form_title= Attorney Search form_header= Hire an attorney near you. What type of attorney do you need?*= _ [50] Have you ever hired legal counsel before?*= () Yes () No What is your budget for an attorney?*= _ [50]
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John Mitchell was Attorney General under Richard Nixon. He holds the distinction of being only American Attorney General to serve a prison term.
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The Attorney Engagement Letter documents the terms of the sale of services by a legal provider (the "Law firm") to another company or an individual (the "Client").
The basic elements of the Attorney Engagement Letter are:
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Attorneys are treated no different than other debtors in bankruptcy. I know an experienced bankruptcy attorney who estimates that he's filed about 20 such cases.
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Attorney misconduct in child custody cases can include unethical behavior such as withholding information, providing false evidence, or manipulating the legal process to the detriment of one party's interests. This misconduct can harm the well-being of the child and the fairness of the legal proceedings. It is essential to report any attorney misconduct to the relevant state bar association for investigation and potential disciplinary action.
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form_title=Hire an Attorney for Estate Planning form_header=Formalize and legalize the plans for your estate by hiring a local attorney to draw up the documents. Have you had legal documents drawn up before?= () Yes () No What date would you like to schedule an appointment for?=_ What types of property will need to be divided?=_
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Archibald Cox was the special prosecutor that President Nixon asked Richardson to fire. Richardson had promised not to interfere in the investigationand so he resigned his position as attorney general.
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Political Radicals
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You may not advertise on the site or on the answers, no. However, you can advertise on your profile and give contact information there.
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The attorney general is an important government position with a great deal of power. They push for new laws, enforce existing ones, and generally direct the path of an entire state’s law enforcement effort. If you want to become attorney general, then there are many different things you need to know. Since it is an elected position, there is a huge political element that goes into becoming the attorney general. You will also need the requisite experience to make yourself viable as a candidate.
Becoming an attorney generalThis is most certainly the hard part. You don’t just roll out of bed one day and become attorney general. It requires years of working your way to that point. One option is to work as a district attorney for a period of time, then working your way up to US Attorney. Others have gone from successful careers in private criminal defense to the attorney general position. You will need to have a solid background, as well, since the political nature of the position will be important during election times.
What do they make?This will differ according to what state you work in. Some states have political figures who make significantly more money than others. Expect to make upwards of $100,000, though. The nice thing is that since this is a government position, almost everything is paid for. From travel allowances to spending allowances and free meals, the salary can almost all be saved. The retirement packages provided by state governments are hard to beat for people who serve in this capacity, as well. Overall, it is a nice gig for someone with the ability to maintain it.
What do they do?The attorney general will work closely with the legislature to develop new laws that enforce things that need to be enforced. They will make sure to put on a strong face for the state in its attempt to squash crime. They are often charged with taking the lead investigating and prosecuting high-profile cases. Much of the work is political, though, so they have to shake a lot of hands, raise campaign funds, and adhere to the agendas set forth by the party.
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No. They just have the same last name. "Davis" is a common last name.
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If the bank/trustee permitted unauthorized withdrawals from the trust you may have a cause of action against the bank. It sounds as though the lawyer may have a conflict of interest. You should seek the advice of an attorney who could review your situation and your options.
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The principal law officer of the Crown,and the head of the bar.He is appointed by letters patent and holds at the pleasure of the Crown.He is usually a member of the House of Commons ,but not normally of the cabinet,and changes with the ministry.Civil proceedings by or against the Crown may be instituted by or against the Attorney-General in lieu of the appropriate Government Department.After proceedings have been instituted he may be substituted for the authorised Government Department,or vice-versa.
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Nothing has happened. It just means that the Attorney General and the legislature of Arizona are not in agreement. The courts of our nation will work out, either side may appeal as they please, and if it comes to it, the Supreme Court will rule on it eventually, or decline to hear it, which will support the decision of the previous court.
Either way, the answer will come eventually as to who is to be regarded as constitutionally correct.
