widdershins, or withershins, from the Scots (Anglic) dialect, means \"turning the other way,\" i.e. to the left or counterclockwise Anticlockwise (British English)
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Old English is a highly inflected West Germanic language. There are two main dialects, the Anglic and the Saxon. If you understand these sentences, you're all set.
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Sae is the the Old English ( West Saxon) form of "sea." There is also the modern English word sae, which is the Anglic dialect form of "so."
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There is no "Scottish." There is an Anglic dialect of English, called variously Scots, Lallands, Doric or even Inglish, spoken in the Lowlands of Scotland. In Scots, the past participle of the verb do is duin or deen.
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All human language is in dialect. Go to New England, in America, to hear a strong local dialect. Or better, go to Scotland, where they speak the Anglic dialect of English, now called Scots, along with the Saxon dialect, now called English.
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The Nicene Creed (which is available Online) is a summary of Christian beliefs that
are held by most anglicans, the only exceptions being some liberal groups whom generally don't believe in anything that doesnt fit within a modernist agenda (Jesus is all good, as long as we reimagine him as being a jewish liberal)
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'Colonies' isnt very specific ask again actually telling us which colonies.
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English and Latin
Roman Catholic AnswerThere is a "Church of England" which is the Anglican Church, an ecclesial community which left the Catholic Church by order of Henry VIII, and his daughter, Elizabeth I. They services are all in English.Then there is a Catholic Church IN England, which is the Catholic Church. Up until Vatican Council II, the priest prayed everything in Latin, and administered the Sacrmants in Latin. He used English, say in the confessional, to talk to his penitents and then switched to Latin for the absolution. The Mass was entirely in Latin, but the readings would be read again in English, and the homily would be in English. Since Vatican Council II, all Sacraments, Prayers, and the Breviary are now in English.
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I cannot give you the actual figures, bit as a trainee priest in the Anglican Church I can give you some idea of the numbers of women training. In my college (one of many in the Church of England) I have 35 in my year group. 19 of these (ie over half) are women. There are three year groups altogether and it seems that this is a typical intake.
Therefore, by the time all the current clergy retire or die, it seems that in future the male/female split will be either roughly equal gender, or there may well be a slight majority of women clergy of the current trends continue.
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Indo-European → Proto-Germanic → Old English (Anglo-Saxon) → Middle English → Early Modern English → Modern English
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Geordies are people from the Tyneside region of North East England, specifically Newcastle and its surrounding areas. They are known for their distinct accent, friendly nature, and passion for football.
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English is primarily based on the Germanic and Romance language families. It has roots in Old English, which evolved from the Germanic languages spoken by the Anglo-Saxons, as well as influences from Latin and French due to historical events like the Norman Conquest.
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The most direct descendant of Indo-European that is relevant to the family history of English is Proto-Germanic. Proto-Germanic eventually evolved into Old English, which is one of the earliest forms of the English language.
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Aside from the many different national forms such as American, Indian and British English, and the many regional dialects such as Yorkshire or US Southern, there are two main varieties of English: Saxon and Anglic, known as Standard English and Scots. Standard English is the modern form of the Saxon dialect spoken around London, and Scots is the modern form of the Anglic dialect spoken to the North.
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Standard English is the literary dialect that is taught in school. It comes from the Saxon part of Anglo-Saxon, or Old English. Nonstandard English is any of the many and various regional dialects, and also many popular but "incorrect" words and forms, for example the use of "dove" in place of "dived as the past tense of "dive."
"Nonstandard" is also used disparagingly and erroneously to describe the Scots dialect, which is the modern form of Anglic (the Anglo- part of Anglo-Saxon), and thus has a better historical claim to the name "Standard English" than English does!
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This apparently strange Shakespearean word is simply the word 'Give'.
For example: "God gi' ye godd'en" means "God give you good evening" or, in modern words, "Good evening".
In Romeo and Juliet (Act 1 Scene 2) when the servant says "God gi' god-den" he means "God give you a good-evening".
[Gi' is also short for gin, an Anglic dialect preposition meaning before ( in time) and adverb meaning when, or at the time that. Cf Robert Burns's "Gin a body meet a body comin thro' the rye..."] <--- but that's not from shakespeare. just sort of an interesting tangentially relevant fact
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It is difficult to determine the "richest" language in the world as wealth can be measured in various ways, such as the number of speakers, historical significance, cultural influence, or economic power. However, languages such as English, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish are often considered influential due to their widespread use and impact on global communications and business.
