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The population of Vus - Crna Trava - is 19.

1 answer

Either by fame or fortune or by deja vus'

1 answer

The word "grievous" is pronounced as GREE-vuhs.

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magnify glass

The airport code for Veliky Ustyug Airport is VUS.

1 answer

There is none. The IE has a schwa sound. It's "mis chuh vus."

1 answer

It is pronounced as "MIS-chuh-vuhs", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

2 answers

you will get a déjà vou every week of a month so DONT be surprised if u get more it can sometimes happen

1 answer

The Yiddish translation for "It is what it is" is "Es iz vos es iz."

2 answers

Vous is pronounced "voo" in French. As a general rule, you should pronounce every French "ou" like they are in "you" or in "should".

2 answers

The word "mischievous" is often mispronounced as "mis-CHEE-vee-us" instead of the correct pronunciation "MIS-chi-vus."

2 answers

Mischievous is commonly (and most annoyingly) mispronounced as Miss-Chi-Vee-Us. There is NO SUCH WORD people! Mischievous is accented just like the word mischief. You don't say mis-cheef, do you? No. Furthermore, there are only 2 i's in mischievous - not 3. Do not add another i after the v - it is not mischievious. Mis-cheh-vus is the correct pronunciation. Please! Spread the word!

2 answers

Because wood has a rough surface area so there will be more friction vus sand paper tiny hairs.

1 answer

Vladimir Sichov has written:

'Les Russes vus par Vladimir Sichov' -- subject(s): Soviet Union

'The Russians' -- subject(s): Pictorial works

1 answer

because wood has a rough surface area so there will be more friction vus the sand papers tiny hairs wair down the table

1 answer

Bob Hines has written:

'Les canards vus de loin' -- subject(s): Canards

'Ducks at a distance' -- subject(s): Anatidae, Birds, Ducks, Identification, Waterfowl

1 answer

It depends, really. In a formal setting, meaning that you don't know the person, you say Auf Weidersehn (pronounced OFF VeDEHRzain), in an informal setting, such as Tchüss (pronounced Choos). In southern Germany, you would say Servus (ZER-VUS"

1 answer

There is no such language as "Jewish". If you meant Hebrew, it's mah chadash (מח חדש), sometimes pronounced meh chadash.

Answer:"Yiddish" literally means "Jewish"; so yes, there is a language called Jewish. In Yiddish, "what's new" is "vus machts du".

1 answer

To find out how many bracelets Vusi can make of each design with 750 beads, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 23, 29, and 31. The LCM of these numbers is 21,137. Vusi can make 917 bracelets of each design with 750 beads, and there will be 3 beads left over.

2 answers

I would say a 220lb adult should take 10mg/week for no more than 10weeks. With a 4 week of cycle. This stuff is no joke, just vus it isnt dianabol doesnt mean it wont kill you/f you up.

1 answer

The first king was Anawratha, he was the first but there was forefathers who were just generals and leader of tiny tribes, historian don't name them as kings of Myanmar but leaders who were the creation of the Myanmar empire.

So on, the monarch were powerful until the invasion of Britain for jewels and valuable minerals. the Last of the Last of Monarch, Thi Vus, he was a dumb leader who have no idea to prevent Myanmar.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern --VUS--. That is, seven letter words with 3rd letter V and 4th letter U and 5th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ----V-VUS. That is, nine letter words with 5th letter V and 7th letter V and 8th letter U and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern F-VUS--. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter F and 3rd letter V and 4th letter U and 5th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern C--VUS. That is, six letter words with 1st letter C and 4th letter V and 5th letter U and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern CO-VUS. That is, six letter words with 1st letter C and 2nd letter O and 4th letter V and 5th letter U and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer


15.1 Data :

Column No. : ………. Load on column = …………..KN.

Design constant a) Grade of concrete = ……….. b) Grade of steel = ………..

L = Unsupported length of the column in mm = …………mm

Design load Pu = 1.5 x …………. = ………….. KN.

Assume percentage of comp. steel between 0.8 to 6% of gross c/s area

Assume Asc = … …%Ag = , Ac =………%Ag


Design of structures (RCC) Exercise No. 1

15.2 Find the section of the column (Ag):

Pu = 0.4 fck Ac +0.67 fy Asc


Ag = ………………… mm2.

