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Arctium tomentosum was created in 1768.

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Arctium lappa, there are about 10 species of burdock plant.

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The Hindi name for Burdock Root is "Arctium lappa".

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A burdock is any of a member of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium with bluish spiky flowers.

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A. Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium);
B. Burdock (Arctium lappa);
C. Bur Clover (Medicago hispida)

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Arctium (Burdock) grows wild in many countries but originated in Europe Asia and Africa. It can normally be found in damp areas and in hedge rows and wild areas.

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Herbalists or naturopathic physicians may prescribe such herbs as milk thistle (Silybum marianum), burdock (Arctium lappa, a blood cleanser), and licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) to assist in detoxification.

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chamomile (Matricaria recutita ), dandelion (Taraxacum mongolicum ), and burdock (Arctium lappa ), act as bitters, stimulating the movement of the digestive and excretory systems. There are also "laxative" herbs

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Supplementation with herbs such as burdock root (Arctium lappa ), red clover (Trifolium pratense ), and milk thistle (Silybum marianum ), and with nutrients such as essential fatty acids, vitamin B complex

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Give me the Latin name; if you think to Arctium lappa the Romanian equivalent is brustur(e).

7 answers

One example of a plant with sticky seeds is the burdock plant (Arctium). Burdock seeds are covered in tiny hooks that easily attach to fur or clothing, helping them spread to new locations.

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"Burdock" is a type of plant that is often used in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits. The roots of the burdock plant are sometimes used in herbal remedies to support liver function, digestion, and skin health.

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Seeds are ordinarily dispersed intact with the fruiting body, the cypsela. Wind dispersal is common (anemochory) assisted by a hairy pappus. Another common variation is epizoochory, in which the dispersal unit, a single cypsela (e.g. Bidens) or entire capitulum (e.g. Arctium) provided with hooks, spines or some equivalent structure, sticks to the fur or plumage of an animal (or even to clothes, like in the photo) just to fall off later far from its mother plant.

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Burdock (Arctium spp) is considered one of the world's most common weeds. Home and Garden TV (HGT) lists 12 plants as most commonly encountered on residential lawns. The list ranges from common ragworth (Senecio jacobaea) to:

  • creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens);
  • creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense);
  • daisy weed (Bellis perennis), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale);
  • greater plantain (Plantago major);
  • green foxtail (Setaria viridis);
  • ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea);
  • self-heal (Prunella vulgaris);
  • sheep's sorrel (Rumez acetosella);
  • slender speedwell (Veronica filiformis);
  • white clover (Trifolium repens);
  • yarrow (Achillea millefolium).

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Seeds are ordinarily dispersed intact with the fruiting body, the cypsela. Wind dispersal is common (anemochory) assisted by a hairy pappus. Another common variation is epizoochory, in which the dispersal unit, a single cypsela (e.g. Bidens) or entire capitulum (e.g. Arctium) provided with hooks, spines or some equivalent structure, sticks to the fur or plumage of an animal (or even to clothes, like in the photo) just to fall off later far from its mother plant.

5 answers

This is a rather difficult question because Essiac tea is not a single herb, but a blend of herbs. The ingredients were combined to be used for cancer, digestive troubles and health in general, but not particularly for Crohn's disease. However, I suppose a cautious use of the blend could be used in mild cases of Crohn's disease.

One of the ingredients is the white inner bark of slippery elm (Ulmus fulva or rubra). Made into a tea it turns into a gel like substance that coats and protects the digestive tract. This soothing herb is recommended for Crohn's disease.

Some of the herbs in the Essiac tea are strong cleansers of the body or could irritate the gut and patients with severe Crohn's disease should avoid these. Although in more severe cases regular medicines (pharmaceuticals) should not be overlooked, selected herbs and supplements could be added under guidance of an experienced health practitioner.

Other useful ingredients in Essiac tea for Crohn's disease:

Burdock (root) - Arctium lappa. This herb improves lever function and bile flow and so improves digestion. It could be used as a support.

Kelp. This vegetable from the sea contains lots of trace minerals which are welcome with the disturbed digestion by Crohn's disease. The alginates in kelp have a soothing and cleansing effect on the digestive tract. Overuse could trigger hypothyreodism or hyperthyroidism.

Red Clover - Trifolium pretense. This herb cleans the blood and decreases inflammation. It can be used as a remedy against Crohn's disease.

Watercress = Nasturtium officinale. This vegetable contains lots of healthy minerals and vitamins. So it is healthy for everyone and for Crohn's disease in particular. It was added to the original Essiac formula to prevent kidney stone formation by the oxalic acid from the Sheep Sorrel. New evidence shows that it could prevent breast cancer.

Maybe not so useful for Crohn's disease:

Sheep Sorrel - Rumex acetosella. According to Rene Caisse this herb was the most active ingredient in the Essiac mixture. It is helpful against leaky gut, one of the possible causes of Crohn's disease.

