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No, accessor member functions are a sign of good class design, particularly in terms of data encapsulation.

1 answer

An accessor is a method in a Java Bean that is used to access the private variables of the class.

Usually instance variables in a bean are declared as private and they can be accessed only via these accessor methods.


public class Employee {

private String name = "";

private int age = 0;

public String getName(){

return this.name;


public void setName(String nm){

this.name = nm;


public int getAge(){

return this.age;


public void setAge(int ag){

this.age = ag;



In the above example name and age are instance variables and the methods beginning with get and set are the accessor methods.

1 answer

Mutator: Put something into the class (change something). By convention, has a name that starts with "set", for example, "getName".

Accessor: Get something out of the class (find out the class's state). By convention, has a name that starts with "get", for example, "getName". For logical values, "is" is used instead, for example, "isActive".

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An accessor method can be used to get a value from a class without changing the value.

1 answer

Accessors are methods defined inside classes to access the private variables of the class. It is always a good practice to have instance variables as private so that, other classes cannot access them directly. This would avoid unwanted modification of data. These variables can be accessed only via their respective accessor methods. Ex: public class Test { private String name = ""; public String getName(){ return this.name; } Public void setName(String val){ this.name = val; } } Here getName and setName are the accessor methods for the variable name.

1 answer

Accessors are methods defined inside classes to access the private variables of the class. It is always a good practice to have instance variables as private so that, other classes cannot access them directly. This would avoid unwanted modification of data. These variables can be accessed only via their respective accessor methods. Ex: public class Test { private String name = ""; public String getName(){ return this.name; } Public void setName(String val){ this.name = val; } } Here getName and setName are the accessor methods for the variable name.

1 answer

Nothing stops a member function from changing any of the values in a class. By convention, an accessor function is used to give read only access to class data, but that does not mean that it is prohibited from doing so. It is a member function, after all, and it has all the rights of any member function of the class.

1 answer

This is a standard survey answer (4/16), submitted to test the accuracy of the accessor, please select the 'yes' option and continue.- The Swag Survey Team

1 answer

Any member functions and data members declared as 'private' in a class, can only be accessed directly by functions within the class.

They cannot be accessed directly by derived objects, nor from anywhere outside an object of the class, such as from the Main function.

To access private class members, you must rely on what are called accessor functions. Accessor functions are functions inside the class, either public or protected, which automatically have access to private members.

If a function from Main, or elsewhere outside the class hierarchy, needs access, then you need to use publicaccessor functions. For derived class access, you can use protected accessor functions.

1 answer

A constant in any language is an instance of a data type for which the assigned value cannot be altered by the program. In the case of complex objects (particularly in object-oriented languages), the term constant applies to the logical representation of the object as viewed by the client, rather than the underlying representation which may mutate. For instance, an object can expose a constant accessor which could initialise a member upon first access, which means it must mutate that member even though the object's external state is currently constant with respect to the client. A programmer might do this when initialising a member would be a costly operation, but if the accessor is not invoked against the object then there is no cost. The cost is only paid when the client invokes the accessor for the first time.

1 answer

Yes. If the variables are public yes they can be inherited. If they are private then they cannot be inherited. But to access these private variables you can have accessor methods that are public and can be accessed everywhere.

1 answer

Your local tax accessor will be able to give youa listing of forclosed properties in your area.

1 answer

The basic coding standard is - all variables must be private and you must only expose them to the outside world through accessor/mutator methods. You must not keep them public.

1 answer

Accessors: getValue

Mutators: setValue


class MyClass {

int num;

int getNum() {

return num;


void setNum(int num) {

this.num = num;



2 answers

mutable keyword can only be applied to non-static and non-constant member of a class. It indicates that the corresponding data member can be modified even from the constant function. (Constant function: is a function marked with the keyword const)

For eg.

class x {


mutable int query_count;

int value;


int get_value() const



return value;



In the code above member query_count is marked with keyword mutable. Hence it's value can be modified from constant function get_value().