Adopt square column. Size of column =……….x…………. mm Say ……… X ………mm.

15.3 Find the No. of bars (not less than 4)

Asc = ……. % Ag

Calculate no. of bars

For ∅ = …….. No of Bar = N1 = = ------- =

For ∅ = …….. No of Bar = N2 = = …………… =

Use diameter of bars not less than 12 mm

15.4 Lateral ties.

a) Select diameter of lateral ties least of

5 mm or 1/4 diameter of the largest longitudinal bar not less than16 mm diameter.

Diameter of the lateral ties / link = ………. mm

b) Spacing of lateral ties / link Least of

i) Least lateral dimension of column =…………..mm

ii) Sixteen times the smallest dia. of bar = 16 x ……=………..mm and

iii) 300 mm

Provide … mm dia. @ ………. C/c

15.5 Check for minimum eccentricity

e min >/

0.05 D =……………..= ………….mm > e min

e min = 20 mm

L = Unsupported length of the column in mm

D = Lateral dimension of column in the direction under consideration in mm


Exercise No. 1 Design of structures (RCC)

15.6 Summary of design :

1. Column size ……………x…………. mm

2. Longitudinal Steel ………………………………………….

3. Lateral Steel ……………………………………………

Note : Draw the diagram showing the reinforcement details for the above column on

drawing sheet with the guidance of teacher.


16.1 Data :

Sr. No. (from load calculation sheet) = beam mark =

Design constant a) Grade of concrete = b) Grade of steel =

span = -------m.

Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam

Maximum load = ----------kN

Factored load = -----------kN

Given Fact B.M. = ..................................kN. m.

Fact S.F. = ...................................KN.

16.2 Find dimension of rectangular beam

Mu lim = Mu

Mu = 0.148 fck bd 2 for Fe 250 steel

= 0.138 fck bd2 for Fe 415 steel

= 0.133 fck bd2 for Fe 500 steel

Assume b = ……………. (Generally equal to width of the wall or 230 mm)

Mu = ....................................


d2 =

d = ...............................mm Say ------- mm

(Assume diameter of bar)

Over all depth (D) = d+ + cover ( Assume 25 mm cover)

D = ..................mm

Round up the value of D say ………..mm

d = D - - cover

d = .........................mm

:. b = ..........................mm


Design of structures (RCC) Exercise No. 1

16.3 Find Longitudinal steel.

= ………………………………………

=................................m m2

Calculate no. of bars

For ∅ = …….. No of Bar = N1 = = ------- =

For ∅ = …….. No of Bar = N2 = = …………… =

Provide --- # -- mm ∅ bars

16.4 Design of shear reinforcement.

1. Find nominal shear stress τv = = …………….

= .......................N/mm2

2. Find shear strength of concrete (τc)

With referring IS 456 - 2000 clause

Pt =

Pt = ...................... %

find τc =

τc = .................. N/mm2

3. Compare

a) if τv < τc Provide nominal shear reinforcement.

b) if τv > τc Design shear reinforcement.

a) When τv < τc Provide nominal shear reinforcement as fallows :

Assuming -- mm Ø two legged M.s. stirrups.

Asv =2 x π/4 x d2 = ……….=………..

Spacing of stirrups Sv ≤

= ……………….. = ………….. mm


Exercise No. 1 Design of structures (RCC)

Spacing should be less than …….

1. as calculated = ………..mm

2. 0.75 d = 0.75 x ……. = …….mm

3. 450 mm.

Provide -- mm ∅ two legged M.S. stirrups @ ----mm c/c.

b) when τv > τc Design shear reinforcement as fallows :

Find shear to be resisted Vus

Vus = Vu - τc bd

= ............ - ...........

Vus = ......................N.

Find shear resisted by bent up bars

Vub = 0.87 fy Asv. Sin 450

= 0.87 x ............x................sin 450

Vub =....................... N

Contribution of bent up bars should not be greater Vus / 2

Shear to be resisted by stirrups Vus

V'us = Vus - (Vub or Vus / 2 whichever is lesser)

= ……… - ………..


Assuming -- mm Ø two or …. legged M.s. stirrups.

Asv =2 x ð/4 x d2 = ……….=……….. mm2

Spacing of stirrups Sv ≤

= ……………….. = ………….. mm

Spacing should be less than …….

