A constitutional amendment is a change to the constitution of a nation or a
1 answer
A constitutional amendment is a change to the constitution of a nation or a
2 answers
they were in astate of Pangaea so they were very spread out due to simalr climate
1 answer
India and erby sitn in da tee
saluda trail middle school
saluda trail middle school
1 answer
There are many universities that has a state in its web address. Some examples that may be helpful include: California State University and Kansas State University.
1 answer
It is called Arnold's Mot & Service Station! There address is Arnolds Mot & Service Station 16c station field industural astate kidlington oxon
1 answer
Do you mean SYDNEY? Sydney is Australia's biggest city and up until 1923 was te nation's capital. It is not in South Wales but in NEW South Wales, which is astate of Australia.
1 answer
Yes you can buy real estate while you are out of state. They papers can be sent to you. It is hard to manage properties out of state though.
1 answer
Masters degree programs in marketing are available from many different institutions and many online courses are also available. Some online courses include Drexel and Astate.
1 answer
CMOS is a dynamic power consumer...whereas BJT consumes power always....
cmos consumes power only while switching from one astate to another state...i.e while switching
1 answer
In the Chinese civil war following WWII, the Nationalist forces fled to Taiwan in 1949 leaving the communists to take charge of the Chinese mainland.china bcame astate in 1949 that's what I am really trying to say for who ever wrote this could have just said that.
2 answers
the easiest way is with a vaccume guage on the engine move the air fuel mixture screw slowly until maximum vaccume is achieved then back off slightly. If you are in astate that requires emmision testing you may want to have a professional do it. Make sure they are licensed!
1 answer
So that when the person is cooking something, his/her hair won't go to the food. Besides, who would want someone else's hair in their meal? But hair nets aren't so necessary in home kitchens. They are usually worn by cooks in restaurants.
3 answers
The cast of Le passager - 2005 includes: Thibaut Corrion as Richard jeune Julie Depardieu as Jeanne Maurice Garrel as Gilbert Louis Gensollen as Thomas jeune Antoine Laurent as Copain Richard Fred Messa as Real astate agent Nathalie Richard as Suzanne Vincent Rottiers as Lucas Stephen Salvati as himself
1 answer
In Nebraska and Maine, whoever gets the most popular votes in each congressional district gets one vote. The other two votes per state go to whoever gets the most popular votes in the whole state. In each of the other 48 states and in D.C., whoever gets the most popular votes gets 100% of the electoral votes.
2 answers
Indian Mercantile law is primarily an adaptation of the English Law. The different Indian acts follow, to a considerable extent, the English mercantile law with some reservations and modifications necessitated by the peculiar conditions prevailing in India.
2 answers
To become a realtor you can take a course to receive your realtor license for the state that you plan to work from. You also need to decide if you want to go into business for yourself and front the money the first few years or if you want to work with an agency and work on commission.
4 answers
Federal courts are part of the Judicial branch of government. Congress possesses the ability to regulate the Judiciary branch, as a whole. One specific congressional power is to create other federal courts, as well as to determine what their jurisdiction will be.
2 answers
The foundation of credible national security is based on the level of
economic prosperity and well-being of the population of any country. This is
especially so for developing countries like India. The attainment of sustained
high economic growth is a necessary condition for improving the national
security and the quality of life of the people throughout the country.
Many developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including China and
India where nearly one third of the world's population live, are currently going
through economic transitions. The central objective of transition through
economic liberalization is to improve the competitive efficiency of the
economy in the global marketplace to sustain accelerated rates of economic
growth and thereby continuously improve the security and well being of the
India launched its market-oriented economic reforms in 1991. China
launched similar reforms from 1978 and is now well ahead of India in
integrating its national economy with the global economy. However, India is
slowly but surely catching up in this race. The contrast in the experiences of
these two countries with economic reforms under radically different political
systems is remarkable. While comparisons between China and India are often
made by development analysts and are inevitable when we discuss economic
transitions in Asia, a more realistic assessment of the experiences of both these
major countries of Asia can only be made if we explicitly take into account the
stark contrast in their political systems.
In India, post-1991 economic reforms have been evolutionary and
incremental in nature. There have been delays and reverses in some areas due
to the interplay of democratic politics, coalition governments, and pressure
groups with vested interests. However, each of the five successive
governments that have held office in India since 1991 have carried on these
1 I thank Dr. N K Paswan for his help in preparing the statistical tables included in this paper.
economic reforms, which have been based on market liberalization and a
larger role for private enterprise.
It is well known that from 1951 to 1991, Indian policy-makers stuck to a
path of centralized economic planning accompanied by extensive regulatory
controls over the economy. The strategy was based on an 'inward-looking
import substitution' model of development. This was evident from the design
of the country's Second Five-Year Plan (1956-61), which had been heavily
influenced by the Soviet model of development.2 Several official and expert
reviews undertaken by the government recommended incremental
liberalization of the economy in different areas, but these did not address the
fundamental issues facing the economy.3
India's economy went through several episodes of economic liberalization
in the 1970s and the 1980s under Prime Minsters Indira Gandhi and, later,
Rajiv Gandhi. However, these attempts at economic liberalization were halfhearted,
self-contradictory, and often self-reversing in parts.4 In contrast, the
economic reforms launched in the 1990s (by Prime Minister P V Narasimha
Rao and Dr. Manmohan Singh as his Finance Minister) were 'much wider and
deeper'5 and decidedly marked a 'U-turn' in the direction of economic policy
followed by India during the last forty years of centralized economic planning.6
As in many developing countries, India also launched its massive economic
reforms in 1991 under the pressure of economic crises.7 The twin crises were
reflected through an unmanageable balance of payments crisis and a socially
2 See Government of India, Second Five-Year Plan, (New Delhi, 1956).
3 Reference may be made to following illustrative books for tracking down these 'tinkering'
changes in the thinking of Indian policy makers and planners : Bimal Jalan ed., The Indian
Economy: Reforms and Prospects, (New Delhi : Viking Publishers, 1991); Charan D Wadhva ed.,
Some Problems of India's Economic Policy (New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill, 2ed 1977); and Charan
D Wadhva, Economic Reforms in India and the Market Economy (New Delhi: Allied Publishers,
1994), Ch. II.
4 See for example, John Harris, 'The state in Retreat? Why has India experienced such Halfhearted
Liberalization in the 80s? IDS Bulletin(Institute of Development Studies, Sussex,
U.K.), Vol. 18, No. 4, 1987.
5 Jeffrey D Sachs; Ashutosh Varshney; and Nirupam Bajpai eds., Indiain the Era of Economic
Reforms (New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1991), p.1.
