It's a superfine flour. In the US, Wondra is an example.
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The cast of This Close or This Far - 2009 includes: Eric Jacobus as Matty Theresa Wondra as Alice
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I use Wondra flour ..which is a very fine flour that works just as fast as corn starch...or if that is not around I just make a roue with flour and butter
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The cast of Reel Good Advice - 2006 includes: Matt Kaczkowski as Man from Past Kevin Wondra as Film Watcher
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The cast of Super Chicks - 2005 includes: Lee Abbott as Dynaboy Amy Arce as Wondra Woman Alissa Moreno as Super Chick Nicole Stanton as Stormy
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The cast of St. Pauli in St. Peter - 1969 includes: Ernst Essel as Gendarm Elisabeth Karlan as Wirtin Notburga Inge Toifl as Martha Petersen Ferry Wondra as Wirt Peter Burger
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Instant flour is a granular flour that dissolves quickly to thicken gravies, sauces, custards and other dishes. Wondra is a brand of instant flour. Instant flour is low protein, finely ground flour that has been treated so that it will dissolve instantly in water and not require the same long cooking process as non-instant flour to dissolve in a liquid and thicken it. The process is called pregelatinization, and it involve heat a starch (flour) with very hot water and/or steam, then drying it out, so that it has essentially been cooked already. Because of this, instant flour also very unlikely to form lumps when mixed with a water or other solution. Wondra is a brand of instant flour and has some malted barley flour mixed into it, which acts as a dough conditioner in many breads. While all purpose flour, pastry flour and cake flour can all be substituted for each other reasonably well when you make a few adjustments to the amounts you need, you cannot really work out a similar substitution for instant flour. Cake flour, with its low protein content, will be the closest you can get, but unless only a very small amount is called for in your recipe, it is worth either (a) trying to find some Wondra or (b) trying to find a different recipe.
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The cast of Wir bitten zum Tanz - 1941 includes: Glock Theodor Danegger as Hartenau Richard Eybner as Neufingerl Hans Holt as Xandl Georg Lorenz as Ungefar Elfie Mayerhofer as Sylvia Hans Moser as Tanzschulbesitzer Hofeneder Helli Servi as Fannerl Thea Weis as Trude Gradaus Ferry Wondra as Fiakerkutscher
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Amy Arce has: Played Rhonda in "Date Less" in 2000. Played Barbie Lyn in "Sheila Takes a Bow" in 2004. Played Linda Mitchell in "American Crime" in 2004. Played Jane in "Laundry Night" in 2005. Played Wondra Woman in "Super Chicks" in 2005. Played Smith in "Resilience" in 2006. Played TV Reporter in "Unstoppable" in 2010.
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The cast of Der Schandfleck - 1956 includes: Gerti Bens as Steffi Armin Dahlen as Der Almhofbauer Heinrich Gretler as Josef Reindorfer Heinz Grohmann as Jakob Rohrbacher Gustl Gstettenbaur as Thomas Gerhard Hofer Lotte Ledl as Josefa Melzer Dina Pospesch as Burgl Evi Servaes as Elisabeth, seine Tochter Dagny Servaes as Maria, seine Frau Hans von Borsody as Florian, ihr Sohn Ferry Wondra as Ferdinand, der Schwiegersohn
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Reinhold Tischler has: Played Leutnant in "Reiterattacke" in 1968. Played Betriebsleiter Kellner in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Bankdirektor Hajek in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Joseph Wondra in "Tatort" in 1969. Performed in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Holoubek, der junge Designer in "Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne" in 1971. Performed in "Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne" in 1971. Played Oberknecht Franz in "Die Liab am Almsee" in 1974.
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Roland Kenda has: Played Wodatz in "Zweikampf" in 1986. Played Dr. Meraner in "Peter Strohm" in 1989. Played Wondra in "Liebe, Tod und Eisenbahn" in 1989. Played Herr Muster in "Im Kreise der Lieben" in 1991. Played Kriminalrat in "Schattenboxer" in 1992. Performed in "Bella Block" in 1994. Played Herr Brandt in "Doppelter Einsatz" in 1994. Played Eckart in "Bella Block" in 1994. Played Richter in "Bunte Hunde" in 1995. Played Battista in "Emilia Galotti" in 2003.
