Un assiette = a plate (like, a dinner plate)
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Une assiette usually means a plate or a dish for serving food.
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'une assiette' (fem.) is a plate. 'un légume' (masc.) is a vegetable; 'une assiette de légumes' is a plateful or a serving of vegetables.
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An assiette is a plate of food, a small plate containing the same food item prepared in different ways.
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The cast of Les pique-assiette - 1960 includes: Jean Combal Darry Cowl as Edouard Pierre Dac as Le restaurateur Gilberte Diane Rolande Kalis as Barbara Marc Monta
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bread is translated 'le pain', sauce is spelled the same in French. Using bread to wipe your plate clean of the sauce is called 'saucer son assiette'
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"Quels sont les fruits que vous aimez ? Quels fruits aimez-vous ?"
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I think it could be called an ashet. In the OED this is described as a northern dialect word for a serving dish or platter. I'm fairly confident the Scots use the same word.
It may well be a corruption of the French-- assiette-- a plate.
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ashet - plate - from assiette
tassie - cup- from tasse
gigot - a cut of lamb -from gigot
gushet - an opening - from guichet (hatch)
caddie (golf) - from cadet - a young boy
stank -drain - from etang (a pool)
gardez loo!!! - watch out for the (toilet) water as it was thrown from houses- from regardez-l'eau!
and many more words - which i may add later
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Jean Ferniot has written:
'Complainte contre X'
'Le chien-loup'
'Je recommencerais bien' -- subject(s): Biography, French Novelists, Journalists
'Paris dans mon assiette' -- subject(s): Directories, Restaurants
'Miracle au village'
'Soleil orange'
'Saint Judas'
'Derriere la fenetre'
'L' enfant du miracle'
'Noces de nuit'
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to look at = regarder
she looks at you = elle te regarde
to look for = chercher
looking for trouble? = tu me cherches ?
I'm looking for a plate = je cherche une assiette
to look = avoir l'air, avoir de l'allure
she looks good / she looks better = elle a l'air bien, elle est belle / elle a l'air mieux
she has great looks = elle a de l'allure / elle a belle allure
4 answers
Rolande Kalis has: Performed in "Ce soir les jupons volent" in 1956. Played Marianne in "Sylviane de mes nuits" in 1957. Played Barbara in "Les pique-assiette" in 1960. Played La princesse in "Les bricoleurs" in 1963. Played Sophie in "Jaloux comme un tigre" in 1964. Played Wanda in "Ces messieurs de la famille" in 1968. Played Maud Belmont in "Ne coupez pas mes arbres" in 1995. Played La voisine snob in "La surprise" in 2000.
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Laurent Cotillard has: Played Medecin Samu in "Le grand patron" in 2000. Played Le groom in "La beuze" in 2003. Played Le rabbin en trottinette in "Les 11 commandements" in 2004. Played Le pique-assiette in "Les parrains" in 2005. Played Employe de bureau in "Sauf le respect que je vous dois" in 2005. Played Doc in "Un train de retard" in 2007. Played Docteur Dubois in "Nicolas Le Floch" in 2008. Played Pascal in "Mauvaise fille" in 2012.
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The cast of La rue sans loi - 1950 includes: Cadex Luc Andrieux as Le cambrioleur Georgette Anys Sylvain as Le professeur Bill Bocket Pierre Clarel as Le mendiant Jean Cordier Max Dalban as Fifille Paul Demange as Anatole Hubert Deschamps as Le monsieur qui vend son assiette Suzanne Gabriello Fernand Gilbert as Le capitaine Nathalie Nattier as Emma Claude Nicot as Barbet Annette Poivre as Comtesse de La Trille Jackie Sardou as La nourrice
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Jean Combal has: Played Hotel Managing Director in "Montecarlo" in 1956. Performed in "Et par ici la sortie" in 1957. Performed in "Mort en fraude" in 1957. Performed in "Pas de grisbi pour Ricardo" in 1957. Performed in "Toi... le venin" in 1958. Performed in "Quand sonnera midi" in 1958. Performed in "Classe tous risques" in 1960. Performed in "The Hands of Orlac" in 1960. Performed in "Prisonniers de la brousse" in 1960. Performed in "Les pique-assiette" in 1960. Performed in "Rencontres" in 1962. Performed in "Die Tintenfische" in 1966. Performed in "Johnny Banco" in 1967.