6 Charan D Wadhva, Economic Reforms, op.cit., p.xviii
7 For details of magnitude and diagnosis of causes of this economic crisis, see Ibid.
intolerably high rate of inflation that were building up in the 1980s and
climaxed in 1990-91.8 This can be seen from the data provided in Table 1.9
The current account deficit as a percentage of GDP peaked at a high of 3.1
percent (compared to an average level of 1.4 percent in the early 1980s). The
inflation rate (as measured by point-to-point changes in the Wholesale Price
Index) had also climbed to the socially and politically dangerous double-digit
level, hitting 12.1 percent in 1990-91.
Indicators 1989-90 1994-95 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03
A. Growth of GDP (%) 5.6 6.3 6.1 4.4 5.6 4.4
B. GDP Growth by Sectors (%):
i. Agriculture & Allied 2.7 4.9 0.3 -0.4 5.7 -3.1
ii. Industry, of Which Manufacturing 6.7 8.3 4.0 7.3 3.4 6.1
iii. Services 6.7 6.0 10.1 5.6 6.8 7.1
C. Inflation Rate (WPI Index (%)) 9.1 10.4 4.8 2.5 5.2 3.2
D. Current Account Balance as % of GDP -3.1 -1.1 -0.5 -0.5 na
E. Foreign Exchange Reserves (US $ Bn.) 3.37 19.65 35.06 39.55 51.05 69.89
F. Exchange Rates (Rs/US $) 16.6 31.4 43.33 45.51 47.69 48.44
G. Rate of Growth of :
i. Exports (%) 18.9 18.4 10.8 21.0 -1.6 20.4
ii. Imports (%) 8.8 22.9 17.2 1.7 1.7 14.5
iii. Exports as % of GDP 6.4 9.6 9.1 10.4 9.9 na
iv. Imports as % of GDP 9.3 10.5 12.4 11.8 11.6 na
H. Fiscal Deficit as % of GDP 7.9 4.7 5.4 5.6 5.9 5.5
I. Revenue Deficit as % of GDP 2.6 3.1 3.5 4.1 4.2 3.9
J. Saving Ratio as % of GDP 22.3 24.9 24.1 23.4 24.0 na
K. Investment as % of GDP 24.9 25.4 25.2 24.0 23.7 na
Source: Ministry of Finance, Government of India, Economic Survey, (New
Delhi, various years).
Most economic policy makers and analysts held widely convergent views
on the causes of the unprecedented economic crisis faced by India in 1990-91.
The root cause of the twin crisis could be traced to macro-economic
mismanagement throughout the 1980s as reflected in an unsustainably high
8 This can be seen from all references cited in footnotes 1,2,4 and 5. In addition see, Vijay
Joshi and I.M.D. Little, India's Economic Reforms 1991-2001 (Delhi, Oxford University Press,
9 Other data used in the text (that is, not in the tables) is taken from Ministry of Finance,
Government of India, Economic Survey (New Delhi, various years) unless otherwise noted.
fiscal deficit, in particular the revenue deficit and the monetized deficit.10 The
central government's fiscal deficit alone peaked at 7.9 percent as a percentage
of GDP in 1989-90. Thus growing fiscal profligacy (and irresponsibility) and
the unviable financing patterns of the fiscal deficit prevailing in the 1980s
made high levels of annual GDP growth (peaking at 5.6 percent in 1989-90)
unsustainable.11 Foreign-exchange reserves dwindled to a low of US$2.2 billion
(with less than 15 days' cover against annual imports). India stared bankruptcy
in the face as it struggled to meet external debt obligations.
Prime Minister Narasimha Rao converted the prevailing economic crisis
into an opportunity to launch massive economic reforms. First, he introduced
an economist (rather than a politician) into the Cabinet as Finance Minister
and gave the new Minister his full support, allowing him to evolve and
implement path-breaking economic reforms. The new economic policies
radically departed from the economic policies and regulatory framework
pursued in India during the previous forty years.12
The Rao government recognized in 1991 that the time had come to
reshape India's economic policies by drawing appropriate lessons from the
'East Asian Miracle' based on more export-oriented and more globally
connected strategies of development, as successfully practiced earlier by Japan
and South Korea and also by the South East Asian tigers Malaysia, Singapore,
Indonesia and Thailand.13 The East Asian development model had been
remarkably successful in achieving sustained high growth rates accompanied
by rapid growth in the living standards of the people in just two decades. India
had missed on both these fronts by relentlessly pursing import substitution
and a relatively closed economy model of development.
The Rao government, after launching the relatively aggressive (by past
Indian standards) reforms, was soon confronted with the political constraints
of 'competitive populism' during elections held at the state level in 1993.
Therefore, the government adopted a 'middle path', furthering the economic
10 For further details, see Wadhva, Economic Reforms, op.cit., ch. I.
11 Thus the claim that India had clearly transcended the so-called 'Hindu rate of growth' of
GDP at 3.5 percent per annum (trend annual growth rate) achieved for the two decades of
1960s and 1970s and had moved over to higher annual average growth rate of 5.5 percent in
the 1980s could not be accepted since the latter jump proved to be financially unsustainable.
12 The major economic reforms launched during the full five-year tenure of the Narasimha
Rao Government (1991-96) are highlighted below.
13 There are of course, lessons to be learnt by India from the 'East Asian debacle' of 1997-98
(the so-called 'East Asian Financial Crisis) but these need not detract us here as most South
Asian and Southeast Asian countries had overcome this crisis by 1999.
reforms in an 'incremental' fashion in order to continue to extending their
width and depth during the remainder of the government's term.
The government took two years to get over the immediate macroeconomic
crisis, initially with the help of a balance of payments loan facility
from the International Monetary Fund. The government came out with a clear
enunciation of its vision and the objectives of its economic reforms only after
regaining macro-economic stability. This was contained in the Discussion
Paper on Economic Reforms brought out by the Ministry of Finance in July
1993. To quote:
The fundamental objective of economic reforms is to bring about
rapid and sustained improvement in the quality of the people of
India. Central to this goal is the rapid growth in incomes and
productive employment… The only durable solution to the curse of
poverty is sustained growth of incomes and employment…. Such
growth requires investment: in farms, in roads, in irrigation, in
industry, in power and, above all, in people. And this investment
must be productive. Successful and sustained development depends
on continuing increases in the productivity of our capital, our land
and our labour.
Within a generation, the countries of East Asia have transformed
themselves. China, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand and Malaysia today
have living standards much above ours…. What they have achieved,
we must strive for.14
Economic reforms launched since June 1991 may be categorized under
two broad areas:
?? major macro-economic management reforms; and
?? structural and sector-specific economic reforms
Naturally, the attention of the new government that took office in June
1991 was primarily focused on crisis management dealing with the balance of
payments. It was of the utmost importance to restore India's international
credibility by meeting its scheduled external debt liabilities and through
maintaining a more realistic exchange rate consistent with market obligations.