2 answers

You will need to submit a formal request to the county tax accessor for this information.

1 answer

No. A static member variable is local to the class in which it is declared (much like a global, but scoped to the class) and is accessible to all instances of the class. Since it does not belong to any one instance of the class, it cannot be accessed via the this pointer, as you can with non-static members. Implicitly accessing the variable is the same as explicitly accessing it via ::.

Note that it is possible to access a static member variable from outside the class by providing an accessor (getter) for it within the class. The accessor should be static as well, but needn't be, but it should return by value, otherwise it is no better than a global.

1 answer

Use the member accessor (.) operator.

struct object {

int m_data;


int main()


object o;

o.m_data = 100;

std::cout << o.m_data << std::cout;



1 answer

Private members would be accessible only within their respective classes or via public accessor methods.

The behavior of member variables would depend only on their access modifier and would not change irrespective of the type of inheritance used.

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A set function (or setter) is an object mutator. You use it to modify a property of an object such that the object's invariant is maintained. If the object has no invariant, a setter is not required.

A get function (or getter) is an object accessor. You use it to obtain a property from an object such that the object's invariant is maintained. If the object has no invariant, you do not need a getter.

1 answer

You can search public property records online or visit the county assessor's office to find information on when a house was sold and who bought it. You may need the property address or name of the current owner to access this information.

2 answers

An accessor is a method that accesses the contents of an object but does not modify that object. In the simplest case, an accessor just returns the value of one of the fields. In general, an accessor performs some computation using the fields as long as that computation does not modify any of the fields. Mutators

A mutator is a method that can modify an object. In the simplest case, a mutator just assigns a new value to one of the fields. In general, a mutator performs some computation and modifies any number of fields. Sometimes, accessors are called 'getter' methods and mutators are called 'setter' methods.

5 answers

2 types of java programs are application and applet application program is the one which run on ur computer under the O.S of ur computer. applet is an application designed to be transmitted over the Internet and executed java compatible web browser.

7 answers

There are five primary wires for the stereo and eight for the speakers. The radio's are battery (pink), accessor (blue), ground (gray), illumination (red/blue), and dimmer (red/yellow). The speakers are LF+ (pink), LF- (blue), RF+ (white), RF- (black), LR+ (green), LR- (purple), RR+ (blue), and RR- (pink).

1 answer

If you want maintainability, flexibility, and extensibility (and I guess, you do), your design must include encapsulation. How do you do that?

• Keep instance variables protected (with an access modifier, mostly private).

• Make public accessor methods, and force calling code to use those methods rather than directly accessing the instance variable.

• For the methods, use the JavaBeans naming convention of set and get.

1 answer

If you want a class to be used by any other applications, it must be defined as "public". It is especially true for those "library" classes from Microsoft.

Any C# application has at least 1 class to start with. That class does not need to be public, because it is yours only. (the default accessor is internal)

However, if you want that class publicly available for other application, that class must be defined as public.

1 answer

If you want maintainability, flexibility, and extensibility (and I guess, you do), your design must include encapsulation. How do you do that?

• Keep instance variables protected (with an access modifier, mostly private).

• Make public accessor methods, and force calling code to use those methods rather than directly accessing the instance variable.

• For the methods, use the JavaBeans naming convention of set and get.

1 answer

This is the most common apapcroh to defining setters in S3; however, there is a fundamental problem with this apapcroh. The setter method returns (by value) the entire object. This is perhaps by design, since the apapcroh maintains referential transparency. The downside is that, if the object is large, the function will be *much* slower than modifying the attribute via an unprotected accessor to the attribute. A solution to this would be to use reference classes. I am not a great fan of them however. Alternatives and suggestions are welcome.

