The prefix "anthro" means human or mankind. It is derived from the Greek word "anthropos," which means human.
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Anthro comes from "Anthropos" meaning "man" in Greek.
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The prefix anthro- means "man"
An example would be anthropology or anthropomorphic.
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The prefix of anthropology is "anthro-" which comes from the Greek word "anthropos" meaning human.
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"Anthro" is a shorter term for "anthropomorphic," which refers to something that has human-like characteristics or traits. This can apply to animals, objects, or even abstract concepts that are given human qualities.
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The root word "anthro" comes from the Greek word "anthropos," which means human or mankind. It is commonly used in words related to humans, such as anthropology (study of humans) or anthropomorphic (having human attributes).
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The word "Anthro" is short for anthropology, which is the study of humans and their societies, cultures, and evolution.
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An Anthro wolf is a wolf with "human like" characteristics such as walking on two legs, wearing clothing, ability to speak Etc. Anthro wolves are mythical (So far as we humans know) and are most common in fan art and other types of media arts.
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Anthro means humanity to my interpretation due to the common use, anthropology meaning the study of humanity... ology means the study of.
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Anthro art depicts various types of animals as humanoid creatures, and gives them human characteristics such as well-defined arms and hands and secondary sexual characteristics.
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Trip's anthro form looks like a green-furred monkey with a gem on his forehead.
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The term "anthro" comes from the Greek word "anthropos" meaning "human", which is commonly used as a prefix in words related to the study of humans and human cultures, such as anthropology.
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There are no anthropomorphic (and non-anthro and semi-anthro) animals (same with plants, minerals, mythical creatures, etc) in the French-animated Code Lyoko series (fan-fiction only).
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The abbreviation for anthropology classes is typically "ANTH" or "ANTHRO."
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The stem anthro comes from the Greek word "anthropos," which means human being. It is often used in words related to the study of humans or humanity, such as anthropology (the study of humans and their societies) or philanthropy (the love of humanity resulting in charitable work).
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Anatomy, atoms, abiotic, asexual, anus, arachnid, anthr, anthro, antho
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It simply means Humans and the study of humans.
Example: Anthropology.
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No, well if you go for physical/ bio anthro you might ,but for the other subfields you do not need a residency
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When a fursona has the word 'anthro' applied to it (it's probably already anthropomorphic, as a furry, anyway), it's referring to the body shape. That means the character has a human's general body composition. Feral, as another example of a body shape, would imply a more natural animal's build.
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The prefix socio- relates to anything of society, social, or sociological reference.
The prefix anthro- relates to anything pertaining to human beings, i.e. Anthropology, Anthrozoology, etc. As a suffix, it still relates back to humanity, however it may not be specifically science based.
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Phil: mean love
Anthro: means of people
So Philanthropic literally means, loving people.
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Yes, anthropomorphic (and non-anthro and semi-anthro) animals (and same with plants, minerals, mythical creatures, etc.) can be mistaken for aliens (unless they have extra and/or less body parts, sizes ranging from dwarves to giants, different colors of their skin, hair, eyes, fur, scales, feathers, etc.).
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The most common word with the prefix of 'anthro' would be anthropology: the study of human nature.
Also, anthropomorphism: the act of relating human features to non-humans.
So, basically, 'anthro' means humans.
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Yes, you'll need to save up a few thousand dollars. Then go on line and search "fursuit makers". Send them a picture of the animal you want to 'become' and then wait a few months and you will receive your anthro creature costume (fursuit) via mail.
Alternatively, you could also make your own costume if you have time.
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Furries are people who like anthro animals. They dress up as animals because for them it is fun.
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Yes, some fictitious alien races look like anthropomorphic (and also non-anthro and semi-anthro) animals (I.e. mammal, reptile, avian, amphibian, insect, arachnid, crustacean, gastropod, cephalopod, piscine, annelid, reptomammal, reptavian, mammavian, insectomammal, reptamphibian, etc.)
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Furry Anthro Porn.
Unless you wub animals to that extent, you'll probably want to steer clear of it.
Also, delete system32 for good measure.
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Beauty is subjective. Some popular choices include wolves, felines, and dragons, as they often embody qualities such as grace, power, and mystique that some find attractive. Ultimately, it depends on personal preferences.
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Yes and no, depending on how the words are used. If some one were to say "I like furries" and someone were to say "I like anthros" chances are they mean the same thing. However if someone were to say "I am a furry" Meaning they are part of the furry fandom, and someone were to say "I am an anthro" It desnt have the same meaning.
Anthro comes from the greek word anthrÅpos which means Human. If the furry fandom anthro is usedas short for anthropomorphic meaning hunam like or having human qualities (ie: talking, walking of 2 feet instead of 4, ect)
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There are no anthropomorphic animals and plants in the Big O anime (fan-fiction only). And there are also non-anthropomorphic and semi-anthropomorphic animals and plants in the Big O anime fan-fiction.
There are no anthropomorphic (and non-anthro and semi-anthro) animals (same with plants, minerals, mythical creatures, etc) in the Big O anime series (fan-fiction only).
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anthro means body
pometric means measurment of
so its the measurment of the body. doctors take measurements of the body and compare them to a chart to measure the growth and progress of the body.
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I know that "anthropomorphic" means "human-like", so I would guess that it is Latin for "human".
It could also be an alternate term for "Furry" which are anthropomorphic animals...
Did that help any?
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Nope, you need to look up furries, just like people who like anime, these guys like anthro art, a popular site is Furaffinity.net
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it is somrthing you donate money, time, and reasources to poor people
It means love of humans, or love of human society. Phila means love (like pedoPHILE) and anthro means human.
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Im going to go out on a limb here, but i think Phil is from philo the greek word for love and then anthropy anthro the greek word for humans so philanthropy is love of humans
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Global Industries, Bretford, Whitney Brothers, Spectrum, Datamation, Anthro, Buddy Products, Computer Security Products, Datum, Kendall Howard, Laptop Lockup.
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From philo (meaning "love") and anthro (meaning mankind), a philanthropist is a person who demonstrates love for mankind. In its modern-day usage, it usually means a rich person who donates large sums of money to charity.
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A furry is someone who is a fan of anthro animals, or animal with human traits ie: Mickey Mouse.
The creatures themselves are also considered furry, if this is what you meant, IMO sorry you cant turn into a cartoon animal.
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Some subfields of social anthropology include economic anthropology, political anthropology, symbolic anthropology, kinship studies, and cultural anthropology. These subfields focus on different aspects of human social life and cultural practices.
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....dude.....think about it. the only way would be through complicated surgery which would cost millons upon billoins of dollars.....but you can still use your imagination... :)
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Sonata'so behaviour is a bit ditzy and funny. In the movie, she is considered the "brainless comic relief." She is hilariously dumb throughout the movie but turns cruel like close to the end when she becomes the Anthro form and siren.
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