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Not much available on that name. If you are referring to an Anglic name, it may be due to the fact that the original name was "Adair", Old Germanic (also called "Tuetonic") which means "Wealthy or Noble Spear". The origin of the name Odair, or more properly O'Dair, appears to be have come from a family dispute in Ireland. The original name Adair was changed to O'Dair when one of the family members (Protestant) decided to marry a Catholic. The information does not indicate which side changed their name, but it makes more sense to suppose that the person who married the Catholic decided to change it after becoming disgusted with the bigotry from the rest of the family. Classic Romeo and Juliet story and purely a guess. I have also seen it referred to as a possible deviation of the name "Odar". Several items found referring to this as Norse, but nothing definite. Possible meanings: "Otter" or "Thor" (Norse God of Thunder).
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The biggest difference in speech in the 1500s compared to now was mainly there were heavier, thicker accents among colonists to America.
People used more "thee" and "thou", which was common language within churches as well. I can't think of another precise example, except that "slang" as we know it today did not exist -- neither in the amount of slang used or in the derogatory meanings that slang has today.
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The Anglo-Saxon period begins in the fifth Century A.D., when the Angles, a Germanic tribe from what is now Denmark, came to Britain, which they re-named Engla-lond or "Land of the Angles." The Saxons began coming at about the same time. The period is generally considered to be over with the Norman Conquest of 1066.
Our English language has two major dialects to this day, the Anglic dialect of the north, called Scots or Doric or Lallands depending on one's politics, and the Saxon dialect of the South, called Standard English.
6 answers
This apparently strange Shakespearean word is simply the word 'Give'.
For example: "God gi' ye godd'en" means "God give you good evening" or, in modern words, "Good evening".
In Romeo and Juliet (Act 1 Scene 2) when the servant says "God gi' god-den" he means "God give you a good-evening".
[Gi' is also short for gin, an Anglic dialect preposition meaning before ( in time) and adverb meaning when, or at the time that. Cf Robert Burns's "Gin a body meet a body comin thro' the rye..."] <--- but that's not from shakespeare. just sort of an interesting tangentially relevant fact
Read more: What_does_Shakespeare_mean_by_the_word_gi'
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"Standard English" is the literary dialect used in formal writing and in the speech of well educated persons. It descends from the West Saxon dialect of Old English, specifically the dialect of London. "Non-standard English" includes many regional dialects, whose grammatical forms and words ( such as ain't and varmint, for example) are not exactly incorrect but are unsuited to formal discourse; and the non-regional dialect known as Black English ( or Ebonics ) which has a prominent substrate of African grammar. There is another literary dialect called Scots ( or Lallands or Doric ) which is considered non-standard because descends from the Anglic dialect of Old English, not the Saxon.
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English belongs to the Germanic family of Indo-European languages. Old English (also known as Anglo-Saxon) had two main dialects. The Anglic dialect gave its name to the language, but the Saxon dialect eventually evolved into Modern English. Along the way, English was heavily influenced, both in grammar and vocabulary, by Norman French, itself a Germanicized member of the Romance family of Indo-European languages. One great strength of English is its power of incorporating or borrowing words from other languages, particularly French, Latin and Greek, but the language itself is not derived from these or any others.
Originals Celtic Germanic French, Borrowers Latin, Greek, and pretty well everything else to some small degree.
There are more Native American words in English than Celtic words. The Celtic affect on English is negligible.
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The majority of Irish people and Scottish people speak English, so on that basis the answer is yes. There is also Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic, which are similar but different languages, that are spoken by some people in each country.
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The variants of English are beyond counting. There are two main dialects of English, each with it own many regional variants. The Anglic dialect, in which the better part of Anglo-Saxon literature was written and which gives its name to the language as a whole, is spoken in the far North of England and especially in Scotland, where it is called Scots, Lallands or Doric, and has innumerable local variants.
In the rest of England and the English-speaking world, the Saxon dialect, known as Standard English, is spoken. Innumerable local dialects of English are spoken in England, and it has national forms in all the territories of the old British Empire: there is American Standard English; Canadian Standard, Indian and even Scottish Standard English ( not be confused with Scots!); Australian Standard English; and so on.
