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About 580m above mean sea level. This is the altitude at the Sault Ste. Marie Water Aerodome.

Source: Wikipedia.

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An airplane is a type of flying machine that is heavier than air. The wings generate lift to overcome gravity, allowing the airplane to take flight.

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Hot Fuzz was filmed in England. There were six different filming locations, Wells, Somerset; The Crown Pub, Wells, Somerset; Barn Theatre, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire; Hendon Police Training College, Aerodome Road, Hendon, London; London; and Bishop's Palace, Wells, Somerset.

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First you need to go to the West gate of Rabanastre and go to the aerodome. From there take the ship to Bhujerba. If you have a map of the whole area, then look for the save crystal on your map and go towards it. In the same area of the save crystal you will find the entrance to the mines. If this is your first time going there, the gameplay once you get to Bhujerba will basically automatically take you there. If you don't have a map find all the stores and take the exit out of that area that is the most north, if you can't find it there, you will eventually because its not that big of a place.

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