Turkish Rhubarb (root) - Rheum palmatum. In larger doses this herb acts as an healthy laxans, but that is not what Crohn patients want. In small doses it could help against diarrhea. It is helpful against leaky gut.

Blessed Thistle - Cnicus benedictus. This herb helps digestion. But it contains tannins and might irritate stomach and intestines.

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yes, here are some THC-free herbs : Acacia arabicaIndian gum Arabic tree, babulAcacia catechucutch tree, black catechuAchillea millefoliumyarrow, milfoilAchyranthes spp.chaff flower, devil's horsewhipAconitum spp.aconite, monkshood, wolfsbaneAcorus calamuscalamus, sweet flagActaea racemosa (syn. Cimicifuga racemosa)black cohoshAdhatoda vasicaMalabar nut tree, vasakaAesculus hippocastanumhorse chestnutAlangium spp.alangiumAllium cepaonionAllium sativumgarlicAloe veraaloe veraAndrographis paniculataandrographis, king of bitters, chirettaAngelica archangelicaangelicaAngelica sinensisdong quai, dang guiAngelica spp.angelica (various)Apium graveolensceleryAralia spp.spikenard (various)Arctium lappaburdock, goboArctostaphylos uva-ursiuva-ursi, bearberryAreca catechubetelnut palm, areca nutAristolochia spp.birthwort (various)Arnica MontanaarnicaArtemisia spp.southernwood, wormwood, absinthe, mugwort, tarragonAspalathus linearisrooibosAsparagus spp.asparagusAstragalus membranaceusastragalusAstragalus spp.milkvetch, locoweedAtractylodes sppatractylodesAtropa belladonnabelladonna, deadly nightshadeAzadirachta indicaneemBacopa monnieribacopa, brahmi, water hyssopBerberis spp.barberryBetula spp.birchBorago officinalisborageBoswellia serratafrankincense, IndianBrassica junceamustardBryonia spp.bryonyBupleurum spp.bupleurum, Chinese thoroughwax, chai huCalendula officinaliscalendula, pot marigoldCalophyllum spp.punna, kamaniCamellia sinensistea, green/blackCamptotheca acuminataxi shu, happy treeCapsicum frutescenscayenne, red pepperCassia angustifolia & C. acutifoliasenna (various)Caulophyllum thalictroidesblue cohoshCelastrus paniculatuscelastrus, climbing staff treeCentaurea spp.cornflower, dusty miller, starthistleCentaurium erythraeacentaury, feverwortCentella asiaticagotu kola, brahmiChelidonium majuscelandineCichorium intybuschicoryCinnamomum zeylanicumcinnamonCitrus aurantiumbitter orange, bigarade, Seville orangeClematis spp.clematis (various)Codonopsis spp.codonopsis, dang shenColchicum autumnaleautumn crocus, meadow saffronCommiphora mukulguggulCordyceps sinensiscordycepsCoriandrum sativumcoriander (fruit), cilantro (leaf)Cornus Florida & C. officinalisdogwoodCrataegus spp.hawthornCurcuma longaturmericCynara scolymus & C. cardunculusartichoke, cardoonCynodon dactylonbermudagrassCyperus rotunduscyperus, musta, mothaDatura stramoniumJimson weed, thorn AppleDioscorea sppyam (various)Dryopteris spp.male fernEchinacea purpurea, E. angustifolia & E. pallidaechinaceaEclipta sppeclipta, han lian caoElettaria cardamomumcardamom, elaichiEleutherococcus senticosuseleuthero, formerly Siberian ginsengEmblica officinalisamla, amalaki, Indian gooseberryEphedra sinicaephedra, ma HuangEpimedium sppepimedium, horny goat weedEquisetum arvensehorsetailEriodictyon californicumyerba santaEschscholzia californicaCalifornia poppyEucalyptus globuluseucalyptusEugenia spp.Surinam cherryEupatorium spp.boneset, Joe PyeFerula spp.asafetida, asofoetidaFoeniculum vulgarefennelForsythia suspensaforsythia, lian qiaoFucus vesiculosusbladderwrackGanoderma lucidum & G. tsugaereishi , ling zhiGarcinia cambogiacitrin, gamboogeGarcinia kolabitter kolaGarcinia mangostanamangosteenGarcinia spp.garciniaGentiana spp.gentianGinkgo bilobaginkgoGlycyrrhiza glabralicoriceGossypium herbaceum & G. hirsutumcottonGrifola frondosamaitakeGuatteria gaumeriguatteriaGymnema sylvestregymnema, gurmarHamamelis virginianawitch hazelHarpagophytum procumbensdevil's claw, grapple plant, wood spiderHemidesmus indicushemidesmus, East Indian sarsaparillaHibiscus spp.hibiscus, roselleHoodia gordoniihoodia, ghaapHumulus lupulushopsHydrastis canadensisgoldensealHyoscyamus NigerhenbaneHypericum perforatumSt. John's