One sentence is; Unfortunately, the mission turned out abortive. OR; he made an abortive attempt to include the negotiations.
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Abortiveness is the quality of being abortive, or the result of being abortive or bringing on abortion.
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An abortive effort is one that comes to an early and abrupt end. For example, John mad several abortive efforts to start his own business.
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The insurgents' abortive attempts to infiltrate our lines were rebuffed by our advance teams.
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Example sentence - The prince made an abortive attempt to rescue the fair maiden.
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You can take a papaya & pine apple, it can support to baby abortive.
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Abortive medications include triptans, ergot alkaloids, NSAIDs, combination analgesics, and antiemetics.
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Abortive transduction occurs when a bacteriophage injects its genetic material into a bacterial cell, but the viral DNA fails to replicate and instead integrates into the host bacterial genome. This can result in a mixed bacterial population with some cells acquiring new genetic traits from the phage.
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reasons: to support the council's objective of delivering 500 affordable homes whilst minimizing effort on ultimately abortive schemes.
several attempts had been made to rescue her, which the vigilance of her keeper had rendered abortive
the second attempt proved even more abortive than the first.
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Make the word modify a noun or pronoun, meaning unsuccessful. Example: She made an abortive attempt to roll over her IRA.
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Leptospirosis interogans is an abortive bacteria (spirochete) which is transmitted from animal to animal via excretion in the urine.
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Abortive medications are taken at the first sign of a migraine attack. About 20% of migraine patients have headaches preceded by an aura, or brief period of warning symptoms.
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In English, "abortive effects" are any effects (actions, words, thoughts, etc.) which fail immediately. That is, the phrase refers to something which does not work or is proven false (etc.) from the very first moment that it appears.
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A wretchock is a stunted or abortive cock, the smallest in a brood of domestic birds.
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Abortive poliomyelitis is a mild form of the poliovirus infection that does not progress to the paralytic stage. Symptoms may include fever, headache, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. There is typically no muscle weakness or paralysis in abortive poliomyelitis.
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Null, Nada, zero-angular advance- abortive.
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Gravida is how many times pregnant, para is how many were born. Abortive I guess means how many abortions or miscarriages, that makes no sense since all you need is gravida and para.
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have it if you want it, dont include abortive or contraceptive services in it though.
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Abortive purchasers refers to individuals or companies who express interest in purchasing a property but do not complete the transaction. They may pull out of the deal for various reasons, such as changes in financial circumstances, property inspection results, or market conditions. These potential buyers do not ultimately acquire the property.
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After 4 days to a week you would die or start the process of dying.
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A. S. Mustapha has written:
'The Orkar's abortive coup' -- subject(s): History
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Smoking, Alcoholism, taking abortive drugs, exposure to radiation and taking ellicit drugs.
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Our trip had to be aborted when we ran out of money.
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Abortive conveyancing fees are the costs incurred during a property transaction that has been unsuccessful or aborted before completion. These fees cover the work completed by the solicitor or conveyancer up until the point of the transaction being halted, and can include charges for legal services, searches, and administrative tasks.
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abattoir, abductor, absorbed, abundant, abrasion, abstract, abjectly, abortive, abutment, abstruse, abdicate.....
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It could mean that a person planned or attempted to run away, but it never actually came to pass.
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Treatment that is given to stop or ease the pain of a migraine headache after it has started is known as acute or abortive treatment.
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Yes they do until the hormones have settled. The body thinks it gave birth and you can even lactate.
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Some effective ways to cope with abortive sorrows and move forward in a positive direction include seeking support from loved ones or a therapist, practicing self-care activities such as exercise and mindfulness, setting goals for the future, and focusing on personal growth and resilience.
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They ruled China from 1644 to 1911 but they came from Manchuria.
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Causes of stillbirth, one is utero-placental insufficiency, meconium stained,use of abortive drugs, cord around the neck..........................
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According to the severity of the patient's headaches, the presence of nausea or vomiting, the patient's response to the drug, and the presence of such comorbid conditions as depression or epilepsy.
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In the Southern slave-states.
Gettysburg was the only battle fought in a free state (Pennsylvania), during Lee's abortive invasion of the North.
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A telecom abortive project is a project worked on by a group of people who are not in the same area at the same time, usually long distance using the telephone, or web chats.
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No it's not allowed there. You either have to go to India or another country where it's legal, or see a doctor at womenonweb who sends you the pills. If you go to the black market you never know what you get.
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If you are already pregnant you obviously cannot prevent it. What you are asking is for an abortive herb or food. There are many herbs considered to be abortive but you must consider eventual health risks.
A commonly used combination is pennyroyal with bue cohosh in the cases of short delays in menstruation. It has shown 60-80 % results. Efficiency starts to drop after th first week of delay so the soonest that these herbs are taken, the better. Pomegranate is a food said to have the same effect.
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It does mean that the competitor does not have any result.
This happens if you do not clear your beginning height at a jumping competition for example (pole vaulting: three times in a row unsuccessful or abortive attempt at your very first height)
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King Charles Albert sought to unify the Italian states in 1848. He went to war with Austria, but was unable to defeat them at the Battle of Custosa. As a result, the revolution ended, and he was forced to sign a truce with Austria.
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Imitrex (sumatriptan) was the first in its class - an abortive drug approved by the FDA for treatment of Migraine.
For best results in diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and other headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache and Migraine specialist.
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No pilot in his or her right mind would deliberately crash land. You may be thinking of the abortive take-off from Honolulu- which wrecked one Electra- fortunately like racing cars, a spare, identical in all respects was available- out of the hanger.
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Aspirin is not coated in an abortive drug, but if it is taken at the time of conception or in the very early stages of pregnancy, it can increase the risk of miscarriage.
The main problem with taking aspirin later on in pregnancy is that aspirin can delay labor and has increase in complications related to bleeding.
There has been some debate as to whether taking aspirin during pregnancy will cause a detrimental effect on the heart and lungs of the developing baby. The viewpoints range from it may cause in increase in risk to no increase in risk, but neither side says it is beneficial.
So, unless you are prescribed aspirin by your doctor to treat some specific conditions, you shouldn't take it while pregnant.
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With any abortive medication, the earlier in the attack you are able to take the medication, the stronger chance it has to work. Magnesium may be able to act as an abortive in even a two day migraine when provided as a rapid infusion via IV - able to get into the body's tissues more easily. At two days into the migraine, other medications may need to be paired with the magnesium.
Normal magnesium supplements are meant as preventative treatment for migraines. When you are deficient in magnesium (or many other nutrients), it takes time to build your levels up to a place where your body is consistently getting what you need so that it can work efficiently.
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