Louis Auguste Juvénal des Ursins d'Harville was born in 1749.
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Louis Auguste Juvénal des Ursins d'Harville died in 1815.
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It is commonly attributed to English king Henry V.
Juvenal des Ursins wrote that Henry V commented, whilst campaigning in France c.1417, 'War without fire has no value; no more than sausages without mustard': "Histoire de Charles VI" in Choix des Chroniques", ed, J A Buchon (Paris, 1875).
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Maud Cruttwell has written:
'Madame de Maintenon' -- subject(s): Court and courtiers
'Andrea Mantegna'
'Fire and frost'
'The Princess des Ursins' -- subject(s): History, Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714
'A guide to the paintings in the churches and minor museums of Florence' -- subject(s): Art, Italian Painting
'A guide to the paintings in the Florentine galleries; the Uffizi, the Pitti, the Accademia' -- subject(s): Florentine Painting, Art museums, Catalogs
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yes something like that , god is a universal spirit,
so after u die , u become a spirit , u will be placed in
a media or scenario to witness god or his corresponding
angels on earth, and u will be put in urself the sins and
non sins performed by u , by that u will be getting heaven
or hell, if u disobey god or angels or try to justify ur
sins to god that u are right, then u = against god = evil
spirit , evil spirits land up in = LAKE OF FIRE = HELL !!!
so currently u alive , u are live or live in a TEMPERORY MATERIAL WORLD, so how can u see the all mightty god ?!?!?!http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Can_you_only_see_God_when_you_are_dead&action=edit§ion=new
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Constance Deiter has written:
'Human security and Aboriginal women in Canada' -- subject(s): Indigenous peoples, Indigenous women, Politics and government, Ethnic identity, National security, Government relations, Civil rights, Attitudes, Prevention, Terrorism, Legal status, laws, Political activity
8 answers