Achieving macro-economic stabilization was also an urgent priority,
necessitating control of intolerably high inflation. It was recognized that
14 Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, 'Economic
Reforms : Two Years After and the Task Ahead', Discussion Paper, New Delhi : July 1993,
macro-economic stabilization would provide a sound foundation for mediumand
long-term structural economic reforms and accelerate the rate of
economic growth in a sustained manner. This would be possible by removing
distortions created by controls and by improving the competitive edge for
Indian goods and services in global markets as well as in the markets of major
regional trading blocs.
I describe below the major economic reforms, with greater focus on
structural economic reforms in selected sectors of the economy.15
Macro-economic management reforms have focused on controlling the
politically difficult problems of reducing the fiscal and (even more so) revenue
deficits. The capital account deficit does not pose long-term problems as
investment in productive capital made in the present, if prudently carried out,
will generate an adequate income stream to pay for capital costs incurred and
generate positive returns in the future.
India's problem is primarily in the area of revenue deficits. From 1950 to
1980 the national budget was usually characterized by revenue surpluses and
capital account deficits . However, after 1980, all (democratic) governments
for political reasons had willingly allowed the revenue deficit to rise over the
years to dangerously high levels, and had found it increasingly difficult to
reduce. The revenue deficits reflected an excess of annual consumption
expenditure by the government over its annual income. The deficit was caused
by excessive employment in the government sectors, uneconomical pricing of
goods and services by public sector enterprises, a growing interest burden,
mounting subsidies, and rising defense expenditures. Downsizing the
government (through the bureaucracy or public sector enterprises and banks)
was also difficult and met staff resistance from the organized employees.
Attempts at Reducing the Fiscal Deficit
Faced with the necessity of reducing the fiscal deficit in the crisis year of
1991-92, Finance Minister Singh attempted to reduce fertilizer and food
subsidies in 1991-92 and to some extent in 1992-93. Simultaneously, he (and
several subsequent finance ministers) resorted to the softer options of
reducing public investment expenditure and reducing public expenditure on
social welfare services from 1991 to 1995. These measures did help reduce the
fiscal deficit of the central government to 4.8 percent of GDP at the end of
15 I have drawn upon various annual issues of Economic Survey produced by the Government of
India(Ministry of Finance) for this section.
1992-93. However, further cuts in fertilizer and food subsidies could not be
carried out as these measures were opposed in Parliament and proved suicidal
for the ruling Congress Party, which lost power in state elections in 1993-94.
Meanwhile, the fiscal position of the state governments also started
deteriorating. The combined fiscal deficit of the central government and the
states climbed to the unacceptably high level of 10-11 percent of GDP in
2002-03. Some state governments have begun to address their fiscal deficit
problems. The central government has recently started linking further transfers
of resources to the states to the progress of state-specific economic reforms
aimed at reducing deficits.16
The good news for macro-economic management reforms is that the pre-
1990 pattern of 'deficit financing' (that is, the printing of currency) to meet the
fiscal deficit has now been effectively curbed. The autonomy of the central
bank (the Reserve Bank of India) in regulating the money supply to control
inflation has been assured within the limits of monetary policy. This has led
the government to resort to larger and larger domestic borrowing.
The bad news is that government borrowings have risen so high that the
economy is moving towards an 'internal debt trap'.17 Further growth of
internal debt needs to be curbed but the government is in no mood to close
off this easy way of financing its rising fiscal deficit. The finances of most state
governments are in even poorer shape and some have occasionally resorted to
market borrowings to meet their payrolls.
Tax Reforms
Since 1991 several efforts have been made through the annual budget
process to achieve tax reforms.18 These have focused on: (i) expanding the tax
base by including services (not previously taxed); (ii) reducing rates of direct
taxes for individuals and corporations; (iii) abolishing most export subsidies,
(iv) lowering import duties (covered below by us under structural reforms
relating to trade policies/external sector); (v) rationalizing sales tax and
reducing the cascading effect of central indirect taxes by introducing a
Modified Value Added Tax and a soon-to-be implemented nationwide Value
Added Tax; (vi) rationalizing both direct and indirect taxes by removing
unnecessary exemptions; (vii) providing for tax incentives for infrastructure
16 For details see Government of India, Economic Survey 2002-03.
17 It is estimated that the interest payments currently pre-empt more than 60 percent of the
total revenue of the central government leaving very little resources for fresh public
investment. See Economic Survey 2002-03.
18 For details see the relevant official annual documents for the Union Budget usually
presented by the Finance Minister to the Parliament each year on February 28, 2003.
and export-oriented sectors, including setting up special (Export) Economic
Zones; and (viii) simplification of procedures and efforts for improving the
efficiency of the tax administration system especially through
Resource Generation through Divestment
The governments of India, both at the central and state government levels,
have initiated divestment programs to sell government equity in several
public-sector enterprises. Unfortunately, the sales proceeds have mostly been
used to finance fiscal deficits rather than for fresh public investment, socialsector
spending, or reducing the interest burden on ballooning public debt.
Structural reforms since 1991 have been sector-specific. The sectors
subjected to reform have been carefully selected and the coverage of sectors
under structural reforms has been extended over time. The major structural
economic reforms carried out since 1991 have been primarily in the following
areas: Trade Policy/External Sector; Industrial Policy; Infrastructural Sector
Policies; Divestment/Privatization Policies; the Financial Sector; and in
Policies for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment.20
The thrust of the reforms in all areas has been to open India's markets to
international competition, remove exchange rate controls, encourage private
investment and participation in industry and, in the finance markets, to
liberalise access to foreign capital and to ensure that foreign investment is not
penalized merely for being foreign.21
19 For the latest proposals for tax reforms, see the two (published) reports of the Committee
on Reforms of Direct and Indirect Taxes (Chairman Dr. Vijay L Kelkar), New Delhi :
Government of India, Ministry of Finance, 2003.
20 It may be pointed out that in the vital areas of macro-economic policy including fiscal policy
monetary policy and exchange rate policy, there is an overlap between macroeconomic
stabilization policies and structural reforms. The long-term growth inducing roles of all macroeconomic
policies can be considered under structural reforms. We focus here on sectorspecific
reforms although overlaps exist with agro-economic policies in our discussion. For an
annual overview of structural reforms carried out in India, see Government of India Economic
Survey for the relevant year (latest available being 2002-03).
21 Financial sector reforms were initiated on the basis of two reports by the Narasimham
Committee. Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Report of the Committee on Financial
System (Chairman : Mr. M Narasimham), New Delhi : November 1991; and Report of the
Committee on Banking Sector Reforms (Chairman : Mr. M Narasimham), New Delhi 1996.
