An anyon is a particle which obeys a continum of quantum statistics, of which two are the Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.
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No, no one wants to give away their mounts. Dont ask!
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on the head, there is a round access panel held with 3 screws, its on the same side as the gear shift.
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I heard he had a wife and kids so that answers that question, but I do not know how many kids he had so if anyon can answer that please tell me below or whatever.
Thank You!
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Well it should be if you ask me but it isn't because according to my eyes it is white and glowing and if you don't believe me ask anyon ein the world what colour the moon is.
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Yes, it's the (geo)-political online game and economic simulation Ars Regendi: .ars-regendi.com
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No, WikiAnswers is a Wiki site which means anyon can edit questions and answers and add related links and such as WikiPedia. But you can ask non-related questions that aren't on WikiPedia also.
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course it is, at my school its certainly possible :P other times you just reach a point where you get over yourself and figure that a crush is a crush and you wont marry the guy or girl.
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He just has to wait until the sun sets, or it is nightime.
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Hi Carlos, Trial copies are readily available on the Autodesk website. I encourage you to download it here, http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=10307364 Regards, Ask Autodesk
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Diana mchedlishvili is from Georgia. she got married 11th July 2009. her husband is Michael payne from U.S.
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Celebrities might share their personal information. Also they sometimes might not because they are to bjusy & can't read emails or anything like that.
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Artist: Chrisette Michele
Album: I Am
Song: Love is You
Actually, it is: Artist: Parachute, VA.
Song: She is Love (Coming out in Itunes on February 10th, 2009) I put their website link below. You can hear the song on their myspac
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I have a 2006 XL1200R that intermittently does the same thing (I'm wondering if it has something to do with primary chain tension).
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Hi there, The brain is kind of like rubber, supported by fluid which suspends it within the skull. In coup-contra-coup injuries the brain moves forwards and backwards within the skull. It’s important to note that the inside of the skull contains bony ridges, and if the brain collides with these sharp ridges, the impact can damage the threadlike nerve connections called axons, which carry messages between the brain and the rest of the body. If this had occurred, you would have probably noticed vision problems straight away. The occipital lobe, at the rear of the brain is responsible for vision. It's likely that this was injured during your accident and that you're only just noticing vision problems now.
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I have the same problem. usallyIjust go out there and if he still dosent notice you just try to be friends with him.good luck!
hes probably just scared. so make it easier for him and let him know u like him. then he'll probably ask u out
~he acctually liked my best friend instead and just asked her out, so I guess he was just getting closer to me so that he could be closer to her. Bummer...Thanks for helping guys, though.
If he is asking you questions like wanna play he defently has a crush on you but if he isn't talking to you your not luck
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If you can let me have the serial number I can tell you the age. I have a W. R. Pape serial number chart. If you can send a photo I can tell you approximate value. Douglas Tate Editor at Large SHOOTING SPORTSMAN
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i have been in that sittuation, i found after many years of soul searching it's actually yourself you may have issues with, every sittuation is different it depends on time, children etc i believe people meet for a reason a question i asked myself was, how much would i miss this person if they were taken away from me? the answer was and still is lots. don't waste time in life umming and arring you have once chance at life. Remember how you felt when you got married. In sickness & in health etc. My partner is not on this earth anymore, i will not get the chance to retify things. Hope this helps in some way...... From a tiny star miles away..... :)
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I know the 4006 started production in 1990 and still is today. That ser# I don't know.
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H&D Folsom Co: large distributor for shotguns made by the Crescent Co. around 1930. Now it gets confusing. Crescent used over 100 different names and manufactures to make guns. American Gun made the H&D Folsom (House Brand) Shotguns under the Crescent contract. Get a hold of "standard catalog of firearms 18th edition" go to page 350 and start reading.
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it is very bad. I downloaded iminent without knowing and it put a virus on my PC. If you have this virus, it will not act as a virus, but over time, your things will develop more ads, YouTube videos will be covered with ads, your computer will act slower, and you will be spammed with stuff that just gives you anther toolbar. You also get various animations and emoticons, but that isn't even good. yes, it is bad.
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No, they didn't make any more albums and disbanded shortly after Brass Rock. There were two Heavens. The original who performed at the IOW festival who were feted to become the next Rolling Stones. They recorded an album in 69/70 at Spark Records in Denmark St. It was brilliant but never got released. The band split and a second version which only retained one or two original band members grew from that and a pile of glory chasers who thought they were going somewhere. After a lot of infighting they went their own ways. The originals are all still alive bar one and working in different areas now. Brass Rock was rereleased a few years ago.