1. as calculated = ………..mm

2. 0.75 d = 0.75 x ……. = …….mm

3. 450 mm.

Provide -- mm ∅ two or …. legged M.S. stirrups @ ----mm c/c.

1 answer

I prommas you, it is pronounce how this sounds: miss-chof-is. Something like that. NOT mis-CHEE-ve-ous. The second one is not right!!! The first one is!!! Now please spred that around. My English teacher makes us pronounce is EVERY DAY in class the right way, because that is one of the most commenly mispronounced word in the English language. ---- Since the root word (mischief) is pronounced with the accent on the first syllable, it would make sense for this version to be accented on the first syllable: MIS chie vous.

2 answers

If you are speaking to a single person, you would use "tu":

You are right = tu as raison

If you are speaking to more than one person OR someone who is owed respect (a teacher, a grandparent, an older stranger, etc.), you use "vous":

You are right = vous avez raison

"Toi" is also used in some cases for emphasis:

Toi, tu as raison (alternatively vous, vous avez raison)

If "you" is the indirect subject you use the pronoun "te" or "vous":

I saw you Saturday = Je t'ai vu samedi

= Je vous ai vus samedi

Also, if "you" if used in general terms, it is often translated into the pronoun "on"

You never know= On ne sait jamais

1 answer

Television programming was invented in the year of 1927. Programming was invented by Paul Nipkow and John Logie Baird. No one single person was credited with inventing the television and its broadcasting.

3 answers

Henri Matisse has written:

'Les esquimaux vus par Matisse' -- subject(s): Illustrations, Face in art, Exhibitions, Eskimos in art

'Seize peintures, 1939-1943'

'Henri Matisse'

'Matisse-Rodin bernheim jeune' -- subject(s): Exhibitions

'Henri Matisse (Artists in Their Time)'

'Les grandes gouaches de coupe es'

'Henri Matisse. Scherenschnitte'

'L' opera di Matisse'

'Paper cutouts'

'Matisse et la couleur des tissus' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Textile fabrics in art

'Henri Matisse paper cut-outs' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Modern Painting

'Matisse, la Danse' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation, Dance in art, French Mural painting and decoration, Mural painting and decoration, French

'Autour d'un chef-d'euvre de Matisse: Les trois versions de la Danse Barnes (1930-1933)'

'Erotic sketches =' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Erotic drawing, Female nude in art

'Exposition Henri Matisse (1869-1954)'

'Matisse dessins'

'Henri Matisse, l'euvre grave'


'Matisse Line Drawings and Prints' -- subject(s): Catalogs

'Le danze di Matisse' -- subject(s): Dance in art

'Matisse Paper Cut Outs'

'Chefs-d'oeuvre de Matisse' -- subject(s): Exhibitions

'La chapelle de Vence' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Chapelle du Rosaire (Vence, France), Dominicans, Church decoration and ornament, Artists, History

'Matisse posterbook'


'Minnesota celebrates Matisse' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Art, Private collections

'Henri Matisse, der Zeichner'

'Ready-To-Frame Matisse Cut-Paper Designs'

'Matisse: seize peintures, 1939-1943'

'Henri Matisse, 1869-1954, paintings, drawings, colour crayons' -- subject(s): Exhibitions

'The sculpture of Matisse [by] Alicia Legg'

'Graphic art of Henri Matisse' -- subject(s): American Prints, Exhibitions, Photography, Prints, Prints, American

'Henri Matisse - Jazz'


'Correspondance Entre Charles Camoine Et Henri Matisse (Collection Litteraire: Pergamine)'

'An exhibition of the sculpture of Matisse and 3 paintings with studies : Tate Gallery, Millbank, 9 January-22 February, 1953'

'Homage to Henri Matisse'

'De la couleur'

'Jazz' -- subject(s): Illustration of books


'The drawings of Matisse' -- subject(s): Modern Art

'Autour d'un chef-d'oeuvre de Matisse'

'Etchings by Matisse' -- subject(s): Exhibitions

'The last works of Henri Matisse' -- subject(s): French Painting, Painters, Painting, French

'Henri Matisse, retrospective exhibition of paintings, drawings and sculpture'

'L'ABCdaire de Matisse'