Reorientation of Planning
Consistent with the spirit of the market-oriented and private sector-led
economic reforms launched since 1991, the government has reoriented the
role of planning in India. It has been recognized that market forces and the
state should be given roles that play to their comparative advantages and that
they should work together as partners in the economic development of the
nation. While private initiative should be encouraged in most areas of business
activities, the state should increasingly play a pro-active role in areas in which
the private sector is either unwilling to act or is incapable of regulating itself in
the social interest. The areas in which the state has a comparative advantage
over the private sector include poverty alleviation programs; human resource
development; provision of social services such as primary health and primary
education; and similar activities categorized as building human capital and
social infrastructure. The state also has a new role in setting up independent
regulatory authorities to encourage genuine competition and to oversee the
provision of services by the private sector in critical areas such as utilities,
water supply, telecommunications, and stock market operations to avoid the ill
effects of speculation and to maintain a workable balance between the interests
of the producer and the consumers.
Economic liberalization in the organized manufacturing sector (subjected
to rigid labor laws for retrenchment) has led to growth with very little
additional employment. This can create serious social unrest and fertile ground
for terrorist and other anti-social activities that attract unemployed youths in
the absence of gainful employment. Market-based economic reforms also
often lead to increasing disparities between the rich and the poor and between
infrastructurally backward and more developed states. The government has to
intervene and calibrate the contents and speed of market-based economic
reforms to more effectively address the specific areas of 'market failures and
weaknesses' to optimize growth with social justice.
The new role assigned to planning, consistent with market-based economic
liberalization, can perhaps best be illustrated with the goals and the strategies
incorporated in India's Tenth Five-Year Plan (2002-07).22 The Plan has
targeted an annual growth rate of eight percent. Along with this growth target,
the government has laid down targets for human and social development.
Timely corrective actions will be proposed to ensure growth is accompanied
by social justice. The key indicators of human and social development targeted
22 See, Government of India, Tenth Five Year Plan 2002-07 (in three volumes) (New Delhi :
Planning Commission, 2002).
under this Plan include: a reduction of the poverty rate by five percentage
points by 2007; providing gainful employment to at least those who join the
labor force during 2002-07; education for all children in schools by 2003; and
an increase in the literacy rate to 75 percent by March 2007.
The development strategy adopted for the Tenth plan envisages:
redefining the role of Government in the context of the emergence
of a strong and vibrant private sector, the need for provision of
infrastructure and the need for imparting greater flexibility in fiscal
and monetary policies. With a view to emphasizing the importance
of balanced development of all states, the Tenth plan includes a
state-wise break-up of broad developmental targets including targets
for growth rates and social development consistent with national
targets. The Tenth Plan has emphasized the need to ensure equity
and social justice, taking into account the fact that rigidities in the
economy can make the poverty-reducing effects of growth less
effective. The strategy for equity and social justice consists of making
agricultural development a core element of the Plan, ensuring rapid
growth of those sectors which are most likely to create gainful
employment opportunities and supplementing the impact of growth
with special programs aimed at target groups.23
India's heterogeneity and unity in diversity through a stable democratic
system must be appreciated. A country like India, with more than one billion
people, some 16 officially recognized major languages, and vast ethnic and
religious diversities, poses major governance challenges. India has achieved
remarkable success in holding the country together.
India had governed its economy through a policy regime of centralized
planning accompanied by an extensive regulatory framework for more than
forty years before it launched economic reforms in 1991. It has, therefore, not
been easy to change the mindsets of policy makers (especially at the lower
levels of bureaucracy) and of other beneficiaries of the entrenched regime.
Building a political consensus on economic reforms across the various
political parties with their vastly different ideologies has been a very difficult
process. This has been especially true under coalition governments but also
even when a single party has held a majority. Consensus building and reform
23 As summarized in Government of India, Economic Survey 2002-03, pp.41-42.
implementation is complicated further when the central government and the
states are in the hands of different parties (or coalitions).
The rapidly increasing frequency of elections at the central and state levels
during the post-1990 period of economic reforms has led the incumbent
governments and the contesting opposition parties to resort to 'vote-bank'
politics or 'competitive populism'. The vested interests of groups such as trade
unions, producers with licenses and holding monopoly interests, and
bureaucrats with 'rent seeking' capabilities have often scuttled or delayed
further market-based economic reforms. These factors explain well India's
'stalled' reforms in certain areas directly hurting vested interests of selected
lobby groups.24 The growth of regional parties and their assumption of power
in many Indian states has further delayed the percolation of central-level
economic reforms down to the state level.
Weiner has recommended the need for a change in the mindsets of state
policy makers:
The pursuit of market-friendly policies by state governments requires
a change in the mindsets of state politicians, new skills within the
state bureaucracies, and a different kind of politics. More
fundamentally, it requires rethinking on the part of state politicians,
activists in non-governmental organizations, journalists and
politically engaged citizens as to what is the proper role of
government, and how and to what end limited resources should be
Considering the compulsions arising from the above political factors,
Montek S. Ahluwalia explains the rational for adopting the 'gradualist'
approach in implementing of economic reforms and the resultant 'frustratingly
slow' pace of reforms (compared to East Asian standards):
The compulsions of democratic politics in a pluralist society made it
necessary to evolve a sufficient consensus across disparate (and often
very vocal) interests before policy change could be implemented and
this meant that the pace of reforms was often frustratingly slow.
Daniel Yergin (1998) captures the mood of frustration when he
wonders whether the Hindu rate of growth has been replaced by the
Hindu rate of change!26
24 See, 'Introduction' in Jeffrey D. Sachs, Ashutosh Varshney and Nirupam Bajpai, op.cit.
25 Myron Weiner, 'The regionalization of India's Politics and It's Implications for Economic
Reforms' in Ibid., Ch. 8, pp.292-3.
26 Montek S Ahluwalia, 'India's Economic Reforms: An Appraisal', in Ibid., pp.26-27. See also
Daniel Yergin, The Commanding Heights, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998.
Finally, most (if not all) political parties implementing market-based
economic reforms since 1990 have failed to 'market' these reforms to the
masses as being highly beneficial for them. The opposition parties have often
termed these reforms as 'pro-rich' and 'anti-poor'. Ironically, even the
Congress Party, which initiated the economic reforms when in power, has, as
an opposition party, opposed some of them (such as further public-sector
divestments) Varshney has made a valid distinction between 'elite-based'
reforms versus 'mass-based' reforms. Market-based reforms have not drawn
mass appeal nor aroused mass passions. This dichotomy between the concerns
of the urban elite and the mass of the population has clearly defined the limits
to economic reforms in India.27
To increase the effectiveness of the post-1990 economic reforms, they
must be simultaneously extended from central to state governments and below
to the third tier of local governments.
The maladies afflicting the finances of the state governments are similar in
nature to those afflicting the central finances described earlier. According to
the Reserve Bank of India, the Gross Fiscal Deficit of all the states of India
(including the Union Territories) was estimated at 3.3 percent in 1991-92.28
Throughout the 1990s the state governments also experienced a rapid rise in
their revenue expenditures mainly through salaries, pensions, interest payments
and subsidies (including free power to farmers in some states out of political
considerations). This trend has 'severely constrained the states' ability to
undertake development activities' and to devote more funds to provide social
services such as primary education.29 The situation worsened after the states
were forced to follow the center to implement generous pay increases for
government employees recommended by the Fifth Central Pay Commission in
Despite initial resistance in the Communist Party-ruled state of West
Bengal, all state governments (including West Bengal), in their own ways and
suiting their own conditions, implemented economic reforms in the 1990s and
are continuing these reforms broadly in line with the ongoing national
economic reforms. This owes in part to enlightened self-interest combined
27 For further details, see Ashutosh Varshney, 'Mass Politics or Elite Politics?', in Jeffrey D
Sachs, Ashutosh Varshney and Nirupam Bajpai, op.cit., Ch.7.