wortIllicium verumstar aniseInula spp.elecampaneJuniperus spp.juniperKadsura spp.kadsuraKochia scopariasummer cypress, fireweedLarrea tridentatachaparral, creosote bushLaurus nobilisbay, bay laurel, Grecian bay, sweet bayLavandula spp.lavenderLentinus edodesshiitakeLeonurus cardiacamotherwortLepidium meyeniimacaLepidium spp.cress, peppergrassLigusticum wallichiiligusticum, chuan xiongLinum usitatissimumflax, linseed (oil)Lobelia inflatalobelia, Indian tobacco, puke weedLonicera japonicaJapanese honeysuckle, ren dong, jin yin huaLuffa spp.luffaLycium spp.lycium, Chinese wolfberry, matrimony vine, Barbary wolfberryMahonia aquifoliumOregon grapeMatricaria chamomillachamomileMedicago sativaalfalfa, lucerneMelaleuca alternifoliatea treeMelissa officinalislemon balmMentha pulegium & Hedeoma pulegioidesEuropean pennyroyal / American pennyroyalMentha spicataspearmintMentha x piperitapeppermintMomordica charantiabitter melon, karelaMorinda spp.noni, morindaMusa spp.banana, plantainMyrica spp.sweet gale (M. gale), bayberry, wax myrtleMyristica fragransnutmeg (seed), mace (aril)Nelumbo nuciferalotus , sacred lotusNigella sativanigella, black cuminNyctanthes arbortristisnight jasmine, coral jasmineOcimum sanctumholy basilOcimum spp.basilOenothera biennisevening primroseOlea europaeaoliveOriganum vulgareoreganoPanax ginsengginseng, AsianPanax quinquefoliusginseng, AmericanPanax spp.ginseng (various)Passiflora alatapassion flowerPausinystalia yohimbeyohimbe, johimbePhytolacca dodecandrapokePimpinella anisumanisePiper methysticumkavaPiper nigrumpepperPlantago afra (syn. P. psyllium & P. ovata)psyllium, ispaghulaPlantago major & P. lanceolataplantain, English plantainPodophyllum peltatum & P. hexandrum (syn. P. emodi)mayapplePotentilla spp.cinquefoilPrunella vulgarisheal allPrunus persicapeachPueraria lobatakudzuPunica granatumpomegranate, shi liuPygeum africanumpygeum, African pruneQuassia spp.quassiaRauwolfia serpentinarauwolfia, arpagandha, Indian snakeroot.Rehmanniae glutinosarehmannia, di HuangRhodiola rosearhodiola, goldenroot, roserootRibes nigrumblack currantRosmarinus officinalisrosemaryRumex crispus & R. obtusifoliusyellow dock, broad-leaf dockRuscus aculeatusbutcher's broom, box hollyRuta graveolensrueSalix Albawhite willowSalvia miltiorrhizaChinese salvia, dan shenSalvia officinalissageSambucus nigraelderberry, European elder, black elderSanguinaria canadensisbloodrootSassafras albidumsassafrasSceletium tortuosumsceletium, kannaSchisandra chinensisschisandraScutellaria baicalensisskullcap, Chinese, baical skullcapSerenoa serrulata & repenssaw palmettoSilybum marianummilk thistleSmilax glabrasmilax, ChineseStevia rebaudianastevia, sweetleaf, candyleafSwertia spp.swertiaSymphytum officinalecomfreySyzygium aromaticum (syn. Eugenia caryophyllata)cloveSyzygium cumini (syn. Eugenia jambolana)jambolan, jaman, Java plumSyzygium spp.syzygiumTabebuia impetiginosa , T. avellanedae, T. rosea, & T. barbatapau d'arco, lapacho, taheebo, ipe roxoTabernanthe ibogaibogaTamarindus indicatamarindTanacetum partheniumfeverfewTanacetum vulgaretansyTaraxacum officinaledandelionTerminalia arjunaarjunaTerminalia chebulachebulic myrobalanTheobroma cacaochocolate, cocoaThuja occidentalisthujaThuja plicatawestern red cedarThymus vulgaristhymeTribulus terrestristribulus, puncture vine, goatheadTrichosanthes spp.pointed gourd, trichosanthes, snake gourdTrifolium pratensered cloverTrigonella foenum-graecumfenugreekTriphalatriphala, trifalaUncaria spp.uncariaUncaria tomentosacat's claw, u?e-gatoUrtica dioicastinging nettle, nettlesVaccinium macrocarponcranberryVaccinium myrtillusbilberryValeriana officinalisvalerianVerbascum thapsusmulleinViburnum spp.cramp bark, black hawViscum album & Phoradendron leucarpum, P. flavescens, & P. serotinummistletoeVitex agnus-castuschaste tree, chaste berryVitis viniferagrapeWithania somniferaashwagandhaXylopia aromatica / aethiopicaEthiopian pepper, fruta de burroYucca schidigera & Y. filamentosaMojave yuccaZanthoxylum spp.prickly ashZingiber officinalegingerZiziphus spp.jujube

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