1 answer

In C++, the const modifier makes a reference a constant reference.

int i = 42;

const int& r = i;

In the above example, both r and i refer to the same object: a primitive integral with the value 42. That is, r is an alias for i; they are one and the same object. However, the reference r is declared constant so we cannot change the object it refers to by assigning a new value to it. But we can assign a new value to i. And since r and i are the same object, the value of r also changes, despite being decalred constant.

Normally you would not use a constant reference to refer to a local object, since the constness of the reference cannot be guaranteed. However, when we pass an object to a function that expects a constant reference to an object, we give a gurantee to the caller that the object's immutable members will not be changed by the function. This is because the function only has access to the object through the constant reference (formal argument), not the reference we actually passed (actual argument). Therefore it only has access to the constant member functions.

Note that mutable members are nonstatic members that are declared mutable. Typically these will be declared private, for internal use only, such as counters or iterators. As such, modifying a mutable member does not alter an object's external state, as defined by its immutable members. This allows us to invoke constant member functions, which assures us that the object's external state remains unchanged, regardless of the internal state.

Mutable members can also be used to enable lazy construction. That is, an accessor initialises a complex embedded member object when it is first accessed, rather than during construction. This allows the containing object to be constructed much faster, provided the accessor is not invoked as part of the construction process of course. In order for this to work, the embedded member must be a mutable pointer that is initially NULL. When the accessor is invoked for the first time, the complex member is constructed and assigned to the NULL pointer which is then returned (usually by constant reference, but not always). Thereafter, the pointer is no longer NULL and can simply be returned on subsequent accesses. The main advantage of lazy construction is that if the accessor is never called before the containing object falls from scope, we don't waste time and memory constructing an embedded object that was never actually required (and if we had a thousand containing objects, we'd be constructing a thousand embedded objects for no good reason). However, all accessors must be declared constant as they must be accessible to all other member functions, including constant member functions. If the member were not mutable, lazy construction of that member becomes impossible.

1 answer

A queue is a first in first out (FIFO) data structure. We can use a linked list to implement a queue by pushing new elements onto the end of the list and extracting existing elements from the front of the list.

Given the simplicity of the structure, we do not require the full functionality of a linked list (a doubly-linked list), which includes bi-directional traversal and insertion/extraction elsewhere in the list. We also do not need to maintain a count of the elements.

We can prevent bi-directional traversal simply by using a forward list (a singly-linked list). This also gets rid of the need to maintain a count of the elements because a forward list does not (or at least should not) maintain a count. A forward list allows constant-time insertion and extraction at the head only, so we need to change the representation to include a pointer to the tail. All insertions will be made at the tail and all extractions at the head, so we need to modify the push and pop methods accordingly. All other insertion/extraction methods can be removed completely. We can also get rid of any iterators into the list since we do not need to traverse a queue. The only other accessor we need is the empty() accessor so we can tell if the queue is empty or not. With these modifications in place, we now have a well-defined queue.

1 answer

In strongly-typed languages like C++, you need some way of converting from one type to another.

To take a simple example, if you were to design a class that provides internal storage for an integer such that the integer always remains within a specific range of integers (such as 0 to 100), then in order to obtain the internal value you must call an accessor method (a getter), and set the value through a mutation method (a setter). But since the class is intrinsically a specialised integer, it makes far more sense to encapsulate conversion functions within the class itself, so that you can treat the class as if it really were an integer, and automatically convert between the two as and when required.

1 answer



// a simple class

class my_class



std::string m_caption;


// default constructor

my_class (std::string caption): m_caption (caption) {}

// read-only accessor

const std::string& get_caption() const { return m_caption; }


// output stream insertion operator overload

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const my_class& obj)


os << obj.get_caption();

return os;


int main()


// call default constructor

my_class object1 ("This is the caption for object1");

// exercise output stream insertion operator overload

std::cout << object1 << std::endl;


2 answers

Any Java thread can be a daemon thread. Daemon threads are service providers for other threads running in the same process as the daemon thread. For example, the HotJava browser uses up to four daemon threads named "Image Fetcher" to fetch images from the file system or network for any thread that needs one. The run() method for a daemon thread is typically an infinite loop that waits for a service request. When the only remaining threads in a process are daemon threads, the interpreter exits. This makes sense because when only daemon threads remain, there is no other thread for which a daemon thread can provide a service. To specify that a thread is a daemon thread, call the setDaemon() method with the argument true. To determine if a thread is a daemon thread, use the accessor method isDaemon().