28 Reserve Bank of India, 'Finances of state Governments : 1992-93', in the Reserve Bank of
IndiaBulletin, March 1993.
29 Government of India, Economic Survey 2002-03, op.cit, p.5.
with a healthy competitive spirit designed to improve their position and
ranking among the states. There is also the states' desire to avail themselves of
larger transfers of development funds from the center, which the central
government linked to economic reforms at the state level. Every state has
recognized the need to attract private investment flows from both domestic
and foreign investors. State governments have therefore progressively
liberalized their policies and procedures on a competitive basis. Several of
them have also explicitly recognized the need to improve human resource
development and have progressively expanded activities to provide a better
quality of life to the population of their states.
Incentives and Conditionalities
The government of India has introduced a scheme called the States' Fiscal
Reforms Facility (2000-05). Under the Facility, the central government set up a
five-year incentive fund 'to encourage states to implement monitorable fiscal
reforms'. Additional amounts by way of 'open market borrowings' are allowed
if the state is faced with a structural adjustment burden. State governments
may draw up a Medium Term Fiscal Reforms Programme (MTFRP) to achieve
specified targeted reductions in their consolidated fiscal deficit, especially the
revenue deficit.
The coverage of the MTFRP has been extended to cover a Debt Swap
Scheme in order to help state governments reduce their growing public debt.
This scheme is designed to help liquidate the burden of high-cost loans taken
from the central government through the allocation of additional market
borrowings at currently prevailing lower interest rates.
The major structural reforms carried out by several state governments
(i) Measures to improve quality of life through improvements in basic
public services such as primary health, primary education, and rural
infrastructural services such as electricity, water, and roads. Madhya Pradesh
has brought out the first state-level Human Resource Development Report. Other
states have followed suit. The Planning Commission has also published a
comprehensive National Human Development Reportassessing human
development nationwide and in the major states.30
(ii) Clustering high-tech industries and services (for example, in software
30 Government of India, National Human Development Report 2001 (New Delhi : Planning
Commission, 2002).
(iii) Setting up Special Economic Zones and Agri-Economic Zones to
promote exports.
(iv) Formulating state-level industrial policies to attract investments.
(v) Power-sector reforms that restructure state Electricity Boards by
separating generation, transmission and distribution activities, encouraging
independent power producers in the private sector to invest in the power
sector, and setting up independent state Electricity Regulatory Authorities.
Despite the slow pace of implementation of the economic reforms and
certain hiccups and delays caused primarily by the compulsions of democratic
politics, the performance of the Indian economy under the reforms carried out
so far shows a mixed picture of notable achievements and weaknesses. The
performance has been impressive on some fronts, satisfactory on several other
fronts, and inadequate in certain respects. India has still to launch deeper (socalled
'second-generation') reforms in various areas to get the best results.
Areas of Impressive Performance
Through reform, India overcame its worst economic crisis in the
remarkably short period of two years. Macro-economic stabilization reforms
(along with structural economic reforms) were launched in June 1991.
Through prudent macro-economic stabilization policies including devolution
of the rupee and other structural economic reforms the balance of payments
crisis was clearly over by the end of March 1994. Foreign exchange reserves
had risen to the more than adequate level of US$15.07 billion and the current
account deficit as a percentage of GDP was nearly eliminated. Export growth
rate at 20.0 percent in 1993-94 over the previous year was quite encouraging.
Macro-economic stability has endured in the ten years of economic
reforms to 2003. Foreign-exchange reserves peaked at US$70 billion at the end
of March 2003 (and touched US$80 billion in June 2003).31 The current
account 'recorded a surplus-equivalent to 0.3 percent of GDP-in 2001-
02'.32 Food stocks with the Food Corporation of India, held to ensure national
food security, peaked at sixty million tons (compared to the required twenty
million tons). It took longer to control inflation but this led to relatively more
enduring results (excluding the impact of externally determined fuel prices).
Since 2002, the country has enjoyed a low interest-rate regime. These
31 The Rupee had started appreciating against US$ after April 2003.
32 Government of India, Economic Survey 2002-03, op.cit., p.3.
performance indicators have helped to provide an 'enabling environment for
the macroeconomic policy stance.'33
India has also increasingly integrated its economy with the global economy.
After half a century of inward-orientation, the share of India's trade as a
proportion of GDP rose from 13.1 percent in 1990 to 20.3 percent in 2000. By
Indian standards this is an impressive performance.
India's economy has also successfully moved into a higher trajectory of
growth and displayed strong dynamism in selected sectors. This encouraging
performance brightens the prospects for stepping up India's growth rate and
improving the competitive edge in the years to come through further
appropriate economic reforms.
The average annual growth rate of 5.8 percent achieved by the Indian
economy during the years of economic reforms since 1992 is encouraging.
Currently, after China, India is among the fastest-growing countries in Asia.
Since the annual rate of population growth has slowed significantly to nearly
1.8 percent during the 1990s, per capita income has been growing at a healthier
real rate of four percent per annum.
India's growing middle class of more than 350 million people, with a
reasonably affluent standard of living, provides a huge market for foreign
corporations, especially since April 2003, when all quantitative restrictions on
imports were lifted.
Along with its fairly good growth rate (which, however, is far below the
potential growth rate of eight percent targeted by India's Tenth Five-Year
Plan), India has been successful in reducing poverty. The poverty ratio (that is,
people below the poverty line as a percentage of the population) as estimated
by the Planning Commission at the national level came down from 36 percent
in 1993-94 to 26.1 percent in 1999-2000. The poverty ratio during this period
declined both in rural areas and in urban areas. There is little doubt that
poverty in India has been reduced during the last decade. The Planning
Commission has set a poverty ratio target of 19.3 percent by the end of the
Tenth Plan period (to March 2007).
An important indicator of gains from economic reforms, reflecting the
attractiveness of India as an investment destination, is shown by the increasing
inflows of both FDI and Foreign Institutional Investment (FII) into India.
Inflows of both FDI and FII into India has increased in the decade to 2002.
On average, according to the Ministry of Finance's Economic Survey, India has
33 Reserve Bank of India, Annual Report 2001-02, Mumbai, Reserve Bank of India, p.1.
been attracting US$2.5 billion to US$3 billion and nearly US$4 billion in 2001-
02 in FDI per annum mostly in various infrastructural sectors such as large
power and telecommunication projects.
