THE HAND The hand and wrist contain 27 bones all of which are connected by ligaments. Tendons connect the muscles to the bones. The tendons are enclosed in sheaths which protect and lubricate the tendons to allow free movement. Excessive movement, especially backwards and forwards, can cause inflammation of the sheath, the tendon and the surrounding soft tissue, resulting in a variety of recognisable conditions, all of which are painful and may be limiting. Some of the most common of these are: * PERITENDINITIS - inflammation of the sheath surrounding the tendon. * TENOSYNOVITIS - inflammation of the tendon. This can lead to: # CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME - the carpel tunnel is a narrow passageway on the palm side of the wrist through which tendons, nerves and blood vessels pass to supply the fingers. Inflammation or injury in this area can cause compression in this tunnel, restricting the space available, causing pain or numbness in the fingers, except the little finger. This condition is not usually associated with keyboard use but may occur with poor position of a joystick.
NECK AND BACK Pain and stiffness of the neck and back have been attributed to prolonged usage of computers. The reason for this is not clear but is thought to be the result of static posture combined with poor posture and awkward position of the hands and wrists. I cannot leave the subject of musculoskeletal problems without mentioning that hot-potato RSI Repetitive Strain Injury, or WRULDS, to use the more modern term. There has recently been considerable press coverage on the financial cost of personal injury associated with computer use. One report estimated the cost to the UK economy to be in the region of half a billion pounds each year. Medical opinion remains divided on the subject of RSI with some doctors supporting their patients with claims and others stating that no such condition exists. Any of the aforementioned conditions of the hand could be classes as RSI - they result from prolonged (repetitive) use of the wrist and hand. PREVENTION The prevention of strain and pain associated with use of computers is down to two main areas: * ERGONOMICS * DISTRIBUTION OF WORKLOAD 1 Heavy workload and poor posture WILL lead to musculoskeletal pain and strain 2 Heavy workload and good posture MAY lead to problems 3 Light workload and good posture WILL NOT lead to problems So consider your days work before you start and plan so that you can spend alternate periods on practical tasks and some time on keyboard. There are some exercises with can help to minimise the possibility of injury, especially to the hand and forearm. Prior to starting work, warm up by clinching your hand into a tight fist and then spreading the fingers to full stretch. Repeat about ten times. This can be done several times throughout the day to relieve tension. There are also shoulder and neck exercises which relax the muscles and relieve muscular tension. EYES AND EYESIGHTComputers/VDUs are often, incorrectly, blamed for problems with eyes and eyesight. Some people may experience discomfort associated with dry eyes and tired eyes which they attribute to beginning work with computers. Some people become aware of previously existing visual acuity reduction which, because they had not previously been using their eyes for such concentration, they did not realise they had. This is why it is now recommended that people have an eyesight test if they are to become VDU users. Dry eyes and itchy eyes can be a problem to some people, especially if they use contact lenses. Most can be alleviated by increasing the humidity in the room, but some may need to consult their doctor who might prescribe drops to maintain the moisture in the eye. Position of screen, reflection, lighting and flicker account for most discomfort and fatigue of the eyes. Your optician may prescribe visual aids designed especially for screen use. The use of properly positioned document holders can help to lighted the strain on your eyes. Again, good time management is important so that you do not spend all one shift on the computer and another shift doing other tasks - alternate your workload whenever possible.
HEADACHES Headaches associated with computer use can usually be attributed to poor posture, inadequate lighting, screen flicker or excessive workload. Computers in themselves do not cause headaches, and they can usually be avoided by assessment of the workstation and avoiding of the ergonomic and workload problems. DRY SKIN\FACIAL DERMATITIS Skin discomfort associated with use of computers has two sources: Low humidity - increase the humidity by use of humidifiers or houseplants standing in a saucer of water. Static electricity - reduce the electrostatic charge in the room by careful choice of furnishings such as carpets. EPILEPSY 1 in 10 000 of the population suffer from photosensitive epilepsy and they may have and adverse reaction to a flickering screen. On the very rare occasion that somebody with this type of epilepsy is to work with VDUs advice should be taken from EMAS. PREGNANCY There is no established link between working with VDUs and miscarriage or birth defects. However, if a pregnant woman is overly concerned, she should seek advice from her doctor. The radiation emitted from screens is well below the level where either mother or baby is at risk. STRESS The very fact that people have fears about the stories they have heard about the damage computers can damage their health is enough to cause them to become tired and stressed. We all cope better with any situation if we know what we are doing and what the risks are and if we are in the position of being able, with awareness, to organise our own workloads in such a way that we can prevent or at least, minimise the effects of our work on our health. It should also be remembered at by minimising the effects of our work on our health, we are also minimising the effects of our health on our own, and our colleagues, workloads. If one in an office is off sick as a result of an illness caused by their work the load is then distributed among the remaining staff. How long before we have an office full of idle computers? THE MOUSE Until fairly recently, computer users found that the keyboard was their main tool, with occasional mouse use, for layout, saving, retrieving etc., and they did not suffer any of the problems associated with mouse usage. Graphic design and desktop publishing work depends on more concentrated mouse usage. The use of the mouse has now become a tool which is being used increasingly in everyday work. Those whose work is predominantly mouse oriented may experience some aches and pains in the hand, wrist and arm. This has been attributed to the fact that the usually method of controlling the mouse is using the finger and thumb to grip and the repeated use of the index finger to click on and off.
The position of the mouse in relation to the keyboard and screen is significant in causing, or avoiding injury. The mouse is sometimes an afterthought when looking at the ergonomic positioning of computers at the workstation. It may be placed so that the users arm is at full stretch, behind the keyboard, or even on another worktop. Poor position of the mouse can required exaggerated movement of the hand, arm and shoulder, giving rise to WRULDS, especially upper arm and shoulder pain. Also, user technique is sometimes to blame for mouse related problems. Excessive force will exacerbate any injury, such as RSI and WRULDs. Advances in technology means that there are many variations on the basic mouse available to computer users. Choosing the right mouse or alternative can be as significant as choosing the right chair in preventing injury. Find the mouse that best suits you and continue to look for improved appliances. Practice of good mousing style is worth while.
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