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For people who live in North America, Petfinder.com is a great place to find local rabbits.

Another way to find rabbits, if you live in America (although there are a few international chapters as well) is to contact your local chapter of the House Rabbit Society: if they don't adopt out rabbits themselves, they can recommend an organization that does. In Wisconsin that's the WHRS.

See links below.

Try looking on craigslist.com It has any Rabbit you want for any price and you enter a location and boom it works

1 answer

First let us convert the power of the bulb into kilowatts.

A kilowatt is 1000 watts. We have one tenth of that. So 100W = 0.1kW

To work out the kilowatt hours we simply multiply the power in kilowatts by the time the bulb is on for (in hours):

0.1kW x 10h = 1 kWh
a 100 watt bulb uses 100 watts of power. In ten hours it uses 100x10 watt-hours, or 1 kilowatt-hour. A kilowatt-hour is also called a unit, and units are what you pay for.

4 answers