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The cast of Hallo Taxi - 1958 includes: Brigitte Antonius Jutta Bornemann Lucie Englisch as Adele Schellnegger Peter Ertelt Peter Gerhard Hugo Gottschlich Willi Hufnagel Wolfgang Jansen August Keilholz Walter Kohut Wolfgang Litschauer Gerlinde Locker as Lisa Hans Moser as Leopold Gruber Ellen Nowak Else Rambausek Hans Rapant Hilde Rom Oskar Sima as Kommerzienrat Schellnegger Walter Varndal Toni von Bukovics Guido Wieland Ferry Wondra
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The cast of Een lange herfstdag - 1971 includes: Piet Bergers as Sykora Jef Burm as Kristiaan Joris Collet as Majoor Walter Cornelis as Jarda Maurits Goossens as Bernard Suzanne Juchtmans as Vera Willy Lamote as Jindra Robert Lussac as Werkmeester Wondra Leo Madder as Milan Robert Marcel as Mrakota Lode Van Beek as Edward Arthur Van den Eynden as Lexa Jenny Van Santvoort as Mrakotova Arnold Willems as Karel
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The cast of Frau im Strom - 1939 includes: Rudolf Carl as Polizeibeamter Hertha Feiler as Hannerl Kurt Filipp as Ein Junge Karl Forest as Angler Herbert Gernot as Brunner Olly Holzmann as Hedi Willi Hufnagel as 2. Wachmann Hans Kammauf as 3. Wachmann Lisl Kinast as Liebende Alfred Lehner as Liebender Fritz Rasp as Wendelin Werner Scharf as Keryllis Oskar Sima as Schani Alexander Trojan as Franz Schatter Oskar Wegrostek as 1. Wachmann Ferry Wondra as Strassenbahnschafner
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The cast of Lachendes Wien - 1957 includes: Fritz Diestel as Wachtmeister Karl Dobravsky as Ein Halbstarker Peter Gerhard as Der arme Lehrer Otto Hejdusek as Standesbeamter Florl Leitner as Korporal der k.u.k. Armee Josef Menschik as Ein Wiener Herrigengast Elly Naschold as Kellnerin Teo Prokop as Heurigenwirt Raoul Retzer as Ein Berliner Willy Scheideck as Rittmeister Jan Six as Junger Bundesheersoldat Loni von Friedl as Sissy Rudolf Wasserlof as Franzl Ferry Wondra as Quasnicek, Kiebitz Ludwig Zwickl as Tamardl, Kartenspieler
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The cast of Wenn eine Wienerin Walzer tanzt - 1951 includes: Franz Behrens Hedy Fassler Otto Fassler Fritz Heller Peter Hey Fritz Imhoff as Anton Huber Editha Jarno Anni Korin as Poldi Ida Krottendorf as Olga Lotte Lang as Karoline Hugo Lindinger Eduard Loibner Trude Marlen Josef Menschik Edith Mill Hans Olden as Franz Weidlinger Teo Prokop Reinhold Siegert Louis Soldan Hans Steilau Ena Valduga Fritz von Friedl as Seppl Ferry Wondra Ludwig Zwickl
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The cast of Ein Leben lang - 1940 includes: Maria Andergast as Elisabeth Theodor Danegger as Fritz, Kellner Karl Ehmann as Arzt Joachim Gottschalk as Hans von Gallas Vally Heidt Richard Marcell Elisabeth Markus as Oberin Ernst Nadherny as A guest of Agnes Alfred Neugebauer as Vormundschaftsrichter Erich Nikowitz Rudolf Prack as Franz Hofbauer Fritz Puchstein as Beisitzender Richter Frida Richard as Trafikantin Hans Richter as Notar Annie Rosar Jane Tilden as Poldi, Magd Egon von Jordan as Karli Gustav Waldau as Franz, Diener Paula Wessely as Agnes Seethaler Lina Woiwode as Frau Seethaler Ferry Wondra as Paul
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Herbert Pendl has: Played Wondra in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Schimeczek, der Ratz in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Zwinker in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Erster Taxifahrer in "Kottan ermittelt" in 1976. Played Hausbewohner in "Tatort" in 1985. Played Herr Schneider in "Der Leihopa" in 1985. Played Standesbeamter in "Via Mala" in 1985. Played Kommissar Wobisch in "Mozart und Meisel" in 1987. Performed in "Arbeitersaga" in 1988. Played Christian Hofeneder in "Kommissar Rex" in 1994. Performed in "Eine Dicke mit Taille" in 1994. Played Doppler in "Kommissar Rex" in 1994. Played Swoboda in "Kommissar Rex" in 1994. Played Patient in "Stockinger" in 1996. Played Herr Lackner in "Die Neue - Eine Frau mit Kaliber" in 1998. Played Pfleger in "Drei Herren" in 1998. Played Detektiv Schachermayer in "Ein Herz wird wieder jung" in 1999.