'Paintings and sculptures in Soviet museums' -- subject(s): Modern Art

'Lithographies rares' -- subject(s): Catalogs, French Lithography, Lithography, French

'Matisse Paintings Giftwrap Paper'

'Matisse (Masterpieces, Artists and Their Works)'

'Matisse et Tahiti' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Tahiti in art

'Machisu ten'

'Matisse et Baudelaire' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Illustrations

'Six signed proofs of original etchings'

'Henri Matisse: The Vence Chapel' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Chapelle du Rosaire (Vence, France), Dominicans, Church decoration and ornament, Artists, History

'Matisse Cut-Paper Design Postcards'

'Henri Matisse; [exhibition] November 2-December 1, 1973'

'Dessins de Henri-Matisse'

'Matisse: Fleurs, feuillages, dessins'

1 answer

Everything always has two sides: the front side and the back side, or the positive and negative one. And so does living in a city or living in a countryside. While people living in a city enjoy job opportunities and convenient services of trade, health and entertainment, people living in a countryside gain a better living environment.

For one thing, people move to a city for job. A big city usually offers more jobs than a countryside does. In a countryside, most people do farming which is seasonal. In Mekong delta, for example, farmers usually do two crops a year: the Summer-Autumn crop and the Winter-Spring crop. Between them is a gap when they are suppose to do nothing, especially when the flood is coming. In addition, not everyone has fields to cope with. These people have to wait for someone hiring them to do something, and of course, it's unstable. On the other hand, it's not too difficult for one to earn a living in a city. For ones who have not got a certificate, there is still work for them such as riding a pedicab, being a porter at coach station or harbor, or selling something that does not need a big capital. For ones with degrees, a big city is the place for them, of course. This is because a lot of offices, companies, factories, groups… are located in big cities, not only the internal ones but also the ones coming from many countries over the world, not only the state-owned ones but also the private ones. In Ho Chi Minh city, for instance, ChoRay hospital, Sacombank, Vietnam Airlines, National University, VUS, etc. always attract masters, doctors, engineers and bachelors.

In addition to job offering, people who live in a big city also enjoy a more convenient and perfect services of trade, health, and entertainment than those in a countryside. In a countryside, people usually have to cover a long distance to get things in the local market which is poor in products. Also, it is time-consuming for them to have a health care, especially for those who can only travel by boat. Moreover, they rarely watch a movie in a cinema, simply because there is no cinema there. On the other hand, people who live in a city can freely choose products from a super market not far away from their homes. Coop Mart, a supermarket with several branches over HoChiMinh city, has became a popular address for many housewives. Also, most best and well-equipped hospitals are located in big cities, such as ChoRay, BinhDan, TuDu, SungChinh, Saint point, and so on. Recently, people in HoChiMinh city can enjoy 4D movie, which can "bring" watchers into the scene as chairs in this cinema can move backward and forward accordingly to what are happening in the movie.

However, big cities are not the heaven. People living there have to suffer from many kinds of pollution. Tracks, buses, taxis, motorbikes, etc. cause not only air pollution but noise pollution as well. More over, waste without treatment from factories make water polluted. Saigon, Thi Vai rivers are on the edge of danger as Tuoi Tre paper showed recently. Traffic jam is another problem. It is not only a waste of time but also harmful for health. Slowly moving meter by meter in the street at rushing hours, urban people not only have to breath the smoke from vehicles but also have to bear the roar from them. People living in a countryside, on the other hand, gain a better living environment. They enjoy fresh air and water. Trees and bushes around always make their lives "green". They do not have to face traffic jam as there is little traffic there. Instead, they enjoy beautiful landscape and a peaceful atmosphere, which is useful for health, particularly for the elderly. Another thing which also belongs to good living environment in a countryside is the good relationship between people. While urban people sometimes do not know the name of the next door, rural people share their lives in many aspects. They work for exchange in crops. They spend several days on wedding or funeral of the neighbor's relatives. They meet each other regularly in death ceremonies, or even in baby's one month old party.

So, where do you prefer to live in, a city or a countryside? There is no perfect answer, I guess. To me, I would work in HoChiMinh city at weekdays to earn a living and to enjoy the perfect services there. Then, on weekends, I would return to my homeland, a countryside, to get the wild wind during my fishing, and enjoy a drink with my friends from the childhood.

2 answers