India's economy under the reforms has made rapid strides in selected
industrial areas and knowledge- and skill-intensive services. These specific
growth areas have experienced significant restructuring under more
competitive conditions in the marketplace through mergers and acquisitions
and technological and managerial innovations. This has led to the achievement
of recognizable increases in international competitiveness in a number of
sectors including auto components, telecommunications, software,
pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, research and development, and professional
services provided by scientists, technologists, doctors, nurses, teachers,
management professionals and similar professions. The spillover effects of
India's increasing international competitiveness have helped in improving the
rate of growth of export earnings. They have also directly benefited Indian
consumers by making better quality, lower-priced goods available.
Areas of Weakness
The most notable weakness of the reform process has been in fiscal
consolidation. Indian governments at both the central and state levels have
failed miserably to reign in growing revenue deficits and reduce the overall
fiscal deficit. The foundations for a sustainable high growth rate in any
economy lie in maintaining fiscal discipline. This has not been adequately
achieved by Indian policymakers. Excessive use of market borrowing to cover
budget deficits has often put upward pressure on interest rates and pre-empted
('crowded out') borrowings by the private sector. The structure of revenue
expenditure and political obstacles to any reduction of subsidies and
downsizing the government at all levels have been primarily responsible for
the lack of progress on fiscal reforms. The real issue in restructuring
government finances is 'right-sizing' the government by adequately increasing
government expenditure on infrastructure of both the hard and soft varieties,
based upon growing resources.
India's record on social development expenditure has been poor
considering Indian requirements and poor also in relation to many developing
countries, including some of the least developed countries in Sub-Saharan
Africa. The abysmally low ranking of India on the Human Development
Indices computed by the United Nations bears testimony to this assertion.34
Dreze and Sen remarked in 1995 that India's social development indicators in
34 United Nations, Human Development Report, available annually at http://hdr.undp.org.
1991 (when reforms were launched) were lower than in several East and
Southeast Asian countries three decades ago.35
India must bridge this social development gap by significantly increasing its
public expenditure on social services if it wishes to achieve the targeted annual
growth rate of eight percent set by the country's Tenth Plan. As Ahluwalia has
remarked, larger investment in the social sectors is 'necessary not only because
social development is an end in itself, but also as a precondition of accelerating
The massive shift required in the pattern of government expenditure in
India in favor of social sectors and infrastructure can only be carried out
through structural fiscal reforms. The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget
Management (FRBM) Act (2003) provides for complete elimination of the
revenue deficit by 31 March 2008. This Act is, therefore, a step in the right
direction. Despite 'dilution' of the original draft bill, it is important legislation
because it sets the condition that the government can run a fiscal deficit only if
borrowings are made to finance investments which will enhance productive
Another major weakness of the Indian economic reforms is the economy's
experience with 'jobless growth' in the post-1990 period. Rigid labor laws
relating to retrenchments have constricted growth in the organized
manufacturing sector. As a labor surplus country, there already exists a huge
backlog of both 'open' and 'disguised' unemployment. With a growing
population, every year adds to the labor force. Economic reforms have
accelerated growth but failed to generate adequate employment. For example,
the rural unemployment rate, after declining to 5.61 percent in 1993-94, rose
to 7.21 percent in 1999-2000 as did the All-India (urban plus rural) rate of
unemployment. If this disturbing trend is allowed to continue, it will breed
social unrest and add to the ranks of terrorists and other anti-social elements in
the country.
Last but not least, the reforms have led to growing disparities between
richer and poorer states (more and less developed, especially in terms of
infrastructure) within India. Although the all-India average annual growth rate
in the reform era has been on the order of 5.8 percent, this masks wide
35 Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, India: Economic Development and Social Opportunities, (New Delhi :
Oxford University Press, 1995).
36 M S Ahluwalia, op.cit., p.74.
37 C Rangarajan, 'Focus on Revenue Deficit', Business Line (New Delhi), June 10, 2003, p.4
variations in inter-state growth rates, growth of per capita income, and social
Most state governments are not well prepared to meet the challenges
posed by globalization. The farming sector and the innumerable small-scale
industrial units are vulnerable to the impact of global competition. The
government and economic players in the private sector need to work more
closely as partners to evolve strategies to meet the challenges of global
competition more effectively.
The Indian economy has been moving towards closer integration with the
global economy and with the leading regional trading blocs. This can be seen
using three indicators: (i) Trade in goods and services as a proportion of GDP;
(ii) Gross Private Capital (In)flows; and (iii) Gross Foreign Direct Investment
as a proportion of GDP. In all three areas, China has had the most
outstanding performance and is clearly far ahead of India. However, within the
constraints of democratic politics (which have forced India to adopt
incremental and relatively 'softer' economic reforms), and despite being a late
starter in the economic reform process, India can be seen to have done
'reasonably well' in globalizing its economy. The ratio of trade to GDP
increased from 13.1 percent in 1990 to 20.3 percent in 2000. The proportion
of Gross Capital Inflows to GDP during the same period increased from 0.8
percent to 3.0 percent. Gross Foreign Direct Investment as a percentage of
GDP (which was zero in 1990) rose to 0.6 percent in 2000.
India's trading relations with major regional trading blocs in 1990 and 2000
can be seen in Table 2. For the year 2000, APEC countries were India's largest
trading partners, accounting for 47.4 percent of India's global exports and 57.4
percent of global imports. India has, therefore, shown keen interest in joining
this forum. Unfortunately, APEC has currently imposed a moratorium on new
There is naturally a sharp contrast between India and East Asian countries
in their relative rates of export growth due to sharp differences in their export
strategies. The contrast is the sharpest when we compare India and China for
the period 1950-2000. In 1950, both had roughly similar shares in world trade.
China pursued a more aggressive export strategy in 1978 when it created
export-oriented Special Economic Zones in Southern China. By 2000, China
had captured around 4.0 percent of world trade. In contrast, India's share of
world trade had stagnated at around 0.5 percent for the three decades 1960-90
due to its inward-looking policies.38 By 2000, this share had moved up to 0.7
percent. India has formulated and is further strengthening its latest Medium-
Term Export Strategy (MTES) (2002-07), coinciding with the period of the
Tenth Five-Year Plan.