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Simon Gleeson has: Played Sid in "EastEnders" in 1985. Played Max Crawford in "Neighbours" in 1985. Played Jamie Mitchell in "Blue Heelers" in 1994. Played Constable Storey in "SeaChange" in 1998. Played Angry Man in "Book Em" in 2004. Played Assiette Chef in "Love My Way" in 2004. Played Toby Rowcastle in "City Homicide" in 2007. Played Applicant in "Kombat Opera Presents" in 2007. Played Darryl Gay in "Kombat Opera Presents" in 2007. Performed in "Sunshower" in 2008. Played Uniformed Constable in "Underbelly" in 2008. Played Ken in "My Life in Ruins" in 2009. Played Road Block Policeman in "Rake" in 2010.
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The cast of Les parrains - 2005 includes: Denise Besnier as La vieille visiteuse Claude Brasseur as Max Olivier Cordina as Laurent le guide Laurent Cotillard as Le pique-assiette Guillaume de Tonquedec as Le ministre Gatignol Kudzo Do Tobias as Le policier consignes Anna Galiena as Laura Jan Hammenecker as Le client Oostende Yves Jouffroy as Le client Bentley Florence Muller as Christiane Claire Pataut as La femme client Bentley Thierry Pietra as Le vendeur Bentley Pierre Poirot as Maraval Firmine Richard as Claudia Patrick Ronchin as Le convoyeur Antoine Valli as Un libraire Jacques Villeret as Lucien Pierre Zaoui as Le moustachu
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Mosaic art has been around for thousands of years, with origins traced back to ancient Mesopotamia. However, the Greeks are renowned for popularizing the art form, using small pieces of colored glass, tiles, or stones to create intricate designs. It is challenging to attribute the invention of mosaic art to a single individual due to its ancient origins and widespread use across various cultures.
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Notre rapport aux animaux est en pleine mutation. De plus en plus de personnes prennent conscience des souffrances cachées derrière leur assiette et leurs habitudes de consommation. Mais si demain, le véganisme n’était plus une simple tendance, mais une évidence ?
Sur un-monde-a-partager, ma chaîne YouTube, j’utilise l’animation pour dénoncer l’exploitation animale et encourager une réflexion profonde sur notre place dans le monde. Avec des vidéos percutantes, des mises en situation inversées et des concepts visuels marquants, je cherche à toucher autant les véganes convaincus que celles et ceux qui n’ont jamais remis en question leur mode de vie.
Mon but ? Sensibiliser sans culpabiliser, ouvrir des portes à la réflexion et semer des graines de compassion. Parce qu’au fond, si nous valorisons la justice et l’éthique, le futur ne peut être qu’un monde où les animaux ne sont plus exploités.