American English has its greater dialects, too, from New England, the Mid-Atlantic, the Deep South, the Southwest and the Midwest - all with substantial local variation. And it has Nation-wide cultural dialects like Black English and Spanglish.
Wherever Standard English is spoken there is also the matter of register. English has a sliding scale of correctness; at the top is the literary dialect, spoken at home by the social elite and educated people generally, and expected in formal situations and in writing. Most people speak less correctly at home without offense. There is business English, Army English, TV News English, slang, jive and so on down to the expletive-laden but otherwise inarticulate cries of rage and pain called Street English.
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Brush up your Teutonic tongues! This easily (to me) translates as Queen Juliana of the Netherlands in the appropriate Dutch Usage. There is an adjective Koninklinke, that roughly translates as Royal, literally Kingly or of the Kingdom"s establishment. This is, of course the K in K.L..M. the Dutch airline- the abbreviation LITERALLY translates as Royal(or Kingly) air commercial enterprise. ( Dutch is understood) the service badge has the shape of a winged Diamond with the letters KLM left to right.The Diamond logo probably alludes to the Dutch cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam as diamond -cutting centers. (One reason why Adolf heavily attacked these towns during World War II Dutch invasion). Juliana died a few years ago, the current Koningin is Beatrix, her daughter, since Wilhelmina, the Dutch royal succession has been all in the female- Wilhelmina, l880-l962, Juliana- l948-80"s abdicated in favor of current monarch, her daugter, Beatrix. By the way it has been argued ( there are two other etymologies, being the type of rabbit called a Coney, and a rather poor acronym of City Of New York- CONY, note the missing (E) that Coney Island derives from the Dutch for King"s Island- lit. Kingly or royal, after all Brooklyn is still Kings County. The Dutch settled all of the New York/NJ metro area for the most part. Pavonia and Hoboken are both (originals, as is Nieuport- note spelling) in Belgium, in Hudson"s day occupied by the Dutch. so it is Pauwonie- anglic ized or rather latinized into Pavonia- land of the Peacock! Hoboken and Nieuport are direct Belgian place names.
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Linguistic chauvinism is the idea that one's language is superior to others. For a few examples, the Greeks called all non-Greek speakers barbarians, the French are only at home where French is spoken, and English speakers consider the ability to speak another language a social defect.
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Language is the most important thing that we need. If wedon't know any language no one can speak and no one can hear. This is Language Which gives us Identity.
Language is the most important thing which gives us identity. Which helps us in every way, but no problem weather they speak Chinese Urdu whatever but they themselves achieve a culture and language. It is language which solves our every problem if language was not there we might not be able to solve those problems that we are having. Thanks. Also without language our culture would be the same and there won't be much difference and the there will no longer be a beauty of learning if there isn't nothing else to learn about in this world because language is how we communicate with each other and is how god helped a long ago slave. Long ago a man was constructing a palace for his dreadful king when they thought they were almost done the greedy king wanted it to be bigger. So they ran away when the king saw them he ordered them to stop, but they didn't listen then when they were trapped by the guards all the king had to do is tell his man to slay them and they were dead. But then write out of no where everyone starts talking different languages and the guards didn't know what to do with them so they couldn't kill them and the prisoner escaped along with the rest of the slaves god made different language and saved many life's
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English comes from... English. Old English, a highly inflected Germanic language formerly known as Anglo-Saxon, had two main dialects: Anglic, which gave its name to the entire language and survives in the dialects of Northern England and lowlands Scotland; and Saxon, which became the dialect known as Standard English. There were many additions to the Old English word horde from other sources, notably Dutch and Norse, and some from the Celtic languages of Britain. The Norman Invasion brought a form of French to dominance, which introduced a great deal of vocabulary and some grammatical changes, creating the form known as Middle English. Most the Latin and Greek borrowings occurred later, during the Modern English period.
The English language is based off of the Germanic dialect spoken by the Saxons and Latin. It later absorbed more aspects of the German language when invaded by the Angles, and later still absorbed a large range of vocabulary when conquered by the French. One may still easily notice the similarities of the English language the German and Latin.
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The prefix 'bi' generally means two or twice. Words that have the prefix 'bi' are:
bipartisan, bilateral, biracial, bisexual, biped, bicycle, binoculars
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