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A: Thiamine, or aneurine hydrochloride

2 answers

Thiamin, aka aneurine hydrochloride and thiamine, is vitamin B1. It was first discovered, in 1910, by Japanese researcher Umetaro Suzuki. Suzuki was investigating why rice bran was a successful treatment for beriberi. But it was only much later that the vitamin's chemistry was understood, and its more correct naming given, in 1933-1935, by Robert R. Williams, an American telephone company researcher whose hobby was vitamin research. Thiamin's needed for nerves to work, and carbohydrates to burn for body energy. Its absence results in beriberi, which attacks the heart and the nervous system. Entry-level signs of beriberi aren't distinct or unusual enough to direct sufferers to the disease's origin in their nutrient-deficient diet: weight loss, irritability, and confusion.

1 answer

Some chemicals are going to definitely not going to be classified as nutrients so some chemicals that are in nutrients are Retinol, Aneurine, Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Calciferol and Tocoferol. Those are only some of many so sorry I couldn't put all of them!!

hope it helps!!

5 answers

There are no perfect rhymes for "Josephine", but here are some end rhymes that might work:

1. aberdevine

2. abietine

3. aborigine

4. acacine

5. acalycine

6. acanthine

7. acarine

8. acauline

9. accipitrine

10. aceclidine

11. acepromazine

12. acervuline

13. acetylcholine

14. acetylcysteine

15. acolyctine

16. aconitine

17. acridine

18. acriflavine

19. acycloguanosine

20. adaline

21. adamantine

22. adeline

23. adenine

24. adenosine

25. adrenaline

26. adulterine

27. aeromedicine

28. affine

29. agatine

30. airline

31. ajmaline

32. alabamine

33. alabastrine

34. alanine

35. alanosine

36. alaudine

37. albertine

38. aldimine

39. aldine

40. alexandrine

41. algerine

42. aline

43. alizarine

44. alkaline

45. allylamine

46. almandine

47. almondine

48. alpestrine

49. alphonsine

50. alpine

51. altheine

52. altretamine

53. alumine

54. alvine

55. amacrine

56. amandine

57. amanitine

58. amantadine

59. amaranthine

60. amarine

61. amethystine

62. amidine

63. amidopyrine

64. amifostine

65. amine

66. aminobenzine

67. aminophylline

68. aminopyrine

69. amitriptyline

70. amlodipine

71. ammine

72. amoxapine

73. amphetamine

74. amsacrine

75. amygdaline

76. anabasine

77. anatine

78. andesine

79. andine

80. aneurine

81. angeline

82. angevine

83. anguine

84. anileridine

85. aniline

86. annotine

87. anopheline

88. anserine

89. antalkaline

90. antazoline

91. anthracycline

92. anticline

93. antifebrine

94. antiheroine

95. antihistamine

96. antilopine

97. antipyrine

98. antisubmarine

99. antitoxine

100. antoine

from: rhymezone.com

6 answers