The abdominals are a group of muscles in the front of the body covering the stomach region. The abdominals are used to support the back.
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The rectus abdominals is the muscle that is in the front of the torso. It is separated by tendons, one down the middle and two or three(depending on genetics) across. This is what gives it the six pack look.
The transverse abdominals lies deep in the torso, it acts like a belt stabilizing the spine when we move.
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Abdominals serve as the "Core" for everything stabilizing not only the back (such as the sacrum triangle shaped partition above the tailbone) - it also functions to help with everyday movement such as jumping, bending, squatting, twisting etc. w/out the suppression of the abdominals or the transverse abdominals / obliques you would not be able to move. Ontop of these basic core movement functions they serve to protect your vital organs.
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The abdominals are a group of muscles that help stabilize the trunk, support posture, and facilitate movement of the spine. They play a key role in core strength, which is important for everyday activities and sports. Strengthening and conditioning the abdominals can help improve overall stability and reduce the risk of injury.
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The main action is to bend the spine of the spinal core
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Antagonist: lats
Agonist: Abdominals
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Sit ups train the abdominals when performed properly. They also train the back muscles too. There are many different variations to work different muscle groups.
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Do abdominal crunches, this is one of the best ways to strengthen the abdominals
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quatraceps, calfs, abdominals, gludeus maximus, and your hamsstring.
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The Pilates Method is the best form of exercise to tone & strengthen the abdominals/core.
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Since rowing machines are quite fun, and easy for a while, you need to do intense training, and a lot of it. The machine itself will have an effect on your side abdominals, because of all the rowing, but the most effected areas would focus on the arms and frontal abdominals.
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You use the front of the hip (hip flexors) Abdominals and quads (top of the thigh)
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There's four major groups- abdominus rectus, interior and exterior obliques, and the transverse abdominals.
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Depends what type of exercise you are doing. You could be working out your Biceps, Triceps, Abdominals etc.
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Yes, but... I dont know how a dog would work our their abdominals + get rid of body fat.
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Bridges primarily work the muscles in the core, including the abdominals, lower back, and glutes.
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Some effective Swiss ball exercises for targeting the abdominals include Swiss ball crunches, Swiss ball pikes, and Swiss ball rollouts. These exercises engage the core muscles and help strengthen and tone the abdominal area.
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Quadriceps, hip flexors, calves.
Additionally, biceps, triceps, abdominals, pectorals, and glutes
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your going to give birth soon up to 4 weeks
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glutes(butt),abdominals,calf,and thigh muscles as well as some of the smaller muscles in your feet.
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The muscles that primarily move bones are the skeletal muscles, such as the hamstrings, quadriceps, biceps, abdominals, etc.
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Either he thinks you might be cold, or he 's trying to impress you with his pectorals and abdominals.
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triceps, deltoids, lats,traps
kinda depends on the stroke
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Your abdominals work hard when you swim. Also your legs if your kicking, and your shoulders push the water to move you forward.
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Abs is the abbreviation of abdominals.
They are the muscles in the stomach and chest area. (Abdominal muscles.)
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People use their abdominals, biceps, triceps, deltoids, hamstrings, and obliques to stretch in soccer.
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glutes, back, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, abdominals, etc. just about all of them.
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Fat builds up around the omentum and stomach rather than around the thighs and buttox of women.
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The Pallof Press primarily targets the core muscles, including the abdominals and obliques.
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Using an abdominals machine can help strengthen and tone your core muscles more effectively than traditional exercises. The machine provides resistance throughout the entire range of motion, targeting the muscles more efficiently. This can lead to improved core strength, stability, and overall posture.
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Yes. They can be used in training for lots of sports, to develop fitness and strengthen parts of the body. You could also compete against others to see who can do the most in a period of time or without stopping.
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The musculus rectus abdominis are also known as the abs or lower abdominals. They are the ones that give people that 'six pack' look.
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exercising a lot does cause your hormones to be more sexually active so it is possibly but the likelyhood of this happening is very slim
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The atissimus obrsi abdominals is the prime mover in a sit up.
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Throughout the course of a racquetball match, you use your forearm,arm,shoulder and legs muscles!
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