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Well, which Legendary Pokemon are you speaking of? It could depend. But the thing I recommend about any Legendary Pokemon-say Uxie, for example-is to use a Timer Ball. It's a somewhat different Ball that becomes pregressively better the more turns there are in a battle. So, therefore, I suggest getting, oh, about 30-40 regular Potions and whenever the Legendary Pokemon hurts you, just by a little bit, use the Potion. It'll count as a turn and, like the Timer Ball's description said, the more turns the better. Also you can switch out your Pokemon over and over again. Maybe, I haven't tried this yet, you could get a Quick Ball and just go, "AIYAH!" and right off the bat try to catch the bugger. Or, (So many possibilities...) you could get a Nest Ball...The weaker the Foe, the better it works basically. So! If you're struggling to get Uxie, as I used 'IT' as an example earlier, Uxie is Psycic Type. Therefore you may get a Psycic Type Pokemon, say Kadabra, get it to Lv. 50 like Uxie (Maybe 49, just to make sure not to murder the Pokemon) and chip off at it's health. You must be patient! If you only get about 1 HP everytime you hit it, DAS IST GOOD! (That is good!) Just keep doing that until if ANYTHING hit it-ANYTHING-then it would fall over, twitch, let it's tongue hang out, and die. After the HP is way way down, you can just heal yourself repeatedly...Or, if every Pokemon is chock-full of health, switch it! And it's good if you fall asleep, too, because then you don't have to worry about accidently attacking it. (I suggest using the buttons on the DS rather than the Stylus, for you might accidently press RUN instead of either BAG or POKEMON) That's about it...I hope I helped out a bit!

3 answers

Well yes it is okay to sleep...well you know that. But I did that once and got absolutely nothing I wanted. Aiyah.....all it did was make all my limbs feel absolutely useless and my muscles felt like jello the next day :( Total bull...maybe next time with alcohol....naw I heard about a guy who had a bunch of symptoms like losing hair and such...Hmm......I'm just gonna drink til I drop then :D Hehehe<3 I wish it had stronger side effects :p For your questioning-if you are-if my sanity is correct I have no sanity whatsoever but I know I'm going to do what I want and stop being that shizznit little proper princess I used to be. It is a bunch of bull poopy! I love God and want to do whats best but I'm feeling a lack of his presence-which does not in any way mean he left me- but I just wanna be like everyone else and wish my parents would leave me the flip alone! I don't wanna talk to them or else I would of....get off my case I've been a little flipping gem doing as told but now I'm fed up.....life is a pain and so am I, so is it so wrong to want to do what you want when you're being expected to do better than your bro and sis? It is bull! I am the younger one and I'm expected to be the top dog and shizz as such.....Gosh I'm sorry I ranted on here! Its just bull that I do what I'm supposed to but I can't get any privacy to myself and I can't think without my mom going " You're wrong." and then tell me what she thinks. I NEVER frickin asked! LEAVE ME ALONE! And then she has the nerve to say I can say whatever I feel should be said but then she goes and is being a hypocrite saying no one will tell you to shut up but then she herself did that not a second after what I told her what I felt about my family competing against one another. She had the nerve to say " You need to shed grace on your brother and sister as much as you show them." and some shizz about throwing your pearls before swine. What I value to myself is not my 'kindness' as she so put it but my sternness to my brother and sister and family. I value sternness and just flipping LISTENING. Gosh no one understands that. So just shut up will you mother because honestly I don't give a shizz anymore. I want to die already because honestly life is too long for me. I'm just gonna be my reckless, never belonging, doesn't want to be 'understood' or 'figured out' and all around too 'forgiving' as she so put it SELF! I want my life done for because these so called 'boyfriends' I had could never hold my attention. No man has ever really captured me and never will. I the free spirit I am cannot be held down. I will die recklessly with God around my neck and a free soaring mind as I jump into the fray.I'm sorry again....just I like to tell people this.....it helps.....thank you for reading<3

Thank you so much. It helps, really. Btw I hate psychological people who try to figure out every crook and cranny of my life<3 Go away please~Only if you have questions then I don't mind. But no psychoanalyst shix.....

1 answer