Here's a few:
allege. assign. avenge. aweigh. benign. bodega. change. clergy. deluge. design. effigy. energy. forage. forego. garage. grudge. homage. impugn. indigo. lounge. manage. oblige. orange. pledge. quaggy. ravage. savage. though. ullage. whinge.
4 answers
The cast of Springwatch - 2005 includes: John Aitchison as himself Brian Allinson as himself Philip Avery as himself David Bavin as Himself - Aigas Field Centre Nigel Bean as himself Bryce Beukers as himself Sarah Beynon as herself Richard Bland as himself Liz Bonnin as herself ChaNan Bonser as herself Duncan Bridges as himself Gordon Buchanan as himself Gordon Buchanan as Himself - Presenter Lloyd Buck as himself Martin Cade as Himself - Portland Bird Observatory Brian Cresswell as himself Dave Culley as himself Danny Danahy as Himself - Bridgwater Angling Association Rob Deaville as Himself - UK Cetaceans Stranding Investigating Project Roy Dennis as himself Lynne Derry as herself Mike Dilger as Himself - Presenter Edward Drewitt as himself Jim Dustow as Himself - RSPB Warden Charlie Elder as himself Mark Everard as himself Paul Furnborough as Himself - Froglife Ben Garrod as himself Calwyn Glastonbury as himself Scott Goldhawk as himself Robyn Grant as Herself - Sheffield University Frank Greenaway as himself Tim Guilford as himself Tim Guilford as Himself - Oxford University Martin Heaven as Himself - Gamekeeper, Cotswolds Laurie Henley as himself Sarah Henshall as Herself - Buglife Douglas Herdson as himself Chris Hewson as himself Chris Hewson as Himself - BTO Simon Holloway as himself Rebecca Hosking as herself Ron Hoskins as himself Kate Humble as herself Kate Humble as Herself - Presenter Sinead Hurley as herself Jonathan Keeling as himself Ian Kendall as himself Pauline Kidner as herself Kim Kirkbride as herself Nigel Larkin as himself Ian Llewellyn as himself Ben Locke as Himself - Photographer David Lusseau as Himself - University of Aberdeen Alistair MacEwen as himself Don Macneish as himself Kate MacRae as Herself - WildlifeKate Grahame Madge as Himself - RSPB Rupert Marshall as Himself - Aberystwyth University Jez Martin as himself Chris Matcham as himself Lindsay McCrae as himself Howard McCrindle as himself Jamie McPherson as himself Nova Meszkovska as herself Hugh Miles as himself Gary Moore as himself Paul Nicols as himself Matthew Oates as Himself - Butterfly Expert, National Trust Matthew Oates as Himself - National Trust Bill Oddie as himself Bill Oddie as Himself - Presenter Chris Packham as Himself - Presenter Ruth Peacey as herself Maya Plass as herself Caroline Quentin as Herself - Narrator: Flower Border Film Caroline Quentin as Herself - Narrator: Leopard Slugs Caroline Quentin as Herself - Narrator: Rockpool Film Caroline Quentin as Herself - Narrator: Wolf Spider Zoe Randle as Herself - Butterfly Conservation Alex Rhodes as himself Sally Scurr as herself Sylvia Sheldon as herself Emma Sherlock as Herself - Curator of Worms, Natural History Museum David Shukman as himself Ian Skelly as himself Chris Sperring as himself Dick Squires as Himself - Area Manager, RSPB Michaela Strachan as Herself - Presenter David Tipling as himself Val Tobias as herself Fiona Van Es as Herself - Hedgehog Street Ellie West as herself Diane Westmoreland as herself Brett Westwood as himself Sarah Wheeldon as herself Tony Whitehead as himself Tony Whitehead as Himself - RSPB Cookie Wilcox as herself Jesse Wilkinson as himself Iolo Williams as himself Iolo Williams as Himself - Presenter Rosie Woodroffe as herself Chris Woolner as himself Jay Wynne as himself
1 answer