Rejoignez-moi pour imaginer ensemble un avenir plus juste, où chaque être vivant compte. 🌍🐾💚
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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev has written:
'Primer Amor'
'El Primer Amor'
'Old Portraits'
'Short stories'
'Dream Tales and Prose Poems' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Translations into English, Fiction
'Pervaia liubov. Povesti'
'The Brigadier, on the Eve'
'Poems in prose' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Fiction
'A house of gentlefolk; a novel' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Fiction
'Three Sketches from a Hunter's Album (Classic, 60s)'
'Liza \\'
'La Petite Caille'
'Ka-asher ani le-vadi'
'The Brigadier'
'A Lear of the Steppes and Other Stories'
'First Love (Classics)' -- subject(s): Fiction, Social conditions, Aristocracy (Social class)
'Iz Parizhskogo arkhiva I. S. Turgeneva'
'Dimitri Roudine' -- subject(s): OverDrive, Classic Literature, Fiction
'The portrait game'
'The Unfortunate One'
'Letters in Two Volumes'
'A nobleman's nest. On the eve'
'First Love and a Fi'
'Gamlet shchigrovskogo uezda'
'Yakoff Pasynkoff'
'Povesti' -- subject(s): Russian language, Chrestomathies and readers
'Relatos de Un Cazador'
'Mesyats v derevne ='
'Letters to an actress' -- subject(s): Correspondence
'Le pique-assiette'
'The Country Doctor'
'Terres vierges' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Mumu and Kassyan of Fair Springs'
'Tavaszi vizek'
'Turgenev's 'Spring torrents'' -- subject(s): Fiction
'Premier amour'
'A Sportsman\\\'s Sketches, Volume 2'
'En Visperas'
'Ivan Turgenev's comedy 'A month inthe country''
'Spring freshets'
'Zapiski okhotnika' -- subject(s): Fiction, Russia in fiction, Social life and customs, Country life, Country life in fiction, Peasantry in fiction, Peasantry, Social conditions, Peasants, Peasants in fiction, Russian language, Readers, Translations into English, Russian Short stories
'Gedichte in Prosa'
'Ottsy i deti' -- subject(s): Fiction, Social life and customs, Fathers and sons, Social conditions, Nihilism (Philosophy), Correspondence, Russian language, Texts, Esperanto, Readers, Translations into English, English, Textbooks for foreign speakers, Large type books
'Erste Liebe'
'Three short stories'
'Sobranie sochinenii'
'I. S. Turgenev'
'Pervaya liubov'
'Veshniye vody'
'Mumu' -- subject(s): Russian language, Readers
'The district doctor and other stories of Turgenev'
'Hamlet y Don Quijote'
'The Dream'
'A desparate character'
'Ein Adelsnest'
'A nobleman's nest'
'Short stories' -- subject(s): Translations into English, Fiction, Social life and customs
'Fathers and children, [and] Rudin'
'Smoke; or, Life at Baden'
'The Vintage Turgenev' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Translations into English, Fiction
'Dvoryanskoe gnezdo. Povesti'
'Pervoe sobranie pisem I.S. Turgeneva'
'Chu lian'
'Phantoms and other stories' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Patroj kaj filoj' -- subject(s): Texts, Esperanto
'Rudin' -- subject(s): Translations into English, Russian language, Translations from Russian, Readers, Russian fiction, English fiction, OverDrive, Classic Literature, Fiction
'Pervaia liubov' -- subject(s): Fiction, Social conditions, Aristocracy (Social class)
'Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories'
'Khamletu i Donu Kikhotu'
'Memoirs d'un seigneur russe'
'Rudin (Russian Texts)'
'Mesyats v derevne' -- subject(s): Russian language, Readers
'Home of the Gentry, 1859 (In Russian Language) / Dvoryanskoe slot. Rudin. Dvorianskoe gnezdo. Romany'
'Ot|t|sy i deti'
'A nest of gentlefolk'
'Punin And Baburin'
'First love, and other tales' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Translations into English, Fiction
'Chien et chat et caetera'
'The bachelor'
'Letters' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Russian Authors
'Spring freshets and other stories'
'Y tadau a'r plant'
'The plays of Ivan S. Turgenev' -- subject(s): Translations into English
'Polnoe sobrane sochinen I.S. Turgeneva v 12 tomakh'
'A sportsman's notebook' -- subject(s): Fiction, Social life and customs, Country life, Social conditions, Peasants, Peasantry
'Novels' -- subject(s): Translations into English
'Rudin : a romance, a King Lear of the steppes'
'Youth and age: three short novels' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Translations into English, Fiction
'Smoke - (1867)'
'Primer Amor, El'
'Home of the gentry' -- subject(s): Fiction, Gentry
'Phantoms..' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Translations into English, Fiction
'Stikhotvoreniia v prozie' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'The Jew, etc'
'The mysterious tales of Ivan Turgenev' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Translations into English, Fantasy fiction, Russian, Fiction, Russian Fantasy fiction
'Spring Freshets, and Other Stories: Smoke'
'Padres E Hijos'
'Paginas Autobiograficas'
'Punin i Baburin'
'Zapiski okhotnika. Rasskazy'
'First Love'
'Three novellas about love' -- subject(s): Translations into English, Russia in fiction, Social life and customs, Russian Love stories, Fiction
'The Jew, etc.'
