartrate, tasteful, tattered, taunters, tautened, teaberry, teaboard, teabowls, teaboxes, teacakes, teacarts, teachers, teaching, teahouse, teakwood, teamaker, teammate, teamster, teamwork, tearable, tearaway, teardown, teardrop, teariest, tearless, tearooms, teaseled, teaseler, teashops, teaspoon, teatimes, teawares, teazeled, teazling, techiest, technics, tectites, tectonic, teenaged, teenager, teeniest, teensier, teenybop, teetered, teethers, teething, teetotal, teetotum, tefillin, tegmenta, tegminal, tegument, tegumina, teiglach, tektites, tektitic, telecast, telefilm, telegony, telegram, telemark, teleosts, telepath, teleplay, teleport, telerans, telestic, teletext, telethon, teleview, televise, telexing, telfered, telfords, tellable, telltale, telluric, telomere, telphers, telsonic, temblors, temerity, temperas, tempered, temperer, tempests, templars, template, templets, temporal, tempters, tempting, tempuras, tenacity, tenacula, tenaille, tenanted, tenantry, tendance, tendence, tendency, tendered, tenderer, tenderly, tendrils, tenebrae, tenement, tenesmic, tenesmus, tenfolds, teniasis, tennises, tennists, tenoners, tenoning, tenorist, tenorite, tenotomy, tenpence, tenpenny, tensible, tensibly, tensions, tentacle, tentages, tentered, tentiest, tentless, tentlike, tenurial, teocalli, teosinte, tepefied, tepefies, tephrite, tepidity, tequilas, teraohms, teraphim, teratism, teratoid, teratoma, terbiums, tercelet, terebene, tergites, teriyaki, terminal, terminus, termites, termitic, termless, termtime, ternions, terpenes, terpenic, terpinol, terraced, terraces, terrains, terranes, terrapin, terraria, terrases, terrazzo, terreens, terrella, terrenes, terrible, terribly, terriers, terrific, terrines, tertials, tertians, tertiary, tesserae, testable, testates, testator, testicle, testiest, testoons, testudos, tetanics, tetanies, tetanise, tetanize, tetanoid, tetchier, tetchily, tethered, tetotums, tetracid, tetradic, tetragon, tetramer, tetrapod, tetrarch, tetrodes, tetroxid, textbook, textiles, textless, textuary, textural, textured, textures, theaters, thermite, thionate, thiotepa, thirsted, thirster, thirteen, thorites, threated, threaten, throated, thrusted, thruster, thwarted, thwarter, ticketed, tightens, tightest, tillites, tinplate, tipsters, titanate, titanite, titivate, titrated, titrates, tittered, titterer, toasters, toeplate, toileted, toilette, tolerate, tollgate, toluates, tonettes, torquate, totemism, totemist, totemite, tottered, totterer, trabeate, trachyte, tractate, treaters, tributes, trichite, trientes, trimeter, triplite, tristate, tristeza, troilite, trotters, truanted, truncate, trusteed, trustees, trusters, trysters, tuateras, tubulate, tungsten, tunicate, turgites, turreted, tutelage, tutelars, tutelary, tweeters, twisters, twitters, twittery, udometer, uintaite, ulcerate, ulexites, ulterior, ultimate, ululated, ululates, umangite, umbonate, umbrette, umlauted, umteenth, unabated, unakites, unbeaten, unbelted, unbitted, unbitten, unbitter, unbolted, unbusted, unchaste, uncinate, uncoated, uncrated, uncrates, uncreate, underate, undotted, undulate, unedited, unfasten, unfetter, unfitted, ungifted, ungotten, ungulate, unhatted, unheated, unitedly, unletted, unlisted, unmatted, unmelted, unmiters, unmolten, unornate, unparted, unpolite, unposted, unpotted, unquoted, unquotes, unrented, unrested, unrooted, unrusted, unsalted, unseated, unsifted, unsorted, unstated, unstates, unsteady, unsteels, unsuited, untasted, untended, untented, untested, untether, untilted, untufted, ununited, unwanted, unwasted, unwetted, unwitted, unwonted, updarted, updaters, uplifted, uplifter, uprooted, uprooter, upsetter, upstater, upstates, uptilted, upwafted, uralites, uranites, urbanite, ureteral, ureteric, urinated, urinates, urticate, ustulate, utensils, uteruses, utterers, uttering, vaginate, valerate, validate, valuated, valuates, vanadate, variated, variates, vaulters, vaunters, vedettes, vegetate, veloutes, velveted, venenate, venerate, verboten, verditer, vertebra, vertexes, vesicate, veterans, vibrated, vibrates, vicarate, vicomtes, videotex, videttes, vignette, violated, violater, violates, virgates, visiters, vitellin, vitellus, vitesses, vitiated, vitiates, vizirate, vomiters, vortexes, voteable, voteless, vulgates, waisters, wasteful, wastelot, wasterie, wasteway, waterage, waterbed, waterdog, waterers, waterier, waterily, watering, waterish, waterlog, waterloo, waterman, watermen, waterway, wauchted, waughted, websters, weighted, weighter, wellsite, weltered, westered, westerly, westerns, whatever, wheatear, wheatens, whetters, whishted, whitecap, whitefly, whitened, whitener, whiteout, whitters, wintered, winterer, winterly, wisteria, wontedly, woodnote, workmate, worrited, worsteds, wresters, writerly, xanthate, yachters, yattered, yawmeter, yokemate, yperites, ytterbia, ytterbic, zapateos, zaratite, zeolites, zincates, zincites, zoisites, zoolater, zoophyte, zygotene

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