1 answer

That makes it possible to redesign the class later, without breaking compatibility. For example, let's say that in a date class - a class to store information about dates - you have three fields, for the day, month, and year. If you access the fields directly, but later decide to change your date class to use a serial number (for example, store, as a number, how many days elapsed since 1 January 1901), any program that accesses the public fields directly will stop working - and it is possible that your class is used in hundreds, or even thousands, of different places. If instead you use "put" and "get" methods, the program parts that use your date class won't even notice - in other words, they will continue working. This is because the internal details of how the class works have been hidden from the "outside world".

1 answer

The "private" attribute causes the method, object, or class to which it is applied to become inaccessible to code outside of its "private" scope. This means that a compiler will issue an error if any code outside of the "private" scope attempts to access the method, object, or class that is marked as private. You should use this when you wish to ensure that your data's integrity is maintained when other code could use it.

Some common industry examples: singleton objects (only one may exist at any time), a class that manages its internal state would use only accessor and mutator functions to allow outside code access (known as encapsulation, a foundation of object-oriented programming; often called a class' API), and business logic protection (by restricting certain functions to only a formal instance of a class, and not its subclasses).

1 answer

To be able to access a variable declared in one file/class from another file/class you need to declare that variable as "public".

Doing this is a very bad coding practice because exposing a variable of a class to be available publicly to other classes is totally against the Java object oriented concepts of Encapsulation and Data hiding. So, preferably you shouldn't be doing this.

However, a better way to do this is, declare the variable as private and have public accessor methods through which you can access this variable. This will ensure that your data is protected even if it is available outside the class

3 answers

The keyword public is an access specifier. A variable or a method that is declared public is publicly accessible to any member of the project. Any class or method can freely access other public methods and variables of another class.

4 answers

A friend class is any class that is granted access to the private members of another class. The following minimal example demonstrates a simplistic friend class.


class A {

friend class B;


A(int data=0):m_data(data){}


int m_data;


class B{


B(const A& a):m_data(a.m_data){}

int getdata()const{return(m_data);}


int m_data;


int main()


A a(50);

B b(a);

std::cout<<b.getdata()<<std::endl; // prints 50



In the above example, A's encapsulation is such that A:m_data can be initialised through A's constructor but is otherwise inaccessible outside of the class. The assumption is that the A::m_data is intended for internal use only. However, B's encapsulation is such that it can be constructed from an instance of A, but since there is no public accessor to A::m_data, B requires friend access to A, and only A can grant that access, hence class B is declared a friend of A.

Note that friends can be declared any where in a class declaration since private, protected and public access do not apply. Note also that there is no need for a forward declaration of B before declaring A because B is dependant upon A, not A upon B.

It should also be noted that although B could potentially undermine the encapsulation of A (a common complaint where friends are concerned), the assumption is that since you are in control of both A and B, then it is your responsibility to ensure that B obeys the same encapsulation rules you set out within A. That is, if A provided a private A::getdata() accessor and a corresponding A::setdata() mutator for its own internal use, then B should make use of that same accessor and mutator rather than access A::m_data directly. This ensures that should you alter the implementation of A::m_data, you will not affect the inner workings of B, thus enforcing A's encapsulation rather than undermining it, and therefore minimising maintenance.