'Ejecucion de Troppman, La'
'Briefe' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Russian Authors
'Clara Militch'
'Izbrannye literaturno-kriticheskie stati, rechi, vospominaniia (1843-1881)'
'Romans et Nouvelles Complets Vol. 3'
'Pervaya lyubov''
'Izbrannye priozvedeniia'
'Love and death'
'Notes of a Hunter (Original Russian)'
'Russian life in the interior or The experiences of a sportsman [tr. from the Fr.] by J.D. Meiklejohn'
'Le pique-assiette'
'Mesiats v derevne'
'Humo / Smoke'
'\\' -- subject(s): Biography, Russian Authors, Russian Novelists, Sources
'A nest of gentry'
'A Sportsman\\\'s Sketches, Volume 1'
'Mumu i drugie rasskazy'
'Turgenev Tales and Poems in Prose'
'The torrents of spring, etc.' -- subject(s): Russia in fiction, Social life and customs, Translations into English, Fiction
'Dream Tales'
'Turgenev i teatr' -- subject(s): Theater
'Father Alexyei's Story'
'Stat'i i vospominaniya'
'Gekifbene shriften'
'A Strange Story'
'Asya' -- subject(s): Russian language, Readers
'Vater Und Sohne'
'A desperate character, etc'
'The best known works of Ivan Turgenev'
1 answer
Darry Cowl has: Played himself in "Trente-Six Chandelles" in 1952. Played Hubert Dumont in "En effeuillant la marguerite" in 1956. Played Gaston in "Ce joli monde" in 1957. Played Antoine Peyralout in "Le triporteur" in 1957. Played Lardenois, the witness in "Assassins et voleurs" in 1957. Played Louis Stainval in "Le temps des oeufs durs" in 1958. Played Fernand Mouchette in "Les affreux" in 1959. Played Martin in "Bouche cousue" in 1960. Played Antoine Peyralout in "Robinson et le triporteur" in 1960. Played Edouard in "Les pique-assiette" in 1960. Played Gimenez in "Les amours de Paris" in 1961. Played Riri et JoJo in "Les fortiches" in 1961. Played Charles Renard in "Les moutons de Panurge" in 1961. Played Hubert Parker (segment "Ella") in "Les Parisiennes" in 1962. Played Le journaliste in "Les petits matins" in 1962. Played Paul in "Strip-tease" in 1963. Played Simon Taquet (segment "Une nuit avec une vedette") in "Les veinards" in 1963. Performed in "Les saintes-nitouches" in 1963. Played Edouard in "Les gorilles" in 1964. Played Ludovic Gabasse in "Les gros bras" in 1964. Played Gratiopoulos in "Des pissenlits par la racine" in 1964. Played Jackson in "I magnifici brutos del West" in 1964. Played Henri in "Jaloux comme un tigre" in 1964. Played Le polytechnicien in "La bonne occase" in 1965. Played Marquy in "La bourse et la vie" in 1966. Played Cassius 0001 in "Les malabars sont au parfum" in 1966. Played Barratier in "Le grand bidule" in 1967. Played Albert Pelletier in "Ces messieurs de la famille" in 1968. Played Perrugo in "Le bourgeois gentil mec" in 1969. Played himself in "Samedi soir" in 1971. Played Le commissaire Adrien Bondu in "Elle cause plus, elle flingue" in 1972. Played himself in "Les rendez-vous du dimanche" in 1974. Played Howard Bachs in "Un oursin dans la poche" in 1977. Performed in "Chouette, chat, chien... show" in 1980. Played Le prof de maths in "Le bahut va craquer" in 1981. Played Le cafetier in "Suivez mon regard" in 1986. Played Daniel D. in "Les saisons du plaisir" in 1988. Played Le standardiste du groom service in "Palace" in 1988. Played Colin in "Deux hommes dans une valise" in 1989. Played Titou in "Le gorille" in 1990. Played himself in "Double jeu" in 1991. Played Le patient in "Droit dans le mur" in 1997. Played himself in "Tout le monde en parle" in 1998. Played himself in "Vivement dimanche" in 1998. Played Georges Morin in "La surprise" in 2000. Played Jeff in "Le nouveau Jean-Claude" in 2002. Played Sylvestre in "Rien ne va plus" in 2003. Played Madame Foin in "Pas sur la bouche" in 2003. Played himself in "Le grand plongeoir" in 2003. Played Falco in "Les marins perdus" in 2003. Played Le Viell Homme in "Les Dalton" in 2004.
