Yes simply, yes i am a vernian i belive he wrote the truth if you dont have the same ideas as me ok and have a good day
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Nemo is something of a vengeful ( Sailor of Fortune) ina sense a modern pirate. He somewhat salves his conscience by donating money to charity-but this does not make him a (Robin Hood) as always a character of mystery and curiously in both book and film versions -including Capt.Nemo and the Underwater City, devoid of any love-life or even Love Interest. Monomaniacal sub commander? I often wondered why he didn"t even have a bookplate or wallet-photo love interest? Maybe in some eX-Vernian novels he might have one- like a girl from well, you can figure it out- hey how about that Captain Nemo and the White Russian Blockade Runner, Your Highness, I"ll have to take those platinum ingots below decks! what an idea.
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Balloons figured in at least two Vernian novels- around the world in 80 days, by the way this was believed to be the period of soul-creation of the Female Body according to St.Thomas. Men, less complicated, only took 40 days to form, so to speak. Almost certainly this is where the 80 day span comes in. Balloons also figured in Five weeks in a Balloon- can you explain how do you go to the john?- and peripherally in other Verne novels. they were the only aircraft known at the time.(l9th century)
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I believe Verne of all people toyed with the idea that the moon might have a residual atmosphere and some sci-fi films and Television programs had helmeted and otherwise space-adapted astronauts finding Dinosaur era fossils on the moon, which assumed at some time in the geologic past it had an atmosphere. Jules Verne also posited the idea of a miniature second moon which had a gravitational field of its own and posed a hazard to the Vernian space travelers-defeated by Retro-rockets. This should nto be confused with asteroids. it is a smaller (rock) in a controlled orbit but did have a gravititation field . as far as is knwo there is no such secondary moon though passing asteroids and comets may occupy cislunar or trans-lunar space. How the Moon lost its atmosphere was not explained in Verne. The Atmosphere, aside form giving breathing space, keeps such things as meteors and space junk- Out they burn up inthe upper stratum from frictional heating. Now the moon doesn"t have an atmosphere, look at all the craters. I don"t thibnk present space science admits the Moonh ever having either an atmosphere or indigenous life. Ex Luna Scientia! Fromthe Moon, science! H. G. Wells - First men in the Moon. Jack Vance - Darryl Spargill's Ghastly Floater.
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