Lithuania, Belarus and Ucraine.
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Growing up with my grand parent's being Ukrainian we had alot of perogies, Borscht, cabbage rolls and breads. Grandma would make all 4 of these items from scratch.
But they also eat basic food such as meat, potatotes and veggies.
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According to my private research about this name, most people using family name Zylicz come from the Balcan, the area of former Yogoslavia. Most of the families are Ortodox Christians and it is possible that they migrated north in 16th or 17th century under the pressure of Otoman Turkish Empire. I found a moving story about this migration described in a small church in Santandre in Hungary. Among many families mentioned in thsi history there was aslo Zylicz family. Zylicz's are known in Slovakia, most of them in Ucraine and some of them in Poland. There was a village Zylicze in Ucraine, I do not know where and when. Most of the Zylicz's known in Poland probably root from Ruthenia,which is an area shared nowadays between South East Poland and Ucraine. Most of the people with name Zylicz in the United States come either from the Balcan or from Ruthenia. In Poland there are only very few families with this name and most of them are related to each oter. Z. Zylicz
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The Distance between Montreal (Quebec,Canada) and Moscow / Vnukovo (,Russia) [Airport] is :
7052.69 kilometers (km).
In Other Units:
4382.34 miles.
3805.62 nautical miles.
Note: the distance is straight line distance (may be called as flying or air distance) between the two locations calculated based on their latitudes and longitudes. This distance may be very much different from the actual travel distance.
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Depends what you understand as nation.
Romanians lived in three medieval states, Transylvania, ruled by Hungarians, Moldova ( that included back then today's Republic of Moldova-or- Basarabia/Bessarabia, which actually was the east part of Moldova) and Wallachia.
They considers themselves as Romanians, coming back from Imperial Rome.
In 1859 Moldova ( Minus roughly Present Republic of Moldova, which was conquered by Russia in 1812 ) united, first being the name of "United Principalities" then "Romania"
In 1918 Transylvania united Romania as well as The part of Moldova former conquered by Russia in 1812, namely Basarabia.
In 1940, URSS invaded Basarabia and North of Romania again. Stalin gave the South of Basarabia to Soviet Republic of Ucraine and on the rest he formed the Soviet Republic of Moldova, currently republic of Moldova.
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