1 answer
Croissants, Pain au Chocolat, Hot Chocolate (always drunk for breakfast in France)
Meal Starters:
Chopped Baguette, Salade and Potatoes.
These are only simple, but here are some proper French recipes for better ones:
Apricot Chambord Brie Recipe
3 answers
Hubert Deschamps has: Performed in "Quai de Grenelle" in 1950. Played Le monsieur qui vend son assiette in "La rue sans loi" in 1950. Played Le fonctionnaire in "Atoll K" in 1951. Performed in "Le dictionnaire des pin-up girls" in 1951. Performed in "Bertrand coeur de lion" in 1951. Played Le maire in "Fernand cow-boy" in 1956. Performed in "Le tour de France par deux enfants" in 1957. Played Un espion in "Les espions" in 1957. Played Jobelin in "Le plus heureux des trois" in 1957. Played Le banquier in "Comme un cheveu sur la soupe" in 1957. Played Le voyageur Allemand in "Le Sicilien" in 1958. Played Pomaret in "Les affreux" in 1959. Played Le souffleur in "Bobosse" in 1959. Played Le brigadier Plochut in "Les motards" in 1959. Played Le vendeur de voitures in "La marraine de Charley" in 1959. Played Carconi in "La corde raide" in 1960. Played Rabiniot in "Pantalaskas" in 1960. Performed in "La peau et les os" in 1961. Performed in "Quand on est deux" in 1962. Played Hubert in "Janine" in 1962. Played Doublard-Despaumes in "La lettre dans un taxi" in 1962. Performed in "Le cheval de bataille" in 1963. Played M. Slocum in "Tout ceux qui tombent" in 1963. Played Dr. Mermet in "Les bonnes causes" in 1963. Played himself in "Les Raisins verts" in 1963. Played Le sacristain in "Le petit Claus et le grand Claus" in 1964. Played Adrien in "Patate" in 1964. Played Montluc in "Rocambole" in 1964. Played Rouquerolles in "Rocambole" in 1964. Played Le douanier in "Les Barbouzes" in 1964. Played Le patron in "La corde au cou" in 1964. Played himself in "Ni figue ni raisin" in 1964. Played Un client de Marie-Paule in "La bonne soupe" in 1964. Played Tupman in "Les aventures de Monsieur Pickwick" in 1964. Played Le juge Hardouin (segment "Bons vivants, Les") in "Les bons vivants" in 1965. Played Capitaine Bordure in "Ubu roi" in 1965. Played Le directeur du journal in "Moi et les hommes de 40 ans" in 1965. Played Professeur Vivier in "Genousie" in 1965. Played Bourrelier in "Le dimanche de la vie" in 1967. Played Meurongny in "Jean de la Tour Miracle" in 1967. Played M. Darzac in "Saturnin Belloir" in 1967. Played Le prof de cambriole in "Les compagnons de Baal" in 1968. Played De Bragmardo in "Les cent livres des hommes" in 1969. Played Theilhard in "Les six jours" in 1970. Played Le chapelier in "Alice au pays des merveilles" in 1970. Played Korzoukhine in "La fuite" in 1971. Performed in "Les nouvelles aventures de Vidocq" in 1971. Played Le Beau in "Comme il vous plaira" in 1972. Played Le vendeur in "Le magnifique" in 1973. Played Detreuil in "Le trio infernal" in 1974. Played Paul in "Amigo" in 1975. Played Delaville in "La soupe froide" in 1975. Played Hubert in "Monsieur Jadis" in 1975. Played Taffarel in "Chobizenesse" in 1975. Performed in "Brigade des mineurs" in 1977. Performed in "Solveig et