Year Exports to Imports from
1990 2000 2020 1990 2000 2020
Actual/Projected A P p A P P
India's Global Exports
and Imports (US $
18.2 37.1 63.6 23.3 41.3 61.2
1. APEC-21 52.06 47.4 43.44 40.98 58.68 57.41
2. ASEAN-10 4.99 6.87 7.38 6.92 9.41 13.1
3. BIMSTEC-4 2.91 4.65 5.45 1.55 1.28 1.45
4. BISTEC-3 2.9 4.51 5.3 1.55 0.8 0.98
5. EU-15 27.6 24.76 25.14 36.62 25.72 23.79
6. GCC-6 5.21 7.17 7.71 8.7 21.05 32.57
7. IOR-ARC-18 13.55 19.26 22.22 13.4 20.93 30.76
8. NAFTA-3 17.13 19.65 16.08 11.2 10.14 11.01
9. SAARC-7 2.65 4.12 4.52 1.78 0.47 0.68
Note : A-Actual and P-Projected
APEC - 21: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
ASEAN-10: Association of South East Nations
BIMSTEC-4: Bangladesh-India-Myanmar-Sri Lanka-Thailand Economic
BISTEC-3:Bangladesh-India-Sri Lanka-Thailand Economic Cooperation
EU-15: European Union
GCC-6: Gulf Cooperation Council
IOR-ARC-19: Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation
NAFTA-3: North America Free Trade Area
SAARC-7: South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation
Source : Charan D. Wadhva, "India's External Sector" Chapter - 12 in the
Report of Research Project on India-2025: A Study of the Social, Economic and Political
Stability, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, May, 2003.
38 As per World Bank's annual World Development Report, various issues and other sources.
The MTES for 2002-07 envisages the achievement of India's target of one
percent of global trade by 2007 and provides sector-wide targets for niche
products and targets for selected niche markets.39 The active participation of
state governments is being sought in establishing and strengthening Special
Economic Zones (SEZ) modeled on Chinese SEZs and setting up Agri-
Economic Zones to provide a strong push to raise the country's export growth
rate. The development of world-class infrastructure in the SEZs will take more
time. A new labor policy regime allowing freedom for entrepreneurs in the
SEZs to 'hire and fire' labor according to the needs of the market (as
permitted in the highly successful Chinese SEZs) will have to be put in place
to maximize gains from India's SEZs. As of May 2003, eight SEZs had been
approved and have became operational. More such SEZs will be set up in
India in the future.
India is trying its best to liberalize and to transform itself into a global
player of consequence in the world economy by 2020. It has been ranked by
the World Bank as the world's fourth-largest nation in terms of the size of
GNP measures in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 2001. Ahead of
India in 2001 on this front were only Japan, the US, and China. The World
Bank has projected that by the year 2020, China will take the top spot,
followed by India.
India's economy clearly is on the move and most certainly has the potential
to emerge as a global economic power within next twenty to twenty-five years.
However, this potential can be made a reality only if India mobilizes adequate
political will and quickly commits itself to design and fully implement the next
phase deeper 'second-generation reforms'.
The concept of 'second-generation' reforms has been in the making for
some years. However, these are yet to take concrete shape. Considering that
India currently has no social security system in place for nearly 90 percent of
its labor force employed in the unorganized sectors, India needs to evolve a
well-calibrated approach to its future economic reforms. This would also be
necessary to meet the challenges posed by the further intensification of the
process of globalization. However, clear prioritization of future economic
reforms in India will have to be laid down during implementation of the most
critically needed 'second-generation reforms'.
39 Government of India, Export Import Policy 2002-07, New Delhi : Ministry of Commerce
The following are ten recommended areas of special focus in the second
generation of economic reforms:
1. Political Reforms for Good Governance;
2. Re-engineering the Role of the government;
3. Administrative and Legal Reforms;
4. Strategic Management of the Economy with a focus on knowledgebased
HRD Activities;
5. Fiscal Prudence;
6. Agricultural Sector Reforms;
7. Industrial Restructuring;
8. Labor Sector Reforms;
9. Foreign Trade and Outward Investment Policies;
10. Financial Sector Reforms.
Political Reforms for Good Governance
Political reforms are urgently required in concert with economic reforms.40
Both are essential to ensure good governance. A paradigm shift is required in
the prevailing system of governance. Serving the people and putting their
interests above the interests of the ruling elite must be the prime motivating
force driving the reformed system of governance. Good governance can be
ensured through the provision of an adequate quantity of public services and
by improving their quality. Indian politicians need to become fully aware of the
costs and benefits of economic reforms. Ruling politicians with limited terms
in office are often guided by narrow and short-term motivations while
formulating policies in the national interest. The Indian public at large also
needs to be thoroughly educated on the inevitable need to bear short-term
pain in order to reap the somewhat uncertain longer-term gains from
economic reforms.
Economic reforms in the future must be more people-centered. They must
be given a human face so as to continuously enhance the social
empowerments of the poorer and most vulnerable sections of the society.
They must be gender-sensitive to improve the status of women and girls. The
burden of adjustment to structural reforms must be more heavily borne by the
richer sections of the society. Appropriate electoral reforms, including state
40 For a discussion of the required political reforms in India, see Subhash C. Kashyap, Political
Reforms for Good Governance: A Policy Brief (New Delhi: Shipra Publications, 2003).
funding of elections, will help to reduce the lobbying power of the entrenched
vested interests.
Re-Engineering the Role of the Government
Reforms must be aimed at 'right-sizing' (often involving downsizing) the
government. Governments must specialize in performing roles that they can
perform better than free-market private enterprise. The government must
expand its role in areas such as the provision of public goods, especially
primary health, primary education and the creation of social infrastructures.
The role of the Planning Commission must be changed to that of a strategic
think tank. The mindset of the politicians and the administrators needs to be
changed to accept the re-engineered role of government in the context of
market-oriented economic reforms. The intensification of economic reforms
at the state level needs to be given a higher priority in the future since most
social services and infrastructural activities are primarily the responsibility of
the state governments.
Administrative and Legal Reforms
No matter how good the design and intent of economic reforms, their
success ultimately depends on efficient and speedy implementation through
sensitive and responsive administrative and legal systems. Transparency and
accountability must be guiding principles for the formulation and
implementation of policies and procedures. Improved administrative systems
should be devised to ensure that merit subsidies directly benefit the targeted
(generally the underprivileged) sections of society. Legal support services
should be made available with more public funding and must be strengthened
to provide justice to genuinely aggrieved sections of society more quickly and
affordably.41 Second-generation economic reforms also must focus on
changing the mindset of administrators (especially at the grass-roots level) and
of the judiciary (especially at the lower level) to support administrative and
legal reforms that synergize with economic reforms for maximizing social
Strategic Management of the Economy
Macroeconomic management must be dovetailed with a well-formulated
strategic national vision for the economy for the year 2020 (and beyond).
Clarity, transparency and accountability (through identifiable responsibility
centers) with properly designed incentive (and disincentive) systems should be
the guiding principles governing strategic management of the economy. An
41 See Subhash C Kashyap (ed.), The Citizen and Judicial Reforms under Indian Polity (New Delhi :
Universal Law Publishing Company, 2002).
appropriate code of conduct should be evolved and observed by economic
actors under a new managerial system of governance. The strategic
management of the Indian economy in the twenty-first century must focus on
human resource development to promote knowledge-based and skill-intensive
economic activities in line with India's dynamic competitive advantage.
