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An acene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing a rectilinear arrangement of fused benzene rings.

1 answer

An acene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing a rectilinear arrangement of fused benzene rings.

1 answer

You get acne from the oils on your face. Wash it often, and you should be good.

1 answer

it the acene i.e fleshy thalamus

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magnify glass

  • wash your face every day
  • use tomato juice
  • use facial shrub

1 answer

You would need a lot of potions and lotions geared specifically for scaring.

1 answer

They planned to kill prince hamlet with a posioned foil

1 answer

Its used to treat a number of infections such as acene

2 answers

wash your hands first

rube soap on yo face in circular motion for bout 30min

than rinse yo face and dry with towel

1 answer

The Thane of Cawdor is sentenced to death early in Act 1, Scene 2 of Macbeth for betraying King Duncan and aligning with the Norwegian army. Macbeth is then given the title of Thane of Cawdor by King Duncan as a reward for his bravery in battle.

2 answers

Proactive, Neutrogena Deep Clean Cream Cleanser, Clean and Clear acene treatments, Velocity by Mary Kay, Seabreeze (found at walgreens), Tee Tree Oil Face wash or bar of soap (at any organic food store)... Now it all depends if your skin is oily or not. My skin is not oily, but my reconmendation for you is if your skin is really that bad go see a dermotologist. And remember even if you have bad acene you need to put a lightweight loition, vitamin E loition, or loition with SPF in it. It is very important to kid your skin hydroated. Another solution for you would to lay off junk food if you eat a lot of it which can reduce acene dramatically. :) Hope this works fro you! (Oh and stay away from pore clogers such as cover up, bare minerals, or anything like that. It may cause your skin to look flakey and gross!)

4 answers

Some solutions to challenges facing adolescents include providing access to mental health resources and support, promoting open communication with parents and trusted adults, offering opportunities for skill-building and personal development, and creating a supportive and inclusive environment in schools and communities.

3 answers

If you squeeze a pimple with a head it will bleed, but that's ok because it is going to go away.

If you squeeze a pimple without a head, you will make it worse for your skin. I'm not sure about boils though.

6 answers

Clearasil dose not work...i know about the other ones though they don't work ethire. Your skin goes alot red at fist, but you cant see any of the improvements after an hour or so are a day are a life time. Avoid oily food products because i think your fat- ther' re bad for you and your skin but i know you like it. always put cover up/makeup/foundation on to try and cover it up-it will just unclog your pores and make your pimples better. Your skin needs to breathe. oh, and do over use a product, don't give your skin some time to recover. i hope it works!

5 answers