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I, _________________________, direct __________________________, to pay from the proceeds of any recovery related to or arising out of that incident occurring on _____________________ in which I was injured, such sums as may be due and owing to _______________________ for services which have been rendered or which will be rendered, up to a total amount of $_______________.
NOTICE: _________________________ is nevertheless liable for the fees due to _______________________ if no recovery is made.
It is understood that I shall retain all sums of money over the funds due ______________, which as referred to above, cannot exceed $ _____________.
Dated: _________________
_________________________ By Attorney
_________________________ By Injured Party
Attorney Agreement for Injury CollectionReview List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. Personal injury (“PIâ€) cases are very lucrative for attorneys. This document gives the edge to the injured party by limiting the attorneys payment to a fixed sum. When shopping for a PI attorney, consider first comparing offers by the terms of their services. In other words, first negotiate the best terms (e.g., lowest percentage of recovery, and so on) then select the attorney, rather than selecting first and just accepting their contract.
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For this issue to have progressed this far, you have ignored a lot of mail and many phone calls. Unless you can get in contact with the original creditor (or collection agency) and attempt a settlement, you may wish to retain counsel. Never ignore these kinds of phone calls and letters. As troubling as they may be, they are never as difficult as being sued or having your wages garnished. If it were me, I would be on the phone to an attorney.
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He believed he needed to protect Americans from radicalists and communists. They were a threat to American during World War 1.
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One thing that you never want to be charged with is larceny. Petty larceny, though just a misdemeanor, is still a very serious charge. If you have been charged with petty larceny or a more serious type of theft, it makes sense to consult a good attorney. The laws on theft and larceny differ according to state, so you will want to check out the specific situation in your home county. There are some things that remain the same across state lines, though, so here are some of the things that an experienced larceny lawyer will impart to you.
The Elements of LarcenyWhen you speak with a larceny lawyer, they will tell you all about the various elements that the state must prove to win a larceny case. You will need to fight these elements if you want to gain a not guilty verdict. Larceny requires one to take possession and carry away the personal property of another person without the consent of that other party. This is a simplistic definition and it fits for the civil court definition of conversion, as well. There is one other very important part of a larceny case that the state has to prove and that is intent.
While a person can be sued for conversion even if they did not intend to steal a person's property, a criminal case for theft requires one to have the requisite intent. This separates those cases where you mistakenly pick up something thinking that it is either yours or it is free. In those instances, you would lack the intent element and the state could not win on a larceny charge. As you will come to find out, this is often the most hotly contested part of any theft case. Did you mean to steal? Did you have both the motive and intent to do the crime? These things matter, and a good attorney can fight for your side of the ledger.
Larceny can carry serious repercussions and it can harm your reputation. These cases are not always cut and dry, though. There are many different gray areas that a smart larceny lawyer can exploit when they defend you against these charges. Contacting a skilled, experienced attorney is a smart move in the very beginning, as this will give you the best possible chance to win the case. Experience pays in specialized cases like this one.
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Attorneys, also known as lawyers, are responsible for making sure that the legal system functions properly at all levels of society. Attorneys cover a wide range of specialities, including civil and domestic law, trade law, international law, human rights law, corporate law, and many others. As a result, the education required to become a lawyer is strenuous, including a four-year bachelors degree in addition to three years of law school and the completion of the bar exam for each state.
About a quarter of all attorneys are self-employed, meaning that they are a partner in a law firm or they own their own firm. Others work in corporate offices, law schools, libraries, or courtrooms. Attorneys usually bear a heavy workload, often working more than fifty hours per week. Much of their time is spent conducting research for a case and meeting with clients, while a relatively small portion of their time is actually spent in court defending their case. Conducting proper research for a case requires an immense about of time and close attention to detail, as well as up-to-date knowledge on recent court rulings for reference during the trial.
Although job growth is expected to be about as fast as average for attorney jobs in the next few years, the competition will be keen for these positions. Admission into a strong law school is extremely competitive, making the job market difficult for recent graduates. This also means that students may need to relocate in order to find a job after graduation, requiring another state bar exam at times.
