Cuts - It is treated by applying pressure (manually and later with a pressure bandage) to the wound site and elevating the limb if possible.
Burns - This can result in damage to tissues and loss of body fluids through the burn site. A cream (which is in the First aid box) is put on a burned surface to decrease the pain.
1 answer
Marshal plan. Trying to figure this out from handys study guide?
1 answer
Definitely check out www.militaryloans.com Their low-rate very generous loans will help you get food if you are in the military.
1 answer
Residents of Toronto can find help with financial debt on Toronto Debt Help's website. A site that covers a larger geographical area, such as Credit Canada, can also be a good resource.
1 answer
I would say the AIDS threat in schools for pre-adolescents is nearly zero. In schools with adolecents or older, the risk increases as sexual activity increases. The AIDS precursor, Human Immunosupresive Virus (HIV) is most effectively passed blood-to-blood, although HIV has been detected in semen, vaginal secretions, and serum. The virus can enter a new host through the mucousal linings of the penis/urethra, vagina, rectum, mouth, but is most commonly and effectively spread blood-to-blood -- e.g. via transfusions, needle sticks, sharing needles, and -- mostly -- rough sex that causes bleeding. It does not spread through the saliva, sweat or tears. There is no aeroslized for of HIV; the virus dies very quickly in contact with air. So kids that are are behaviorally pre-sexual are at an almost-zero risk for HIV/AIDS. Once sexual activity commences, there was a spike in teen HIV instances noticed in te 1990's, related to a certain sense fo immortallity most teens experience, coupled with less than inspired education. This has since arguably improved. Most sexual HIV infections invovled unprotected sex. So, in summary, AIDS is not a significant threat for the pre-sexual school attendee. And with proper education and acceptance of that education, there is no reason to assume AIDS/HIV would pose a significant threat in the school environment.
1 answer
if the arrow point to the top aid: Aid (arrow pointing toward it) Aid Aid Answer: First Aid
5 answers
In Nevada, a class A felony is called a Category A felony. Those crimes considered a Category A felony are sexual assault, first and second-degree murder, the distribution of child pornography, and battery with the intent to commit sexual assault. A Category A felony can be punished by the death penalty or life in prison with or without parole.
3 answers
Aid in a question:
Can you help aid the victims of the terrible accident?
Aid in a sentence:
The Red Cross helps aid victims of various accidents and natural disasters.
1 answer
will aid - We will aid them to get a new car.
going to aid - They are going to aid us to get a new car. ( I think this is not commonly used)
be verb + aiding - They are aiding us in our work.
1 answer
Economic assistance, international aid, military assistance, overseas aid...
1 answer
kool aid
Kool Aid and Kahlua. koolaid kool aid Koolaid Kool Aid Kool-Aid is a non-alcoholic beverage.
1 answer
Graphic aid , when used as a phrase ,makes aid a noun and graphic a descrptive adjective .
2 answers
what does e.a.r stand for in first aid' what does e.a.r stand for in first aid'
1 answer
Yes, financial aid is available to culinary schools. Check with your school's financial aid office for details on what aid is available.
1 answer
Inappropriate aid is when aid is given to people, but they can not utilize that aid because it is inappropriate. e.g. if you were to give a family in the highlands of Nepal a electric oven when the do not have electricity.
1 answer
No one could have discovered first aid. First aid just describes the aid that is given FIRST. It refers to the basic treatment of injuries.
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World Vision will give aid anywhere. They will send aid to poor countries Haiti. That is where they give aid. Hope you found it helpful:)
1 answer
A disadvantage of foreign aid to a developing country might be the amount of money used for foreign aid when domestic aid is needed. It can be known up front if the aid will benefit the developing country.
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unilateral aid is aid given by one country or orginisation whether the recipient country agress or not.
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When it's an adjective, as in first-aid room, first-aid equipment etc.
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emergency aid is when you need something now and long term aid is something to help people in the future
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Advantages and disadvantages: -
(i) For the Aid-recipient Country:
i. The aid-giver is more concerned about promoting the interests of the aided country than its own.
ii. The aid-giver is in a better position than the aided country to take decisions regarding the aided projects and their details.
iii. The volume of aid is adequate, timely, and on an assured long term basis.
iv. Under such conditions, there is also a high probability of aid being on concessional terms.
(ii) For the Aid-giver:
It reduces the risk of default by the aid-recipient, and gives the aid- giver a better control over the design, technology, location, and management, etc., of the aided projects.
Tied aid is also expected to generate some extra benefits to the aid-giver country in the form of additional export earnings, secured markets and higher level of domestic employment, and the like.
Disadvantages of Tied Aid: -
i. It needs no elaboration that for the aid-recipient country, economic cost of the tied aid goes up.
ii. Tied aid restricts the choice of its use by the aid-receiving country.
iii. Aid may be subject to some matching contribution by the aid-receiver. This again leads to a situation where the aid-giver can dictate its own priorities regarding resource allocation by the aid-receiver.
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