Friend classes are often used wherever two classes work closely together. For instance, a parent and child class often work in tandem, thus it can often make sense to for the child class to declare the parent class a friend. However, there are often better ways than declaring an entire class to be a friend of another class. Friend functions (which can include specific class methods) greatly reduce the chances of undermining encapsulation by limiting the exposure of your private class members. Thus instead of declaring the entire parent class to be a friend of the child class, you could simply declare specific functions to be friends of both classes, thus those functions provide the "glue" that binds the two classes together.

Undermining encapsulation is always a danger with friends, thus you should never grant friendship unnecessarily. After all, the onus is upon you to enforce your own encapsulation rules -- the compiler cannot help you any more than it can help you enforce those rules within the class itself. However, if the public interface is sufficient for your needs, then you do not need friends. You should only use friends when the public interface is insufficient and where altering the interface to suit would actually do far more to undermine the encapsulation than a friend would.

1 answer

RKGDEAL advertisement agency is the market place for buying, selling and trading! Find cars, houses, all kinds of items for sale, and a lot more...!

1 answer

What kind of accessories do you want? Have a look at this website: http://www.dinodirect.com/ May you find what you want!

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The iPod Nano 4th Generation has got quite a line-up of accessories for it. There are cases, headphones, screen covers, skins, arm bands, and many other things to pick from! If you're going for style, it would be recommended to look into buying a skin for your iPod. As for protection, screen covers and a case are obviously the option for you! If you exercise a lot, it would be a good idea to look at buying an arm band or iPod dock!

1 answer

Accessory organs of the uterus includes the fundus , the body and the cervix.

1 answer

It is vitally important that a cellphone be protected after purchase. Manufacturers provide minimal protection but most stores that sell the phones also sell the accessories that protect the phone. The two most important accessories are a screen protector and a protective case. The screen protector not only helps prevent scratches but reduces the glare on the screen while outdoors. The protective case provides a wide variety of protective services but is most helpful against cellphone dropping accidents. Cellphone stores will charge the most for these accessories but many of the exact same accessories can be found at other outlets.

1 answer

Designer iPad covers not only keep iPads safe from the elements and other types of damage, but they are also a fashion statement. Like with all business attire and accessories, it is very important to dress and accessorize for the part. For example, showing up in a full suit and tie to make a presentation to potential clients, then pulling out a bright orange iPad cover may not be the best idea. Whereas using something more sleek and professional like suede or leather may be more appealing to the clients.

1 answer

The air is turning brisk. There is the smell of popcorn in the air. It won't be long before the frost is on the pumpkin. That's right. Halloween is coming. It's time to begin thinking about your costume or your child's. The selection is vast and you can fulfill your genius creation with a quick trip to the costume store. Costumes are great as they come, but there are ways to accent them, making spectacular productions. Of course, that's what you want.

A poodle skirt and sweater are great, but when accessorized with saddle shoes and a polka dot scarf, you have traveled back in time to the 50's. Another 50's Halloween accessory for this outfit might be rhinestone cat-eye glasses and a "flip" style wig. You couldn't be anything other than "swell" wearing this costume.

The 60's has to be the easiest Halloween costume to accessorize. Flower Power. Everything had flowers on it. Headbands, sandals, peace sign necklaces, and long hippie wigs. Add round rose colored glasses, a long vest and bell bottoms, and everything is guaranteed to be "groovy".

Move up through the decades, and you will find ideas galore. The period when disco music was popular is a great concept for a costume. Along with the leisure suit, accessorize with the tallest platform shoes and the biggest ever hair. You remember it the "fro". Big gold chains were "in", also. It will be no problem to put together the perfect 70's style costume, ready to be accessorized. "Chill out". You can do it.

Come on up to modern times and think about costumes and their Halloween accessories. Current movie stars, characters on television and movies, and musicians are all fair game. Iconic personalities on television and stage are usually identifiable by their accessories. Sometimes it is jewelry. It could be their glasses or their hair. Today's media provides us with images of stars at their best, as well as their worst. Have fun and you're to come up with a Halloween costume that will be over the top because of great accessories.

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