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The cast of Wiener Blut - 1972 includes: Elisabeth Fez as Lintschi Ferry Gruber as Josef Ossy Kolmann as Kutscher Kurt Liederer Friederike Mann as Lori Josef Menschik Fritz Muliar as Kagler Helga Papouschek as Pepi Tino Schubert Kurt Sobotka Hilde Sochor as Lisi
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If you mean how many kinds of WHEAT flour, there are:
All Purpose - for general baking, quick breads, cookies, pancakes, thickening
Bread - higher in the wheat protein, gluten
Granulated - for making gravies and sauces (Wondra is an example) it doesn't clump when added to a liquid.
Whole Wheat - made from the whole wheat berry or kernel
"White" Whole Wheat (made from a softer/lighter textured variety of wheat)
Self Rising - baking soda and salt have been added
Pastry - higher in starch, for delicate pie crusts, etc.
Whole Wheat Pastry
Semolina - a particular variety of wheat used in making pasta
Pretty much any grain can be ground into flour. Even nuts such as almonds or hazelnuts, can be found. Chestnut flour is used in some Italian pastries. Then there are dozens of other flours, each with its own particular best use and nutritional values. Some common ones are:
Kamut (a relative of Wheat)
Spelt (relative of Wheat)
Tapioca (also known as Manioc)
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The cast of Eine Frau sucht Liebe - 1969 includes: Hans Clarin as Psychiatrist Eva Ingeborg Scholz as Customer Horst Janson as George Eva Renzi as Jane Katrin Schaake as Girlfriend Hans Schweikart as Bookseller Terkins
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As a thickner for stew, or pies, you can use self rising flour.
Another good option is to use arrowroot powder.
For making gravy, a good substitute for corn starch is enriched white wheat flour. You can also substitute gluten-free flour. You might also try tapioca flour. You can also substitute potato starch, but use the commercial kind. If you make your own liquid starch from juiced potatoes, be ready for that potato taste... and, it tends to turn very slightly grey.
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Robert Lussac has: Played Colonel in "Soldats sans uniforme" in 1944. Played Raymond Bourdin in "Barak 1" in 1945. Played Hector in "Un certain monsieur" in 1950. Performed in "Seuls au monde" in 1952. Played Le Mesles in "Ouvert contre X" in 1952. Played Smokkelaar in "Le banquet des fraudeurs" in 1952. Played Bril in "De klucht van de brave moordenaar" in 1956. Played Peintre in "La tricheuse" in 1961. Played Heer in "Vragen stellen aan een meid" in 1966. Played De St. Hubert in "Klucht van de brave moordenaar" in 1969. Played Bernstein in "Albert de Deken" in 1969. Played Pierre in "De kleine waarheid" in 1970. Played Le professeur Carteret in "Les galapiats" in 1970. Played Werkmeester Wondra in "Een lange herfstdag" in 1971. Performed in "La maison sous les arbres" in 1971. Played Griboin in "Malpertuis" in 1971. Played Humbold in "Schildknaap van een vechtjas" in 1971. Played Vorst Abrezkov in "Het levende lijk" in 1972. Played Onderzoeksrechter in "Een mens van goede wil" in 1973. Played Doketer in "Een boerin in Frankrijk" in 1973. Performed in "Le Far-West" in 1973. Played Alonso in "Schapenborre" in 1974. Played Delpierre in "Fientje Beulemans" in 1974. Played Gansendonck in "Baas Gansendonck" in 1974. Performed in "Jonas de walvisvaarder" in 1975. Played De oude pastoor in "De verlossing" in 1975. Played Boer in "De herberg in het misverstand" in 1976. Played Prof. Buikriem in "Voorjaarsontwaken" in 1976. Played Wildeman in "De danstent" in 1976. Played Kardinaal Gonzaga de Castro in "Het souper der kardinalen" in 1977. Played Politieker in "Gejaagd door de winst (of het A.B.C. van de moderne samenleving)" in 1978. Played Pastoor Bonhomme in "Dagboek van een herdershond" in 1978. Played Pastoor in "Dagboek van een herdershond" in 1978. Played Merchie in "Maria Speermalie" in 1979. Performed in "Een blik van verstandhouding" in 1979. Performed in "De grens" in 1979. Performed in "De witte" in 1980.
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The cast of Geboren unter schwarzen Himmeln - 1962 includes: Barbara Dittus Peter Dommisch Eberhard Esche Adolf Fischer Horst Hiemer Agnes Kraus Horst Kube Annelise Matschulat Eberhard Mellies Erich Mirek Manfred Mosblech Heinz Scholz Rudolf Ulrich Hermann Wagemann Horst Weinheimer
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