An alarmin is an endogenous substance - any substance produced by internal bodily factors - which signals tissue and cell damage.
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In the United States, statistics show that over two-thirds of the adult population are overweight and further shows that at least one-third are considered obese. The obesity rate for women age 20 and over, is higher among non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic women than among non-Hispanic White women. Asian-Americans show the lowest rate of obesity. Over 112,000 deaths are associated with cardiovascular disease due to obesity each year and more than 35,000 deaths from other disease and complications due to obesity. The statistics for bariatric surgery show that a patient can expect to lose 60% of excess body weight post surgery.
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One of the new innovations in the field of home security is driveway security. People don't want intruders coming into their driveway, so they are starting the security element very early. If you are looking to secure your home to the fullest, then this is something that you must consider. A wired driveway alarm is a reliable way to make sure that your house is like a fortress. The nice thing about wired systems is that they will have less down time than wireless systems. Think about a wired driveway alarm as you put together your home security package.
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