le violon turc" in 1977. Played Zimmer in "Les folies Offenbach" in 1977. Played Fernand in "Histoires de voyous: La saison des voleurs" in 1978. Played Charmille in "Tendre poulet" in 1978. Played Rachafort in "Rue du Pied de Grue" in 1979. Played Le veilleur de nuit in "Pierrot mon ami" in 1979. Played Le docteur Honorat in "Mont-Oriol" in 1980. Played Beiner in "La vie des autres" in 1980. Played Suder in "Les visiteurs" in 1980. Played M. Bouton in "La grossesse de Madame Bracht" in 1980. Played Marcel Watrin - un inspecteur proche de la retraite in "Inspecteur la Bavure" in 1980. Played Mildred in "Le mythomane" in 1981. Played Piedagnel in "Histoire contemporaine" in 1981. Performed in "Prends 10000 balles et casse-toi" in 1981. Played Tonton in "Salut champion" in 1981. Played Camille in "Les grands ducs" in 1982. Played Hippolyte in "Le sage de Sauvenat" in 1982. Played Boxear in "Un bon petit diable" in 1983. Played M. Pallunder in "Une villa aux environs de New York" in 1983. Played Le prisonnier in "Tranches de vie" in 1985. Played Gaston Leblanc in "Vive le fric" in 1985. Played Max in "Maguy" in 1985. Played Lucien in "Les Michaud" in 1987. Performed in "En silence" in 1987. Played Uncle Gadin in "Association de malfaiteurs" in 1987. Played Goebling in "V comme vengeance" in 1989. Played Le docteur Grignon in "David Lansky" in 1989. Performed in "Mona et moi" in 1989. Played Louis-Philippe Ponceau in "Ferbac" in 1991. Played Edmond in "Maigret" in 1991. Performed in "Les pieds sous la table" in 1994. Performed in "Les mille et une nuits" in 1998.
1 answer
Michel Albert has: Performed in "Le choix" in 1991. Performed in "Lance et compte: Envers et contre tous" in 1991. Played Luc Labrecque in "Windigo" in 1994. Played Le docteur in "3 x rien" in 2003. Played Desk sergeant in "Il duce canadese" in 2004. Played Urgentologue in "Au nom de la loi" in 2005. Played Docteur Sarah in "C.A." in 2006. Played Docteur in "C.A." in 2006. Played Dr. Baillargeon in "C.A." in 2006.
2 answers
Pierre Alcover has: Performed in "Le sorcier" in 1917. Played Laffemas in "Marion de Lorme" in 1918. Played Maurice Ferraud - un industriel in "La maison vide" in 1921. Played Monsieur Pablo in "Champi-Tortu" in 1921. Played Philippeaux - le clerc in "Les Roquevillard" in 1922. Played Jean Lorne in "La faute des autres" in 1923. Played Le policier in "Le million" in 1931. Played Monsieur Meulemeester in "Le mariage de Mlle Beulemans" in 1932. Played Landry in "Tout pour rien" in 1933. Played Le gardien chef in "Criminel" in 1933. Played Alfred in "Liliom" in 1934. Played Pierre Bardet in "Bourrasque" in 1935. Performed in "Le billet de mille" in 1935. Played Sanson in "Sous la terreur" in 1936. Played Sabourin in "Donogoo" in 1936. Played Le gouverneur de Varsovie in "La citadelle du silence" in 1937. Played Morel in "Le messager" in 1937. Performed in "Les pauvres gens" in 1938. Played Tonio in "Ernest le rebelle" in 1938. Played Rizine in "Nuits de princes" in 1938. Played Monsieur Antoine in "La rue sans joie" in 1938. Performed in "Parade en 7 nuits" in 1941.
9 answers