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They also wanted the United States, but the Revolution turned that idea hopelessly around. Mainly Canada was devoloped by large immigration from Europe, Britain specifically but it was done as many European countries at the time were exploring and developing more places around the world to get economic benefits. Ex) Spanish Empire at one point held Florida.

3 answers

Let me begin with saying, it is never safe to inject methamphetamine into your blood stream under any circumstance. However, I get what you are asking. Other than the clotting; which will probably stop up your syringe, you could just as well inject the solution. However, you are putting yourself at serious risk for a blood infection, hepatitis C, and HIV.

The best bet is to avoid it all together. If you cant avoid the meth, at least avoid the needle. According to one study conducted by the Centers for Disease control, 50%-80% of all IV drug users test positive for HCV.


meth is probably the worst of the many things u can shoot up. have u ever done the research and find out how they make that stuff. its so bad that when they bust meth labs and seize the homes and property, they burn it to the ground. don't u think if the cops have legal right to seize something and make money off it they would burn it if there was anyting around it. as far as the shooting up blood thing... don't do it. if u have to use a needle, use these rules"

1. if you live in a state where u can buy needles at a pharmacy without being hassled, use a new one every time.

2. 2 if re-- using a needle, rinse with bleach, then with sterile water at least three times. shooting up your own v=blood is the main reason intraveinous drug users get hepatitis c, not to mention there is another infection that you can only get from needle use or mono that can cause ur spleen to rupture...one, ruptured spleen is bad, two...if they test and u are negative for mono u will be blacklisted by the dea.

3. son't share needles with anyone, that would be like screwing ahooker without a condom just because she swears she is clean and u beliveve her based on the whole twenty minutes u have known her.

bottom line.....shooting up is dumb, dangerous, and will ruin ur life. my dad died at age 42 because he got a heart infrection from shooting up with a less than sterile needle, and it caused pieces of his heart valves to break off and cause strokes, then..since he was so skinny from the dope... he was in a nursing home trying to gain weight for the by-pass surgery stroked, went into a coma, and died days later. beore he tried it, he was the most anti-needle person you would ever meet. that was the only thing y dad ever mad me swear i would ever touch, until his sucubus wife who was two yrs older than me chose him over the needle. he figured if it was that great he adto see what the deal was. one hit and he was hooked. i have never experienced it personally, but i have beenvery vlose to many who have and they say it is the greatest ting in the world to have that high. but what about the rest of your life. is that high really worth giving up actually living your life? wouldn't you rather experience life than g=bearing it? isn't it worth feeling a little lpain if you van injoy more joy than you get from the rush of that needle? something e=real in the short tiem that we are here?

anyway i got off topic. im passionate about this. my dad was my life. anyway, in answer to your question...shooting up old blood...even your ownis danngerous. if it has changed color at all. even if its been ten minutes....it a=can make u very sick. dont do it! please!

hope this helps.

1 answer