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Please check the addresses on the society website under the section "assemblie" and select the closest.

1 answer

remove wheel remove brake drum remove brake assemblie,taking note of how and where each part goes , so you can reassemble remove brake fluid line from back of backing plate block line off so you dont keep loosing fluid remove bolt that holds cylander to backing plate installation is opposite to dissambly

1 answer

John Dee has written:

'Lists of manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee'

'A true & faithful relation of what passed for many yeers between Dr. John Dee ... and some spirits' -- subject(s): Spiritualism, Early works to 1800, Parapsychology, Early works to 1900

'The perfect arte of navigation' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Great Britain, Great Britain. Royal Navy, Navigation

'The diaries of John Dee'

'General and rare memorials pertayning to the perfect arte of navigation' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Great Britain, Great Britain. Royal Navy, Navigation

'To the Kings most excellent Maiestie'

'A true & faithful relation of what passed for many yeers between Dr. John Dee ... and some spirits' -- subject(s): Spirits, Occultism, Early works to 1800, Biography

'Autobiographical tracts of Dr. John Dee ..'

'A letter, containing a most briefe discourse apologeticall'

'The mathematicall praeface to the Elements of geometrie of Euclid of Megara (1570)' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Geometry, Mathematics, Philosophy

'The Enochian magick of Dr John Dee' -- subject(s): Enochian magic, Early works to 1800

'To the Honorable assemblie of the Commons in the present Parlament'

'The private diary of Dr. John Dee' -- subject(s): Manuscripts, Catalogs

'The practical angel magic of John Dee's Enochian tables' -- subject(s): Enochian magic, Angels

1 answer

The best answer shown on here is completely wrong. There is no carpet or anything like that to deal with. Other answers have answered it pretty well being you simply open the back gate which will give you access to two Philip head screws. Simply remove them and the lens should come out allowing accessing to change the bulbs which you simply twist the connectors and pull out. The connectors are keyed too so they only go back in one way then twist to lock in place.

What wanted to add to the answer is if your lens does not want to come straight out after the two screws are removed then note it's two guide pins that are holding it in. Take a flat head screw driver or small pry bar and place between the van and the back of the lens and near the top then bottom and gently pry to get the guide pins to pop out. To locate the guide pins you should be able to look through the small gap and see them and know that's the area to gently pry. Don't give it a lot of force to reduce risk breaking the lens or scratching the paint on the van.

Once your done changing the bulbs you need changed, line the guide pins back to their respective holes in the van then push the lens in place. Secure the screws and if needed, tap the side with the guide pins if they haven't seated all the way. They'll pop back into the hole securing them in place.

That's it!

5 answers