Fiscal Prudence
The fiscal deficit (especially the revenue deficit) needs to be quickly
reduced. India must sincerely implement the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget
Management Act . Simultaneous action is required at both central and state
levels to raise the tax-to-GDP ratio by expanding the tax base (for example, by
taxing services and rich agriculturists) and improving tax administration (for
example, through computerization). The revenue deficit must be brought to
zero within five years.
Agricultural Sector Reforms
While some agricultural reforms have already been carried out, these are
highly inadequate. Primacy must be given to the agriculture sector in all future
reforms since many more jobs can be created in the agricultural sector, broadly
defined, including activities related to rural industrialization and overall rural
development. Both on-farm and off-farm employment potential must be fully
exploited. This will raise incomes of farmers and rural labor on a sustainable
basis and provide a much-needed boost to demand for industrial products and
services, thus spurring all-around economic growth.
There is an urgent need to raise public investment in agriculture
substantially. Areas needing investment include: irrigation; watershed
development; rural infrastructure; drinking water; housing and sanitation. This
will help raise the productivity of Indian agriculture to international levels and
help in promoting rural (and interlinked urban) prosperity in India.
Second-generation reforms must reduce the perennial anti-agricultural bias
by permitting free® exports of all primary products. This will provide a major
boost to India's exports consistent with the rules set by the World Trade
Organization. Simultaneously, India must improve its marketing infrastructure.
Agricultural reform will unleash high growth rates in agriculture, on which
nearly sixty percent of India's population is still dependent for employment.
Agricultural prosperity will help to markedly reduce endemic rural poverty.
Industrial Restructuring
Industrial reforms must be geared to explicitly improve the productivity
and international competitiveness of Indian industry by focusing on niche
products and niche markets. Economic policy in this respect must facilitate
mergers and acquisitions and the winding up of terminally ill enterprises in
both the public and private sectors by restructuring bankruptcy laws. Massive
restructuring is required of Public Sector Units. Most non-performing public
sector units should be quickly sold through a privatization process that also
safeguards the interests of workers through fair compensation for loss of jobs.
Public sector enterprises should be governed by a commercial culture in which
government holdings are no more than 26 percent of equity and are retained
only to preserve strategic control. It is of the utmost importance that microlevel
reforms must supplement macro-level reforms in the future to achieve
synergy. The private sector in India needs to become more international in its
outlook to become more competitive and to increase its overseas presence
through outward FDI.
Labor Reforms
A properly formulated labor policy must form the core of secondgeneration
reforms. This will require viable alternative social safety nets and
effective retraining and re-employment opportunities. Once satisfactory safety
nets are in place, more intensive competition should be injected into the labor
market by allowing 'hire and fire' policies unambiguously linked to the
productivity and profitability of micro-enterprises. The government should
start by exempting units in the newly created Special Economic Zones from
the rigors of labor laws. These measures would be of great help in redressing
inefficiency of workers in public enterprises and public services (such as health
care in rural areas).
Foreign Trade and Outward Investment Policies
No economic reforms can succeed in India without ensuring adequate
growth of exports of goods and services to ensure longer-term viability of its
balance of payments. While anti-dumping measures need to be strengthened to
protect Indian industry from unfair import competition, the longer-term
reforms must continue to lower import duties to levels comparable to those in
leading Southeast Asian countries. Simultaneously, measures should be taken
by the government to replace quantitative restrictions (wherever they still
remain in place) through appropriately determined tariffs.
The second generation of economic reforms must facilitate the growth of
India's own Multi-National Corporations (MNCs). The government must
further liberalize outward foreign investment to allow potentially competitive
Indian MNCs to establish production bases abroad and trade internationally.
Finally, industry and government must make cooperative efforts to prepare
Indian industry to meet the new and ever-emerging challenges posed by the
new world trade order and the new world investment order being evolved
under the World Trade Organization.
Financial Sector Reforms
India must heed the lessons of the East Asian economic crisis and
recovery, and attached the utmost urgency the next phase of financial-sector
reforms. The high level of Non-Performing Assets plaguing long-term
Development Financing Institutions and commercial banks must be
dramatically reduced.
To summarize, greater competition in the financial sector with an
appropriate exit policy to reduce overstaffing together, along with sound
macro-economic policies, will help to lower the real rate of interest and spur
investment and efficiency, thereby raising growth rates and benefiting
consumers. Coupled with the current regime of falling interest rates, greater
competition in the financial sector in general and among the commercial banks
in particular will help to increase the rate of investment in the economy.
Simultaneously, foreign insurance and pension funds should be allowed to
operate with fewer restrictions to make more resources available to finance the
modernizing of India's infrastructure. Further policy and procedural reforms
(especially in the power sector) will help to attract substantially higher
investment in India's infrastructural sectors.
Finally, credible policy measures that protect investors, especially
individual investors with small savings must be adopted. These measures, if
effectively implemented, will help to revive growth in India's capital and stock
markets. It must be remembered at all times that the be-all and end-all of all
economic activities is the consumer. Future economic reforms must aim to
directly benefit Indian consumers through cost reductions, enhanced quality of
goods and services, and by expanding customer choice through competition.
Within the constraints of democratic politics and the relatively 'soft' nature
of the economic reforms implemented since 1991, the Indian economy has
reaped several welcome rewards from its reforms. These have strengthened
the conviction that the broad direction of the reforms is right and, in that
sense, made the reform process irreversible. However, India needs to launch a
'second generation' of economic reforms, with a more human face, if it is to
reap their full potential. Politicians and administrators need to display greater
pragmatism while designing and implementing future economic reforms. The
reforms must be based on the long-term vision of transforming India into a
global economic power in the next twenty to twenty-five years.
It will be of the utmost importance that all sections of society are educated
as to the long-term benefits of reform in order to mobilize public support.
These reforms, therefore, will have to be drastically redesigned and politically
'marketed'. Future economic reforms must be seen and experienced as not
only good economics but also good politics.
Two paradigm shifts in the reforms, backed up by the effective fulfillment
of the promises made, will help to garner the support of the Indian people.
First, these reforms must aim to raise the productivity of Indian labor and
improve the work culture and, over time, provide significant rewards to the
people of India by spurring growth, providing a higher level of real wages, and
generating wider avenues for employment and re-employment. Growth with
employment is the most effective strategy for eliminating poverty and
improving the quality of life of the people.
Second, the reforms must aim to directly benefit Indian consumers. Over a
reasonable time span, the reforms must reduce prices of goods and services
(including public goods), improve their quality, and allow much more freedom
of choice by maximizing the benefits of healthy competition. This will further
expand the size of the market-both domestic and international-and provide
incentives to entrepreneurs to raise their investment, output, and employment.
A combination of more productive labor and pro-consumer economic reforms
will be a win-win, proving to be both good economics and good politics.
Visionary political statesmanship will be required for this. It should not be
slogan-oriented but more result-oriented since it will likely be perceived and
experienced as 'pro-people'.
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