HELLO,I am the singer of heaven Yes i am still alive,,,, Living in Normandy, France I am still gigging around with a new set up, The other guy's, well the first version of heaven, everybody seemed to disapear, the second version ,micky Finn , Ronnie thomas , brian johnston, joined up with Gary holton & formed THE HEAVY METAL KIDS & pete phipps left to play drums with Gary glitter, Micky is still in Paris, & we often play together; terryscottband/my space regards terry Scott jr
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The suggested "sweet spots" for a inchester 30-06 Springfield with a BOSS are as follows: Bullet Weight / Average Sweet Spot 150 / 1.8 165 / 2.0 220 / 9.6
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At first glance, it looks as though a poorly written sentence confused you. "Pinkwart et al. 2003 explored how use of PDAs could be used in co-operative learning" says that the study explored "how [the] use of could be used." If the following change does not distort the writer's intended meaning, then a new version -- one of many possibilities -- might be clearer to you: "Pinkwart et al. 2003 explored how PDAs could be used in cooperative learning programs." "How use of" is now gone. If you would like it restored, then the sentence might read, "Pinkwart et al. 2003 explored how (the) use of PDAs strengthened cooperative learning programs."
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Noone will give away a giftcode for no reason, buy one if you want one.
Haha you play stardoll
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yea why dont you pose this question to colt inc made about 1972.......................
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we can see this problem or error when we using some source full antivirus like nod32. it will automatically solve this error as much possible.
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i know about the stutturing song but on wikipedia it says the girl is jessica stroup the same girl who plays silver on 90210
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Trail Tough now has a Lock Right front locker available for the Geo Tracker/Suzuki Sidekick. Go to their Products then Tracker/Sidekick section.
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Mp3 to MIDI is impossible. MIDI is only capable of polyphonic sounds. Mp3 is a sound wave file.
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Each radio in each car has a specific code and they are all different. No one is going to be able to tell you the code except your Kia dealer. Look around the car and in your owner's manual. Someone may have written it down. ======================== For the 2002 Spectra, I had debated including the default security code here, but seeing as the stock radio is not even worth the effort to steal it, it is "1111" From pages 9 and 10 of the "Audio Owner's Manual": For the first digit, press preset 1 a sufficient number of times for the correct number to appear. For the second digit, press preset 2 a sufficient number of times. For digit 3, press preset 3, for digit 4, press preset 4. If the correct code is not displayed, repeat the steps until it is. When the correct code is displayed, press the SEL button once. If the system is still locked, repeat these steps.
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A model walked into a store looking for some curtains.
She went to the Manager and said "Excuse me where are your curtains?"
Then the manager said, "Sorry this is a computer store only."
Then the model said "But my computer has Windows!!"
i took my fish to the vets coz it has epilepsey ND THE VET SAID HOW CAN UR FISH HAVE THAT I SAID COZ HE HAS A FIT WHEN I GET HIM OUT DA BOWL
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Any memorabilia or merchandise associated with Old Hollywood actors and actresses is very desirable. If a person does good quality sketches of actresses, like Norma Shearer or Jean Harlow, they are likely to gain the attention of potential buyers.
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You should totally save up for new skills and try to join people who are slightly stronger than you. DON'T go fight guys who are way stronger than you and also DON"T enter too many quests. Watch out for mushroom player vendors, as they usually scam you. GO FIESTA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
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I do not know about Great Harvest, but here is one my Aunt loves. Texas Style Jalapeno Cornbread 3 eggs
2 c. milk
3 c. yellow cornbread mix
1/4 c. corn oil
1 (#303) can cream style corn
1 c. grated Cheddar cheese
1 grated onion
1 (4 oz.) jar jalapenos, drained and chopped Beat eggs, slightly. Blend in remaining ingredients. Bake in a well greased 13x9 inch pan, at 425 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes (may be longer). Makes 12 to 15 servings. She prefers a large cast iron skillet.
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I absolutely love Orovo both as a health and a business opportunity. I have lost several pounds and earned several hundred dollars, both with little effort. Check it out at www.tryorovo.com
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having a problem with my rebuilt trans, i put it in everything right but its leaking from the or around sensor on the panssager side
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