I have a very slightly lazy eye...which effects my depth perception. I cannot see in 3d either :-(
1 answer
In the larval stage, which comprises most of their lifespan, lightning bugs eat slugs, snails, and earthworms.
As adults, many fireflies don't eat anything at all—they're only adults for a few weeks, so they mostly just procreate and die. However, females from the Photuris group are a notable exception. These "femme fatale" fireflies lure in males from other groups with enticing flashes and then, as the nickname suggests, eat them. Think about that next time you're oohing and ahhing over them in the backyard.
2 answers
In the larval stage, which comprises most of their lifespan, lightning bugs eat slugs, snails, and earthworms.
As adults, many fireflies don't eat anything at all—they're only adults for a few weeks, so they mostly just procreate and die. However, females from the Photuris group are a notable exception. These "femme fatale" fireflies lure in males from other groups with enticing flashes and then, as the nickname suggests, eat them. Think about that next time you're oohing and ahhing over them in the backyard.
1 answer
IF YOU NEVER TALKED TO HER BEFORE: Once you make eye contact with a woman, watch her for a few seconds after she looks away. If she does something that implies that she has become nervous due to you making eye contact, this means that she is interested in or attracted to you. For instance, she will play with her hair, adjust her clothing or jewelry, or fiddle with something in her hands. IF YOU KNOW HER ALREADY: One of the most easily detected signs of attraction is lifted shoulders. This motion indicates that a person has activated what biologists call the "cute response," a bashful, almost childlike behavior that reveals a softer, more compliant side. This is an emotional, involuntary muscular response to someone you like, and it has a universally disarming effect. (It is also a natural response when you're oohing and ahhing over a puppy or cuddling with a baby.) In a dating scenario, this unconscious movement tells you that the person you're interested in wants to get a little closer
1 answer
In the larval stage, which comprises most of their lifespan, lightning bugs eat slugs, snails, and earthworms.
As adults, many fireflies don't eat anything at all—they're only adults for a few weeks, so they mostly just procreate and die. However, females from the Photuris group are a notable exception. These "femme fatale" fireflies lure in males from other groups with enticing flashes and then, as the nickname suggests, eat them. Think about that next time you're oohing and ahhing over them in the backyard.
32 answers