The average salary for an attorney is roughly $115,000 per year, with fluctuations based on the place of employment, experience, and credentials. Students fresh out of law school will likely earn much less than that until they have earned some experience in the courtroom. Those who begin work in federal courts or who take administrative positions in legal departments at large corporations also have opportunities for higher earnings.
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Yes. The project's attorney or your own attorney can advise you.
Yes. The project's attorney or your own attorney can advise you.
Yes. The project's attorney or your own attorney can advise you.
Yes. The project's attorney or your own attorney can advise you.
2 answers
No. Absolutely no.
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Anyone can act as a power of attorney for someone else. You do not have to be an attorney
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An attorney-in-fact is an agent of the person giving him/her the power of attorney to act on his or her behalf.
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In the United States, Attorney-at-law means a lawyer. The distinction is made because people can have "power of attorney" or "letter of attorney", which is referred to as Attorney-in-fact.
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If you have lost your copy you can ask your attorney, your spouse's attorney or your spouse for a copy.
If you have lost your copy you can ask your attorney, your spouse's attorney or your spouse for a copy.
If you have lost your copy you can ask your attorney, your spouse's attorney or your spouse for a copy.
If you have lost your copy you can ask your attorney, your spouse's attorney or your spouse for a copy.
3 answers
Contact the attorney who is handling the estate or your own attorney if that's not possible.
Contact the attorney who is handling the estate or your own attorney if that's not possible.
Contact the attorney who is handling the estate or your own attorney if that's not possible.
Contact the attorney who is handling the estate or your own attorney if that's not possible.
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An attorney's lien is the right of an attorney to retain a client's papers until the attorney's fees have been paid.
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It goes:
Ace attorney
Ace attorney: Justice for all
Ace attorney: Trials and tribulations
Apollo Justice Ace attorney
Ace attorney investigations: Miles Edgeworth
2 answers
An attorney's fee is a fee charged by an attorney for work done in relation to a lawsuit or other work done by an attorney.
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No, a power of attorney cannot delegate their authority to another power of attorney.
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BK attorney is short for bankruptcy attorney some guys specialize in it.
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Yes,for some circumstances like the original attorney passed away, or with the consent of the Original attorney.
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The possessive form of the singular noun attorney-at-law is attorney-at-law's.
Example: This attorney-at-law's experience includes representing defendants in criminal cases.
2 answers
An attorney-in-fact is an agent of the person giving him/her the power of attorney to act on his or her behalf.
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The possessive form of the compound noun attorney general is attorney general's.
Example: This matter requires an attorney general's investigation.
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as the saying goes "Only a fool will hire himself as an attorney"! No, you cannot get attorney 's fees unless you are a licenced attorney representing a client other than your self!!!
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Adriel Brathwaite is the Attorney General for Barbados.
4 answers
You need to consult with an attorney or a representative from the state attorney general consumer division.
You need to consult with an attorney or a representative from the state attorney general consumer division.
You need to consult with an attorney or a representative from the state attorney general consumer division.
You need to consult with an attorney or a representative from the state attorney general consumer division.
2 answers
You want to address them as "Honorable [full name]"
3 answers
An attorney-at-law is a member of the bar and licensed to practice law. An attorney-in-fact is normally someone with a power of attorney representing an individual who cannot be at a legal proceeding.
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The person given power to act under a Power of Attorney document is called the Attorney-in-fact or Agent.
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The plural form for the singular attorney is attorneys.
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There is no law that states that the Attorney General must be an attorney.
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The Prosecuting Attorney. They may be known as the District Attorney or Commonwealth's Attorney.
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The possessive form of the singular noun attorney is attorney's.
Example: My attorney's office is in the Evergreen Building.
To make singular noun possessive add apostrophe s ('s).
boy - boy's
father - father's
attorney - attorney's
2 answers
No. An attorney-in-fact cannot write a will for the principal.
No. An attorney-in-fact cannot write a will for the principal.
No. An attorney-in-fact cannot write a will for the principal.
No. An attorney-in-fact cannot write a will for the principal.
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